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“Nick, dude, are you SURE you wanna mess around with this stuff?”  Doug asked, watching his friend flex in the mirror.  “You make enough to pay for a personal trainer.”  

The shirtless man sighed, pinching at his doughy spare tire.  He used to be ripped, with six-pack abs and a lean body that was covered in solid definition.  Graduating from college and working a salaried desk job that chewed up all of his time had changed that.  Before, he could eat and drink whatever he wanted, then go to the gym for a couple hours each week and keep his trim figure.  Now, no matter how much he dieted or worked out, he couldn’t seem to gain or lose anything.  He felt stuck and flabby.  His pecs weren’t the proud lumps of muscle they’d once been, but were soft and almost shapeless with a thin dusting of hair sprouting across the flat plane that used to be a deep valley between them.  His once-sharp features had softened to match, a small, soft mound forming just behind his chin while an extra layer of padding rounded out his cheekbones.  “I’ve been GOING to the personal trainer, man, but look at me!”  He spread his softened arms wide, his biceps lurking under a layer of flesh that obscured their size.  “I cut carbs, I’ve been dieting, but I can’t lose any of this...it fucking sucks.”  He sighed and dropped his baggy slacks, his thighs jiggling as he kicked free of them and stood in his boxers.  A plump, round ass filled out the back and Nick’s long, impressive cock was outlined as the fabric stretched around his thick legs.  “Getting old is awful.”  

Doug let out a loud laugh at Nick’s dramatic sigh.  “For fuck’s sake, dude, you’re only 24.”  He knew his friend was being ridiculous.  True, Nick had put on weight, but he was still well in the “average” range in terms of his build.  He wasn’t as ripped as he used to be, but he was far from obese.  

“It’s easy for you to say,” Nick spat jealously, “you’re still fuckin’ jacked.”  He’d grown up with Doug and had been on all the same baseball and football teams, but his friend’s metabolism hadn’t slowed down like his, leaving the other man with the same built, athletic body he’d always had.  “I can’t even get a girl to look at me anymore!”  

Doug threw a pillow at his whining friend.  “Whatever!  I was JUST with you two nights ago when you hooked up with that blonde.”  Despite the slightly fuller face, Doug was well aware that Nick was still the more handsome of the two.  His full head of wavy brown hair hadn’t thinned in the slightest, and he still had the pouty lips and button nose that all the girls liked so much.  

Nick smiled and adjusted his bulging boxers at the memory.  “Yeah, but it took longer than it should have.”  

“Oh no, what a fuckin’ tragedy,” Doug said, rolling his eyes as he climbed off the bed.  He walked over to Nick’s dresser and held up one of the small vials filled with purple liquid.  “I still think steroids are a shitty idea.  I’ve seen enough ‘roid guys at the gym to know they’re more trouble than they’re worth.”  

“Those aren’t steroids,” Nick said defensively as he pulled on a pair of baggy basketball shorts.  The slight muffin top formed by the tight elastic only made him more determined to go through with his plan.  “I went to that supplement place YOU told me about…” 

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Doug said, waving a hand and shaking his head.  “I told you to go there because they’ve got good protein powders, not to get some back alley bootleg hormone cocktail.”  

Nick shrugged.  “Yeah, well, the guy sold me on this stuff instead.”  

“Did HE sell you on it, or did some dude in the parking lot sell you on it?”  He held the vial up to the light to examine the contents.  The purple liquid inside seemed to have a shimmering, iridescent quality to it.  

Nick snatched the vial out of his hand, annoyed.  “You’re not gonna be so shitty about it when you see the results.”  

“Hey man, if it works and you’re still alive I’ll be the first to admit I was wrong.”  

Nick grinned as he opened the lid and shot the fluid back in one gulp.  “Not bad tasting,” he said, smacking his lips.  An excited shiver ran through him at the thought that this could actually work as he pulled on a baggy t-shirt.  He imagined himself bulging against it with sculpted muscle.  “Alright,” he barked, giving Doug’s ass a swat, “let’s hit the gym while this stuff is in my system!”  


