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Matt sighed, letting his broad shoulders droop under the warm water streaming out of the shower.  He was exhausted.  The handsome, raven-haired young man had been feeling off for the past few days, like he was forgetting something important that he couldn’t put his finger on.  He kept checking his phone expectantly, but expecting what, exactly, he wasn’t sure.  During his free time in the student center on campus between classes he kept looking for people, only to realize he didn’t actually know who he was seeking.    

He’d gotten a series of text messages the previous night from someone named Zach, but as far as he could recall, he didn’t know anyone named Zach.  It wasn’t that out of place to get texts from wrong numbers, but something about this one threw him.  His brain wouldn’t let it go, resulting in a sleepless night dreaming of faceless strangers who kept calling out to him.  In the nightmares they were pleading, trapped, but all he could do was stare at their blank, featureless faces.  Every time, he would wake up sweaty and shaking, feeling like he was being watched.  

That sense of constantly being watched had been growing over the last few days.  He told himself it was wrapped up in whatever other funk he was going through, but then he got to the gym.  As soon as he walked in he caught the eye of a short, burly man who hadn’t stopped staring.  Matt couldn’t remember ever meeting the man before.  He looked to be in his late thirties or early forties, and covered in enough stocky, hairy muscle that the young man wouldn’t have forgotten meeting him.  Still, there was something familiar about the man.  They only locked eyes once, and it immediately made Matt think of his dreams.  After that he tried to avoid looking in the man’s direction, knowing full well that he was still staring.  

Matt was normally used to that part.  To a certain extent, he actually enjoyed being the object of attention when he walked in the room.  He worked hard at looking good and had long ago stopped denying his pretty-boy status.  His six-foot frame was covered in expertly maintained, precision-crafted muscle.  Nothing on his body was out of place.  Each of his thick, powerful arms were the exact same size, with bulging biceps and triceps that caused them to double in size when he flexed.  The solid pecs that bulged against his tight tank-top hung exactly as he wanted, large and firm without being too bulky, and offset by small, pert nipples.  The matching mounds between his striated shoulders were built just enough to show off the dramatic taper to his tight waist.  A rigid eight-pack marked the front of his stomach, with a set of deeply cut obliques that immediately drew your eye down and made you wonder what lurked in his pants. 

If you caught a view of Matt from behind, he was just as impressive.  His wide back was covered in coiled muscles that tapered tantalizingly down to his solid, eye-catching bubble.  Like the rest of him, his perky rear was deftly maintained so that it was noticeable but didn’t become too large.  It flowed down and around to form his sturdy, defined quads that rippled with muscle while still being slim enough to squeeze into his fitted pants without issue.  Matt usually had the best body in the room as soon as he walked in, and that wasn’t even factoring in the fine details.  

The young man kept himself shaved smooth, leaving only the patches under his arms and a small, manicured bush sprouting at the base of his equally enviable cock.  It was long and thick, with a set of heavy balls that hung just as symmetrically as the sharp features on his face.  His high, sucked-in cheeks were covered in perfectly shaved stubble that showed off his lantern jaw and full, pouty lips.  A long, prominent nose sat between the bright blue eyes that shone out from under the thick, jet-black hair Matt spent a fortune on keeping styled.  

The athletic young man knew he was an impressive sight, especially while working out, so he did his best to ignore the older man.  He went through his sets, pushing himself harder and harder as he tried not to think about the growing pit in his stomach.  That became more difficult when, halfway through his workout, he’d noticed that his fan club had gained a new member.  This time, he looked up to see a man in his early thirties staring at him just as intently.  Like the first man, he didn’t recognize him, but something about him made Matt’s skin crawl.  He had a mental flash of an older man with similar eyes and a hazy memory of a conversation with someone he couldn’t remember.  Though the details were fuzzy, there was no mistaking the way the man made him feel.  

“I need a fuckin’ break,” Matt said to himself as he cranked off the shower and slicked his dripping hair back.  He toweled off slowly, half expecting to open the curtain and find one of the men who’d been staring at him lying in wait.  The locker room was the one place where the chiseled young man didn’t enjoy being checked out.  He expected something in return for being granted the privilege of seeing him in his full glory, and there was nothing he wanted from the other men.  He settled for their envy, but even that had its limit.  

He wrapped the towel loosely around his small waist and peered out, breathing a sigh of relief when he didn’t see either of the men.  Usually he didn’t linger once he was finished working out, but after the past few days he decided that some time in the sauna would do him good.  He hoped he could sweat out the persistent anxiety and growing sense of dread he was feeling.  After another quick glance to make sure neither of the men were around, he let himself in to the empty room.  

