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Eli was drifting off.  His physical body was relaxed and comfortable, fading to a distant memory as his dream-self took flight.  The incense worked quickly; by the time he’d dropped a small mound on the burning charcoal and took a deep breath, he only had a moment to get himself in position before consciousness faded.  The smell was pungent and spicy, strong enough on its own to make someone dizzy, but it had another quality altogether.  It wasn’t an aphrodisiac, exactly.  It didn’t just make a person horny; it fulfilled their fantasies in dreams.  Like a specific opium, the person who inhaled a lungful was sent spiraling off into worlds of ecstasy.  These weren’t the random, drug induced fantasies or hallucinations produced by a psychotropic like acid, but sex dreams so vivid it was hard to tell they weren’t real.  

Eli had been incredulous at first.  When Nick suggested it, he wasn’t sure why he would even want to bother.  Standing a handsome six feet tall with a full head of wavy brown hair and a solid build, he didn’t need to fantasize about women since he had a ready supply of the real thing.  After a bit more convincing from his friend, though, he was floored.  One deep breath later and he found himself writhing on a busty, blonde fantasy.  She was like nothing he’d ever seen before.  Flawless features, perfect proportions, silky voice, and soft skin.  Everything wasn’t just vivid, it was as if his senses had been magnified.  The squeaking springs of the bed beneath them, the sound of their whimpers and moans, the musky smell of their sweat; it all stood out in stunning detail.   

It was the minutia that set the experience apart from the other drugs he’d tried.  Looking around in his dream, Eli saw a fully furnished apartment.  It wasn’t his, but it might as well have been.  Frayed carpets, scratched paint on the windowsills, dirty dishes sitting in the sink, sounds of traffic outside; it wasn’t just a vague impression of sex.  It felt like a real experience, like when he’d go home with a random girl from the bar.  His body certainly treated it as though it was real.  Eli had been more than a little embarrassed when he’d come to in his friend’s apartment after his first trip to see his still-tented pants soaked from his release.  Nick had just laughed at him and said it happened to everyone.  

He was hooked after that first trip.  It was all he could think about.  Even after just one experience, the world around him seemed muted.  None of the women he saw sparkled like the one in his dream, and he felt like he was experiencing the world around him through a foggy camera lens and ear muffs.  He tried to bag a girl like always, but even sex was dull by comparison.  Two days later he was back at Nick’s getting a larger supply, this time to be used in the privacy of his apartment.  

Alone, he stripped down and inhaled, losing himself in the weightless feeling brought on by the transition.  An hour later, he woke up covered in cum and reeling from the romp he’d just had with the short, thick brunette.  They’d been outside that time, and the enhanced sensations from the nature around them were almost as intoxicating as the sex itself.  

Things spiraled from there.  Eli went from using it every couple days, to every day, to twice a day.  He hardly ever left his increasingly filthy apartment anymore.  It was cum stained and disheveled from neglect, with rotten food in the fridge and forgotten dishes left all over the counters.  When he did venture out, it was only to score more of the incense.  He’d had to find another supplier since he’d lost touch with Nick after a few weeks of use.  He didn’t know what happened to his friend; one day the man just stopped responding.  He’d gone by his apartment, but if he was home he didn’t answer.  

Luckily he knew another supplier who didn’t touch the stuff himself.  The man took one look at Eli’s ragged, filthy appearance and just shook his head.  Eli had an athletic build when he’d started using, but now he had the lean, toned frame and sunken face that junkies developed over time.  He didn’t care.  He’d basically given up on wearing clothes and had gotten used to the sight of his withering body.  The physical world didn’t matter any more.  The body he had in his dreams was just as perfect as those of his partners, with sculpted muscles and a dick that went on for days.  He was a walking adonis there, so why should he care what he looked like in the waking world?.  

