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“Good! You’re awake!”  

Kyle squinted against the bright lights shining in his face.  He didn’t know what was happening, but he knew it was bad.  The last thing he remembered was being in the casino.  He’d just walked away from a rather embarrassing losing streak at the blackjack table when darkness overtook him.  

He tried to move but found that he was somehow stuck where he was standing.  “What the fuck is…hey!”  Kyle yelped when he looked down and realized he was naked.  His chiseled, athletic body, with its tanned skin, practically glowed in the bright stage lights.  

“Body like that and you’re shy?”  

Kyle blinked, suddenly recognizing the voice.  “Sal?  Is that you?  What the fuck, man?”  

A tall, tuxedo-clad man stepped into the light.  He had the handsome face of an aging actor, with a full head of salt-and-pepper hair.  His voice was even deep and smooth like a former leading man, but there was an air of danger beneath his suave exterior.  “How ya doin, kid?”  

“I’ve been better,” Kyle spat.  “What is this?”  

Sal stepped forward and put a hand on Kyle’s striated shoulder.  “You owe me a lot of money.  A lot.”  

Kyle flashed his most charming smile and gave a short laugh.  “Is that what this is about?  Come on, Sal, really.  You know I’m good for it.”  

The older man’s hand reached up and lightly patted Kyle on the cheek.  “We both know you’re not.  You’re in too deep, so cut the shit.”  

“Okay, yeah, I’ve had a rough patch lately.  But it’s gonna turn around!”  Kyle scrambled to talk his way out.  It wasn’t the first time he’d been in a rough spot because of his gambling problem.  At twenty three, he’d already been cut off from his wealthy family for burning through too much money.  He’d been relying on his looks, body, and family name to get by, but that had apparently just hit a dead end.  “Come on, our families go way back.  We’re cool, right?”  

Sal nodded down towards the table that seemed to appear out of nowhere.  “We will be after this.”  

Kyle recoiled as much as his frozen feet would allow.  “Jesus!  Where’d that come from?”  

“Ever wonder where your family got its money?”  Sal’s eyes seemed to glow brighter than the lights behind him.  “I’m doing your family a favor by reining you in before you do something stupid.”  Sal raised a hand before Kyle could protest further.  “You’ll enjoy this!  It’s a game of my own invention.  Instead of money, you get to ante up the only thing you have at the moment.  You.”  

Kyle paled.  “Wait...what do you mean?  You’re gonna start cutting off my fingers or something?”    

Sal waved a hand.  “No...please, we’re not savages.  You’re going to either gain or lose all manner of things.  Height?  Muscle?  Brains?  Whatever you’ve got to offer.  I spin the wheel to figure out which part we’re working with, and that’s where you come in.  The rules couldn’t be simpler. You roll two dice. That’s it!” He spread his arms, gesturing to the table with a sinister grin.  There were a pair of dice, one gold and one silver, each numbered from zero to six.  “After you roll, the numbers are added together.  One through six you lose, seven through twelve you win.  The higher or lower you roll, the more you stand to gain or lose.  Double zeros are a wash.  Simple, right?”

Kyle couldn’t believe what he was hearing. If it weren’t for the fact that he was rooted in place and had just seen a table appear out of nowhere, he would have thought it was all an elaborate ruse to scare him. “This is crazy! Look...I’ll get you your money. If you just give me some time I’ll pay it back and then some!”

Sal’s smile never wavered. “Sorry, Kyle. You’ve been a good customer but the rules are the rules. I floated you because of your family in case you hit it big, but you’re too deep. I asked them if they’d cover, but they told me you were on your own.  This way I make up my money and then some. People pay a pretty penny to watch this.”

Kyle blushed at being told there was an audience.  He couldn’t make anything out beyond the bright stage lights pointing at him. He was the deer and Sal was the oncoming car. “Sal...come on...don’t do this…” he begged. 

