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Interactive: Campus Nights, ch. 3

  • Ethan’s perfectly proportional body starts growing in specific places. 13
  • Grady’s attitude changes to match his sultry new look, and everyone loves it. 4
  • Liam tries to turn the tables on Ethan, only to discover he likes it a little too much. 3
  • Mark likes having Grady do his bidding so much he starts commanding the other man, who is happy to comply. 10
  • Landon finds himself on the receiving end of Ethan and Grady’s attempts to get him to “relax.” 1
  • 2018-03-13
  • —2018-03-16
  • 31 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Campus Nights, ch. 3', 'choices': [{'text': 'Ethan’s perfectly proportional body starts growing in specific places. ', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Grady’s attitude changes to match his sultry new look, and everyone loves it. ', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Liam tries to turn the tables on Ethan, only to discover he likes it a little too much. ', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Mark likes having Grady do his bidding so much he starts commanding the other man, who is happy to comply. ', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Landon finds himself on the receiving end of Ethan and Grady’s attempts to get him to “relax.”', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 16, 15, 17, 58, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 13, 15, 25, 51, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 31}


“You fucker!  How long are you gonna keep this up!?”  Grady and Landon both laughed at Liam’s frustrated yelp, so loud they could hear it all the way downstairs from his bedroom.  

“Looks like Ethan finally woke the big guy up.”  Grady shook his head and poured himself a large bowl of cereal before he grabbed a mug of coffee.  He scratched at his hairy chest and yawned as he hopped up onto a stool at the counter.  

“At what point do we start getting worried about him?”  Landon asked as he dumped the last of his morning smoothie ingredients into the blender.  “I mean...it was funny at first, but it’s starting to feel like something else is going on here.”  

Grady waited until the blender’s shrieking stopped, admiring the way Landon’s broad, exposed back tapered towards his tight waist.  He’d always been impressed by the tall man’s discipline.  His own hyperactive metabolism kept his thin body lean and trimmed, and Grady always wondered if he’d be able to work as hard at keeping himself in shape if he had to.  Shoveling spoonfuls of sugary cereal into his mouth, he had his answer.  “I dunno,” he shrugged between bites.  “I think it’s fine.  It’s good to see pretty boy loosening up a little.  I always knew that charmingly modest bit was an act.”  

Landon poured his smoothie and leaned against the counter, smiling as he watched Grady go at his cereal like a kid on Saturday morning.  The wiry man’s shaggy mop of hair was still a mess from sleep and he had a coating of scrubby stubble on his sharp cheeks.  “Or maybe you’re just a bad influence.”  

“Hey now,” Grady said, making a face at Landon.  “Seriously though, what’s he doing that’s so weird?”  He motioned down to his own mostly naked body, clad only in a pair of small grey boxer briefs.  “If we’re gonna start getting judgy about hangin’ out in our underwear we’re all screwed.”  He looked Landon up and down as the bright morning light danced across his tall friend’s chocolate skin and seemed to accentuate the sculpted muscles on the man’s bare torso.  Like Grady, all he had on was a pair of small, stuffed red boxer briefs that left nothing to the imagination.  

“I’m not talking about first thing in the morning, or at night when we’re all just chillin’...that’s whatever.  But all day?”  

“Maybe he’s making up for lost time?”  Grady cocked his head and stared at his friend.  “Does it really bother you?”  

Landon shook his head quickly.  “Not at all.  Dude wants to walk around with his ass hanging out all day it’s his business.  If he’s happy, I don’t give a shit. It’s just….sudden.  I wanna make sure he’s okay is all.”   

Grady hopped up to rinse out his bowl and load it in the dishwasher.  “You sure you’re not just jealous,” he asked with a mischievous grin, patting Landon’s washboard abs.  

“Fuck you,” the bigger man laughed.  “It’s your style he’s bitin’, not mine.”  

Grady turned around and popped his hips, bouncing his ample cheeks.  They were the one soft spot on his otherwise solid, whipcord body and he’d learned long ago that it was easier to use the oversized globes to his advantage than try and fight them.  “Bro can copy my look but not my moves,” he laughed while Landon just shook his head.  “I’ll talk to him.  Maybe he’s just going through like a quarter-life crisis or something.”  

He left Landon in the kitchen and headed upstairs, catching Ethan just as he was coming out of the shower.  The other man had his towel flung casually over a broad shoulder as he sauntered naked down the hallway.  

“Mornin’,” Ethan said cheerfully, reaching up to slick back his damp, sandy blonde hair and flexing his chiseled torso in the process.  

“Hey man,” Grady waved, trying not to look at the long cock hanging thick and heavy between Ethan’s firm quads.  “Heard you give Liam his wake up call earlier.”  

