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***** This was a custom request for a Venom story, which I've seen some other people show an interest in, so I hope you all enjoy it.  It was my first (and likely only) attempt at a story with preexisting characters.  When I'm not writing these stories I'm a pretty big nerd on the side, so I say "likely only" because crossing the Comic Nerd part of my brain with the Smut part of my brain ended up being waaay more difficult than anticipated.  Also please don't sue me. *****

Eddie was not having a good day. He wasn’t having a good week or a good month, either. 

“That fucking spider,” he spat, kicking at a discarded bottle on the sidewalk. “This is all his goddamn fault. He catches the real psycho? How was I supposed to know my guy was full of shit? They wanted the story so I gave ‘em the story!” Eddie snarled at a passerby who gave him a questioning look as he ranted to himself. “If they would’ve given me more time I could’a roped in the real guy!”  

He scoffed at the broken door to his apartment building. It was supposed to be locked and bolted but the junkies were like rats in his new neighborhood. There was no keeping them out so eventually people just stopped trying. It’s not like he had anything worth stealing anymore. His only valuable possession was his camera and he had that on him all the time. All his one room apartment had was a set of weights and a dirty mattress he slept on in the corner. Eddie still couldn’t believe it. Just a month ago he was living in a nice high rise with his wife. He had a good job and a promising future. Then the Spider happened. 

He’d been given the assignment to track down the latest psycho that was murdering his way across the city. The Sin Eater. Eddie always laughed at what these guys called themselves, but this one was legitimately dangerous. He wasn’t your run of the mill looney in tights. This guy was hurting people for real. 

Not that Eddie really cared about the pain the guy was causing. If he didn’t get his victims, something else would. That was the risk you took living in a city like New York. Maybe it would be a giant robot or alien invader, or maybe it would be an all too human mugger in a dark alley. 

No, all Eddie really cared about was having his name attached to the story. If he could break this one his career as a photojournalist would take off. And for a few brief, glorious moments it looked like he’d done it. He did the leg work and had tracked down Gregg. How was he supposed to know that Gregg was a compulsive “confessor”? The guy said he did it. End of story. Until the spider. 

“The fucking Spider!” Eddie threw a weight across the room, punching yet another hole in a crumbling wall. The landlord could bitch all he wanted. It’s not like he was going to get paid anyway. Eddie was just riding it out until he got evicted. Because of the Spider catching the real Sin Eater, he’d been disgraced. If the Spider has just left well enough alone the cops would have someone who said they did it and he’d be on easy street. So what if some other people got killed? Not his problem. 

But no. The spider caught the real bad guy and now he was a laughing stock. He lost his job, his wife, his house. His future. He was lucky to get freelance tabloid jobs and even those vultures laughed at him. Eddie could deal with them laughing, he didn’t need their respect, but they knew he was desperate and didn’t pay him shit. 

“One day...one day the Spider’s gonna pay,” Eddie said, repeating his daily mantra while stripping off his shirt and pants. He had time to get in a workout before he needed to head out for that night’s garbage assignment. It was the only thing that cleared his head anymore. He’d always kept himself in shape, but since everything fell apart, lifting was the one thing he could control. It was just him and the weight and it all came down to how bad he wanted it. No editors, no deadlines, and best of all, no Spiders. 

Eddie puffed out his rapidly developing chest and flexed in front of the window. His ratty apartment didn’t even have a mirror so his reflection had to do. He felt a swell of pride at the sight of his growing muscles.  Lack of funds meant his diet had been reduced to rice and beans, but while his stomach suffered, his body was becoming increasingly lean and cut. If it weren’t for the unhinged look in his eyes, his grizzled looks, with his buzzed blonde hair and rugged stubble, could be taken as handsome.  

He dropped his briefs and started lifting. At first he’d worked out naked from a utilitarian standpoint. He basically had the clothes on his back and nothing else, so he couldn’t afford to ruin something or get it sweaty if he didn’t have to, but now he just enjoyed it. It felt primal and powerful and by the time he was done his thick six inches would be rock hard and ready for a sweaty jerk session. 

Even those were angry. He didn’t think about his ex wife or the busty redhead from the subway or any other woman; he thought about the Spider and his hate for him. Eddie imagined himself dominating him, breaking him, humiliating him. It got him off harder than anything else. 