Nick tossed and turned all night.  He was wired, like he’d downed a bunch of espresso right before bed.  His heart was racing and his room felt hot and stuffy despite what the thermostat said.  The energy boost had served him well in the gym; he’d flown through his usual workout, even upping the weight and spending more time on the treadmill than he was accustomed to.  He could have kept going, but it was Doug who tired out.  Nick knew it was the supplement’s doing, he just hoped the energy spikes would level out the more he took.  Even if it didn’t he was willing to sacrifice a few sleepless nights if it meant getting the body he wanted.  

“Fuck it,” he finally sighed, tossing his sheet aside and rolling out of bed.  It was an hour before his alarm clock was set to go off but he couldn’t bring himself to lay there any longer while his heart and brain raced each other.  For having only gotten a few hours of fitful sleep, he was surprisingly awake as he made his way down the dark hallway to the bathroom.  He fumbled with the fly of his boxers, fishing his cock out as he stood over the toilet.  

“What the fuck…” he stammered as he looked down.  His stomach was noticeably flatter.  “What the fuck?!”  As he continued to stare, his stomach wasn’t the only thing that looked different.  His flat pecs had more definition and were starting to press outwards. “I can’t believe it…this is insane…” he said with a shocked laugh, flipping on the lightswitch when he was done.  As impossible as it seemed to him, there was no denying that he’d undergone a change overnight.  Flexing in the mirror, he saw that his entire body was covered in the kind of definition he hadn’t seen in years, and already his spare tire was almost gone.  He didn’t have a set of abs yet, but his sides were trim and his stomach flat.  “Am I getting an ass?”  He excitedly dropped his boxers and flexed his glutes, causing the small, but noticeable, cheeks to tighten.  

He was grinning from ear to ear as he left the bathroom and scampered naked down the hall to where he’d left the supplements.  He downed another vial and felt like he was hit by a wave.  “Whoa…” he gasped, swaying on his feet.  His whole body tingled from head to toe and his cock shot to attention.  A drunken laugh escaped his smiling lips as he wrapped a hand around his rigid pole.  It wasn’t a conscious action.  He felt powerful and aroused and was stroking before he even thought about what he was doing.  With his free hand he felt his solidified frame, squeezing a growing pec and running his hand across his firmed up stomach.  

Even though he lived alone, Nick still felt a thrill at the thought of what he was doing.  He’d never stood naked and hard and jerked himself off in the middle of his apartment’s living room before.  He’d fucked plenty of girls on his couch, but this felt different somehow.  There was a level of exposure that he wasn’t used to, and that, surprisingly, turned him on.  He was so caught up in his changing body and these new feelings to notice that his aching cock didn’t fill his hand as much as it should, or that his fist didn’t travel as far when he pumped back and forth.  

“Mmm...hmmm...mmmmmuuuuuuUUUHHHnnnn!”  His whimpers turned into a grunt when he sprayed onto the hardwood floor, unable to remember the last time he’d cum so hard.  He stared at the sticky puddles on the floor with the same shocked grin, but instead of cleaning them up, he went back to his room to grab his gym bag.  It was just after five, which meant he had time to get in a morning workout.  


Like the night before, he flew through his routine.  Weights that he used to struggle with came easily to him, and he was six miles in to a run before he even knew it.  He was breathing hard, and covered in sweat, but his body felt like it could keep going and going.  Part of him wished the gym wasn’t so empty so that everyone else could see him.  

He told himself it was this lack of people that caused his attention to keep landing on the walking sculpture over in the free weights.  He was just admiring the man’s efforts and hard work, he thought.  There was nothing wrong with taking note of his striated shoulders or how round and smooth the sides of his pecs looked sticking out from his muscle shirt.  The man’s arms were huge, veiny masses of muscle and Nick was just appreciating the size of those biceps and triceps.  He certainly wasn’t staring at the two giant lumps of flesh pushing out the back of the man’s small shorts.  His eye was just drawn to the man because there wasn’t anyone else around, not because of his chiseled features.  

Nick called it quits at mile nine.  Not because he was running out of steam, but because he was running out of time.  He still couldn’t believe what the odometer said.  The most he could pull off lately was three or four miles, and he’d just doubled that.  He pulled off his sweat-soaked shirt with an unaccustomed feeling of pride  as soon as he was through the locker room doors.  He hadn’t felt this good walking to a locker since his team sport days after a win.  He had his shoes off and was stripped bare before even stopping to think about it.  Just as it hit him that he was standing naked in full view, he heard the man’s voice.  

