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If you didn’t already know it was an old funhouse there was nothing from the outside to give it away.  Decrepit and abandoned, it certainly didn’t look “fun” any more.  The building cut through the surrounding woods like a scar, looming dark and ominous against the bright oaks and maples that towered overhead.  Any signage on the front of the building had long since fallen into decay as weeds and scrubby undergrowth overtook the sidewalk and parking lot. 

“What the fuck is this thing even doing out here?”  Luke leaned back against his friend’s car and crossed his thick arms, causing his burly chest to flex under his thin t-shirt.  

Andy was grinning from ear to ear as he looked at the rundown building.  “What do you mean,” he asked, digging through his trunk for their flashlights and gear.  His long, thin arms were a blur of excited motion.  

“I mean, why here?  Aren't funhouses usually part of bigger parks or something?  We just drove half an hour down a gravel road.  Fuck is this doing all the way in the middle of nowhere?”  He kicked at a patch of dirt, revealing broken asphalt of the parking lot underneath.  

Andy shrugged his thin shoulders.  “Probably why it closed.  I don’t think this was so remote back in the day.”  

Luke wasn’t convinced.  He and Andy had spent their entire twenty two years in the area and it was always a shit hole in these back woods.  “Do we need to worry about anyone coming after us for being in here?”  

Andy waved at the forest around them.  “Does it look like it?  I tried to do this legit, but I couldn’t find any record of who owns this place.  I called the county and even THEY couldn’t find a record.  So fuck it.  If anyone yells at us we’ll explain what we’re doing.”  

They pushed through the weeds and bushes to the boarded up entry way.  Two thirds of the old ticket booth’s windows had been smashed out and the doors beyond were nailed over by rotting planks.  

“So how do we get in?”  

Andy gave Luke a quick swat on his firm, denim-clad backside.  “That’s what you’re for, muscles.”  

The beefy blonde sighed and shook his head.  He stepped up to examine both doors before settling on the lefthand side.  “Stand back,” he said over a broad shoulder as he gripped one of the planks towards the bottom.  

While he tugged, the thin shirt stretched near to bursting as the coiled sinews of his back exploded outwards. Andy chuckled to himself, always impressed by how his friend seemed to inflate when his ample muscle kicked in.  Even Luke’s powerful legs were straining his jeans as the big man braced himself.  Veins popped out on arms that were like iron rods until a loud crack sent him stumbling backwards.  

“Damn…” he panted, dropping the board, “that was sturdier than it looked.”  He repeated the process on the board above and the board below until there was a small gap at the bottom.  By the time Luke was done his shirt was plastered tight against his bulging pecs and upper back from perspiration. 

“I think I can fit through there,” Andy said, bending down to look at the opening.  Like the windows of the ticket booth, the glass of the door was missing, providing an entrance.  

“Of course your skinny ass can,” Luke laughed.  “I don’t know about me though.”  The two young men were both within a few inches of six feet in height, but Andy was significantly skinnier than the wide blonde. 

“Just hold on…” he dropped his bag and wormed his way inside without a second thought.  “Watch out!”  Luke stepped back just as Andy landed a solid kick on the board.  Another two and he had it knocked free.  He may have been thin, but the wiry man was deceptively strong.  His stylish, raven hair poked back out, followed by his grinning, stubble-covered face.  “Think you can fit through here, big guy?”  

Luke dropped to his knees and crawled through, reaching back out to grab their bags when he was in.  “Wow…” he exhaled as he hopped to his feet.  “Place is bigger than it looks…” 

Andy was equally surprised.  They found themselves looking at a long, wide concourse that terminated in a sharp left-hand turn.  There was a dim, filtered light drifting down from the overgrown skylights that made up the ceiling.  Under normal circumstances the room would have been bright and cheery, but with the skylights covered in moss and decaying leaves it had a surreal, dreamlike quality to it.  

Luke’s big hands brushed away the dead leaves and dirt that clung to the front of his jeans “So, uh, do we wait here for the rest of the guys?”  

Andy shook his head.  “Nah.  You know they’re always late.  I don’t want to waste any of this daylight either.  I don’t know if the skylights extend into the other areas...if I’m gonna take photos I’ll need whatever light I can get.”  He’d already pulled out his camera to document the faded, weathered paintings of clowns and giant, smiling faces that lined the walls. Proclamations stating that people were in for “Fun!”, “Excitement!” and “Thrills!” floated in block letters between the now-grotesque, decaying caricatures. “Not like there's anyone else out here. They'll find us,” he said, checking the digital screen of his camera and grinning from ear to ear. “Oh man, these are good,” he muttered to himself, making his way further down the hall. 

Luke knew how his friend got once he started working. He let Andy do his thing while he poked around, trying not to let his imagination get away from him. He wasn't a believer in the supernatural or ghosts, but it was hard not to be disturbed by the warped, twisted features of the huge, grinning faces glaring down at them. Even if the room hadn't been cast in the eerie twilight, Luke doubted that he’d ever view it as “fun.”  He said as much to Andy when his friend had finally stopped documenting the room. 

“Well yeah, that's the point,” his friend said as though it should have been obvious. “It's not fun if it's not at least a little scary. Build up the tension, make ‘em think the floor’s about to fall out, but then just drop it an inch. Girls cling to their guys and everyone cops a feel,” he laughed, giving Luke’s crotch a quick squeeze. 

The big man yelped and gave Andy a hard punch in the arm. “You brought the wrong guy if that's what you're lookin’ for,” he laughed. 

Andy rubbed his arm where he'd been punched and threw his bag over a bony shoulder. The strap settled in the shallow valley between his tiny pecs, showing off the definition that lurked under his small t-shirt. “Don't worry, if you get scared you can hold my hand,” he cooed. 

Luke muttered under his breath as he followed his friend down the concourse. “Why did I agree to this again?”

Luke trailed behind Andy at a distance.  As creepy as things were in the daylight, he didn’t relish the idea that the rest of the funhouse could be dark as soon as they turned the corner.  The arrows on the wall pointed in the direction they were walking, declaring “This Way To Fun!” in chipped, faded letters.  Given the state of the ticket booth and the front doors, Luke was surprised that there wasn’t more graffiti lining the walls.  He’d explored abandoned buildings with Andy before, and inevitably, no matter how remote, there was always at least one tag.  Yet it seemed that the only things to have touched these walls were time and the elements.  

“Hold up,” Andy said, coming to an abrupt stop.  He’d found a narrow door painted the same color as the rest of wall, camouflaged so well they almost walked right past it.  Andy gave it a nudge, swinging it open with a loud creak.    

“Don’t suppose it would be too much to hope for any of this to work, would it?”  Luke looked at the various conduits and fuse panels that lined the room.  On the far wall was a huge lever that looked like something a mad scientist would pull to bring a monster to life.  

“I mean, there’s one way to find out.”  

“Dude,  I was kidding.  Be careful,” Luke cautioned as Andy walked over and gave the lever a quick poke.  

Having not been electrocuted, he grabbed it and pulled.  “Damn thing’s...stuck…” he grunted, adding his other hand to the mix.  With a final tug the lever slammed down, resulting in a loud crack and a shower of sparks.  “Fuck!”  Andy yelped and sprang back as crackling circuits came to life.  

“No way…” Luke was stunned.  Bit by bit the funhouse seemed to be waking up.  Lights blinked on in the concourse and a steady hum filled the room.  “Uh, okay, you can turn it back off.”  

“Fuck that,” Andy spat.  “And miss the chance to get pics of this place working?  Or semi-working and being even creepier?  No way.  Listen to that music!”  

In the concourse, a warped, atonal organ could be heard fizzing and sputtering out of the few working speakers.  It was like a toy when the batteries were going dead; slow, droning, and entirely unsettling.  “Are you trying to burn this place down while we’re in it?  How is this even running?  There weren’t any power lines outside.”  

Andy shrugged.  “Maybe the lines are buried.  Dude, look, this place hasn’t burned down in the past forty-some years...I don’t think it’s going to while we’re in it.  Don’t punk out on me now.”  

“Whatever man, I’m just officially saying this seems like a bad idea.”  

Andy was all smiles as he brushed passed.  “Trust me.  We’ll go slow just in case.”  

The two followed the now blinking arrows pointing the way around the corner to a large, dead-end room with two holes in the bottom of one wall.  A series of blinking, malfunctioning bulbs left the room bathed in a slow strobe light.  “SILLY SLIDES” was written on the wall above the holes in large cartoon letters.  