When he was finally sweaty and spent, Eddie reluctantly showered off and shoved some meager rations in his mouth before heading back out into the cesspool of a city. He wasn’t looking forward to spending his night tailing some wannabe celebrity from the internet trying to catch what few pictures he could. He knew he was above that kind of work and it made him feel like nothing more than a cheap hooker, selling himself for what little money he could get. But a job was a job. 

He didn’t even know the girl’s name or why she was famous, but he found her and her date eventually, running across several other vultures in the process. They were all vying for the same prey and he hated himself even more just being near them.  These were the kind of guys he’d looked down on his entire career, and now he was right in their midst. 

He followed the pair from the restaurant to a series of clubs, his disgust for himself growing every time he clicked the shutter. He was just about to follow them to their next destination when serendipity struck. Eddie looked up just in time to see him swing by in a blur. The Spider. 

He was still wearing his new black suit and had rocketed by so quickly that at first Eddie thought he was imagining things again. He did that sometimes. He would swear he saw the Spider out of the corner of his eye but he was never there. This time was different. He tracked in the direction of the swing and saw the Spider jerk and bob in the air as he switched from web to web. 

Eddie growled. It was deep and guttural, like an angry dog about to attack. “Fucking...Spider!”  

Before he even realized he was doing it, Eddie was racing down the dark streets to follow the ebony arachnid. He didn’t know the neighborhood but he didn’t care. His chest heaved as his strong legs pumped and carried his sprinting frame down block after block. Luckily it was late and the streets were nearly empty as he raced blindly through intersections. Making sure he didn’t lose the Spider was his only concern. 

“Fuck...did he...go…” Eddie panted breathlessly. He’d seen the Spider swing onto this block, but now there was no sign of him. It was mostly dilapidated, abandoned buildings and an old church, nothing that would draw a super hero’s attention. 

“You get lost blondie? Or you runnin’ from the bad guys?” Eddie straightened up and saw a trio of young men walking towards him. Their intent was clear before they made the demand. “Phone and wallet,” the man in front said, nodding towards the camera around Eddie’s neck. “That too.”

“Fuck off,” Eddie spat, ignoring them altogether as he continued scanning for the Spider. 

“We ain’t ask-“ the man was cut off by Eddie’s fist smashing into his face. He went down in a heap, joined quickly by another of his friends. 

Eddie’s muscles weren’t just for show, and his fists had the added strength of his pent up frustration behind them. He’d dropped two of the three in as many swings, but he wasn’t counting on another two to come out from behind a stoop. The third man that backed off pulled out a small knife while his two friends had a chain and a pipe respectively. 

Eddie still put up a good fight. He managed to drop the knife wielding punk before the chain slammed into the back of his skull. He staggered, impressively remaining on his feet until the pipe caught him on the side of the face. He rolled with the blow, keeping himself alive if not upright. 

He curled into a ball to protect himself as best he could from the relentless blows. He felt an arm fracture and more than a few ribs popped as the assault went on for what felt like hours. His camera was in pieces. He felt like his skull would be broken open any minute. Eventually he stopped hearing the taunts and insults of the young men as his world faded into a red, ringing haze of pain. 

It was a while before he even knew they’d left. He wasn’t sure at what point he’d blacked out, but he came to alone in a bloody heap on the sidewalk. Everything hurt. He tried to stand but only made it to his knees. He left a crimson trail as he crawled down the sidewalk, blood leaking through his tattered clothes like water through a sieve.  

Eddie didn’t know where he was going. His head was ringing from the pounding it had just taken. He crawled on, the pounding growing louder and more repetitive. He gave a humorless laugh, blood coming out of his battered mouth, when he realized his head wasn’t ringing. It was the church bells at the end of the street. With a massive effort, Eddie lurched onto his feet and staggered down the street. Bells meant people, and people meant help. If he could just make it to the church someone there could call an ambulance. 

His hopes were dashed as soon as he fell through the broken doors, his legs giving out beneath him. Though his eyes were nearly swollen shut, he could see that the church hadn’t been used in years. Pews were in disarray, broken glass was everywhere, and there were gaping holes in the walls. 

Eddie slumped against the corner, laughing until he couldn’t breathe. It was fitting, he thought. “Dyin’ in a gutter seems about right…” he slurred. The room was starting to spin and his shattered ribs were making breathing an impossibility. The ringing had stopped. All Eddie heard was his own ragged breathing. “Fuckin’...Spider…” he gasped as his vision started to fade. There was a wet rustling sound above him, then darkness. 


