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“Workout help clear your head any,” Dylan asked when they’d finally left the gym.  

Jeff stretched his sculpted arms and shrugged.  After what just happened in the locker room, walking down the street in nothing but tiny, light green boxer briefs and tennis shoes didn’t seem so bad.  “I think so?  I guess it doesn’t really matter...what’s happening is happening.”  He ignored Dylan’s raised eyebrow and tried not to think about how many people were looking at him when they walked into the busy restaurant to grab some food on the way back to his apartment before the guys came over.  Jeff was trying to force himself to hold onto that embarrassment and humiliation.  He had to tell himself that this was wrong because, if he was being honest with himself, it didn’t feel wrong in the slightest.  None of it did.  Even his public fucking in the locker room had felt entirely natural.  But if he admitted that, it would mean that all of this was real.  

They made it back to his apartment just before their friends arrived.  Jeff could already feel his cock hardening just at the thought of Austin, Neil and Jordan joining them.  

“Hey guys,” he said as he opened the door, a ripple of lust running through him at the sight of his three friends.  

“‘Sup, thirsty?”  Neil tousled Jeff’s hair on the way in, and already Jeff knew the night wasn’t going to go the way it normally did.  Just looking at Neil’s lean, sharp face framed in by his glasses made his cock twitch.  The small t-shirt stretched tight over his friend’s wiry build and the slim-fit joggers showing off his long, toned legs and perky ass made it worse.  

Austin followed, saying nothing but giving Jeff’s ass a quick swat as he passed.  The short, stocky man’s ebony skin popped against the bright tank top he had on and Jeff actually licked his lips while he watched his friend’s plump cheeks bounce in his baggy basketball shorts.  

“Ready to go so soon,” Jordan laughed, squeezing Jeff’s hardening bulge through his underwear.  Of his three friends, Jordan was the closest to him in build.  Swap out Jeff’s blonde hair for a dark, chocolate brown and they could almost pass for each other.  The only difference now being that Jordan still had on a pair of baggy cargo shorts and a t-shirt while Jeff was left in his tented briefs.  

Jeff shut the door and braced himself before he turned around.  His cock was already solid and aching, and as soon as he turned around it would be on display for his friends.  He’d always been the alpha of the group.  He bossed everyone around and did his best to show them up whenever he could.  Now he trembled just being in their presence.  He was hit with a wave of insecurity and shyness like he’d never felt before.  

It turned out to be a largely moot point when he shut the door and found the group ignoring his presence.  The three newcomers chatted with Dylan like Jeff wasn’t even there, despite it being his apartment.  They helped themselves to the refrigerator and barely gave him a second glance as they made themselves at home in front of his TV.  But while they ignored him, he couldn’t take his eyes off them.  They were gorgeous.  Austin’s short, stocky build, Neil’s long, wiry frame, Jordan’s granite muscles; he was overcome.  

“Somebody’s huuuuungry,” Austin laughed.  

“Huh?  Oh, uh, sorry, I spaced out for a second…” Jeff stammered, barely able to speak in their presence.  He looked down bashfully and saw the large damp spot on his tented underwear.  

“It’s alright,” Neil said, scooting over and patting the spot between himself and Austin on the couch.  “Come have a seat.”  Jeff shivered, his skin breaking out in goosebumps as he settled between the two men.  

“He’s been like this all day,” Dylan shrugged from his chair next to the couch.  “I don’t know what set him off, but you should’a seen him at the gym.”  Part of Jeff bristled at being talked about like he wasn’t there.  It made him feel more out of control than he already did, which confusingly only turned him on even more.  

“Good thing we can help with that,” Austin grinned, looking over at Neil.  “Race you down the slopes?”  

The wiry man’s smile was cocky.  “You sure?  I won last time.”  

“We’ll see,” Austin said smugly.  Almost in unison both men lifted themselves up off the couch long enough to tug their pants and underwear down.  

Jeff’s eyes went wide at the sight.  Neil’s long, thin cock was nothing like Austin’s wide, stout hose, and as his hands drifted down of their own accord, Jeff was able to feel the difference.  He was on autopilot, taking each man in a different hand and working them until they were hard.  He sighed as he felt the warm, pulsing organs stiffening in his grip.  When both men were solid and throbbing he leaned over and swallowed each one.  His head bobbed up and down quickly until both men were slick and ready.  