“What the fuuuuuck…” Luke didn’t think the building had looked tall enough to have a second floor.  “Where do these go?”  

Andy was already snapping pictures.  Above one slide was a smiling, dark haired young man with the words “NICE” written just above the entrance.  A picture of a wavy, up and down line indicated the shape of the slide.  Next to it, a freckled, dour looking redhead floated above “NAUGHTY”, with a picture of a winding spiral.  “They probably just go down a few feet.  Ten or twelve at the most,” Andy said, examining his pictures.  “This place isn’t that tall, unless there’s a basement.”  

Luke didn’t like the idea of a basement any more than he liked the rest of it.  The idea of being stuck underground with the flashing lights and the disconcerting music was like a nightmare.  “Are we really going down?”  

Andy poked around the room for another door but couldn’t find one.  “Where else are we going to go?  I don’t see any other way to get past this room.”  

Luke inspected the circular opening in front of him.  He pushed at the red plastic, testing its strength.  It felt solid.  “How do we know these things are even still intact?”  

Andy was already half inside the hole in front of him.  “Like I said, just go slow.  Inch your way down and it’ll be fine.  They can’t be that long.”  

Luke watched until Andy had disappeared from view.  He didn’t hear anything break or his friend yell.  “Well, here we go…” he muttered under his breath, inching his way in feet-first.  

The enclosed tube was a tight fit around his burly frame.  He inched his way forward slowly as he approached the first bend.  

A sudden, shrill voice blared in the tube.  “NAUGHTY BOY!  NAUGHTY BOY!”  

“Jesus!”  Startled, Luke jerked and bumped his head on the side of the tunnel.  “Ow!  Fuckin’ hell…” he instinctively reached up to rub where he’d hit and lost his grip in the process.  “Shiiiit!” he yelled as he slid around the bend and kept going.  He couldn’t stop himself.  He tried to brace himself with his hands but somehow he was already moving too fast, and he was picking up speed.  

Luke wanted to yell as he rocketed down the tunnel, but opening his mouth only resulted in the air being sucked out of him.  He felt like an astronaut testing g-forces and didn’t understand how he could possibly still be sliding.  It was all he could do to keep from passing out.  Faster and faster he spiraled around the bends.  He was battered against the sides with each turn, catching his thin t-shirt on one of them that tore it free like tissue paper.  Luke was moving so fast he barely felt it.  One minute his shirt was there; the next it was gone.  He could feel his jeans starting to shred from the friction and expected the pain of a road-rash, but it never came.  If anything, the less clothing that remained, the smoother the ride became.  

While the terrified, dizzy hunk plummeted for what felt like hours, the shrill voice screeched “NAUGHTY BOY!  NAUGHTY BOY!” over and over.  The physical and aural assault made his head spin.  He felt less like he was shooting at breakneck speeds through a tube and more like he was floating.  The dim, crimson light of the tube spread across his vision until he was melting into the color and becoming one with it.  

Then, abruptly, he was out.  He landed with a heavy thud onto the padded pillow at the bottom, his vision clearing slowly.  

Next to him, Andy was climbing to his feet.  “See?  That wasn’t so baaaaaAAAAHH!”  He froze, unable to process what he was seeing.  Luke was lying in a heap on the ground, almost naked.  All that remained of his friend’s clothes were his worn cross trainers, ankle socks, and his mostly-shredded boxer briefs.  

“What...what the fuck just happened…” Luke groaned, pushing himself up onto his hands and knees.  

“I don’t...I don’t know man…” Andy stammered.  “I went down my slide and then you shot out of yours like that.  I don’t knooooohh jesus!”  

“What?!  What?!”  Luke looked down at his exposed torso and tattered underwear, his head still spinning too much to pinpoint what felt wrong.  

“Your hair...your...skin…” Andy gawked, having trouble forming the impossible words.  “Dude, you’re a fuckin’ readhead!  And you’ve got freckles!”

“What?!”  Luke shot to his feet and held his arms in front of him.  If his tanned skin hadn’t already taken on a pale cast, he would have gone white.  His whole complexion had lightened from a natural golden tan to a pale pink.  Up and down his thick forearms was a peppering of freckles, and he didn’t need to see his head to know that what Andy said was true.  He could already see a bright red bush sticking out through the tear in his underwear.  “Take...take a picture!  Let me see what I look like.”  

Luke practically ripped the camera out of his friend’s hand before almost dropping it at what he saw.  He looked like a stranger.  The dusting of now-burgundy hair on top of his pale skin made his muscular build seem like it belonged to a different person.  Given the state of his remaining clothes, he had plenty of opportunity to examine it.  One of his firm, round globes hung totally bare, and the large rip in the front of his boxer briefs left the base of his cock exposed.  He couldn’t believe that he didn’t have any injuries, but he was more focused on the changes to his face and scalp.  A thick dotting of freckles spread from his cheeks across the bridge of his nose below a shock of now-red hair. 

“Are you...okay,” Andy finally asked, looking his friend up and down.  “Physically, I mean?”  

“No!”  Luke shoved the other man back.  “Look at me!  Do I look okay?!  What the fuck just happened!?”  

“I don’t know, man, I went in…”

Luke cut Andy off, grabbing him roughly by the shoulders.  “What.  The.  Fuck.  Just.  Happened,” he yelled, shaking the thin man.  

“Hey….HEY!”  Andy pulled out of Luke’s strong grip.  “I don’t know any more than you do!”

“This was your fucking idea!”  Luke spread his burly arms wide.  “Look at this!  How does this even happen?!  My clothes are fucking shredded but there’s not a mark on me?  How the fuck does my hair and skin change?!”  

Seeing his large friend on the verge of hysterics wasn’t helping Andy think.  He was just as freaked out as Luke, and he had the guilt of knowing that his friend was right.  What just happened to Luke was his fault.  He’d dragged his friend out here and told him it would be fine.  “Okay...okay...let’s just get out of here, alright?”  He put a hand on Luke’s bare shoulder, and then put it back again after the man swatted it away.  “Come on, man, I need you to keep it together at least until we get out of here.”  

Luke didn’t swat Andy’s hand away this time.  “I just...I don’t understand…” he said quietly, looking his unscathed friend up and down.  “Your slide was fine?  How long were you in there?  It felt like hours.”  

Andy’s brow furrowed.  “Dude...we were in there for a few seconds.  I went in at the top, slid down like a regular slide, and you came out right after me.  Maybe it’s because I went down “nice” and you went down “naughty”?”

“UUUNnnnnn…” Luke groaned loudly, swaying on his feet.  

Andy put a hand on Luke’s back to steady him in case he was about to fall over.  “What?  What is it?  Are you okay?”  

Luke shook his head and blinked.  “Whoa...that was intense…”  His pale face flushed.  “It was like a wave hit me.”  

“Alright, we officially need to get out of here,” Andy said, stepping away from Luke and looking back up his slide.  “I don’t know if we can climb back up this, but we’re definitely not going up the naughty…”


Andy spun around at Luke’s loud groan.  As he watched, what remained of his friend’s stuffed bulge twitched and danced until Luke’s thick, rigid cock shot out through the tear.  His friend’s beefy pecs were rising and falling rapidly and his pale body was a flushed, ruddy pink.  

“Oh fuck…” Luke gasped.  “Whenever you say it...I think it’s that word…” 

“What?  Naughty?”  Andy winced as he said it and Luke spasmed, dropping to his knees.  “Shit!  Sorry!”  He raced over, but his friend was already in a daze. 

Luke’s expression was flat and his eyes were unfocused as he seemingly stared past Andy.  “Naughty boy...naughty boy…” he kept repeating.  Luke had one hand wrapped around his wide cock and was pumping while he said it.  

Andy blushed a stunned shade of purple.  “No, dude, come on man,” he begged, putting a hand on Luke’s shoulder and gently shaking him while trying not to look.  He’d seen his friend naked plenty of times and was familiar with the beast he kept stowed in his pants.  He gave him a hard time over it constantly, like when he’d grabbed Luke’s bulge earlier, but he’d never seen it rigid and throbbing. 

Had he been looking, Andy may have been able to avoid what happened next.  As soon as he was close, Luke’s hands flew to his waist.  The massive, freckled arms flexed as he pulled, tearing the button and fly off Andy’s jeans and leaving them hanging open.  Before the wiry man could pull away, Luke’s firm hands had him locked in place.  

“Naughty boy….naughty boy….” Luke kept muttering as he leaned in and started gnawing on the bright red pouch of Andy’s briefs.  