“Looks like you were really gettin’ it out there.”  

Nick blushed and turned to see the man he’d been staring at standing equally naked behind him.  The man was even more impressive without anything on.  He had the kind of buff, tapering body that Nick dreamed of.  “Uh, yeah, you too,” he said, a strange fluttering running through him.  

The man’s bright eyes locked with Nick’s.  “I’m surprised you didn’t trip and fall with how much you were staring at me, though,” he said with a crooked smile.  

Nick felt himself go crimson when his cock twitched.  He wanted to stammer out an excuse, but the words wouldn’t come.  His heart was beating out of his chest as he squirmed under the other man’s piercing eyes.  

“Come on,” the man said casually, nodding towards the shower stalls.  Nick had no idea why he was going along with the other man as he was pulled into the last stall with him.  “It’s okay...this place is usually dead for another hour at least,” the man said, brushing his naked body against Nick’s.  

Nick gasped when the man reached down and grabbed his jumping cock.  “Sorry...I don’t...I mean I’m not…” he was cut off with another gasp when the man’s hand sent a rush of pleasure through him.  

“This says otherwise,” he said smoothly, grinding his own solid rod into Nick.  “Straight guys don’t drool out there the way you were.”  

Nick wanted to argue, or at least put up some kind of fight.  He wanted to do anything other than what he did, which was to reach down and start stroking the stranger.  He’d never fooled around with another guy before, let alone in public, but he couldn’t stop.  

“Is this really your first time,” the man asked with a raised eyebrow.  

Nick blushed.  “With a gu...guy, yeah,” he stuttered when the man’s hand slid down to knead his balls.  

The man gave a short laugh.  “I figured you’d get guys tossing themselves at you all the time.  Lucky me,” he said, before leaning in to plant a long kiss.  

Nick felt a rush of his old confidence at the compliment.  Guy or not, he was thrilled to hear someone call him hot again, even more so considering how good looking the other man was. He flexed his growing pecs against the man’s hand as he worked his tongue deeper into his mouth.  Nick was disoriented by how large the man’s cock felt in his hand, and by how small his own felt.  He chalked it up to never having fooled around with a guy before and blamed it on the man’s big, strong hands.  Considering that he’d never so much as glanced at another man before, Nick couldn’t get enough of the stranger.  He pressed himself roughly into the man’s firm, sculpted body, his free hand latching on to a perky solid cheek.  It felt like his first time all over again.  

And like Nick’s first time, it didn’t last long.  He was wrestling with the other man’s tongue when he felt himself tense and blow unexpectedly.  “So..sorry,” he said, his face beet red as his partner pumped out every last drop.  

“What for?”  The other man grinned and thrust his own aching cock roughly forward against Nick’s firm grip.  As the blushing man’s eyes traveled down the strangers washboard stomach, he was hit with another urge.  Even as he bent over and wrapped his lips around the glistening head he didn’t know why he was doing it.  He was more than a little confused at how eager he was to have the warm, pulsing organ against his tongue, but not enough that he wanted to stop.  The man’s quiet moan sent another thrill through him as his tongue flicked along the solid rod and he bobbed his head.  The man’s fingers danced gently through his wet hair until he tensed and filled Nick’s mouth with a rush of warm, salty liquid.  “Not bad, rookie,” the man panted, his sculpted pecs rising and falling quickly when Nick pulled his dripping chin away.  

They pawed playfully while they finished scrubbing each other down.  Nick learned his new friend’s name was Adam, and that he came to the gym every morning at this time if Nick wanted to do this again sometime.  The confused Nick eagerly said yes, not hesitating until they’d stepped out and were toweling off.  As he looked at Adam’s long, flopping hose, he finally noticed that his own looked small by comparison.  He should have had the same banana hang that the other man did, but his cock looked shorter and drawn in.  Adam didn’t seem to mind, and when Nick saw how good the rest of his changing body looked he forgot all about it.  