The sauna itself was a large square, with several rows of tiered benches.  Matt usually avoided it, as sitting in a hot room with a bunch of naked men had never appealed to him, but he had to admit that when it was empty he saw why they liked it.  The steam had a spicy aroma to it that he hadn’t expected, and he could feel his muscles begin to relax as soon as he sat.  He took up a spot in the back where he could rest his head against the wall, his eyes drifting shut.  The combination of the scented steam coupled with the relaxing heat made his head swim lightly, as if he was pleasantly buzzed.  

Matt dozed in the oppressive heat, feeling the stress of the week melt away from his impressive muscles.  He was so out of it that he didn’t hear the door to the sauna open.  Or at least that’s what he told himself when, feeling a sudden chill run down his spine, he opened his eyes and saw the man in his early thirties who’d been staring at him.  The man had taken up a spot directly opposite Matt and was watching him intently.  

Fighting a surge of anger, Matt sized up the other man.  He was in impressive shape for someone his age, with a body that was almost as sculpted as his own.  The man was slightly bulkier with the weight of additional years, but was covered in thick, defined muscles.  He radiated a sense of confident masculinity that made him seem much older than he actually appeared.  Matt attributed that in part to the long, wide cock that hung exposed between the stranger’s thick thighs.  The man had cast his towel aside, making no attempt at covering any of his sturdy build.  

Matt was further irked at seeing the man flaunt a package that rivaled his own.  “Do I know you?” he asked, only opening one eye in an attempt to appear casual.  “I mean, I saw you watching me out there.”  

The man shook his head, never taking his eyes off Matt.  “No, but I’m sure we’ll get to know each other.  I’m David.”  

Matt let his eye close again and instinctively puffed out his sculpted chest.  “Sorry Dave, I’m not gay.  And before you ask, no, I’m not interested in letting you suck my dick.”  

David gave a slight laugh and cocked his head to the side.  “That’s a bit presumptuous.  I was thinking it would be my dick in your mouth.”  

“Well you fuckin’ thought wrong,” Matt scoffed.  He’d more than had enough and stood to leave, but quickly fell back to the bench when the room spun around him.  “Whooaaa…” he stammered, staggering back down.  His heart started racing.  He cursed himself for having been in the sauna too long, and now he was at the mercy of this stranger.  He felt his towel slip open as he fell back to the bench, but it was all he could do to stay upright.  

“Are you alright,” David asked, an amused tone in his voice.  

“I’m fine,” Matt said quickly, rubbing his face with his hands.  He was painfully aware of his exposed state, and for the first time in a long time he felt insecure instead of arrogant about his naked body.  “I just need a minute...to…” 

Matt trailed off when he pulled his hands away from his face.  His body looked different.  It was subtle, but for someone as hyper focused on their appearance as he was, it couldn’t have been clearer.  He seemed puffier, almost swollen.  At first he thought it was because of the heat and humidity of the sauna, until, as he watched, his defined abs steadily started losing their definition.  One by one his eight-pack became six, then four, then a faint outline, and then just flat and firm until even the flatness started to change.  

“What...what’s happening…” Matt gasped under his breath.  He watched his once-proud abs start to grow outwards beneath pecs that were pushing forward.  Matt grabbed at them desperately as the space between the growing mounds became smaller, while the valley running down the middle was made deeper and deeper as his chest steadily plumped and inflated.  The expanding flesh spread with inexorable horror over the rest of him, slowly devouring the young man’s perfect body.  He grabbed at each area as it changed, feeling the impossible addition of pound after pound of solid muscle.  His thighs seemed to tremble as they suddenly reached for each other’s meaty embrace, forcing his lower-hanging, larger balls and thickened cock forward.  Matt blinked in stunned terror at the size of the equipment that rested on the thick bed of his quads.  He reached for it, gasping when he saw the wide, meaty paws his hands had become.  His eyes followed up the squat forearms to the beefy logs that hung in place of his ripped guns.  

The former pretty-boy was desperate for a mirror as his body rubbed against itself in unfamiliar ways.  He felt heavy and cumbersome while his body seemed to settle in its burly new proportions.  “No no no no no…!”  Matt cried, scratching at his suddenly itchy skin as an ever growing carpet of hair exploded out of him.  He could practically feel each and every one of the curly, obsidian hairs as they sprouted, flowing over his shoulders, and down his arms, back, chest, and legs until he was covered in a dense pelt.  