“Fuck!  Luke!  No!”  Andy squirmed, but all that succeeded in doing was mashing his bulge against his friend’s eager mouth even more.  If watching the formerly blonde man’s muscles had been impressive while they were breaking in, Andy was overwhelmed watching them flex and inflate as Luke rocked on his knees and held on to his ass with a steely grip.  His friend oozed a primitive, lustful power, and despite being entirely straight, Andy could feel himself hardening.  Luke’s lips were gentle around his stuffed bulge as his friend’s warm, moist tongue probed its way into the fly.  “Dude...no!”  With a final effort Andy managed to worm out of Luke’s arms and scramble away.  He watched the other man almost robotically tug what remained of his underwear down his burly thighs before falling flat onto his back.  He hoisted his legs into the air, exposing his tight hole.  

“Naughty boy...naughty boy….” he repeated, wiggling his thick cheeks.  

“No!  For fuck’s sake man, snap out of it!”  Andy was mortified for his friend.  He yelled desperately, but Luke wouldn’t lower his legs.  His eyes were still glassy and half closed as he presented the underside of his balls and his virgin knot.  “Stop it!  You’re not naughty!”  Andy watched a shudder run through Luke as his back arched up off the ground when he said the word again.  He had an idea; he just hoped his friend would forgive him.  “Sorry man…” he said quietly before following it with a stern, “naughty!”  Again Luke grunted and writhed.  “Naughty!  Naughty!  Naughty!”  Andy felt awful as he watched his friend’s helpless, ecstatic seizing.  Luke was a whining, grunting lump of muscle.  “Naughty!”  He kept saying it until Luke finally dropped his legs and clutched at the ground.  “Naughty!”  

“UUUUHHHHNNNNGGGG!”  Luke grunted and bellowed, his voice cracking as his aching cock spewed all over his chest.  

The beefy man writhed and spasmed until his twitching rod finally stopped spraying. “Dude…?” Andy asked quietly when Luke was still and panting. 

“Ooohhh...What the fuck…” the newly christened ginger groaned. 

“Are you...uh….done?”

Luke was still flat on his back, his eyes fixed on the ceiling with a shell-shocked expression. “I think so,” he said, catching his breath.  “I could see what I was doing...I just...I couldn’t stop…”

“I'm so sorry man!” Andy said frantically. “I didn't know what else to do! I thought if you could just get through it you'd snap out of it…””

Luke rubbed his face with both hands and finally sat up, his pale new skin turning an even deeper shade of red as he felt the ample fluid running down his meaty chest. “No, you were right, it's okay. It worked.” He gave his friend a horrified look, his eyes lingering on the wrecked waist of Andy’s jeans.  He could still feel the fabric against his tongue.  “Fuck man, I'm sorry I…”

Andy shook his head, trying not to think about what it had felt like to harden against Luke’s surprisingly soft lips.  “Don’t even worry about it,” he said with an awkward laugh.  “Let’s just get the fuck out of here.”  He reached down to pull Luke to his feet, trying not to stare at the new freckles.  

“How exactly are we going to do that,” Luke asked, pulling up the ruined remains of his underwear.  

Andy went back to his slide and stuck his head in the opening.  “Mine was just a wavy, straight line.  Maybe we can climb back up?”  He only made it a few feet before sliding back down.  He tried two more times before giving up.  “Damnit!  You could coat the space shuttle in this shit.  It’s so slippery.”  

“Let me try.”  Luke didn’t make it any farther up the slide than his friend.  If anything, his mostly naked body shot right out of it.  “Fuck.  So that’s out,” he said, picking himself up off the ground.  He walked around the perimeter of the square room, failing to find any sort of hidden door.  All that left was to follow the broken, blinking arrows on the wall.  

“I don’t want to go any deeper either,” Andy said, reading Luke’s expression.  The shrill, atonal organ music played the same loop and they could hear the humming of electrical current powering the mostly-shattered lights overhead.  Looking down the hall they could see more lights flashing menacingly in the distance.  Andy picked up his bag and tried to sound confident.  “I don’t think we have a choice.”  

The two made their way slowly towards the bend.  The sputtering arrows on the wall flashed shades of neon purple and green, sending constantly jumping shadows onto the walls around them.  The droning, warped organ track continued to play, with splices of what sounded like laughter breaking up the drone.  The laughter was just as warped and twisted, seeming even moreso given what the two had just been through.  

Andy did his best not to stare at Luke’s altered body.  His beefy friend was putting up a brave front, but the sheer impossibility of what happened had them both barely clinging to the little composure they had left.  After years of looking at his friend as a tanned blonde, Andy couldn’t wrap his brain around a Luke with pale skin, freckles, and bright red hair.  And then there was the issue of his clothes, or the lack thereof.  Between the bare, bouncing cheek that hung out the back of the man’s tattered underwear and Luke’s recent brainwashed, sex-robot act, Andy had seen a whole new side of his friend.  

“I can feel you staring,” Luke said over his shoulder, reading Andy’s thoughts.  

“Sorry man,” Andy said quickly, “this is all just so crazy.”  

“I’m the one that just had your dick on my face, so yeah, I know.”  

Andy looked down at his torn open jeans and blushed.  Luckily they were tight enough to stay mostly up with just the occasional tug, but his own bright red underwear was on display through the ripped opening.  “At least we’ll never have to tell anyone about...this…” 

Andy trailed off when they turned the corner and he saw the room that awaited.  “What the fuck is this…” Luke stammered under his breath as he scanned a room that was made to look like a large barnyard.  What should have been bright, blue skies and green, rolling farmland was painted on the walls.  Years of neglect and decay left the paint faded and running together, making the barnyard scene look like something out of a psychedelic fever dream.  The bright red struts and fake facade of a barn had worn to a brown, rusty crimson.  The floor was still scattered in dry, brittle hay and the walls were lined with three barn stalls.  The music in this room changed to a mis-tempoed country western jingle, punctuated by random cows mooing or horses neighing.  At least that’s what Andy thought the warped, piercing shrieks were supposed to be.

“A fucking barn?  What?”  Andy had never even heard of an attraction like this.  He’d done research on Funhouses for his photo project and had an idea of the standard gimmicks, but clearly this place was on another level.  Above the entryway was a mural of eager, smiling people exploring the various stalls with question marks floating above each.  “I think we have to find the hidden exit in one of these stalls.”  

“Oh, good,” Luke said flatly.  “And what happens in each stall?”  

Andy shook his head.  “I have no idea.  Let’s just take this a step at a time.” 

Luke looked at the thick carpet of straw on the ground just beyond the threshold.  “Why is there so much straw piled up in the doorway?  That makes me nervooooh!”  As soon as the two stepped inside, the floor slid out from under them.  

“Shit!”  Andy yelped as he tumbled in a heap on top of Luke.  “You okay,” he asked, awkwardly trying to avoid touching as much of his nearly-naked friend as he could.  

Luke nodded.  “Yeah...what the hell just happened?”  

Andy extricated himself and tried to stand, only for the floor to shift wildly again and send him right back down on top of Luke.  “Damnit!  The floor is on a gyro or something...it’s like trying to stand up in a canoe.”  The slightest motion caused the floor to slide and jerk.  Andy had managed to right himself on his knees, but even that was a precarious position.  His half-fallen pants weren’t helping things either.  

“Let me try,” Luke grumbled in frustration.    

“No, wait!”  Andy tried to stop him. The larger man barely made it to his knees before they were both pulled back down.  

“Fuck!”  Luke panted, squirming against the scratchy straw on his back.  He felt like an upturned turtle.  

“Let’s just think this through,” Andy said, draped on top of his friend.  He could feel his pants around his ankles as a result of the last fall.  

“At least I’m not the only one with no pants on,” Luke said, giving one of Andy’s solid little cheeks a squeeze.  

“Hey!”  Andy laughed and squirmed, blushing when he realized that doing so caused him to grind his crotch into Luke’s.  Even this motion caused the floor to sway and a wave of dizziness washed over him.  “Whoa…” he gasped, blinking and shaking his head.  He was suddenly aware of how close his face was to Luke’s.  His friend’s breath was hot on his face and the solid, meaty body beneath him went from awkward to wonderful.  He thought back to how soft Luke’s lips had felt gnawing on his bulging briefs, and before he knew what he was doing, he had his mouth pressed against his friend’s.  

“MMMM!”  Luke’s eyes went wide at the unexpected kiss, but instead of pulling away, his free hand found it’s way to Andy’s remaining cheek.  He started kneading his friend’s perky bubble while Andy writhed on top of him.  

