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Interactive: Something Wicked, ch. 3

  • Hall of Mirrors - Is that really what you look like? 12
  • Carnival Games - Dunk tanks, squirt guns, ring toss; will you win or lose? 2
  • Bounce Room - Up and down until things are shaking and jiggling. 4
  • Ball Pit - Fall in and climbing back out might not be so easy. 3
  • 2017-11-15
  • —2017-11-19
  • 21 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Something Wicked, ch. 3', 'choices': [{'text': 'Hall of Mirrors - Is that really what you look like?', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Carnival Games - Dunk tanks, squirt guns, ring toss; will you win or lose?', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Bounce Room - Up and down until things are shaking and jiggling.', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Ball Pit - Fall in and climbing back out might not be so easy.', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 19, 17, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 15, 22, 55, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 21}


The two made their way slowly towards the bend.  The sputtering arrows on the wall flashed shades of neon purple and green, sending constantly jumping shadows onto the walls around them.  The droning, warped organ track continued to play, with splices of what sounded like laughter breaking up the drone.  The laughter was just as warped and twisted, seeming even moreso given what the two had just been through.  

Andy did his best not to stare at Luke’s altered body.  His beefy friend was putting up a brave front, but the sheer impossibility of what happened had them both barely clinging to the little composure they had left.  After years of looking at his friend as a tanned blonde, Andy couldn’t wrap his brain around a Luke with pale skin, freckles, and bright red hair.  And then there was the issue of his clothes, or the lack thereof.  Between the bare, bouncing cheek that hung out the back of the man’s tattered underwear and Luke’s recent brainwashed, sex-robot act, Andy had seen a whole new side of his friend.  

“I can feel you staring,” Luke said over his shoulder, reading Andy’s thoughts.  

“Sorry man,” Andy said quickly, “this is all just so crazy.”  

“I’m the one that just had your dick on my face, so yeah, I know.”  

Andy looked down at his torn open jeans and blushed.  Luckily they were tight enough to stay mostly up with just the occasional tug, but his own bright red underwear was on display through the ripped opening.  “At least we’ll never have to tell anyone about...this…” 

Andy trailed off when they turned the corner and he saw the room that awaited.  “What the fuck is this…” Luke stammered under his breath as he scanned a room that was made to look like a large barnyard.  What should have been bright, blue skies and green, rolling farmland was painted on the walls.  Years of neglect and decay left the paint faded and running together, making the barnyard scene look like something out of a psychedelic fever dream.  The bright red struts and fake facade of a barn had worn to a brown, rusty crimson.  The floor was still scattered in dry, brittle hay and the walls were lined with three barn stalls.  The music in this room changed to a mis-tempoed country western jingle, punctuated by random cows mooing or horses neighing.  At least that’s what Andy thought the warped, piercing shrieks were supposed to be.

“A fucking barn?  What?”  Andy had never even heard of an attraction like this.  He’d done research on Funhouses for his photo project and had an idea of the standard gimmicks, but clearly this place was on another level.  Above the entryway was a mural of eager, smiling people exploring the various stalls with question marks floating above each.  “I think we have to find the hidden exit in one of these stalls.”  

“Oh, good,” Luke said flatly.  “And what happens in each stall?”  

Andy shook his head.  “I have no idea.  Let’s just take this a step at a time.” 

Luke looked at the thick carpet of straw on the ground just beyond the threshold.  “Why is there so much straw piled up in the doorway?  That makes me nervooooh!”  As soon as the two stepped inside, the floor slid out from under them.  

“Shit!”  Andy yelped as he tumbled in a heap on top of Luke.  “You okay,” he asked, awkwardly trying to avoid touching as much of his nearly-naked friend as he could.  

Luke nodded.  “Yeah...what the hell just happened?”  

Andy extricated himself and tried to stand, only for the floor to shift wildly again and send him right back down on top of Luke.  “Damnit!  The floor is on a gyro or something...it’s like trying to stand up in a canoe.”  The slightest motion caused the floor to slide and jerk.  Andy had managed to right himself on his knees, but even that was a precarious position.  His half-fallen pants weren’t helping things either.  

“Let me try,” Luke grumbled in frustration.    

“No, wait!”  Andy tried to stop him. The larger man barely made it to his knees before they were both pulled back down.  

“Fuck!”  Luke panted, squirming against the scratchy straw on his back.  He felt like an upturned turtle.  

“Let’s just think this through,” Andy said, draped on top of his friend.  He could feel his pants around his ankles as a result of the last fall.  

“At least I’m not the only one with no pants on,” Luke said, giving one of Andy’s solid little cheeks a squeeze.  