“No way you beat me again,” Austin said, leaning his head back on the couch as Jeff grabbed each of them and started stroking.  

“Don’t blame me, Jeff’s the one doing the work,” Neil sighed as he followed suit.  

Jeff squirmed between and against the two men.  His impressive biceps flexed in time with his pumping while his brain reeled at the scene.  Next to the couch, Dylan and Jordan chatted casually as if Jeff jerking off the other two was entirely normal.  His own cock ached painfully while he wrestled with his growing desperation to see the men next to him entirely naked.  He wanted to let go of their oozing hoses and rip their clothes off.  He had memories of Austin’s bare, burly pecs hovering above him and how good the other man’s smooth, dark skin had felt against his own.  The short man radiated a powerful warmth that made Jeff swoon.  He was cocky, not cruel.  Austin had always been one of those guys that just liked to hook up.  He found something to like in just about everyone and made it his personal goal to leave no one unsatisfied.  He didn’t have to try with Jeff, but he still gave it his all.  

Neil was a different story.  Jeff suddenly remembered his friend’s lean, chiseled body towering over him while Jeff was stretched across his lap.  He could feel his ass burning and hear the loud slap as he recalled a new memory of Neil spanking him.  The other man’s solid, skinny cock dug into his stomach the whole time. Once his cheeks were red and stinging, Neil shoved himself between them.  Of them all, Jeff had always given Neil the most shit.  He called him skinny and nerdy constantly because of his glasses.  He was always “pranking” the other man, though Neil wouldn’t describe Jeff’s mean spirited antics that way.  Now that the tables were turned, Jeff hated that he was just as turned on by the thought of Neil tormenting him as he was of Austin’s eager, playful pounding.  

“Fuck...fuuuuck…” Neil groaned, squirming and gritting his teeth.  “Damnit!  I’m gonna…” without warning, he grabbed Jeff’s head and pulled it roughly down to his crotch, blasting the blonde in the face with a powerful stream.  

Jeff sputtered as the warm, sticky fluid coated his face.  Part of him absolutely loved it.  The other part wanted to crawl under a rock and never come out.  

“Dude, come on, don’t be a dick,” Jeff heard Jordan say.  His eyes were closed against the pumping deluge.  

“What?”  Neil said defensively, letting go of Jeff’s head.  “He loves it!  Look!”  While he wiped the cum from his eyes, Jeff felt Neil tug the front of his underwear down to let his oozing cock spring free.  

“You’re being an asshole and you know it.”  Dylan’s firm, protective tone sent a thrill up Jeff’s spine.  He couldn’t remember the last time he’d needed someone to come to his defense.  Usually it was the other way around.  

“Fine,” Neil sighed.  “I’m sorry, alright?”

“It’s...it’s okay…” Jeff said meekly, the other man’s cum dripping down his face.  

“Told you I’d win,” Austin chimed in, changing the subject.  He grinned from ear to ear and stroked the back of Jeff’s head affectionately.  “Feel like finishing what you started?”  

Jeff appreciated that it was an actual question.  He knew if he said no, the other man wouldn’t push it.  Not that he intended to say no.  “Okay!”  Instead of reaching down, Jeff slid off the couch and knelt in front of Austin.  He gripped the other man’s meaty thighs and leaned forward, swallowing as much of the wide pole as he could.  He worked his tongue over every throbbing inch, eliciting a series of loud moans as Austin tensed and tried to hold back.  Jeff loved every second of it.  He couldn’t even try and pretend that he didn’t.  He was having a harder and harder time denying any of it.  He loved how his exposed body felt.  He loved that he didn’t have any control.  He loved that he was getting his friends off.  He even loved the sensation of Neil’s ample cum drying on his face.  And when Austin finally came, he loved how it tasted shooting down his throat.  The man’s satisfied smile filled him with a feeling of contentment that he’d never experienced before.  

“Goddamn, Jeff,” Austin sighed, stroking Jeff’s blonde hair when he’d finally caught his breath.  “What would we do without you?”  

“Probably be a lot hornier,” Jeff purred, wiping his chin.  

“Like you?”  Neil reached over and pulled Jeff’s underwear all the way down this time, leaving the sculpted blonde naked and hard.  