“Time to get the show on the road, kid.”  The older man turned his back and smiled to the unseen audience. “Get ready, folks! Everybody have their bets in? It’s time to spin the wheel!” Sal reached down and gave the terrifying disc a spin. Kyle’s heart was a jackhammer in his chest as the rapid clicking started to slow. The young stud tried his best to read the blurry words as they sped by, silently hoping that this was all just a nightmare. “Arms! What a good place to start,” Sal laughed to the crowd before turning back to Kyle. “Alright then, give us a throw!”

Kyle tried to keep his trembling hands at his sides, only to find them drawn towards the table by an invisible force. His whole body shook and his impressive biceps flexed from the strain as he futilely resisted. Sal gave him a sympathetic look and shook his head, like Kyle should have known better. The young man’s hands closed around the dice, gave them a shake, and tossed them onto the table. 

“Eleven! We’re off to the races now!” 

Kyle felt the changes begin the instant Sal stopped talking. All at once his sculpted arms started to tingle, then itch, then throb. His neck went stiff and his shoulders were sore, as if he’d been working out too much. The pressure continued to mount while Kyle watched in horror as his arms started to inflate. His well crafted definition faded under the onslaught of extra muscle. Hands and forearms thickened and widened. Impressive arms became impossible arms, hanging off massive, bowling ball shoulders that swallowed Kyle’s long neck. 

He gasped wordlessly at the monstrously altered limbs. They were so thick with muscle they’d barely bend at the elbow, and they looked comically oversized against the rest of his toned body. “What...what did you do to me…” Kyle stammered in a shaking voice. He winced as he felt the way his extra new flesh rubbed together. 

Sal ignored him and turned back to the wheel. “Let’s see where we go next!”  Kyle was so focused on his distorted arms that he almost missed Sal’s cheerful cry. “Legs it is!”

Kyle’s eyes went wide at the foreign sensation of his brutish arms reaching out and swallowing the dice. He shook them awkwardly, learning that he hadn’t been wrong about the thick logs’ limited range of motion. He clumsily sent the dice clattering down, paling at the result. 

“Ooohhh,” Sal winced exaggeratedly, “snake eyes. Too bad.”

Even as Kyle opened his mouth to speak, his perspective was changing. There was a tingling from his legs, accompanied by a sensation of falling. Kyle looked down and gave a quick yelp at the short, thin stumps that had replaced his strong, wide quads. He realized the emphasis was on “short” when he lifted his head and found that he had to look up to see around him. The table that used to hit him just above his waist now hit his chin.  “Oh...oh god…” he whimpered.  

Whatever force held him in place was the only thing keeping Kyle from passing out. Where his arms had exploded with muscle, his legs had been stripped of it. He had a pair of shapeless calves and supple thighs that he could practically wrap an enlarged hand around, but worse than the loss of size was the loss of length. His thickened hands now hung down almost to his knees, giving his whole body a disproportionate shape. He had power lifter arms, a long, athletic torso, and the short legs of a little person. 

“We’re going to have to make some adjustments here, folks. Bear with us a moment.” Sal’s happy tone made Kyle’s predicament all the more horrifying. The altered young man found himself lifted into the air as if on a rising platform. The vain hunk turned crimson at the thought of everyone seeing his warped body when he crested the edge of the table but was helpless to do anything about it.  “Are you curious?  I know we’re curious.”  Sal leaned over briefly to speak with someone Kyle couldn’t see.  “Forty seven inches, ladies and gentlemen!  That’s just under four feet for those of you who are bad at math,” he chuckled.  

Kyle was stunned.  He should have been 6’1”, which meant he’d lost more than two feet in height.  And the nightmare wasn’t over.  

“This is shaping up to be an interesting night,” Sal said to the phantom crowd as he spun the wheel a third time.  Each rapid click was like a thunderstrike to the terrified Kyle, who just kept staring at his withered legs.  “Haha, everyone’s favorite!” Sal exclaimed with a broad smile.  “What should we call it?  The ‘sensitive’ parts?  The front and the back?  The junk AND the trunk?”  Kyle went from alabaster pale to mortified crimson when Sal motioned over towards his exposed package that dangled long and heavy against his little legs.  Kyle had always been proud of his long, thick hose and hefty balls, and he worked hard to maintain a perky bubble that was neither too big nor too small.  He knew all of that was about to change.  “It’s an impressive sight already, isn’t it?” Sal said condescendingly.  “I wonder how it’ll look in the locker room after this?”  