Since he’d started, he’d been with every kind of woman imaginable.  He’d experienced every ethnicity, height, hair color, and body type.  He’d been in apartments and mansions and under open sky and in public places.  There was no telling where or with whom he’d end up, but the end result was always the same explosive, encompassing release that kept him hooked.  

Now, as always, Eli wondered who he’d end up with as he drifted off.  He let the heady aroma carry him away into the darkness, accompanied by the sensation of floating, then falling, then a snap of awareness.  

“OOOOOHHHHHHHHH!”  Eli heard himself moaning already as he faded into the dream.  Instantly his body was on fire with pleasure.  His muscles were tense and he could hear the familiar sound of a mattress straining beneath them.  “MMMMmm….fuck yesss….” he groaned.  In all of his many trips, he’d never felt anything quite like what he was currently experiencing.  

“You like that?”  

“UUhhnnn...yuu...you know it…” Eli grunted, his eyes slowly opening.  He was confused at first.  He’d entered the dreams mid-fucking before, but he always opened his eyes to see one of the beautiful sirens either above or below him.  This time he opened his looking down at an empty mattress.  It took a moment for him to realize that he was on his hands and knees, and his partner was behind him.  “GGGUUUHHhhnnhh”  he bellowed, the room spinning as a jolt of pleasure hit him like a shock.  He clutched at the pile of sheets beneath him, writhing and pressing his ass back against the long, thick cock that was plunging in and out of him.  He turned his head and gasped at the sight of the man behind him.  Like the women in his dreams, he was perfect.  Lantern jawed and broad shouldered, he was like an amalgamation of every fitness model on every magazine cover Eli had ever seen.  He had plump, bulging pecs above a tapering, shredded waist, all of which were boxed in by huge, veiny biceps.  

Eli was stunned.  He’d never been attracted to a man in his life, yet now he couldn’t look away.  

“You wanna switch position,” the man asked with a smug grin.  

“Ye..yeah…” Eli panted, nodding vigorously.  He felt himself slip off the other man’s solid piston as he rolled over onto his back, finally getting a look at his partner’s thick, sculpted thighs and impossibly large cock.  He wondered how anyone could possibly take the mammoth organ until he got a look at his own body.  He was huge.  Normally in his dreams he had the kind of body that his partner did, but now he looked like an absolute beast.  He couldn’t even see his own aching cock over the mound of his meaty chest and a muscle gut so thick he looked pregnant.  His overly muscled arms rubbed at his broad sides while the other man hefted his tree-trunk legs into the air and shoved himself back in.  “FFFFUUUUUUuuuuccckkkk….” Eli let out a long, loud moan, never taking his eyes off the beautiful man.  He locked gazes with the sparkling blue eyes that stared arrogantly down at him as he bucked and writhed like never before in his bulky new body. 

Even in the dream, part of him knew he should be concerned.  Not only were the scenario and his body different, he didn’t have the kind of control that he normally did.  He felt more like a passenger than the driver.  He wasn’t so much bothered by the fact that he was with a man, it felt just as good if not better than always, but more so by the fact that he didn’t feel like he was calling the shots.  His straight guy pride was slightly wounded at suddenly finding himself on the receiving end of a solid pounding, but he couldn’t complain about the end result.  After what felt like hours he finally exploded, his unseen cock spraying like a geyser as his partner emptied into him.  

“WWWhhaaaa…!?”  Eli jerked awake just as his legs hit the mattress.  He was on his bed like always, but he was clutching the sheets just like in his dream, and he swore that his legs had just been up in the air.   “Okay...okay…” he said to himself as he tried to gather his wits.  He was more soaked than ever, with streams of sticky liquid running all the way up to and over his shoulders.  “That was...that was different.”  

He sat up and kicked his unsteady legs over the bed.  There was always a transition period after waking up.  The intensity of the dreams left the sleeper confused as to what was real and what wasn’t, and this time Eli was more confused than ever.  He could still feel his phantom muscles rubbing together.  When he looked down, he still expected to see the squat gut that had felt so heavy and awkward.  The foreign sensation of the stocky body was magnified by the dream, and Eli suddenly felt small and weak.  He oddly longed for the feeling of the beautiful man behind him.  