“Hey!”  Andy laughed and squirmed, blushing when he realized that doing so caused him to grind his crotch into Luke’s.  Even this motion caused the floor to sway and a wave of dizziness washed over him.  “Whoa…” he gasped, blinking and shaking his head.  He was suddenly aware of how close his face was to Luke’s.  His friend’s breath was hot on his face and the solid, meaty body beneath him went from awkward to wonderful.  He thought back to how soft Luke’s lips had felt gnawing on his bulging briefs, and before he knew what he was doing, he had his mouth pressed against his friend’s.  

“MMMM!”  Luke’s eyes went wide at the unexpected kiss, but instead of pulling away, his free hand found it’s way to Andy’s remaining cheek.  He started kneading his friend’s perky bubble while Andy writhed on top of him.  

“Fuck...Luke...what’re we doing…” Andy panted in between exploring Luke’s mouth with his tongue.  

“I don’t know man...but I can’t stop,” Luke groaned, letting his hands slide up to work Andy’s shirt free.  

“Me neither...oh god…” Andy moaned when Luke tugged his t-shirt off and tossed it aside.  The feeling of his friend’s burly, hairy torso against his bare skin was even more intense.  He wormed his way out of his jeans while Luke pulled his little red briefs down, gasping when he felt his small, thin cock spring free and rub against Luke’s rigid monster.  

They explored every inch of each other’s body with their mouths and hands, lost in a giddy, lustful haze like horny teenagers.  It wasn’t until they’d switched positions with Andy on his back that the wiry man saw what was written on the ceiling.  “Luke...oohhh…” he groaned when Luke gave his aching cock a playful tug.  “No...Luke...stop...it’s the floor...we’ve gotta get out of here…”

Luke finally pulled his mouth from Andy’s neck and looked up at where his friend was pointing.  “A Roll In The Hay” was written in the same cartoonish letters as everything else.  The big man was torn.  He knew it was the platform making them do this, but he didn’t want to stop.  He never wanted to stop.  The thought was enough to jar him back to his senses.  If they didn’t stop now, they might never quit.  “Oh fuck...okay...okay…” he rolled off Andy and started inching forward on his hands and knees.  The floor was shaking like an earthquake and every fiber of his being wanted to turn around, but he forced himself onward until he was on stable ground.  “Give me your hand!”  

Andy was doing his best to follow.  The sight of Luke’s bare, plump cheeks was like a carrot on a stick, helping him forward.  He’d been just as desperate to keep their make out session going as his friend, relishing even the sensation of Luke’s strong hand wrapping around his forearm to pull him free.  

“Holy...holy shit…” Andy panted, flat on his back next to Luke.  His briefs were at his ankles and his oozing cock still stood straight up.  Already the intense sensations were fading, but a part of him wanted nothing more than to roll over and pick up where they left off.  Only when he was sure he could control himself did he look over at the other man.  “You’re not a bad kisser,” he said, trying to make a joke.  

“Not now, man,” Luke sighed.  For the second time in less than an hour he’d been forced to embarrass himself.  The only plus this time was that he wasn’t alone in his uncharacteristic actions.  

Andy sighed and sat up.  “Sorry,” he said flatly as he pulled his briefs back up.  He was still hard, but he’d hoped it would fade.  “Oh, fuck!”  

Luke shot up next to him.  “What? What?” 

“My fucking pants and shirt are still on the platform.  So’s the camera bag.”  

“I’m not about to go back on there.”  

Andy groaned into his hands, not sure what was worse: the thought of going back on the platform, or going through this funhouse in his underwear.  “Fuck it,” he eventually shrugged, “I’m not going back on there either.”  He did his best not to look at Luke’s long, heavy cock as his friend put himself away as best he could.  Andy could still practically feel it in his hands.  

“So which one do we do first,” the beefy redhead finally asked, nodding towards the three stalls.  

“Hell if I know.  After what just happened I’m thinking we should go in one at a time.”  Andy scanned each stall from the outside, hoping he could spot the exit without having to go in.  After a few minutes of staring he saw what looked like a trap door in the stall at the far end.  “Okay, I’m gonna go check that out.  Wait here, but be ready for...something…” The lean man crept in slowly, expecting the worst.  Every step brought with it a sense of impending disaster.  “I see what looks like a handle...it’s a horseshoe?  I’m gonna pull it and seeeeee!”  

It happened in a flash.  As soon as Andy pulled on the horseshoe an unseen force sent him falling to his hands and knees while the gate of the stall slammed shut.  He tried to right himself but he was glued to the spot.  

“Andy!  Shit, man, hold on!”  Luke pounded on the door but it didn’t budge.  All he could do was watch his friend strain on his hands and knees against whatever was keeping him there.  

“I’m stuck!  Dude, get me out of here!”  Andy was wild-eyed and desperate, his toned, whipcord muscles straining to the fullest.  

“I’m trying!  This door won’t budge!  Let me….” Luke trailed off when he heard a mechanical whirring sound.  At the other end of the stall a metal branding iron started moving towards Andy on a track.  