The sudden, screeching voice jarred Eddie back from the brink. He tried to look around but he couldn’t move. He couldn’t see. He didn’t know if his eyes were open or closed anymore. He tried to speak, but his voice was just as frozen as the rest of him. 


“I’m dead and this is hell,” Eddie thought. Paralyzed in the dark with some demon taunting him. 


“Go away, Demon,” Eddie thought again. “I’m dead...just leave me alone.”


Eddie started to second guess his demise. He still hurt all over, and this voice, whatever it was, was in his head. He heard it the same way it was hearing his unspoken thoughts. 

“What are you,” Eddie asked the void, sensing that “what” was more appropriate than “who.”


Eddie bristled at the mention of the Spider. “What about the Spider?”  

The unseen voice in his head started buzzing desperately when it sensed Eddie’s rage.  “HELP SPIDER.  REJECTED. PAIN. SPIDER HURT. BOND. NEED BOND.” 

Though the screeching tone didn’t change, Eddie started to feel the fear and desperation radiating from the voice.  “The Spider hurt you?”  

There was a loud noise like radio static before it continued.  “SPIDER HURT. HATE SPIDER. HELP PAIN. BOND.”  

Eddie sensed a kindred spirit.  He could feel its pain and fear in his head now.  Whatever this thing was, the Spider had hurt it.  “If I help you, you’ll help me?”  


“And you hate the Spider?”  

Again the static sound.  “HATE SPIDER.  PAIN.  REJECT BOND. NEED BOND.”

All Eddie needed to hear was the part about hating the Spider. “Okay.  I’ll help you.”  

As soon as he thought it, Eddie’s vision cleared just long enough for him to almost pass out again.  He felt a wet, slithering sensation crawling all over him, like clinging seaweed at the beach.  His skin tingled where it spread and he saw black tendrils branching out over his broken body.  Then it was inside him.  

Eddie gasped when some of those tendrils shot up into his nose and mouth.  They reached into the spaces around his eyes and over into his ears.  He was frozen, his nervous system overwhelmed by the sudden invasion.  The tendrils flowed down his spine and into his tight, virgin hole and up his piss-slit. The inky substance even poured into his recently acquired wounds, using whatever points of entry it could find to get inside him.  Eddie squirmed helplessly in place, gasping more from shock than pain at the foreign sensation of being penetrated from head to toe.  

Then, as quickly as it started, it was over.  “What...what the fuck just happened…” Eddie stammered, looking down at his battered hands.  “Was that reallllaaaaAAARRRRGGHHH!” 

Now there was pain.  Eddie scream aloud as his broken body started mending and changing.  Shattered bones knitted back together and gaping wounds pulled themselves shut.  Miraculously, he was being made whole.  Or so he thought.  

As he watched his wounds start to fade, he saw other changes to his body.  His pecs suddenly inflated and pressed outwards, somehow packing on pounds of muscle.  The rest of his body was growing to match.  His arms quivered and started expanding as his biceps and triceps bulged, flexed, and nearly tripled in size.  Thick veins erupted underneath his stretching skin and spread down his widened, striated forearms.  

Eddie’s tattered shirt exploded off his growing body when his shoulders and back spread ever outwards.  He could feel muscle piling up around his neck as his arms started to hang at an angle.  His tight waist kept its definition but grew larger and wider under the spreading onslaught of muscle that was working its way down to his legs.  His pants and briefs gave out and a sudden breeze hit his exposed and expansive ass.  He watched his thighs inch towards each other until they rubbed together while his calves rounded and became more pronounced.

The pain had finally ceased, replaced by the same kind of primal pump he had after a good workout.  Eddie’s massive new pecs heaved as he watched his solid six inches pulse, widen, and extend outwards until it was a long, thick club.  Waves of pleasure washed over him as his body settled into its new bodybuilder proportions.  He was a beast.  He could tell that he’d gained a few inches in height along with the muscle, which put him somewhere in the 6’4” range.  

He let out a triumphant roar, his voice tapering off into a deep snarl at the end. “I don’t know what you are but I think we’ll get along just...just fine…” Eddie swayed on his inflated legs, suddenly exhausted from his growth spurt.  


Eddie let out a groan of pleasure as the black substance came oozing out of him, feeling like a long, protracted orgasm.  It flowed up and down his huge new frame until he was entirely encased in black.  There was a sensation of flying through the air, and then he drifted off.  