As the morning went on, Nick couldn’t stop thinking about his encounter at the gym.  He sat at his desk, staring at his untouched computer while his mind went over the details again and again.  He couldn’t figure out why he wasn’t more horrified.  On a logical level, he knew he should at least be disgusted by his actions.  Another man had cum in his mouth.  But instead of feeling embarrassed, all he felt was horny whenever he thought about it.  He didn’t feel like there was something wrong with his behavior, he felt excited, like a whole new world had just opened up to him.  He’d never thought of himself as even remotely interested in men before, but if it meant he could feel as good as he had that morning, he wasn’t going to rule anything out.  

His changing body wasn’t helping things.  Impossible as it seemed, whatever was in the supplement was still rapidly altering his body.  His shirt felt like it had been turned upside down, with the buttons now straining across his inflating chest while hanging loose around his stomach.  Usually it was the other way around.  The same went for his pants, which were increasingly glued to his thighs and backside instead of biting into his waist.  He kept squirming uncomfortably as his boxers bunched and pinched every time his eager cock twitched at the memory of his romp in the shower.  The sight of it outlined against his leg brought back his forgotten concern.  It didn’t snake off to the side as much as Nick thought it should.  

Without thinking, he unzipped his fly and fished his solid cock out underneath his desk.  He couldn’t deny or make excuses any more; it WAS smaller than it should have been.  Noticeably so.  He should have been a long, solid seven inches, but now it barely stuck out from the end of his fist when he grabbed it, putting him in the five and a half to six inch range.  While he felt a twinge of concern, it still wasn’t enough to give him pause.  Nick was willing to sacrifice a few inches off his dick if it meant the rest of his body would be the way he wanted it.  

He was just about to put himself away when he heard footsteps outside the door to his office that he hadn’t even thought about shutting.  He quickly rolled his chair forward and tried to look casual as he leaned forward on his desk, making it look as though he was working.  

“Hey, are you going to have those reports McAllister is after?  He’s been breathing down my neck all morning.”  

Nick tried to think about anything other than his rigid, exposed cock as he looked up at his coworker.  He blinked at the middle-aged man, feeling overwhelmed under the rush of details he was suddenly noticing.  He talked to Mike every day, but he’d never noticed how good the other man’s salt-and-pepper hair looked, or how striking his strong, lean facial features were.  For someone his age, Nick was impressed by how fit the older man still seemed as his eyes drifted down to the bulge in the front of Mike’s slacks.  

“Uh...you okay big guy?” Mike asked with a concerned look.  

“Oh!  Shit, yeah, sorry,” Nick said, shaking his head and laughing awkwardly.  “I didn’t get much sleep last night, and I tried working out this morning for the first time in a while.”  

“Looks like it’s working,” Mike said, nodding towards one of the inflated biceps fighting against Nick’s sleeve.  

Nick felt another surge of pride at the compliment, forgetting once again about any second thoughts his shrinking dick might have caused.  “Thanks!” he practically chirped.  “But yeah, I’ll have those reports by the end of the day.  Oh, hey,” he said as Mike started to walk away, “can you get my door for me?  I’ve got a conference call.”  He sagged in his chair, breathing a sigh of relief as soon as the door clicked shut.  He wedged himself back into his pants and grabbed another bottle of the supplement. Nick wasn’t supposed to take the next one for another couple hours, but he didn’t want to wait.  Hearing Mike’s compliment left him feeling giddy and excited, drowning out the few lingering doubts that remained.  

He never did complete the reports.  If he’d been distracted that morning, by the end of the day he was completely out of it.  He couldn’t focus on much of anything for more than a few minutes at a time, and when he did manage to hold it together, his attention was mostly directed at his ill-fitting clothes.  His chest had already expanded to the point where he’d had to remove his tie and leave the top few buttons undone.  While it hung loose over his now-trim waist, it threatened to tear around his ballooning arms and widening back.  The same went for his pants.  They looked like leggings around his growing, perky bubble and thickened thighs.  He couldn't’ wait to get home and show Doug.  


“Holy shit!”  

Nick grinned from ear to ear at the look of shock on his friend’s face as soon as he opened the door.  Doug’s jaw hit the floor as his friend looked him up and down.  “I told you it would work!”  