“Fuck...Luke...what’re we doing…” Andy panted in between exploring Luke’s mouth with his tongue.  

“I don’t know man...but I can’t stop,” Luke groaned, letting his hands slide up to work Andy’s shirt free.  

“Me neither...oh god…” Andy moaned when Luke tugged his t-shirt off and tossed it aside.  The feeling of his friend’s burly, hairy torso against his bare skin was even more intense.  He wormed his way out of his jeans while Luke pulled his little red briefs down, gasping when he felt his small, thin cock spring free and rub against Luke’s rigid monster.  

They explored every inch of each other’s body with their mouths and hands, lost in a giddy, lustful haze like horny teenagers.  It wasn’t until they’d switched positions with Andy on his back that the wiry man saw what was written on the ceiling.  “Luke...oohhh…” he groaned when Luke gave his aching cock a playful tug.  “No...Luke...stop...it’s the floor...we’ve gotta get out of here…”

Luke finally pulled his mouth from Andy’s neck and looked up at where his friend was pointing.  “A Roll In The Hay” was written in the same cartoonish letters as everything else.  The big man was torn.  He knew it was the platform making them do this, but he didn’t want to stop.  He never wanted to stop.  The thought was enough to jar him back to his senses.  If they didn’t stop now, they might never quit.  “Oh fuck...okay...okay…” he rolled off Andy and started inching forward on his hands and knees.  The floor was shaking like an earthquake and every fiber of his being wanted to turn around, but he forced himself onward until he was on stable ground.  “Give me your hand!”  

Andy was doing his best to follow.  The sight of Luke’s bare, plump cheeks was like a carrot on a stick, helping him forward.  He’d been just as desperate to keep their make out session going as his friend, relishing even the sensation of Luke’s strong hand wrapping around his forearm to pull him free.  

“Holy...holy shit…” Andy panted, flat on his back next to Luke.  His briefs were at his ankles and his oozing cock still stood straight up.  Already the intense sensations were fading, but a part of him wanted nothing more than to roll over and pick up where they left off.  Only when he was sure he could control himself did he look over at the other man.  “You’re not a bad kisser,” he said, trying to make a joke.  

“Not now, man,” Luke sighed.  For the second time in less than an hour he’d been forced to embarrass himself.  The only plus this time was that he wasn’t alone in his uncharacteristic actions.  

Andy sighed and sat up.  “Sorry,” he said flatly as he pulled his briefs back up.  He was still hard, but he’d hoped it would fade.  “Oh, fuck!”  

Luke shot up next to him.  “What? What?” 

“My fucking pants and shirt are still on the platform.  So’s the camera bag.”  

“I’m not about to go back on there.”  

Andy groaned into his hands, not sure what was worse: the thought of going back on the platform, or going through this funhouse in his underwear.  “Fuck it,” he eventually shrugged, “I’m not going back on there either.”  He did his best not to look at Luke’s long, heavy cock as his friend put himself away as best he could.  Andy could still practically feel it in his hands.  

“So which one do we do first,” the beefy redhead finally asked, nodding towards the three stalls.  

“Hell if I know.  After what just happened I’m thinking we should go in one at a time.”  Andy scanned each stall from the outside, hoping he could spot the exit without having to go in.  After a few minutes of staring he saw what looked like a trap door in the stall at the far end.  “Okay, I’m gonna go check that out.  Wait here, but be ready for...something…” The lean man crept in slowly, expecting the worst.  Every step brought with it a sense of impending disaster.  “I see what looks like a handle...it’s a horseshoe?  I’m gonna pull it and seeeeee!”  

It happened in a flash.  As soon as Andy pulled on the horseshoe an unseen force sent him falling to his hands and knees while the gate of the stall slammed shut.  He tried to right himself but he was glued to the spot.  

“Andy!  Shit, man, hold on!”  Luke pounded on the door but it didn’t budge.  All he could do was watch his friend strain on his hands and knees against whatever was keeping him there.  

“I’m stuck!  Dude, get me out of here!”  Andy was wild-eyed and desperate, his toned, whipcord muscles straining to the fullest.  

“I’m trying!  This door won’t budge!  Let me….” Luke trailed off when he heard a mechanical whirring sound.  At the other end of the stall a metal branding iron started moving towards Andy on a track.  

“Time ‘ta brand tha colt!” A cheerful, recorded voice droned out in a fake southern drawl as the iron moved steadily forward.  

“Shit!  Shit!  Luke!  Get me out of here!”  Andy was near hysterics watching the rod get closer and closer.  When it was within a few feet, the unseen force that held him in place tugged his briefs down, exposing his tight bubble.  “Oh fuck!  Fuuuuunnggghh!”  

Luke cringed as the brand touched the side of Andy’s left cheek.  He watched his friend tense and groan, but it didn’t actually look like Andy was in pain.  The thinner man bucked and shook, but there was no sizzling or burning smell.  At first Luke thought it might be an electrical shock, but then he saw what was happening.  Andy’s thin five inches, that he’d just recently become so familiar with, was growing.  Already it looked to be at least a couple inches longer and significantly thicker.  Now when Andy fought and shook it swung and slapped against his legs.  The tiny balls that hung with it were inflating to match, dropping lower and lower as they put on weight.  “Andy!  Dude!  Talk to me!  Are you okay?”  

All Andy could do was grunt and whine in response.  The cock that now hung halfway down his thighs was hard and growing until it looked like a small club was bobbing from Andy’s abdomen.  His thin fingers clutched at the dirty floor while his wild expression only grew more intense.  

The shock made Luke see things in slow motion, but in real time it had only taken a few seconds for Andy’s modest package to grow into a throbbing monster.  He watched as Andy gave a loud, final bellow and the beast between his legs exploded.  It shot with enough force that the torrent splashed up off the ground and covered his chest and stomach before the force let go and he fell over onto his side, exhausted.  

The brand pulled away and the door sprung open as soon as Andy was done spurting.  Luke didn’t think about another trap, he just rushed over to his panting friend.  “Jeeesus,” he breathed softly at the sight of the long, thick monster flopped over one of Andy’s hairy thighs.  Even limp it was pushing a foot long.  

“Oohhhh…” Andy groaned, sitting up as best he could.  “What just haaaaaaaaahhh!”  He turned a stark, pale white when he saw the long hose and pair of oranges that sprouted between his legs.  “What the fuck?!  What the fuck?!”  

It was Luke’s turn to try and calm his friend down.  “Easy dude, easy,” he said gently.  “That’s...something,” he whistled appreciatively.  

Andy could only stare at his freakish new endowment in shock.  “What...how….” he gave it a few tentative pokes, shivering at how sensitive it seemed.  “This...this isn’t possible…”

“I know, right?”  Luke gestured at his freckled face and new hair color.  “I know you’re freaking out but come on, let’s get you up and out of this stall.”  

Andy let Luke help him to his feet, gasping at the heavy flop when he stood.  “That’s...different…” he gave a dazed laugh as he pulled his briefs up.  The best he could manage was to snake his long cock off to the side while his hefty new balls pushed out the front and spilled out the sides.  The stuffed bulge looked comically large on the lean man’s thin body.  “What am I going to do with this thing?!  I’m literally hung like a horse!”

“We’ll figure that out later when we’re out of here,” Luke said sternly.  Keeping Andy from losing it was helping him keep his own cool.  “One of these has a door in it.”  

“And one of them could do something worse!”  Andy backed away, shaking his head.  “No way man, let’s just stay here and wait for help.”  

“From who?  The guys might not even make it out here, and no one knows we’re here.  And look at us!”  Luke didn’t want to say the next part out loud.  That meant it would be real.  “Something really weird is happening here.  Like, impossibly weird.  Who’s to say that even if the guys show up they’ll find us?  We need to get out of here and warn them before they get here.”  

The thought of saving his friends from a similar fate stirred what remained of Andy’s courage.  “Okay...yeah...you’re right.  Fuck!”  

“So which one?  Left or right?”  

“You saw what I just picked.  Don’t leave it up to me.”  

“I’m leaning towards the right…” Luke cocked his head and assessed both stalls.  His gut was telling him to take the one on the right.  “We go left,” he finally said.    

“You sure?  Why not right?”  

“Let’s Make a Deal,” he shrugged.  “The old TV show.  You’ve got a better chance if you switch your initial choice.  Or something.”  

“Are you fucking kidding me,” Andy laughed.  