Eddie’s sleep was fitful.  Whatever the creature was, its memories were merging with his own.  He dreamt that he was swinging from web to web across the city.  He saw himself fighting various costumed villains.  He saw another planet.  He felt love and affection and protective towards someone.  He was bonded.  His host needed him.  

Then he felt pain and fear.  His head exploded from the concussive bursts of sound and he tried desperately to hold onto his host.  Worse than the noise was the feeling of betrayal.  It hurt more than the unforgiving clanging ever could.  He felt himself slipping and his perspective changed.  Eddie found himself looking up at a wiry, naked man as though he was laying on the floor and knew he was looking at the creature’s last host.  

Even in his dream, he laughed.  He knew exactly who the scrawny, naked runt was.  Parker.  This whole time, the Spider had been Parker.  Eddie already hated him from their professional run-ins, but now he had a whole new reason to loathe the skinny man.  On top of costing him everything, he’d rejected him.  Them.  “Usssssss,” Eddie hissed in his dream.  

He watched the naked Parker leap out of the belltower and his vision blurred again.  Once more he was swinging through the city, but not as puny Parker.  He saw his reflection in the passing windows, his hugely muscled body draped in a twisted version of the Spider’s costume.  His gaping, gargoyle face reflected his rage, with a mouth full of razor teeth and a long, dripping tongue.  

Eddie felt a hunger unlike any he’d ever known before.  It was a deep, aching need.  He wasn’t just swinging through the city.  He was hunting.  Some instinct was driving him relentlessly on.  He had to admit that he understood why the Spider seemed to enjoy himself so much.  Swinging through the night sky was intoxicating.  Leaping from building to building and scaling walls as though gravity didn’t exist made him feel godlike.  The creature buzzed excitedly as it sensed his elation.  It just wanted to take care of him.  He should let it have control.  

The swinging came to an abrupt stop as they reached their destination.  Despite his massive new size, Eddie saw himself land with expert silence on a nearby roof.  There was a giddy sense of vertigo when he climbed headfirst over the edge and crawled down the side of the building.  He could feel his prey nearby.  Their bodies radiated an energy that was like a beacon as he crawled through a broken window and along the roof.  He felt a slight shiver and watched his costume go from ebony to an ever changing color scheme to match his surroundings like a chameleon.  Eddie could hear voices getting closer as he skittered along the walls and ceilings.  

“Fuckin’ guy got me good.”  Eddie felt a white hot rage at the sight of one of his earlier attackers.  The young man was massaging the side of his face where a growing bruise had swollen one of his eyes shut.  

“We got him better,” one of the other men said, clapping the first on the shoulder.  He’d been the one with the knife.  

“Should’a fuckin’ killed him,” said a third, the one who’d had the chain.  

“We can’t just keep killin’ people,” the man with the swollen eye barked.  “What is with you?  Always wantin’ to kill people.  You wanna bring the cops down?  The suit you worked over in the park last week died.  Keep it up and we’ll all rot.”  

“Not my fault these pussies can’t take a beating,” the chain man said defensively.  “Where’d Darren and Joey take off to?”  

The man with the swollen eye sighed and rolled his shoulders.  “Probably laying low.  Like we will, right?”  He looked directly at the chain man when he said it, his tone making it clear that it wasn’t a question.  

“Yeah! Fine! I get it,” the chain man said, stomping his foot as he got up to start pacing the crumbling room.  They were holed up in the office of a long-abandoned warehouse.  The dirty mattresses and discarded food containers gave the impression that they used this safehouse regularly.  

Eddie watched the men bicker through his new eyes.  He was seeing them in an entirely different light.  He took note of their size and ample builds, not as a threat, but as a food source.  They couldn’t have been out of their early twenties, and their young bodies surged with vitality.  Eddie felt the creatures huge mouth start to water as they watched, his head buzzing.  The creature was psychically sniffing each of them, setting its eyes on the knife man first.  

Eddie watched his body spring into action.  The camouflage faded as he dropped down in their midst.  His massive arms shot out to the sides, unleashing strands of webbing that pinned the other two men to the floor.  It happened so fast they didn’t have time to react.  One second they were arguing, the next a hulking shadow was webbing them to the ground.  

“Shit!”  Knife man stumbled backwards, landing in a heap and trying to scramble away.  

“What the fuck is that?!”  The man with the swollen eye cried, writhing against the sticky webbing.  

“It’s the fucking Spider!” chain man spat, equally stuck.  