Doug just blinked at the other man.  He barely recognized him.  In less than a day, Nick had gone from “average” to looking like a bodybuilder.  The man whose stomach had slightly spilled out around his boxers now had a firm washboard that tapered into a small pair of bright red briefs.  Above that he looked top heavy, with broad, round shoulders and a huge set of sculpted pecs.  His arms were perfectly segmented into bulging muscle groups as they rested against his widened lats.  Everything seemed to draw inwards as the muscle flowed towards his waist before exploding outwards again.  Nick had never had much of an ass, but now he sported a matched set of rotund globes that stretched the small briefs to capacity while his now-thick thighs pressed towards each other.  Even in his prime, Doug had never seen Nick look this good.  “But...I mean...how?!”  

“Whatever’s in that supplement must really work,” he beamed, flexing and turning in a circle to let Doug check him out.  He was elated to see that his newly formed muscles beat out his friend.  Doug had just come from the gym, but the ripped torso hanging out from his muscle shirt was nowhere near as built, nor were his baggy shorts nearly as stuffed.  Like the rest of the men he’d encountered throughout the day, Nick was hit with the same flood of arousal at the sight of the other man.  Less built or not, Nick practically licked his lips as he looked his handsome friend up and down.  

Doug noticed.  “Whoa...whoa...okay...just give me a sec, here,” he said with a nervous laugh, shaking his head.  “This can’t be safe.  I don’t even know how it’s possible.  You’ve put on an insane amount of muscle and...jesus!  What the fuck happened there?!”  He finally noticed the small tent in Nick’s briefs.  He’d seen his friend’s monster cock plenty of times in the locker room and was well aware that it should have been significantly larger.  

“What?”  Nick shrugged, looking down.  He couldn’t actually see the tented briefs over the mound of his chest.  

“What do you mean ‘what’?!  How fucking small did your dick get?!”  

“Oh...I dunno…” Nick said casually.  Without hesitating he pulled his briefs down and let his tiny rod spring free.  He pawed at it, his grin never faltering.  “It got pretty small, didn’t it?”  

“And you’re...okay with that?”  Doug stared at his friend’s rigid little poker.  It couldn’t have been more than a few thin inches.  He wondered if it even would have been visible in his friend’s trim bush had it been soft.  

Nick’s expression darkened for a split second.  He seemed like he wanted to say something, but then shrugged his broadened shoulders, the grin coming back.  “I’m not stoked about it, but if this is what I get,” he broke into a double bicep pose, his arms expanding significantly, “I’m okay with it.”  

Doug stepped forward and put a hand on one of Nick’s granite biceps.  When his friend beamed and nodded, he prodded at the rest of him.  He felt Nick shiver as his hands worked their way across his pecs and down his washboard abs.  The only part of the growing man’s body that had any give to it at all were the huge, plump globes of his ass that bounced when Doug gave them a swat.  He waited until he’d slid around behind Nick to let his smile show.  This was better than anything he ever could have hoped for.  If what he’d seen so far was any indication, the changes should run their course by the next day.  

“Well, I hate to admit it,” he sighed, wrapping his arms around Nick’s tiny waist from behind, “but looks like you were right.  I mean, other than this little guy.”  He laughed when Nick gasped and tensed as he grabbed his friend’s shrunken nub.  

“It’s been hard all afternoon,” Nick said, as if Doug grabbing his package was totally normal.  He didn’t make any moves to pull away.  Instead, he leaned into his friend’s beefy embrace with a contented sigh.  

“At least I’ve still got you beat down there,” Doug said, grinding his crotch into Nick’s pillowy cheeks.  

Nick turned in Doug’s arm with the same dull smile.  “Hey, that’s right, I showed you mine…” Without asking his friend, he grabbed Doug’s shorts and had both them and the accompanying boxer briefs around his ankles.  

Doug didn’t bother to hide his victorious grin as Nick stared hungrily at his dangling hose.  The fact that his friend wasn’t even bothering to question any of this meant everything was working as it should.  “See something you like?” 

“Uh-huh!” Nick nodded eagerly and dropped to his knees.  