Ethan’s handsome face was split by a broad grin.  “I don’t get why he was so upset.  All I did was stand next to his bed and tell him it was time to get up.”  

“Meaning he woke up with your dick in his face?”  

“It’s not my fault his bed is at perfect dick height,” Ethan laughed.  

“I totally get it...you can’t control his furniture.”  Grady’s grin faltered as he followed the other man into his room and he saw the bright, small articles of clothing scattered everywhere.  He was starting to wonder if Landon didn’t have a point.  “So, uh, as much as we all enjoy you terrorizing Liam...is everything okay?”  Grady picked up a lime green jock and examined the revealing underwear as it hung from a finger.  “This,” he motioned to the underwear, “and that,” he motioned to Ethan’s naked body, “are kind of a drastic shift.”

Grady watched a troubled expression flash across Ethan’s face.  “I’ll be honest...I don’t really know what’s going on, man.  This all started as me just fuckin’ with Liam, but then it...I dunno...this just feels right, you know? I did one thing different and then everything else felt stagnant.  Fuck...I’ve been wearing and doing the same shit my whole life and I never even stopped to think about it.  Felt like it was time for a change.”  

Grady nodded absently.  He’d been trying not to stare at Ethan’s naked body while his friend was talking and had landed instead on the strange statue.  He’d almost forgotten about it, but looking at it now he wondered how anyone could ever forget something like it.  The strange carvings seemed to shift and slither like an optical illusion, and if he didn’t know it was impossible he’d swear that he saw the eyes blink.  “No, I get it dude,” he said, finally tearing his eyes away.  His vision blurred momentarily as he looked at his friend and he had to focus to remember what they’d been talking about.  The words “time for a change” echoed through his head.  “Like I said, we just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“Thanks bud...I appreciate it.  I’m glad you guys are all cool with this.”  

“Do...do you, man,” Grady stammered, his stomach fluttering at the sight of Ethan’s grateful smile.  He fought down a wave of nerves and forced himself to sound casual.  “Let it all hang out as long as it’s what makes you happy.”  

He left his friend’s room and hurried down the hall, hoping a shower would help shake the weird feeling that settled over him.  With the house currently so empty, the bathroom that would be cramped in just a few months felt huge.  There was a row of three shower stalls, then a counter with a long mirror and series of sinks, followed by a few toilet stalls.  When the house was full, even with another one downstairs, it was always a scramble for space, especially in the mornings.  Now, Grady had the place to himself as he stripped out of his boxer briefs and stepped into a shower.  His hopes that it would help clear his head were dashed immediately.  His thin, five and a half inch cock had sprung to attention the second he let it flop free, and he was reaching down and tugging before he knew it.  

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get the image of Ethan’s naked body out of his mind while he stroked.  The skin on his hand tingled where he’d held the jock as his other hand ran through the silky hairs on his firm, modest pecs.  The mental images shifted from Ethan to his breakfast with Landon, the memory of the tall man’s stuffed pouch making his smaller cock throb.  He thought back to twerking in front of his friend, something he’d done countless times over the years, only it had never felt like this.  He told himself he did it because it was funny, but now he started to realize that he’d liked the other man’s eyes on him.  He imagined himself doing it naked, with Landon’s huge rod ready and waiting for him.  

Grady was so focused on his confusing new fantasies that he didn’t notice another person come into the stall next to him.  “Uh, dude, are you jerking off in there?”  

Grady’s eyes shot open at the sound of Mark’s voice.  He looked down and saw his friend’s short, wide feet and rocky calves sticking out below the divider.  The knowledge of what those legs were attached to, just inches away on the other side of the thin wall, made him throb even harder.  He tried not to groan.  “Sure am,” he said cheerfully, still pumping away.  Grady had been caught the most out of all of them, but this time he didn’t feel the accompanying embarrassment he usually did.  If anything, being caught was only more of a turn on.  

“Gross,” Mark laughed.  “Are you, uh, gonna keep doing that,” he added when the rhythmic swishing and splashing sound continued.  

“It’s not like I’m gonna stop halfway through,” Grady said, as if it was a foolish question.  “If you want I can wait for you to catch up and we can race.”  

“Christ...not you too…”  

The sound of his friend’s deep voice made him ooze even harder.  “Hey man, I was the original weirdo in this house,” Grady said defensively.  

“Can’t argue with that,” Mark sighed, feeling awkward.  “Is it weird that we’re talking while you’re doing that?”  

“I’m looking at your feet while I do it, too,” Grady said, trying to sound creepy.  

“Hey!  Leave my feet out of this!” Mark laughed and scampered in a circle, but there was nowhere he could go.  

“So what’s it gonna be?  Race?”  

“No! I’m not...that’s too strange for…” 

“What?  Like you don’t already do it?”  Grady egged on, suddenly desperate to get his friend to agree with him.  