Eddie ignored them.  He let knife man get just far enough so that the scrambling punk thought he might actually get away before inky tendrils shot out and grabbed his arms and legs.  Eddie swooned as a rush of energy flowed into him through the tentacles that were lifting the young man into the air.  He could taste the fear through the man’s sweat as he struggled.  Part of him wanted to tear the young man limb from limb, but the creature wouldn’t let him.  It didn’t want to physically feed on them, but mentally.  The creature fed on their lifeforce, not their flesh and blood, and these men had plenty of vitality.  

Eddie could work with that.  The tendrils wrapped around the suspended man spread further and shred his clothes.  The young man’s energy surged as he was stripped in front of his two bound companions, and Eddie understood.  Primal reactions caused a spike.  Fear, anger, lust; it was like picking a fruit when it was ripe.  He could feel the young man’s solid body struggling against the tendrils as if it were his hands sliding over the well muscled young frame.  

“That ain’t the fuckin’ Spider!” The man with the swollen eye yelled as he watched the creature envelop his friend.  

Eddie could feel their fear now too.  Good, he thought.  The creature’s psychic probing revealed just how evil these young men were, and he was all too happy to repay them in kind.  The suspended man gasped when a mass of inky material engulfed his flopping package and a tendril shot up into his tight hole.  Through the creature’s eyes, Eddie watched the man literally light up.  Through the terror and anger he could taste a growing lust and felt the man’s wide cock start to harden against his will.  The man was moaning and whimpering as the flurry of emotions and sensations spiraled towards the breaking point.  The creature pushed until the man was about to go over the edge.  Then it fed.  

Eddie groaned when the first wave of the man’s energy hit him.  It was overpowering, like all of his pleasure centers were being fired at once.  It was like mainlining heroin without the fear of overdosing.  He was entirely unprepared.  Eddie had already felt like a passenger in his own body, and now he drifted even further.  He was only dimly aware of sucking the man dry before tossing his naked body through a nearby wall.  Eddie didn’t know if the man survived the experience, and he didn’t care.  There were still two others, but they weren’t his concern.  The creature would take care of him.  He could drift off to sleep.  

Eddie dreamed again, his head full of memories that weren’t his own.  He kept reliving things through the eyes of the Spider.  Parker had no idea that his fancy new costume had actually been a living entity.  All those months spent together and he never suspected that it was experiencing everything he was.  Not just the momentous fights with powered criminals, but all the small day-to-day interactions.  

It made Eddie furious.  He couldn’t understand how Parker could turn him away.  He’d bonded with him, taken care of him, and then he’d been tossed aside.  He’d done everything for him.  He’d loved him.  

No, Eddie thought.  He hadn’t done any of that.  The creature had.  He felt a surge of fear at the thought that he was already thinking of himself and the creature as one, but as soon as it came, his dream shifted.  He was back in Parker’s memories. An intimate one.  He was on top of a gorgeous redhead, his ears filled with her groans of pleasure as he thrust away.  

Eddie’s fear was forgotten as the rage pushed it away.  He thought about his ex-wife, and how Parker was slamming a model while he was scraping by in a filthy apartment.  Puny, scrawny Parker.  

“I’ll show him,” Eddie grunted, not realizing that his dream was shifting.  He was back on top of someone, only he was in his massive new body, and the woman beneath him had Parker’s face.  “You think you’re better than me?  That you can get away with this?”  He bellowed while Parker’s face was twisted with fear at his helplessness and feminine body.  “You think you can just fuck everything up for everyone and walk away?”  Eddie was pounding his long, thick new cock in and out like he was swinging a sledgehammer with his hips.  “YOU THINK YOU CAN REJECT USSSSSSS!”  

Eddie hissed and felt his long new tongue reach out to caress Parker’s face, drinking in his fear.  The dream switched again and this time Parker was back in his normal body, naked except for his tattered Spider’s mask, on all fours in front of Eddie.  The buff blonde was still pounding, only into Parker’s tight little backside this time.  A crowd of other costumed heroes stood in a circle around them, watching and listening to the Spider’s moans of pleasure.  