“Oh fuck...oh fuck...oh fuck…” he muttered in a deepened, scratchy voice as he squirmed disgustedly against the new fur.  

“That’s not a bad look.”  

Matt’s head shot up at the sound of the other man’s voice.  In his horror, he’d forgotten all about him.  “Wait...who’re…” Matt felt like the ground would drop out from beneath him any moment, like he was going crazy.  Not only had his own body suddenly changed, the man sitting across from him looked entirely different.  Instead of looking like a man in his early thirties, David now looked a decade younger, like someone his own age.  The body that had been impressive was now stunning, being every bit as ripped and chiseled as the one Matt knew he should have.  David’s face had lost the few wrinkles that remained, leaving him boyishly handsome with a thick, full head of hair.  Only his sinister eyes betrayed his young, playful appearance.

Given the impossible, horrifying circumstances, Matt was more than slightly confused at what he felt when he looked at the other man.  His instincts told him that the now-young David had something to do with it, but as he looked at him, his mouth watered.  The young man was practically golden and glowing; the most attractive thing Matt had ever seen.  Matt’s bestial new cock twitched as he blinked in confusion and watched the young man run his hands over his sculpted, granite body.  

“I’ll miss feeling that,” David sighed wistfully, “but I think the results are worth it.”  He flexed his huge arms, the smooth skin stretching around his bulging new muscles, and laughed when Matt groaned softly.  “I am an impressive sight, aren’t I?”  David stood and turned in a slow circle, letting Matt take in the entire view of his perfect, invigorated form.  He flexed his perky, hairless globes and wagged his long cock in front of the drooling man.  “I guess I’ve got you and some rather expensive ingredients to thank for that.  The spicy smell in the air?”  He motioned to the swirling steam with a broad grin.  “Now that it’s done its job, let’s get out of here.”  

“I..I don’t understand…” Matt said hoarsely as David pulled him to his feet.  He swayed unsteadily from his increased weight and whimpered when David reached down to grab his thick, aching pole.  

“Bet you didn’t think this could get any bigger, eh?”  He laughed as he pulled Matt along behind him by the inflated organ.  Matt blushed as he lumbered awkwardly behind.  He had no idea why he was going along with any of this; all he knew was that he desperately wanted to please the radiant young adonis.  

“Wh...where are we?”  Matt asked as he waddled sideways out the door and looked at the unfamiliar room.  Instead of exiting into the locker room at the gym, they were in a brightly lit room with a tiled floor, exercise equipment, and a wall of shower heads at one end.  Matt’s newly acquired muscle gut dropped when he finally realized he was the burly bear reflected in the mirrored wall and not the sculpted young man.  He poked at his round, full cheeks with shaking hands that he ran over his buzzed, mostly bald scalp.  He was looking at a nightmare.  His beautiful young body was gone, replaced by a hairy, beefy beast of a man that appeared to be pushing forty if he hadn’t already crossed that line.  “Wha...no!  What is this?!”  

“I know you’re confused,” David said gently.  He turned to Matt and ran a hand through the dense forest of hair on his heavy chest.  “It’ll pass soon.  It’s just reality catching up to the new you.  As for where we are, we’re at my house.  Nifty trick, isn’t it?”  

Matt didn’t understand a word David said as he was pulled along again towards a glass wall.  Matt could see a well-furnished room on the other side and stepped out into what looked like an old pub.  Plush leather and oak furniture filled the wood-lined room, with a large fireplace at one end and a long, fully-stocked bar at the other.  There were a smattering of small tables and chairs throughout the room, along with a pool table and what looked like a small stage.  Matt felt a rush of embarrassment when he saw they weren’t alone.  There was one man at the pool table and another at the bar, both of them appearing just as beefy as he now did.  

“This is just the basement,” David said proudly.  “Trust me when I say the upstairs and grounds are equally impressive.  It’s so unfair.  I wasn’t born into money like some people.  I worked hard my whole life to acquire this, only to find myself too old to truly enjoy it.  You slave away day after day until you’re too tired to take advantage of the fruits of your labor.”  He sighed, suddenly seeming older than his youthful new body appeared.  

Matt shook his head and staggered backwards, his thick pole bobbing.  “Just...just tell me what’s happening!”  

“What’s happening is that you generously gave up some of your youth in exchange for some of my age.”  

“What?!”  Matt reached up and traced the lines in his rougher, weathered face.  “How?!  You can’t do that!”  

“Don’t worry about how,” David said, clapping Matt on a hairy shoulder.  “And clearly I can.  Look, I’m not a total monster.  Instead of taking all of your youth, I spread it out amongst your friends,” he said, as if it was perfectly logical.  “Come say hi.”  