“Yeah, in my room when I’m alone.  Not with another guy.”  

Grady could hear Mark’s resistance wearing down.  “There’s a wall between us.  Unless you want me to come over there?”  

“Dude, I will fucking murder you,” Mark warned, trying to sound stern.  “I don’t want to think about another guy when I...wait...” he trailed off when he looked down and saw the position of Grady’s feet facing his stall.  “You’re pointing it at me right now, aren’t you?”  

“See?  You’re already thinking about it.  Come on!  There’s a divider,” Grady said, tapping the shower wall.  There was a moment of silence, then he heard the same rhythmic splashing start coming from the other side.  “Yes!”  

“I’ll also murder you If you tell anyone we did this.”

“It’ll be our secret,” Grady said, his cock aching at the thought of Mark’s huge arms pumping away on his thick, wide pole so close to him.  He could practically see the short muscle man’s wide body flexing powerfully on the other side.  “Tell me when you’re ready.”  

“What does...the winner get…” Mark said haltingly as he worked himself up.  

Grady thought about it.  “Loser has to do the other’s laundry for a week.”

“You’re on,” Mark said.  “I can’t believe we’re doing this...but...whenever you’re ready.”  

The two fell into silence as they both began jerking in earnest.  The streaming water splashed in the same staccato fashion as a slick, whisking sound filled the room.  Grady watched Mark’s impressive calves flex as the other man raised himself up on his toes while he pumped, letting out soft moans and whimpers.  The sound made Grady clench his teeth as it took all his willpower not to join his friend in the other stall.  

The moans from Mark’s side picked up.  “I’m gonna...fuuuck...gonna….ggnnnnn….” the blonde man gasped and the splashing came to an abrupt stop from his side of the wall as he went up on his toes again.  The room was silent save for the hiss of the showers.  “So did I...hey!”  He yelped, turning a bright shade of crimson when the door to his stall suddenly opened.  He whirled around, turning his back when Grady’s grinning face appeared.  “What the fuck did I tell you?!” he shouted over his shoulder. 

“Sorry!” Grady laughed, quickly shutting the door and going back to his side.  He’d managed to catch a quick glimpse of Mark’s softening monster before his friend turned, leaving him with a view of his granite cheeks instead.  “I needed to confirm your victory.  Congratulatio..uuunnn...congratulations,” Grady said, erupting like a geyser mid sentence.  He didn’t know why he wished the other man had watched him do it.  “That wasn’t so bad, right?”

“Not a word to anyone,” Mark said again, his shower cranking off soon after.  “Alright loser, I’ve got a load ready to go…” 

“So soon?” Grady laughed, interrupting.  

“Of laundry, you creep.  It’s in the hamper in my room. Don’t mess it up, either.”  

“Yes sir,” Grady said, cracking the stall door to watch as Mark wrapped a towel around his waist and left the room.  

Grady finished his shower, not knowing why he’d lost on purpose.  He’d been close enough that he could have blown as soon as Mark started, but for some reason he’d wanted to drag it out, just like he was surprisingly looking forward to doing the other man’s laundry.  His softening cock swelled at the thought of getting his hands on the blonde bodybuilder’s sweaty gym clothes.  

He reached for his towel to dry off, only to remember that he’d come straight from Ethan’s room.  The hairy man shrugged and walked over to the mirror while he drip-dried, staring at his reflection with a growing sense of dissatisfaction.  He felt like he looked like a kid.  He thought about Landon’s tall, strapping frame and Ethan’s perfect looks.  Even Mark, as short as he was, came across as masculine with his ample muscles, and there was no questioning Liam’s manly, bearish figure.  Looking at himself, he felt lanky and generic. He wasn’t the most hung or the most built or even the best looking. The only real attributes that set him apart were his bouncing globes and wiry build. He could make them work in his favor, but he’d never really tried. 

“Time for a change,” Grady muttered under his breath.  He flexed his defined arms while he ran his fingers through the shaggy hair that he suddenly hated.  He tried to imagine himself with shorter hair and more muscle, pursing his lips and suddenly wanting to overhaul his entire look. He turned in a slow circle, inspecting every inch of himself.  “Time for a change,” he said again.  


Mark had been trying all day not to think about what he and Grady had done in the shower that morning, but the more he resisted, the more it wormed its way in.  He tried to tell himself it was just two guys horsing around, and that he hadn’t enjoyed it for any other reason.  He thought It was only natural that he’d been thinking of Grady while he did it since his friend wouldn’t shut up the entire time.  And he certainly hadn’t liked it when the other man stuck his head in the shower and checked him out right after cumming, either.  