“You’re nothing without usssss,” Eddie hissed again, his tongue wrapping around the Spider’s neck while he pumped.  “Sssspider reject.  Sssspider hurt.”  Eddie’s voice was a screeching bellow as his anger reached its crescendo.  “DESTROY SPIDER.  EAT SSSSPIDER. DEST-” 

“-ROY SPIDER!” Eddie shot up in bed, shouting the sentence from his dream.  He was back in his apartment, his dirty mattress feeling small beneath his hulking new frame.  Outside, the sun was going down and he had no idea how long he’d been there.  He groaned and dropped back down, rubbing the sleep from his face with his hands.  “What the fuck happened last night…” he asked aloud as he searched his hazy memories.  “That was a fucked...up...dream...” Eddie trailed off, gasping at the sight of his inflated pecs.  He looked over and saw equally huge biceps.  “Fuck!”  He shot up off the bed and stared down at the reflection of his massive, altered body in the window.  Every inch of him was covered in bulging, powerful sinew. 

He turned and flexed his huge, solid globes and wrapped a fist around the long, thick eight inches that stood hard and aching between his granite column thighs.  “Whoaaa...unnnnggg…” Eddie groaned and let his fist drop when a jolt of pleasure shot through him.  “Wha...what’s…” he gasped as a voice in his head said it would take care of him.  Nerve endings he never even knew he possessed suddenly sparked to life as all the sex he’d previously had started to pale in comparison to what he was feeling.  He fell back onto his bed and writhed on the mattress.  Every time he thought he’d explode the sensations pulled back, only to start up again and drive him on further.  He flexed his huge arms behind his head and thought back to his dream.  Thanks to the creature’s memories, it was as vivid as reality.  

Eddie thought of himself as entirely straight, but his mind instantly went back to his public hate fucking of Parker.  The sensation of the man’s virgin hole clutching the huge rod that dwarfed his own made Eddie groan.  He felt invincible as he dominated the Spider.  His inhumanly strong hands tore the mattress apart and dug into the wooden floor when he finally came.  A veritable rain of fluid fell on his heaving, burly chest and abs.  As he lay panting to catch his breath, Eddie watched as the fluid was absorbed back into his skin.  The creature buzzed happily in his brain, sharing in his satisfaction.  

“I’m going to enjoy this,” Eddie laughed as he turned and planted his feet on the wall.  For a second he wondered if he was still dreaming when he took a step, then another, and made his way up the wall.  His long, thick cock and heavy balls flopped upside down against his stomach when he reached the ceiling and walked to the center of the room.  Without a second thought he let go and in a blur of motion righted himself to land on his feet without a sound.  “Okay...that’s impressive,” he said, jumping back up and clinging to the ceiling on all fours before dropping again.  

Looking at the gouges in his floor, he turned his attention to his weight bench and the two hundred pound bar loaded for pressing.  He grabbed it in one hand and lifted it like it weighed nothing.  He turned it around in his grasp like he was twirling a pen until one of the clamps gave out and sent a trio of plates flying towards the wall.  Acting on instinct, Eddie tossed the bar into the air and shot several strands of webbing out of the back of his hand, pulling the weights back to him before they punched through into the next apartment.  At the same time, his free hand reached up and snagged the bar like it was suspended in midair.  

“Incredible…” Eddie stammered when the shock had worn off enough for him to be able to speak.  He couldn’t wait to get outside and stretch his legs amongst the buildings of the city, but it occurred to him that there was a problem.  “Oh...shit…” he laughed again when he realized none of his clothes would even come close to fitting anymore.  Right on cue, Eddie felt a shiver and a crawling sensation on his skin and suddenly found himself wearing tennis shoes, jeans, and a t-shirt as the creature flowed out of him.  Eddie concentrated on another look and the creature responded in kind, settling into a black and white, three piece suit.  

“That’s better,” Eddie said smugly to himself.  Even his hair had taken on the appearance of being styled into place and his grizzled stubble was gone.  

A tendril shot out from his shoulder and slid the window up.  As soon as he thought it, Eddie was jumping through, his suit rearranging to take on the twisted version of the Spider’s outfit.  He could feel Parker out there, but the Spider could wait.  He wanted to take his time in destroying him.  Now, he needed to feed, to regain his full strength.  Eddie thought about the men who’d attacked him the previous night and growled.  There were more like them out there, brimming with vitality and a past just waiting to catch up with them.  And he was so very hungry.   



Huge fan of venom and Eddie . Right up there with dragon ball to make me admire the male physique for the first time. But to me it was a bit odd to have a character so close to my childhood .


I think I struggled with it for that same reason. Still, very grateful to the person who commissioned it because it gave me a chance to stretch out of the norm and try something I probably wouldn’t have otherwise.