“You got a better idea?”  

Andy didn’t.  He shook his head and followed Luke into the stall on the left.  As soon as they were both in a door slammed shut behind them.  “Shit!”  Andy pounded on the door until Luke put a hand on his shoulder.  He turned to see his friend grinning triumphantly in front of an open door.  

Luke pumped his fist in the air.  “Told you!” 

Andy breathed a deep sigh of relief, adjusting his ill-fitting underwear.  It was like trying to stuff two navel oranges inside.  “Let’s just get out of here.”  

Andy stumbled along behind Luke, still in a numbed state of shock over the impossible bulge sticking out from his crotch like some kind of growth.  It threw his entire gait off, forcing him to walk in a wide-legged trot.  

“Still with me back there,” Luke asked over his shoulder.  The two were making their way slowly, not wanting to stumble into another trap without warning.  The lights overhead strobed disorientingly and the droning music strained their already frayed nerves.  

“Yeah, I just...can we take a break?”  Andy tugged at his underwear again, his face burning.  His package wasn’t just enormous, it was incredibly sensitive.  Just the rubbing of his briefs had him hard, with a large damp spot forming on the stretched fabric.  His meaty new tool pulled the too-small underwear forward and threatened to slip free at any moment.  

“You okay?”  Luke did his best not to stare at his lean friend’s monster.  It would have looked huge on his beefy frame, but on Andy it seemed absolutely massive.  

Andy shook his head and bent forward, trying to relieve the pressure on his aching equipment.  “This...thing...is really annoying,” he spat.  “I always thought having a big dick would be fun, but this…”

“That’s a bit more than ‘big’, dude.”  Luke gestured to his own half-exposed member peeking out of his torn underwear.  “This is big.  That’s something else altogether.”  

“Eh, medium, I’d say,” Andy laughed, mocking Luke’s proud grin.  

“What’d that make you before?  Tiny?”  There was an awkward pause when their laughter died.  “So, uh, do you need to take care of that?  I can turn around.”  

Andy felt his whole body flush with embarrassment at the thought.  He wasn’t shy about his body, but he wasn’t an exhibitionist, either.  The thought of jerking himself off with Luke standing next to him, turned around or not, was humiliating.  Confusingly, it only made his monster throb harder.  “Fuck...I think I do, man,” he finally said.  

“Hey, I get it, I’m not judging,” Luke said, trying to sound sympathetic.  He turned around and folded his arms across his chest.  “Have at it!”  

Just standing upright was enough for the long pole to shoot free of the confining underwear.  Andy had to keep telling himself that this was real as he wrapped both hands around himself and started stroking.  “MMmmm…” he bit down on the quiet moan as soon as it left his mouth.  He looked over at Luke, but if his friend heard he was being nice enough not to say anything.  Andy wasn’t sure who had it worse.  He still couldn’t get over how different his friend looked with his pale new skin and bright red hair.  It wasn’t a bad look, it was just on the opposite end of the spectrum from his usual deep tan.  Now the only thing close to a tan were the freckles that spread across the backs of his broad shoulders.  Andy shuddered as he stared, remembering how good Luke’s solid body had felt against him.  He’d never say it out loud, but his friend was an amazing kisser.  His mouth still tingled from their roll in the hay, and he could practically feel Luke’s solid, stout cock pressing against his abs.  The other man’s meaty, pale cheek sticking out the back of his torn underwear looked increasingly inviting.  Andy couldn’t look away.  He prayed that Luke wouldn’t turn around before he was done, which would be soon based on the pressure he felt building.  

When it happened, Andy felt like he’d been punched in the gut.  “OOOOUUUHHHhhhhh!”  He let out a loud, high pitched whimper as his entire body spasmed.  His enlarged cock was like a broken water main, spurting and spraying in huge quantities for what felt like minutes.  “Ho...holy shit…” he panted when it was finally done.  

“That looked intense,” Luke whistled. 

Andy shook his head, reeling from the powerful release.  He reached down to pull his briefs back up but hesitated, instead deciding to step out of them altogether.  “I know it’s weird, dude, but I can’t put these things back on.  I’ll be doing that every five minutes.”  He stared down at his naked body, still crimson with embarrassment as his impossible cock softened between his toned thighs.  

“You don’t need to explain anything to me,” Luke said casually.  He took Andy’s briefs and hooked them in his waistband, a humorless laugh escaping as he looked at the two of them.  “Fuckin’ Christ, man.  Look at us.  We haven’t even been here an hour.”  

“And who knows how long we have to go,” Andy shivered.  

“Only one way to find out.”  They started down the hall again, feeling like they were walking on a treadmill.  The walls around them seemed the same and the dizzying strobes made it difficult to measure their progress.  As mortified as he was at the feeling of his semi-hard beast swinging with each step, Andy had an easier time of it without the underwear.  He tried not to think about what his life was going to be like from now one once they made it out.  If they ever did.  

“Fuck!”  Andy jerked and grabbed Luke’s arm at the sudden appearance of two people in front of them.  “That scared the shit out of me,” he laughed nervously when they realized it was just a mirror.  

“This can’t be good,” Luke sighed as they approached their reflections.  The hallway hooked sharply to the left once they went through the door, but neither of them could tell how long the mirrored corridor actually was.  The myriad reflections made it seem like it could go on forever.  “Holy shit I look weird,” Luke laughed, turning his attention back to the mirror in front of him.  He flexed his pale arms and ran a hand through his altered hair.  

“Who’re you tellin’?”  Andy’s eyes were wide as he turned and looked at his profile with the long, thick pipe sticking out from his flat stomach.  

“Let’s just get through this as fast as we can…” 

The mirrors seemed standard at first.  They were accompanied by their unaltered selves for the first several yards until finally reaching a wavy, distorted pane of glass.  

“Whoa!  That’s a look,” Andy laughed, staring at their short, wide doppelgangers.  Their reflections couldn’t have been more than four feet tall and seemed almost as wide as their bodies compressed down onto themselves.  Andy’s long new cock hung almost to the floor in front of wide, stubby legs.  “Alright, let’s...oh...oh no…” He’d tried to leave but found himself rooted in place.  “Can you move,” he asked calmly.  

Luke tried and failed.  “Fuck!  Not again! What’s...hap…” he trailed off as their reflections started moving of their own accord.  His stretched-out underwear in the mirror suddenly ripped, as if just realizing it wasn’t able to stretch that far.  Luke managed to look down at himself and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his own was still intact.  But he didn’t look at himself for long as their reflected selves started moving.  

“Is this some kind of projector…?”  Andy felt like he was watching TV.  Their distorted reflections continued to move on their own, looking at themselves and each other with confused expressions on their wide, square-featured faces.  They poked and prodded their lumpy bodies, flexing stubby arms and waddling towards each other on shortened legs.  Their mouths were moving like they were talking, but they couldn’t hear what was being said.  

“Whooooaaa!”  Luke gasped when mirror-Andy put a hand on mirror-Luke’s chest.  He felt it as if Andy was really touching him.  

“Do...do you feel that?”  Andy seemed just as shocked at feeling a solid pec against his empty hand. “Whaaa….” he let out a sharp breath when he felt Luke’s phantom hands come to a rest on the sides of his waist just like in the mirror.  “This is so weirrrruuuuuhhhh….” Andy groaned when one of those phantom hands wrapped around his semi-hard club.  

“MMMMphhh!”  Luke tried to speak around the invisible tongue he felt wrestling against his own when their other selves resumed the interrupted makeout session they’d had in the other room.  Spectral hands were all over his body while his own palms burned with the heat of Andy’s untouched skin.  

The frozen men could only pant and writhe while the musclebound, dwarven versions of themselves went at each other.  Luke could taste the salty skin of Andy’s oozing cock against his tongue while he watched himself give it a bath.  Though he was standing, he could feel the smooth surface of the glass against his knees as he knelt.  

Andy groaned and grunted next to him, his eyes half-closed as stubby fingers bit into his thighs.  “Luke...oh fuck man...don’t stop…” he moaned.  

“I don’t….have….any...choice…” Luke panted whenever his other self had a free mouth.  “I think I’m stopping...I...oh...oh shit dude...I’m sorry!  I’m not doing this!”  

“What do you meeaaaaaahhhh!”  Andy opened his eyes just in time to see mirror-Luke shove his stubby, solid cock inside him.  “Ah...ah...ah…” Andy gasped, more from the intensity of what he was feeling than any pain.  He squirmed in place while Luke pumped in and out slowly.  