He’d tried to avoid him by spending most of the day at the gym, but he’d just gotten home and saw that his laundry still needed done.  Confusing feelings or not, he wasn’t going to let Grady slide on their bet.  “Hey, have either of you seen Grady?” Mark asked Landon and Ethan as the two sat watching a game in the rec room.  As had become his new normal, Ethan was clad only in a pair of bright orange bikinis, making Landon’s baggy basketball shorts and tank-top seem like a three-piece suit by comparison.  Liam was nowhere to be seen, but since Ethan began his torment the big man had been staying in his room.  

“Not since this morning.”  

“Same here,” Ethan said, echoing Landon.  “Everything alright?”  

“Yeah, he just, uh, lost a bet and is supposed to be doing my laundry for me.” 

On cue, Grady’s voice chimed in from the doorway.  “Sorry!  I’ve been gone all day.  Just got back a little while ago.”  

“I wondered where you….got...off….too…” Mark’s voice dried up in his throat when he turned around saw the stranger standing behind him.  “Holy shit!”  

Grady grinned bashfully.  “You like?”  He stood still to let everyone see that his normally shaggy hair had been cut short.  It was buzzed on the sides and styled into a small, tight pompadour on top with a hard part shaved in.  The close-cropped style and matching stubble accentuated the sharp features of his face and the fullness of his lips in a way that his old mop hadn’t, making him look less boyish and more wolfish.  He suddenly seemed sexy and mysterious instead of friendly and charming, and that was without factoring in his revealing new outfit. 

He had on a white cotton undershirt, so small and tight that his defined, hairy torso was practically visible through the thin cotton that stopped at his belly button.  This left a patch of hairy abs hanging out above the waist of his drastically altered denim.  Grady’s jeans had been cut into a pair of daisy dukes so short that the bottoms of the pockets hung out below the leg openings.  When he turned to set Mark’s laundry basket on the bar, it became clear he didn’t have anything on underneath as his large cheeks hung out mostly exposed in back, the short denim only accentuating their roundness.  Between his hair and his clothes he’d gone from the boy next door to a greaser trick in the span of an afternoon. 

“What the fuck?!”  Landon gave a stunned laugh and got up to join Mark in checking out their friend’s new appearance.  “Those are...those are some shorts…” he stuttered, his eyes traveling down the exposed legs to rest on the black, unlaced boots Grady had on in place of his normal tennis shoes. 

Ethan came over too, looking Grady up and down with an approving smile.  “Not bad,” he whistled.  “Not bad at all.”  

“Of course YOU’D say that.”  Landon rolled his eyes and made Grady turn in a circle.  “Is this a joke?  Are you and Ethan teaming up to...wait...what the fuck is that,” he asked, noticing the clear plastic sticking out from the back of the lean man’s shorts.  “Did you...get a tattoo?”  

“Two of ‘em!” Grady said proudly.  

“Whoa!” Landon quickly turned his head when Grady undid his denim and exposed his short cock and hairy balls to the group as he turned around.  One of his plump, shaved cheeks now sported a heart with a dagger through it, while the other bore a large anchor surrounded by coiling rope. The designs were simple and old school, like something that would be at home on a sailor from the ‘40s, if that sailor was drawn by Tom of Finland. “That’s...wow…” was all Landon could say.  

“Did that...hurt?”  Mark asked, feeling like he should say something to excuse his staring but not knowing what.  He couldn’t take his eyes off the round, supple globes.  

“It wasn’t too bad.” Grady shrugged and pulled his shorts back up, bouncing his heavy cheeks in the process.  “I’ve always wanted to get some ink.  I dunno...just felt like it was time for a change.”  

“I know what that’s like,” Ethan nodded.  

“Yeah, we all know you do.” Landon sounded exasperated as he looked back and forth between his two friends.  He couldn’t tell what was worse, Ethan being mostly naked, or Grady’s unexpected new look. “And here I was thinking Grady was the bad influence.”  

Grady grinned proudly, adding a swagger to his step as he walked over to Mark.  “Just needed to get the last bit of laundry.”  

“Fuck! Hey!”  Mark turned crimson when, without warning, Grady tugged down his shorts and briefs.  The buff man quickly covered his dangling package, but only for a moment before he found his arms lifted into the air and his loose muscle shirt pulled free.  “What the hell are you doing, man!?”  

“It’s all dirty from the gym, right,” Grady asked flatly, as if confused by Mark’s embarrassment.  He didn’t wait for the other man to reply before tossing the sweaty gym gear in the laundry basket with the rest and strutting out of the room, his large cheeks swaying the tattered denim as he walked.  

Landon watched the wiry man leave in stunned silence.  He looked over at an equally shocked, naked Mark, but Ethan was surprisingly casual, like none of this was out of the ordinary.  “What the fuck is going on around here!?”  


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