Matt felt the growing pit of despair in his stomach return as he approached the other two men.  The man at the pool table was shorter than the rest of them, and all he had covering his meaty, stocky body was a wrestling singlet pulled half off to expose his barrel torso as it clung to his large, pillowy rear.  The man mixing drinks at the bar was clad in nothing but a pair of bright red bikinis that left nothing to the imagination.  He was slightly taller but every bit as beefy, his muscled body swaying absently to the music that was playing.  

Matt felt like he’d been punched in his ample new stomach.  He suddenly remembered what he’d been forgetting for the past several days.  “Keaton…?  Zach…?”  

The two men looked up from what they were doing, seemingly noticing his presence for the first time.  Keaton and Zach shook their heads and looked back and forth between each of them and themselves, a growing look of horror dawning on their faces.  

“Matt?  Is that you?”  Keaton asked, blinking rapidly.  “What the fuck?  What happened to us?!”  

“Fuck!  What is this?!”  Zach blushed as he stared down at his stuffed, revealing underwear, the fog lifting from his head.  “I feel like...like I’m two people…” 

“Because, technically, you are,” David said calmly.  As soon as the men saw his naked body a cloud seemed to fall on their expressions.  “I thought this might happen.  Reality is adjusting to accommodate the three of you as you currently are, but being around each other is enough to stir up your old memories.  It should pass,” he shrugged.  “Keaton, Zach, you two have been enjoying yourselves here for the past several days. Give it time and we’ll all be back to having a good time. Even better, now that we’re all together and,” he gestured down at his hung, sculpted young frame, “this is done.”

“You can’t do this!” Zach cried, suddenly remembering his night at the club when he changed. 

“The...the things I’ve done over the past few days…” Keaton stammered in a far away voice as he remembered his own transition, and the numerous stuffings he’d received since.  

“Not a few days.  A few decades,” David corrected.  “As far as the world is concerned, you reached this age naturally, and actually did all of those things you’re starting to remember.  As I was explaining to your hairy friend here, you should be grateful.  Instead of stripping the life from one of you, I pulled a bit from each of you.  I got a little younger each time and you only got a little older, as opposed to elderly.  And you still have each other,” he said, gesturing to the now slack-jawed trio.  “You’re actually quite lucky.  You’ll all be spending plenty of time here.  I do love to entertain, and you three should be quite the hit at parties.  You’ll also get to enjoy the perks of the estate.  And me,” he said, motioning to his naked body.  Matt was already rigid, but Keaton’s thick pole had crept up to poke out the top of his folded-down singlet, while Zach had escaped his small briefs. David turned his attention back to Matt.  “The memory might be fading already, but earlier you and I had a conversation about who would have the other’s dick in their mouth?”  

It was all David needed to say.  Matt’s thickened body dropped to its knees as he hungrily wrapped his lips around David’s steadily hardening rod.  The younger David let out a triumphant groan at the surge of youthful vitality he felt throbbing through his weighty cock.  “You too,” he said, nodding towards Keaton and Zach.  They rushed forward, almost frantically writhing against the grinning adonis in a mountain of hairy, meaty flesh.  

The three men tried not to think about what was happening.  Instead of providing relief, the random flashes of their old lives only made things worse.  They went from lustful, grunting bears back to athletic young hunks in a mental flash.  Matt grunted on the end of David’s dick while his young tormentor clutched at the plentiful hair on his back.  He loved every second of what he was feeling until he remembered the gorgeous, young body he should have.  In those moments he was horrified at having his face buried between Keaton’s huge cheeks, eagerly tonguing the other man’s hole.  Keaton was experiencing the same, as his eager, oozing cock spasmed.  He knew the only writhing around he should be doing with other men was on the wrestling mat, not while one friend ate him out as he sucked eagerly away at Zach’s stout rod.  For his part, Zach did his best to focus on the aspects of himself that wanted to be working his dick in and out of Keaton’s moist, warm mouth, and not the terrified party boy screaming in his brain.  Looking down on the train of burly, hairy flesh they formed, Zach hated the moments when he’d see young, studly Keaton and pretty-boy Matt.  He knew the golden youth at the end of their trail had stolen something vital from them, but that didn’t stop him from whimpering and wishing he was on the receiving end in Matt’s place.  But he knew he’d have his turn.  They all did.  The three older men could only last for so long nowadays, but young, beautiful David had stamina for hours.  The stunning hunk had more than enough to spread around.