“Fuck dude...this is...this is...oh fuck…” Luke moaned, his solid cock escaping from his tattered underwear.  

“UUUNNNnnnn...don’t stop...don’t...stooop….” Andy whimpered.  He could feel the glass against his palms and knees as he crouched on all fours.  Luke’s firm, wide stomach was warm as it slammed against his bare cheeks.  

“I won’t…I won’t…” 

Andy froze.  Luke’s suddenly squeaky voice pulled him back to the present.  He opened his eyes and screamed.  “AAAAhhhhh!  Luke!  Stop!”  His own voice was a helium squeak as he stared down at stubby fingers.  They could move again, only now they found themselves looking at frozen versions of their unaltered, or less altered, selves.  

“Wha...NO!”  Luke pulled away, stumbling back on short little legs.  He scrambled to his feet and stared down at his distorted, shrunken body in horror.  “No...no...no...no…” 

“Come on!  There’s gotta be another mirror,” Andy said, grabbing Luke’s hand and pulling him along behind.  

They only made it a few feet before there was another shift and they found themselves lumbering along in muscled, steroid-fueled bodies.  Then tall and skeletal before lithe and curvy.  At one point Andy was tall and hulking while Luke was short and thin.  Then the opposite.  One mirror had them running on shortened legs while the rest of their bodies stayed the same.  Another had them waddling along with bellies like beach balls.  When they eventually slammed into a mirrored wall at the far end, they seemed to be an amalgamation of the others.  Luke had short, stubby legs with a matching cock holding up a long, slender torso that was boxed in by heavy, burly arms.  He couldn’t have been more than five and a half feet tall at most.  Next to him, Andy seemed like a giant.  He had long, thick legs that brought him to well over six feet and culminated in a solid bubble before his waist sucked exaggeratedly inward.  His monster cock was still present, but it looked less massive against his longer legs.  Above his tight waist, his pecs were cartoonishly large against his toned arms, and when he spoke he still had the squeaky, helium sounding voice from their first incarnation.   

“Owwwww….what the fuck…” Luke rubbed his forehead where he’d hit the mirror and gazed at his new look in horror.  He wasn’t quite freakish, but he’d definitely stand out in a crowd.  His body looked at once soft and curvy, but was still deceptively solid and strong.  The same went for Andy, who was all legs and pecs.  

“We hit...something...hey!”  Andy rubbed his throat at the sound of his squeaky voice.  “Why do I still sound like...no!  Not again!”  He jerked his shoulders, bouncing his large new pecs as he discovered that he was once again frozen in place.  

“No!  We can’t stay like this!  Not like thhuuuuuuu!”  Luke knew what was coming, but it didn’t make Andy’s sudden lips around his shrunken, widened cock feel any less intense.  They picked right up where they’d left off, working each other’s bodies until Andy was once again on his knees with Luke pumping in and out.  

Andy hated the sound of his squeaking voice almost as much as he loved the sensation of Luke working his insides.  His friend’s shrunken, pale body still felt every bit as strong as it slammed into his enlarged cheeks.  He could feel something happening in his brain.  The pleasure Luke brought him wasn’t just a physical one anymore.  When he thought of his friend’s curvy, solid little body his heart fluttered.  Luke’s shortened, stubby fingers clutching his drawn-in waist were heavenly.  He let out a high pitched wail and sprayed all over the mirrored floor.  His friend’s squeaking groan pushed Luke over the edge.  He gave a final thrust and sprayed, his shortened legs sagging underneath him.  

They were moving again as soon as it was done, crawling desperately through the door that appeared in place of yet another mirror.  

“Oh fuck...oh fuck….” Luke panted in shock as he lay on top of Andy, his face buried against his friend’s mammoth new pecs.  For the first time in years, he felt small.  

“What just happened…” Andy blushed as he squeaked.  He strained to look over the new mounds of muscle that were his chest at the shrunken ginger resting against him.  The sight brought the same, heart-fluttering rush and he instinctively reached down to wrap an arm around the other man.  Luke nestled against the arm, feeling the same warm glow wash over him.  He was shell-shocked and horrified, but for the moment he didn’t want to be anywhere else.  It was Andy who finally forced himself upright.  “We need to move.”  

“Wait...just...I need a minute,” Luke panted.  He leaned into Andy’s now-larger body and stared at himself in disbelief.  His skin was still pale and freckled underneath the wiry auburn hairs that dusted his shrunken body.  His long, powerful legs were now short, wide, and, as he poked at them with smaller hands, still solid with muscle.  It was like his legs had been compressed without losing any mass.  That also left him with a pronounced set of cheeks that looked even bigger against his slender waist.  His stomach was still firm, but it was lithe and defined, without the meaty pecs that should have bulged above it.  His slender torso exploded outwards again at his shoulders with a set of long, large arms.  He had the stocky legs of a wrestler with the upper body of a swimmer, leaving his shortened frame with an almost curvy, hourglass look.  “Is this really us,” he asked, his head still nestled between Andy’s burly new pecs.  

“I don’t even know anymore,” Andy squeaked in his new voice.  His body was a walking display of contrasts.  His huge, bulging pecs looked like they’d been lifted off a bodybuilder, but his arms and stomach were still lean and toned.  Unlike his shortened friend, Andy’s legs had grown longer and wider, and if not for his enlarged chest he would have appeared lopsided and bottom-heavy.  His still-massive cock looked more at home on his new lower half, just as Luke’s shortened, widened member did between his rounded thighs.  “Do I sound as bad as I think I do?”  

Luke let out a short laugh.  “It’s….different,” he said, pausing.  “It’s weird though...I know it sounds different than it should, but...I don’t know….at the same time it sounds perfectly normal.  Does that make sense?”  

“No, but I know what you mean,” Andy said, stroking Luke’s arm.  “This...you....it all feels like we’ve been this way forever.  Fuck, man, how long have we even been in here?”  

Luke shook his head.  He’d lost track right from the start when he felt like he’d fallen for hours down the slide that had left him pale and ginger topped, and the hall of mirrors hadn’t helped.  They hadn’t just changed physically; each time they underwent one of the transformations it brought with it a lifetime of memories.  When they’d ballooned up to obese proportions, it came with a flood of experiences and remembrances of another life.  It happened again when they were short, and then super ripped, and then skeletally thin.  And now this.  Up until this point, all of the experiences with each other had been awkward and embarrassing, but now Luke was content to rest against Andy’s muscle-tits for as long as he could.  “You felt that in the mirrors too, right?  Each time we…” 

“Yeah,” Andy sighed, resting his head back against the wall.  He wasn’t eager to let go of Luke, either.  “It feels like we’ve been here for years.  Is it weird that I’m having a hard time even remembering what I used to look like before?”

Luke finally pulled himself away and stood.  “You weren’t hung like that.”  

“That must have sucked for you since you love taking this thing so...wait…that’s not right…” Andy shook his head, remembering that he and Luke had just been friends when they’d started.  He lumbered upright, his newly increased height towering over the diminished Luke.  Looking down at the other man’s solid little body he couldn’t imagine NOT wanting it.  “Fuck, man, I don’t even know what’s real anymore…” 

“Don’t dwell on it now,” Luke said firmly, taking Andy by the hand.  “Let’s keep going and see if we can find something to wear.”  

The mismatched pair walked in silence, their brains trying to reconcile the dueling sensations of their altered bodies feeling both entirely foreign and entirely natural at the same time.  Andy’s lumbering new gait and heavy chest felt like they should be throwing off his balance more than they actually did, while Luke’s bouncing rear and altered perspective didn’t slow him down as much as he felt like they should.  

They were also noticing subtle changes to the building around them.  More and more decay was creeping into the surroundings.  Paint was looking increasingly faded and chipped than it had been when they’d set out.  Fewer of the lights worked, and the droning, warped organ music hissed and faded in and out under a growing sea of radio static.  The same loud electric humming they’d heard when they first flipped the power switch was growing louder and louder.  

“Oh, hey, check it out!”  Andy chirped as they turned the corner and the hallway widened into a row of old carnival games.  “Maybe there’s something here we can use for clothes.”  

They saw that the booths were dark and in various states of disrepair as they tentatively approached.  There were mouldering stuffed animals scattered around on the ground next to rusted metal toys and random plastic trinkets.  Scraps of torn, moth-eaten fabric hung from the fronts of several, but neither of the men wanted to wrap themselves in the faded material unless they absolutely had to.  There was a ring toss, and a dunk tank, and what looked like a squirt gun race, but each of the booths was crumbling and mostly empty.  