“Maybe I should take a break…” he sighed as he staggered to his feet.  “This is…what...the...” he froze after the first step as he felt a stream of liquid suddenly run down his thighs from between his still-sore cheeks.  He wiped at it and stared at his palm, remembering how it had felt when the other man unloaded inside him.  “No...no...that’s crazy.  It’s gotta be mine…” he told himself as he stumbled out of the room.  He understood why he was more disoriented than usual when he saw the clock.  Instead of the hour or so that he was usually under, he’d been out for almost three.  

“Ooookay,” he said, taking a deep breath.  “Definitely time for a break.  This has officially gotten out of hand.”  

He made his way into the shower, his first in days, and scrubbed himself clean.  He tried to focus on the sensation of the water, but all he could think about was the dream.  His long, thin arms felt wrong.  All of him did.  He started to feel like he didn’t recognize the person in the mirror as he stared dazedly at himself.  His ass tingled from the persistent memories and his long cock started twitching already.  He pulled away from his reflection and tried to busy himself with cleaning his apartment, or at least tidying up.  Eli distractedly picked up discarded laundry and garbage, all the while fiending more and more for the world of his dream.  

He made it four hours before it was too much.  His cock was achingly hard and his skin crawled at the thought of his missing muscle.  He tried to jerk off, but no matter how hard or long he pumped, he couldn’t cum.  By the time his shaking hands lit the charcoal he felt like he would explode.

His thin chest rose and fell quickly while the floating sensation crept over him.  His eyes drifted gradually shut until the world around him faded.  He fell through the void, snapping awake to find a large object shoved in his mouth.  

“MMMmmm…” he hummed.  Eli fought through the disorientation to find his hands clamped on a set of large, firm cheeks while a long cock was wedged between his lips.  He swooned at the salty, sweaty smell that came from the thighs his face was buried between.  

If he could have, Eli would have sighed with relief.  There was no confusion or hesitation this time, just an all-encompassing need for the other man.  He worked his tongue as though he’d done this thousands of times and looked up from his kneeling position to see the same chiseled, handsome face smiling down at him.  Eli realized for the first time that he was bald when he felt the man’s hand reach over and rub across his bare scalp.  

“You are...such a...fuckin’...pro at this…” the man sighed.  

Eli swelled with pride at the compliment.  His juicy chest puffed out and he attacked the cock in his mouth with renewed vigor.  It felt like he could do this forever, as long as it meant he was near the other man.  When it felt like his majestic partner was about to blow, Eli would pull his mouth away to work his tongue along the sculpted thighs or heavy, hairy balls.  He felt his own thick, pudgy cock leaking like a faucet, but thoughts of his own release were secondary.  Eli’s ample cheeks squirmed against the backs of his lumpy calves as the hole between them ached for attention.  

When the man finally blew, Eli drank it down.  He sucked his partner dry without spilling so much as a drop and kept the softening hose in his mouth until the man finally took it from him.  

“Thank’s hon.”  Eli melted under the sound of the man’s golden voice.  He let himself be pulled to his feet and wrapped his beefy arms around him, noticing that the man stood a whole head taller than him.  “Your turn,” the man said, leaning in to plant a long, deep kiss.  

Just as their lips touched, Eli was sucked back to the waking world.  

“No!  No!”  He shot up and scrambled frantically out of bed.  His weak legs gave out and he hit the floor with a thud.  Dazed from the impact, he half crawled, half limped into the other room to get more powder.  He saw the clock that said he’d been out for fifteen hours, but he didn’t care.  Part of his brain was screaming at him to stop, to think about what he was doing.  Pleasure or not, he shouldn’t be desperate to throw himself at another man, but that’s exactly what he was.  Eli felt a knot in his stomach at the thought of being away that made him crazy.  He lit several bricks of charcoal this time and dumped the remainder of the bag on them, taking such a deep breath that he was out before he even hit the bed.  