Kyle threw the dice and prayed for double zeros.  Or, failing that, at least a five or a six.  He told himself he could deal with a minor change in either direction.  A little bit more or a little bit less wouldn’t break him.  

“Whoa! Double sixes!”  Sal roared triumphantly.  

“Whaaa…..AAAAHHHHHH!”  Kyle screamed when his cock twitched, bounced, and then stretched like taffy.  He watched it droop further and further down his lithe thigh, growing thicker as it elongated.  The lengthening hose was pushed outwards by the low hanging balls that were inflating to fill the gap that had formed between his slender little legs.  Kyle groaned when it stopped growing and hung half-hard nearly down to his knees.  Already a bead of cum was forming at the widened tip and as soon as Kyle’s hand so much as brushed against it, the monster organ rocketed to attention.  

“Oh my!  Size AND potency,” Sal laughed as Kyle pawed at his oozing club.  It had thickened to the point that even his enlarged hands could barely close around it.  “And check out that rear!”  

Kyle reached behind with the hand that wasn’t glued to his mammoth cock and gasped.  Instead of feeling a tight little bubble, his wide palm felt a firm, mountainous globe that kept going and going.  Part of Kyle was desperate to see his reflection, while another part dreaded the thought.  He could only imagine how much more ridiculous he looked with the addition of an obscenely huge cock and giant ass.  He tried to hold onto the memory of his original, envious body as his twitching monster continued to leak.  

“Two more, folks!  Let’s see what it’ll be!”  Sal spun the wheel while Kyle tried to will his cock soft.  His terror helped, but the most he managed was a semi-hard hang that oozed continuously.  It was taking all of his willpower not to reach down and grab it.  “There we are...the heart of things.  Literally,” Sal said, pointing towards Kyle’s granite pecs.  “Time to see how those abs are gonna look from now on.”  

Kyle was numb after watching his pride and joy get twisted into a huge caricature.  He almost casually tossed the dice onto the table, unsure what could be worse.  

“Not bad...not bad…” Sal nodded.  “A four.  Close to the middle of the road.”  

Kyle’s numbness fled at the realization that his sculpted torso was about to be significantly less so.  He looked down just in time to see his bulging pecs retreat towards his chest.  Below them, his washboard eight-pack started to fade, two by two.  Kyle could only blink as he stared at the remains of his chiseled body.  He’d lost a large chunk of muscle, going from built to toned.  He had a pair of small, defined pecs and a firm, flat stomach that showed the beginnings of abs and a hint of his former, cut obliques.  Instead of strong and muscular, he had a lean, whipcord midsection.  It looked both too small next to his burly arms, and too big above his tiny legs.  It hadn’t shrunk any, which meant he was still long and topheavy, with a plump rear and huge cock bisecting him two thirds of the way down instead of in the middle.  He prodded at his tight torso, grateful at least that it was still firm.  

Sal watched Kyle examine himself with a smug expression.  “Last one,” he said, laughing when Kyle blushed as the young man remembered he was still being watched by everyone.  “We don’t need to spin since all that remains is the head.  Beauty and brains….maybe,” Sal added with a wink.  “We’ll see.”  

Kyle closed his eyes and shot the dice, cursing himself for letting things get this out of hand.  He never could have imagined ending up in a scenario like this, but if he’d been even remotely responsible none of this would be happening.  The older man’s sharp laugh told him it wasn’t good before he even looked.  

“A three,” Sal said sympathetically.  “Not as bad as it could have been, but, well….” 