“Doesn’t look like there’s much left,” Luke sighed, leaning over the counter of one of the empty corralls.  It was an old shooting gallery, complete with a pair of air rifles that would knock down moving targets.  The rifles were still there, covered in a thick layer of dust, but the rest was bare.  “At least we can keep moviaaaah!”  He yelped when the booth suddenly flared to life.  

There was a grinding of metal on metal and a loud buzz as rusted tracks groaned into motion and long-dim bulbs sparked back on.  “TOYS! CLOTHES! GAMES!” A prerecorded voice blared from an unseen speaker.  “STEP RIGHT UP! A WINNER EVERY TIME!” 

“Oh fuck no,” Andy said, edging away from the booth.  “Come on man, let’s get the hell away from here.”  He put a hand on Luke’s shoulder as the smaller man stared at the moving track.  A series of blue, pink, and red colored placards began cycling across.

The speaker crackled and hissed again.  “EACH COLOR A DIFFERENT PRIZE!  CAN’T MISS!  GUARANTEED TO WIN!”  

“Luke!  Come on, dude.”  

Luke sounded far away when he spoke.  “Hold on...just give me...a minute…” 

“No! We need to…” Andy made the mistake of looking up from Luke and towards the moving wall of colored tiles.  “We need to…” he trailed off.  The shifting, speeding colors were hypnotic as they blurred into a swirling violet.  


“I think I want to try…” Luke said quietly, his hand drifting towards a dusty rifle.  

“Me too…” Andy nodded, compelled by the swirling violet wall.  

Luke went first.  He picked up the rifle, aimed, and knocked down a blue placard.  There was a loud ring, and the next thing both men knew, Luke had on a loose, blue muscle shirt.  His burly arms that were too large and too long looked even more so as they hung out the sides, and his enlarged globes were accentuated as the bottom of the shirt came to rest on them.  

“Gah!”  He jumped, then smiled at the sudden appearance of something to wear.  “Oh thank god,” he said quickly, letting out a deep breath.  “Finally, one that’s not terrible.”  On his side of the gallery, a blue light lit up above the targets.  

“Let me take a shot…” Andy followed suit, knocking down a red one.  There was another loud ring and suddenly the large man’s overdeveloped chest was straining against a skin tight, mesh tank top that left his disproportionate torso on display through the sheer fabric.  “What the hell?!”  

“Whoa!”  Luke couldn’t help but smile and feel a surge of attraction at the sight.  

“How come I got this one and you got a normal one?,” Andy asked, looking at the red light glowing over his side of the booth.  

Luke aimed again.  “Beats me.  Let’s see what happens this time.”  He fired, knocking over a pink card this time.  Before they could blink, a bright purple thong materialized on his meaty lower half.  Luke blushed and squirmed at the sudden appearance of the string between his thick cakes.  A pink lit up next to the blue one.   

“Yeah, not so much fun, is it,” Andy laughed as Luke squirmed.  Like his friend, though, he felt his giant tool throb watching the bouncing purple pouch.  “Okay...okay...so blue gave you a muscle shirt...red gave me this, and pink gave you that…” 

“Aim for blue!” 

“That’s the plan…” Andy said, squeezing the trigger.  “Yes!”  He squeaked, his high new voice cracking when a blue card went down.  On cue, a bright red jockstrap formed out of nowhere.  The crimson pouch thrust his thick bulge forward while his weighty cheeks were lifted in the back.  There was a gap of exposed abs from his belly button down to the wide elastic waist of the jock.  “Well that’s not what I was hoping for,” he said awkwardly.  

“I don’t mind,” Luke said, looking Andy up and down while the bigger man blushed.  He took aim again.  “Last one...aaaand….fuck!”  Luke cursed when he sent another pink card down.  As quickly as the rest, a pair of tiny, mesh white shorts plastered themselves to his thick thighs.  They were smaller than the boxer briefs he’d worn initially and left a purple whale tail when his muscle shirt rode up.  A pair of hot pink sneakers formed on his tiny feet, coupled with neon green tube socks.  “Uh...okay, I guess…” he said, blushing as he looked at his bright, skimpy outfit.  

“Come on blue...come on blue…” Andy muttered under his breath, knocking down another red card.  There was a creeping sensation as a pair of black, gartered stockings worked their way up his meaty legs, stopping halfway up his thighs.  A matching pair of shiny, knee-high heels wrapped themselves over the sheer leggings.  “Jesus!”  

Before either of them could process their new outfits, the lights above their halves of the booth flared brightly.  Two reds and a blue for Andy; two pinks and a blue for Luke.  The colors seared into their brains and both men gasped as they felt their personalities being changed to match their new looks.  Andy, with his mesh top, jock and stockings swayed on his heels as he was overcome by all new desires.  He saw himself tied down, strung up, and restrained in various ways.  He could feel hot wax and pinching clamps on his beefy pecs as he debased himself in new and exotic ways.  He moaned, wanting nothing more than to give Luke’s plump rear a bath with his tongue.  The shorter man was experiencing a similar transition.  He was all thick legs, ass, and arms, just as a gay gym boy like himself should be.  He saw himself prancing between sets of squats and curls, his entire body language and manner of carrying himself changing to match his bright, flamboyant outfit.  

“Like, whaaaat just happened,” Luke asked, shaking his head and staggering back from the table.  There was a noticeable new arch to his back when he stood and his hands were a flurry of motion while he talked.  “Oh my gawd girl, look at you!” His pale face went crimson when he heard himself.  “Why am I talking like this?”

Andy couldn’t help but smile at the exaggerated expressions on Luke’s face.  From his new perspective, the thought of what the formerly straight stud had gone through only turned him on.  He turned in a seductive saunter, equally confused by his own new motions.  “I don’t know, but it’s cute,” he purred.  

Luke stomped a bright shoe in frustration.  “It so is not!”  

Andy’s mouth watered at the sight of his friend’s jiggling thigh.  “Do that again,” he said, raising an eyebrow.  

Luke raised his leg, but stopped, flustered.  “No!  Andy!  Listen to me!” The words were forced and measured as he tried to control how he spoke.  It didn’t help that he found his friend’s new look irresistible, but he knew if they started anything it would only slow them down.  

Andy pursed his lips, his brows furrowing.  He rubbed his temples and closed his eyes in concentration.  “Sorry man, it’s like there’s another person in here…” he winced.  He tried to see themselves as they should be; just two regular straight guys.  Luke should be beefy and blonde.  He should be wiry and lean.  They should be wearing jeans and t-shirts and talking about girls.  He shouldn’t be drowning in a sea of kinky thoughts and irrepressible desire any more than Luke should be a brightly dressed little go-go boy.  He shouldn’t have a squeaky, helium voice and Luke shouldn’t be a freckled ginger.  The brief respite he’d felt after stumbling out of the hall of mirrors was fading as the terror of their situation came rushing back.  “Fuck…” he hissed, “what are we turning into?!”  

Luke only half-heard Andy’s frantic question.  He didn’t know what they were turning in to either, and his attention had been grabbed by a deep, electric throb.  They’d heard it off and on as they’d been making their way through the waking nightmare, but it had been growing steadily louder.  He could almost feel it vibrating the ground underneath him.  He didn’t know why, but some instinct told him it was important.  He’d heard it groan to life for the first time when they’d flipped the switch after first arriving.  If it was a power source, maybe they could find it and turn it off.  

Andy was still clutching at his new clothes.  He tugged on the mesh shirt straining around his massive new pecs and was half-mortified, half-turned on at the sight of his solid legs squeezed into the stockings.  His impossible package bulged out proudly, a stark contrast to the high heels on his feet.  “I don’t...I don’t even know who I am anymore…” he stammered.  The competing identities in his head were tearing him apart.  

“Quiet, babe!”  Luke blushed when he heard himself.  Andy may have had a helium squeak, but he was apparently adopting the vocabulary of a sixteen year old girl.  He knew all too well what his friend was going through, he was experiencing it too, but the thought of a possible escape was keeping him grounded.  “Do you hear that?”  

Andy cocked his head and listened.  The electric hum faded in and out like a heartbeat.  “What is that?”  

“I think it’s a generator of some kind…” Luke looked around the room before darting over to a gap between two of the booths.  “Over here!  Listen!”  

Andy sauntered over, his stomach dropping at how natural the heels felt.  He reached out a hand and could feel the wall in front of them vibrating in time with the sound.  Looking closely, they could see the outline of an access panel underneath the chipped, stained paint on the wall.  