“Whatever,” Jordan said before anyone else could respond.  “Like you’ve ever had a problem with that?”  He reached out and put a hand on one of Jeff’s sturdy thighs, looking seductively up from his chair.  “Want me to help you out with that?”  

Jeff swallowed hard.  The thought of the gorgeous man inside him made his knees weak.  “Ye...yes please…” he stammered to a chorus of laughter.  

“Tell me what I miss,” Jordan said, nodding towards the game on the TV.  He put an arm around Jeff’s shoulders and led them back to Jeff’s bedroom.  “Sorry Neil’s being such a dick tonight,” he said, peeling out of his shirt while Jeff stared hungrily from the bed.  

“It’s not your fault,” Jeff said, watching Jordan drop his shorts next, revealing a pair of stuffed briefs that quickly joined the shorts on the floor.  Jeff barely suppressed a gasp.  He wondered if this is what people had felt like when they looked up at him.  Jordan’s striated, sculpted body was like a walking statue.  No muscle was out of place, and the long, thick snake and heavy balls hanging between his powerful quads was just as impressive as the rest of him.  

“Yeah, but it’s not okay,” Jordan said, sliding into bed next to Jeff, who promptly slid down and sucked his friend’s hardening appendage into his mouth.  “Mmmmm….” Jordan sighed, flexing his sculpted arms behind his head.  He flexed his washboard abs and pumped his hips lightly while Jeff worked him to full mast.  The blonde would have kept going but Jordan pulled away.  “There we go,” he said, taking a deep breath.  “You ready?”  Jeff responded by flopping onto his back and lifting his legs into the air.  “I’ll take that as a yes,” he laughed, lining himself up and plunging in deep.  

“OOOOHhhhhhh!”  Jeff moaned and clutched at the sheets.  “UUUUhhh...ohhhhh!  Oh!  Fuuu….fuuuuuuck!”  He alternated between deep, guttural grunts and high pitch squeals while Jordan pumped in and out.  He was mortified as he squirmed and whined but he never took his eyes off the hunk hovering above him.  Jordan’s large tool hit his insides like a live wire and in that moment Jeff was okay with whatever was happening if it meant he could feel like this.  He was so dazed by his own release that he barely felt the ropey streams spraying onto his chest.  All he could focus on was the tidal wave of pleasure pulling him under.  Whatever was happening to him, it was getting more intense.  His romp in the gym just a few hours ago hadn’t felt nearly this good.  His meaty pecs bounced as the bed shook with Jordan’s increasingly powerful thrusts.  His friend was a jackhammer, slapping against his bare cheeks over and over until the hammer became a fire hose, spraying into his guts.  

“Oh...oh shit, man...whoooooo…” Jordan whistled as he panted next to Jeff.  They laid side by side on their backs, with Jeff resisting the urge to throw himself at the other man all over again.  “I’ll never understand what makes you so good at this, but I ain’t complaining,” he laughed.  

“Me neither,” Jeff purred, stretching on the bed while he watched Jordan get dressed.  He stayed there when the other man had left and tried to gather his thoughts.  Holding on to his former life and the way things should be was getting harder and harder.  He couldn’t even remember wearing clothes anymore.  He couldn’t even conceptualize it in his head.  It was like trying to picture going up and down at the same time.  He knew what that meant, but as he laid on the bed with Jordan’s remaining load trickling out from between his solid cheeks, he wasn’t even sure he wanted to hold onto his old life.  

He eventually wiped himself off and pulled on a fresh pair of boxer briefs to join his friends in the living room again.  For the rest of the game the guys went back to ignoring him.  They’d occasionally ask him to go get them more drinks, but that was the extent of his interaction.  When the game was over and they all left, he got a condescending grin from Neil, another swat from Austin, and his hair tousled from Jordan.  

“You gonna be okay?  You’re still acting weird,” Dylan asked, hesitating in the doorway.  

“Uh, yeah, I’ll be fine,” Jeff said, trying to sound like he meant it.  Part of him wanted to beg Dylan to stay, but the remains of his old self wanted time to process.  He waved his friend off with a fake smile and shut the door with a deep sigh.  Instead of being relieved that he was alone, he only felt disappointed when he looked at his empty, messy apartment. 


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