Kyle’s shrunken chest heaved as he struggled for breath.  He could feel his face changing.  Not wanting to deprive him of his torment, Sal held up a small mirror and Kyle watched as his handsome face was lost.  His thick, wavy brown hair pulled down to a short buzz cut with a receding hairline well above a brow that thickened and seemed to push forward above increasingly beady eyes.  His prominent nose pulled up and back, flattening to give him a wide, puggish look.  His high, eye-catching cheekbones were lost when his jaw started to widen and his face filled out next to his now-lopsided mouth.  In a matter of moments, Kyle’s model caliber looks were replaced by a rough, bulldog face that seemed to sit squarely on his broad, oversized shoulders.  

He only had a moment to process his horror before a bolt of pain lanced through his brain.  The room around him started to spin and he clutched at his head for what felt like hours.  He knew what was happening.  He could practically feel his thoughts slowing down.  Already he could barely remember what brought him there in the first place.  He could still feel his terror, but he only had the vaguest memory of why he was scared.  

“Still with us?”  

Kyle let go of his head, breathing a sigh of relief that the pain was gone.  He looked over at Sal, his new gash of a mouth breaking into an awkward, crooked grin.  “Uh...yeah,” he nodded, feeling another stab of fear at the sight of his twisted face.  

Sal picked up the dice and dropped them onto the table.  “No, no, don’t worry,” he said when Kyle’s eyes went wide.  “This is just a test.  Do you know what those numbers are?”  

Kyle looked down at the dice and nodded.  “Four...and six.”  

“Good job,” Sal clapped.  “What do they add up to?”  

“They...uh…” Kyle’s heart started racing.  He knew he should know the answer to this, but his stomach dropped when he realized that while he knew the names, he didn’t actually know what they meant.  He knew one was “four” and one was “six,” but he couldn’t tell you what those names represented.  “I...I don’t know…” he eventually said, sounding defeated.  His humiliation only grew when he finally realized at some point he’d started tugging on his gargantuan pole.  He told himself to stop, but his body wouldn’t listen.  It was like his thoughts were being processed through molasses.  

Sal’s eyes flashed with an evil brilliance as he turned away from the stroking young man.  “There you have it, folks!  The new Kyle.”  

Kyle stared, dumbfounded, as the lights dimmed and he saw that he was standing in front of a two-way mirror.  He wobbled as the unseen force no longer held him in place and he fell forward, catching himself with an overly-long arm before he hit the ground.  He felt confused and scared by the sight of the twisted little man leering back at him.  Through the fog that had settled in his brain he knew his reflection was too big in some spots, too small in others, and his face shouldn’t look that way.  He wasn’t short and misshapen; he was tall and handsome.  His cock shouldn’t ooze like that, and he knew he should be able to think better.  As it was, it was taking most of his concentration just to stay upright.  

Sal walked over and stroked Kyle’s shortened hair.  “Thanks for playing, everyone!  Remember to collect your winnings on the way out.  And if any of you are interested in getting a look at our young gambler up close, just let us know.  He’ll be residing here permanently as part of his repayment, so we can arrange some one-on-one time,” Sal said with a wink.  

Kyle only heard part of that.  As soon as Sal started stroking his hair, all he could think about was how good it felt.  When he turned his head he was at eye-level with Sal’s crotch, and instead of being terrified, he liked the idea.  He whimpered and started tugging faster.  

Sal looked down and sighed.  There was a steady stream oozing from Kyle’s throbbing beast but the shrunken man hadn’t cum yet.  Sal knew he wouldn’t for a while.  Kyle would be quick to harden and ooze all the time, but rolling a twelve meant the young man had painfully impressive stamina.  When he finally did blow, though, that would be a money maker, Sal knew.  Already he was running the numbers in his head.  “Come on, Kyle.  Let’s get you set up and introduce you to your new friends,” he said, ushering the lumbering little man out of the room.  He needed to get Kyle situated quickly.  

There was already another player waiting.  



Love this story! Combines some of my favorite themes! I love the losing game approach to triggering transformations - even more when the game is lost futiley and/or 'unfairly'. Hope its a first in a new series!!


Thanks! I’ve been wanting to play around with the idea so I figured a vignette would be a good way to try it out.


pretty good !