“OOOOhhoooOOOHHh!”  Eli screamed in pleasure as his body shook from the pounding.  Christopher loomed above him, jamming his gorgeous rod in and out of Eli’s eager hole hard enough to have broken a smaller man.  Eli squirmed, his world narrowing to the sensation of Christopher’s solid abs and heavy balls slapping against his exposed, thick backside.  He beamed up at the other man, feeling like he was staring into the sun itself as his massive pecs bounced with each thrust.  “Fuck...harder...HARDER…” he grunted.  

Christopher laughed and ran a hand through his sweat-slick blonde hair, his huge, chiseled arm flexing in the process.  “I can’t...do...it...much...harder…” he said, each word accompanied by a rough thrust.  

“Faster...then…” Eli hissed.  “WWWhooaaaUUUUhh…” he broke out into a dazed grin as his body started vibrating from the now rapid-fire fucking.  “Oh yeah...yeah...yyyeeeaAAAUUUHHHH!”  His back arched and his stubby fingers nearly tore a hole in the mattress as he exploded.  Above him, Christopher gave a few more long, slow stabs before letting out a gasp and unleashing a river of his own.  

They stared in wide-eyed bliss at each other as they came.  Christopher’s hands kneaded Eli’s large, nubby nipples while they clutched his slab of a chest, and the pinned man loved the sensation of his burly body being held down.  

“You never cease to impress me,” Christopher panted with a dazzling grin.  He let Eli’s legs drop and fell on top of the other man.  The bed creaked under their weight as they rolled in each other’s arms while they kissed.  

Eli was confused.  He didn’t understand how he suddenly knew the man’s name.  He’d never known anyone’s name in the dreams before.  And when they finally disentangled and stood, he noticed the world lacked the same high definition quality it usually had.  Instead of feeling vivid, it just felt real.  When he looked down at his stocky, bulky body, it seemed right.  The blunted features of his round, puggish face and bald scalp weren’t out of place at all.  

He could see Christopher watching him in the mirror.  “You okay?”  

“Yeah,” Eli said, rubbing his bald scalp and watching a round, sausage arm flex, “I just usually wake up after…” 

“Wake up?  What are you talking about?”  

“I…” Eli paused, losing his train of thought.  He didn’t remember what he was about to say.  He turned and looked at his reflection again, this time feeling a surge of pride at his muscle-pig body.  Unlike his sculpted lover, he was all rough-cut meat.  

“What did I tell you about all those steroids?”  Christopher came over and draped an arm around Eli’s wide shoulders.  “You’re gonna fry what’s left of your brain if you aren’t careful.”  

“You don’t love me for my brain,” Eli said, leaning into the embrace.  The sight of their naked bodies in each other’s arms caused a faint alarm bell to start ringing in his brain.  His wide, squat cock and distended body felt wrong for a split second, until Christopher reached down and gave one of his huge cheeks a slap.  

“Doesn’t mean I want you to lose it, either.”  He leaned down and gave Eli’s bald scalp a quick peck before stretching and sauntering out of the room.  

Eli sniffed at the air as he watched him leave, a pungent, spicy smell wafting in front of him.  It made him dizzy, but he was always a little light headed after a pounding like that.  He swayed on his feet, feeling like he was about to fall over.  As impossible as it was, he felt like he was standing on the edge of a precipice.  Images of another life, of another, thinner, taller body, raced through his addled brain.  He somehow knew they’d be his if he fell.  He tottered on the edge, gasping for breath and feeling like he was suffocating.  

Christopher called from the other room.  “What do you want for breakfast?”  

It was the hook he needed.  Eli gulped a deep breath and took a step back, the memories fading as quickly as they came.  “Maybe he’s right about the ‘roids,” he muttered to himself as he lumbered out of the room.  


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