Doug let out a low moan as his friend sucked his twitching cock between his full lips.  This plan had cost him his entire savings, but it was already worth it.  He and Nick had been friends long enough that he knew exactly what buttons to push to get him to go with it.  It had taken weeks of subtle hints and reverse psychology to get Nick pointed in the right direction.  And then there was the matter of the supplement itself.  Even Doug didn’t know exactly what it was.  He’d stumbled across it one day and had written it off until an email arrived in his inbox.  He hadn’t provided any information or even clicked any links when he’d first found the website promising miraculous results.  Yet the next day, he received an email containing his deepest, darkest thoughts that he’d never expressed or written to anyone.  They knew about his feelings for Nick and his incredible frustration.  They knew about his fantasies involving a buff, exaggerated version of his friend, and they even promised to deliver on his one rather specific desire.  Against all logic and evidence, he believed them.  He sent the money and spent a few weeks feeling like a total fool until the package arrived.  The postmark had it coming from somewhere in Eastern Europe that Doug had never heard of, but that didn’t matter.  What mattered was the small, wooden crate inside that felt heavy with age.  There were worn carvings on it that he couldn’t quite make out, but the real purchase was the several small vials filled with shimmering liquid that it contained.  One bribed cashier later, and Nick had the vials in his hands.  

So far everything was exactly as promised.  Nick’s body was already incredible.  His pecs and ass were still ballooning out to impossible proportions, while everything in between was being buried in layers of shredded muscle.  He wondered how aware Nick still was of what was actually happening to him.  The man he knew would never willingly be on his knees hungrily going at another man’s dick, yet there he was, happy and horny and going to town on Doug’s throbbing member.  He thought about Nick’s shrunken monster and the way his friend always used to lord his size over him, aching with anticipation at what was to come.  It wouldn’t take much longer.  Guiding Nick back to his feet he could see that the hard little nub was already smaller.  

“Come on,” he said, reaching down and swallowing it with his palm as he pulled his friend along behind him to the bedroom.  


“Mmmm…” Nick murmured sleepily as he gradually awakened.  Doug’s heavy arm was draped over him and he nestled back against his friend’s broad, solid torso.  

“Mornin’” Doug said, nuzzling the back of his neck and palming a meaty pec.  

Nick giggled and flexed the enlarged mound of muscle against Doug’s rough hand.  There was no hesitation or confusion about his actions.  He remembered every detail of the previous evening, but instead of being embarrassed, his body tingled contentedly.  A small part of his brain was ringing an alarm bell, but it was drowned out by the roar of pleasure he felt when he wriggled his ass back against Doug’s stiff cock.  He didn’t care that he was in bed with a man; all he cared about was how that man made him feel.  Which, in this case, was fantastic.  It never even occurred to him to question his friend’s uncharacteristic interest in men all of a sudden.  

“Eager already?” Doug laughed, his hand drifting down across Nick’s ripped abs.  

“I can’t help it,” Nick said, squirming.  “You’re really good at thiiiiIIIEEEE!”  He yelped at the sudden jolt of pleasure that shot through him when Doug’s hand arrived at his trim bush.  It felt wonderful, but wrong.  “OOOHhhhhOOOhhh!”  He gasped again at the unfamiliar sensation.  “What...what’re you...doing…” 

“Let’s take a look,” Doug said, tossing the sheet aside.  

“Whaaa?!”  Nick craned his neck over his bulging new chest, trying to process what he saw.  Instead of the tiny cock he’d gone to bed with, Nick’s fingers had slid inside the decidedly feminine new slit between his legs.  His dick hadn’t just shrunk; it had vanished.  “Where...where’s my dick?!”  He reached down and grabbed at Doug’s hand, feeling around the flat area where his package should have been.  

Doug was unconcerned.  “Do you need it,” he asked, still working his fingers.  

“Yes!  Hey...uuunnn...come...come on...wait…” Nick panted.  The alarm bell was ringing in his brain again as he suddenly had a clear vision of himself.  He was writhing on his back in a body that shouldn’t have been possible.  He had a chest so big it should have required implants and an ass so large it left a huge gap between his lower back and the mattress, and the rest of him was swollen with solid, ripped muscle while his best friend fingered the tight new hole he’d sprouted where his large dick and heavy balls should have been.  For an instant, the smug look on Doug’s face told him that his friend was somehow responsible.  He wanted to pull away, but trying to get his body to respond was difficult.  He felt drunk and disoriented.  Doug’s powerful, naked body next to him kept drawing his attention and he had to fight to keep his hand from reaching out and grabbing his friend’s solid cock.  “Dooohhh….Doug...you…”

“What?” the other man asked innocently.  “Do you want me to stop?”  There was a note of mock concern in his voice.  