“Is that...it is!” he grunted, his impressive arms flexing as he pulled the panel open.  They’d have to crawl, but it was big enough for them to fit inside.  “I am, like, sooo over going from room to room.  I say we try in here,” he said, balling his fists on his curvy hips.  

Andy was far less confident.  “But...what if that’s what it wants?”  He bent down and looked into the small chamber, not much larger than an air duct.  It was lined with all manner of wires and piping that vibrated with the humming sound..  He couldn’t see the other end before it faded into darkness.  

Luke shrugged.  “What other choice do we have?  Keep going through here and keep changing forever?”  

“What if the exit’s right around the next corner?”  

Luke turned and wrapped his meaty arms around Andy’s tight waist, burying his head against his friend’s burly chest.  “Honey, the exit isn’t around the corner.  You know that as well as I do.”  He was trying to force his old self to the surface to sound more confident.  “This place isn’t going to let us go unless we make it.”  

Andy melted in Luke’s grip.  His friend’s tight little body against him was only making it harder to focus.  “Okay...okay…” he said as he bent forward and gave Luke a peck on the top of his head.  More than anything, he didn’t want to be separated from the other man.  “It’s not like we have much to lose.”  

The buff little redhead reluctantly pulled away.  “I’ll go first…” He said, crawling inside.  

“Don’t mind this view at all,” Andy laughed, his face inches from Luke’s large, round bubble.  He leaned forward and bit one of the plump globes, eliciting a loud giggle.  

“Hey!  We, like, neeeeeed to focus,” Luke said, slipping back into his new persona.  “Save it for when we’re out of here.”  

“I admire your optimism,” Andy sighed.  “What if...what if we can’t change back?  What if we’re stuck like this when we get out?”  He was having a hard time crawling with his exaggerated proportions.  His heavy chest was throwing his balance off, and the hefty weight between his legs constantly threatened to fall out of the jock.  

Luke was silent.  He’d been wondering the same thing.  The part of him that was a burly, blonde straight man was horrified at the thought of spending the rest of his life as a very gay, ginger little gym bunny.  But at the same time, not being with Andy seemed just as terrible.  “Honey, I have no idea.  I guess we’ll figure that out.  As long as we...hey...wait…” Luke abruptly stopped crawling, causing Andy to face plant into the ass he’d been fixated on.  There was a growing light at the other end of the dark corridor, and the loud humming sounded like it was right on top of them.  “I think I see the end.”  

They crawled forward cautiously, discovering a large, vaulted chamber.  Like the tunnel they’d crawled through, the circular room was covered in wires and piping, all of which led to a gigantic, pointed crystal formation in the middle.  The clear stone was massive, stretching at least fifteen feet in the air with a circumference that wasn’t much smaller.  It pulsed and changed colors in a steady rainbow rhythm, the wires buzzing and humming with each throb.  

“What...the….fuck…” Andy said as he clambered gracefully to his heel-clad feet.  His whole body seemed to vibrate and tingle as they stood in front of the crystal.  

“Well, well!  I don’t get too many visitors in this room.”  

They spun at the unexpected voice and saw a thin man standing on a raised platform on the other side of the room.  He had on tattered overalls, a plaid shirt, and dirty black boots.  The angle of the platform and the ever-changing light kept them from getting a good look at his face as it was kept constantly in shadow.  

Seeing another person, let alone one who might be responsible for what happened to them, brought Andy’s anger rushing to the surface.  “What did you do to us?!”  He squeaked.  “Change us back!”  

“Whoa, easy there,” the man said, raising his hands in front of himself placatingly.  “I didn’t do any of this.  I’m just the caretaker.  This...place...does what it wants.”  

“What do you mean it does what it wants?”  Luke’s sassy hand motion diminished the threatening demeanor he was trying to convey.  “Who are you?  How is any of this,” he motioned to himself, “possible?”  

The man sighed and pointed to the crystal.  “Look at it.  Just give it a sec’...tell me what you see.”  

They stared, seeing only lights at first, but eventually the rainbow colors faded in and out as other shapes and people blurred into view.  They saw a group of guys who looked to be about their age stumbling along just as they had.  It was clear they’d all been affected. One of the men was lumbering along in what looked like a diaper while another pair seemed like they were made of plastic.  

“What would you say if I told you those fellas were in here right now, too?” the man asked.  

Andy tried to make out their faces.  “Are those our friends?  Did they come in after us?”   

This time the man laughed.  “No, they were here before you.”  

Andy didn’t understand.  “How?  There was no one outside.  Is there another way in?”  

“You could say that,” the man said cryptically.  “Better question might be to ask where you really are right now.”  

“What...what do you mean?”  Luke instinctively reached for Andy’s hand.  

“That crystal is old.  Real old.  Been around longer than people have been on this planet.  You think that’s a rock in front of you?  It’s alive.  Or maybe something inside of it is.  All I know is that it exists everywhere and nowhere at the same time.  I don’t know why it looks like a funhouse right now.  It hasn’t always.  Sometimes it’s a house.  Sometimes it’s just a cave.  It’s even been a city once.  In any case, when things line up juuuust right, you can come inside.  That’s when the fun starts.”  The man took a deep breath and let it out slowly, his thin shoulders drooping.  “I’m no expert on these things, but from what I’ve seen, the world, hell, the universe even, is like that crystal down there.  Faceted.  Different planes and angles and all that.  Usually they’re kept separate, but in here, those versions come together.  Bits and pieces from all over stitched together on top of who you used to be.  It’s why you look the way you do now.  It’s why they do, too,” he said, nodding at the group of men again.  “You think they’re in the same town?  They’re not even in the same dimension, fella.”  

“But...how...that can’t be real.  None of this can be real…” Luke said, swaying on his feet at what he’d just heard.  “Another dimension?  How do we undo this?”  

The man shook his head.  “There is no undoing.  You enter as one thing, you leave as another.  Whatever it is you used to be is good and gone by now.  Sure, you remember it, so does everyone else, but from here on out this is the new you.”  As soon as the man stopped speaking, the buzzing grew louder and the steady pulse of the lights came faster.  The other men faded from view as the room started shaking around them.  

“Uh oh.  Sounds like we’re movin’ on.  It never does like it when people show up in here.  Unless you boys want to come with, I’d start crawling back the way you came.”  

Andy and Luke exchanged a nervous glance.  “But...wait!  What do we do?  You can’t leave us like this!” Andy begged.  

The man shook his head and shrugged.  “Not up to me.  Or you.”

“No!  Wait!”  Andy wasn’t ready to accept the future he saw unfolding before him as a squeaky, hung, kinky stud.  

Luke, on the other hand, just wanted to run.  “Come on!  We have to go!  Now!”  The room around them was literally fading from view.  

“No!  But...damnit!”  Andy didn’t have a choice.  He dropped to his knees and desperately crawled behind Luke.  The tunnel around them was vibrating and shaking like they were in an earthquake.  The hair that remained on his altered body stood on end as waves of what felt like static electricity washed over them.  He made the mistake of looking back.  Instead of the dark tunnel behind him, he saw a sea of stars.  An infinite void filled with dots of light and swirling galaxies was creeping closer and closer.  “Go!  Hurry!” he cried, feeling an icy chill creeping up his leg.  He started to feel like he was floating.  His body was numb and he felt the vastness of open space spread out around him.  

Then Luke’s hands were tugging on his arms and they were out.  They landed in a heap on top of each other in what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse.  

“What...what was that…” Luke panted.  He looked around at the large, decaying space and saw sunlight filtering in through the crumbling roof.  “Where are we?”  

Andy lifted himself up and scanned the surroundings, finally seeing his car through an opening in one of the far walls.  “Oh...oh shit...we’re out.  We’re out!”  His joy faded when he heard his squeaky voice and saw Luke’s crimson hair.  They were still in their altered bodies with their new personas swimming just below the surface like the man had said.  

Luke’s head still spun from the implications of what they’d just experienced.  Everything he thought he knew about the way the world worked had just been upended.  “So, like, what do we do now?”  He didn’t even try and fight the new version of himself.  Already it was exhausting trying to be two people, and he knew his old self couldn’t hold out forever.  It was only a matter of time.  

“I have no idea…” 

Andy was cut off by the sound of tires crunching on gravel as a car pulled up next to his.  They watched three young men get out and look around before being spotted.  He and Luke untangled from each other and climbed to their feet as the three men approached and looked them up and down warily.  

“Who the fuck are you two?”  


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