“Time ‘ta brand tha colt!” A cheerful, recorded voice droned out in a fake southern drawl as the iron moved steadily forward.  

“Shit!  Shit!  Luke!  Get me out of here!”  Andy was near hysterics watching the rod get closer and closer.  When it was within a few feet, the unseen force that held him in place tugged his briefs down, exposing his tight bubble.  “Oh fuck!  Fuuuuunnggghh!”  

Luke cringed as the brand touched the side of Andy’s left cheek.  He watched his friend tense and groan, but it didn’t actually look like Andy was in pain.  The thinner man bucked and shook, but there was no sizzling or burning smell.  At first Luke thought it might be an electrical shock, but then he saw what was happening.  Andy’s thin five inches, that he’d just recently become so familiar with, was growing.  Already it looked to be at least a couple inches longer and significantly thicker.  Now when Andy fought and shook it swung and slapped against his legs.  The tiny balls that hung with it were inflating to match, dropping lower and lower as they put on weight.  “Andy!  Dude!  Talk to me!  Are you okay?”  

All Andy could do was grunt and whine in response.  The cock that now hung halfway down his thighs was hard and growing until it looked like a small club was bobbing from Andy’s abdomen.  His thin fingers clutched at the dirty floor while his wild expression only grew more intense.  

The shock made Luke see things in slow motion, but in real time it had only taken a few seconds for Andy’s modest package to grow into a throbbing monster.  He watched as Andy gave a loud, final bellow and the beast between his legs exploded.  It shot with enough force that the torrent splashed up off the ground and covered his chest and stomach before the force let go and he fell over onto his side, exhausted.  

The brand pulled away and the door sprung open as soon as Andy was done spurting.  Luke didn’t think about another trap, he just rushed over to his panting friend.  “Jeeesus,” he breathed softly at the sight of the long, thick monster flopped over one of Andy’s hairy thighs.  Even limp it was pushing a foot long.  

“Oohhhh…” Andy groaned, sitting up as best he could.  “What just haaaaaaaaahhh!”  He turned a stark, pale white when he saw the long hose and pair of oranges that sprouted between his legs.  “What the fuck?!  What the fuck?!”  

It was Luke’s turn to try and calm his friend down.  “Easy dude, easy,” he said gently.  “That’s...something,” he whistled appreciatively.  

Andy could only stare at his freakish new endowment in shock.  “What...how….” he gave it a few tentative pokes, shivering at how sensitive it seemed.  “This...this isn’t possible…”

“I know, right?”  Luke gestured at his freckled face and new hair color.  “I know you’re freaking out but come on, let’s get you up and out of this stall.”  

Andy let Luke help him to his feet, gasping at the heavy flop when he stood.  “That’s...different…” he gave a dazed laugh as he pulled his briefs up.  The best he could manage was to snake his long cock off to the side while his hefty new balls pushed out the front and spilled out the sides.  The stuffed bulge looked comically large on the lean man’s thin body.  “What am I going to do with this thing?!  I’m literally hung like a horse!”

“We’ll figure that out later when we’re out of here,” Luke said sternly.  Keeping Andy from losing it was helping him keep his own cool.  “One of these has a door in it.”  

“And one of them could do something worse!”  Andy backed away, shaking his head.  “No way man, let’s just stay here and wait for help.”  

“From who?  The guys might not even make it out here, and no one knows we’re here.  And look at us!”  Luke didn’t want to say the next part out loud.  That meant it would be real.  “Something really weird is happening here.  Like, impossibly weird.  Who’s to say that even if the guys show up they’ll find us?  We need to get out of here and warn them before they get here.”  

The thought of saving his friends from a similar fate stirred what remained of Andy’s courage.  “Okay...yeah...you’re right.  Fuck!”  

“So which one?  Left or right?”  

“You saw what I just picked.  Don’t leave it up to me.”  

“I’m leaning towards the right…” Luke cocked his head and assessed both stalls.  His gut was telling him to take the one on the right.  “We go left,” he finally said.    

“You sure?  Why not right?”  

“Let’s Make a Deal,” he shrugged.  “The old TV show.  You’ve got a better chance if you switch your initial choice.  Or something.”  

“Are you fucking kidding me,” Andy said with a shocked laugh.  The idea that their fate hinged on an old game show was not a comforting one.  

“You got a better idea?”  

Andy didn’t.  He shook his head and followed Luke into the stall on the left.  As soon as they were both in a door slammed shut behind them.  “Shit!”  Andy pounded on the door until Luke put a hand on his shoulder.  He turned to see his friend grinning triumphantly in front of an open door.  

Luke pumped his fist in the air.  “Told you!” 

Andy breathed a deep sigh of relief, adjusting his ill-fitting underwear.  It was like trying to stuff two navel oranges inside.  “Let’s just get out of here.”

***** Where do they go next? *****  


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