Nick opened his mouth to say yes, but a loud moan of pleasure came out instead.  “I...I...no..don’t...uuunnn...don’t stop…” he begged, clutching at the sheets and already forgetting what he’d just been concerned about.  


“OOHHHhhh...yes...YEESS...fuck...fuck me…” Nick grunted, his huge pecs bouncing up and down from the force of Doug’s jackhammer thrusting.  He was in heaven.  The sensation of his friend’s solid rod sliding in and out from between his legs made him wonder why he’d ever missed his dick at all.  In those first few days after his transformation he’d had brief bouts of horror when he’d suddenly remember what happened.  He wouldn’t view his buff new body with pride, but with terror.  The sight of the flat mound where his hefty package should have been was like a nightmare.  He’d stare at his juicy pecs, mammoth ass and beefy arms, feeling like some kind of freak until, inevitably, he became distracted by those same impossible proportions.  The hands that prodded his body in disgust began exploring it more eagerly, and by the time his thick fingers were sliding inside, the last thing he could be called was upset.  Eventually the memories of his old body faded to the point where he could hardly recall being any other way than he was currently.  When he did remember his old self, it was detached and disconnected from any emotion at all, like he was remembering something he’d been told, not something he’d lived.  That’s how it went with most of his memories.  He recalled what Doug told him of their earlier days, but he couldn’t recall much beyond a few days at a time anymore.  “Come...come on...give it to me…” Nick moaned, abruptly rolling them over so that he was on top of his friend.  

He drew himself up so that he knelt on his thick thighs and rocked his hips, slamming his round cheeks against Doug’s hairy legs while impaling himself deep onto the other man.  He flexed his sculpted arms behind his head while Doug reached up to clutch his shelf-like chest.  Nick loved the way his friend would stare smugly up at him.  He knew he was bigger and stronger than the other man, but Nick always viewed Doug as the one in control.  Every so often when he’d see his friend’s grinning face he’d feel like he was forgetting something important, but he could never put his finger on it.  

Not that he gave it much thought. He lived for the other man.  Whatever Doug said, he did.  He was still embarrassed every time his friend forced him to walk around in just the lace panties that Doug loved so much.  Despite what the hole between his legs suggested, Nick still viewed himself as male.  He preferred to wear his tiny briefs or jockstraps, but the sex he had after Doug finally stripped the lace off made it all worthwhile.  The same went for when they were at the gym.  Doug had spent a few weeks finding a new place for them to go, and Nick still felt embarrassed whenever he’d strip down in front of the other guys, or when Doug would make him wear the tight shorts that showed off exactly what he was missing between his powerful legs.  Everyone else seemed to love it; his perfectly sculpted, chiseled body with the flat little mound.  Nick would sometimes feel a rush of envy at the sight of the other men’s dangling hoses, but as soon as he had one of them inside he’d forget all about it.  

“Ye...yesss...yeeuusss...YYYYYEEEESSSSSS!”  Nick arched his back and screamed as he came, feeling like his entire body was exploding with pleasure.  He couldn’t help how loud he was anymore.  His huge arms locked behind his head as he rocked his hips forward, pushing Doug over the edge with him.  He relished how it felt when the other man sprayed inside him and wondered what he’d ever done without that feeling.  

“Good...good job, babe,” Doug panted as Nick’s tight new lips pulled out every last drop.  He squeezed his friend’s meaty thighs, remembering when the other man’s body had been lean and hung, before he’d become all pecs, ass and pussy.  He knew that Nick was still in there somewhere; he could see it in his friend’s eyes.  He loved those flashes of awareness that would break through the other man’s dim smile.  “If only he wouldn’t have ignored me for so long,” Doug would think.  “Maybe we wouldn’t have done this…” 

Those thoughts would inevitably trail off as Doug watched Nick’s huge, bouncing cheeks or stared at his friend’s absent bulge.  He wouldn’t want him any other way.