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“Why are we doing this again?”  Jordan eyed the dark, decaying house warily.  The thought of spending the night, Halloween, no less, was far from appealing.  

“Ask Carter.  He’s the one who’s trying to get laid.”  Gabe stood next to the lanky Jordan, no more excited than his tall friend.  

“I’m trying to get us ALL laid, asshole.  No one’s forcing you to be here if you don’t want to.”  Carter wasn’t trying to hide his annoyance.  He’d been listening to his friends complain the entire two hour drive to the house and he’d had his fill. He was trying to do his friends a solid by bringing them out here to hook up with Zelda’s friends, but all they could do was whine about how long it was taking, or how creepy the woods were, or how they were in the middle of nowhere.  

“Yeah, sure, we’d just never hear the end of it…” 

“Are you going to bitch ALL night?” Carter spun his wiry body and interrupted Jordan with a glare.  “Zelda said her friends were down, and you guys said you wanted to do something different than another lame Halloween party this year.  If you don’t want to have some fun, you and Gabe can spend the night with each other in the fucking car.”  

“Dude, chill,” Logan said, putting a hand on one of Carter’s thin, broad shoulders.  “And you two,” he said, fixing Jordan and Gabe with a stern look, “quit with the whining.  You didn’t have to come.” 

Jordan sighed.  “Fine, sorry.  But you have to admit it’s creepy as fuck out here.  You said Zelda’s family owns this?”  

Carter nodded.  “She said it was her grandma’s house.  I guess she owned all the woods we just drove through.”  He looked at the dark, foreboding forest boxing the tall victorian estate in on all sides.  “She said no one’s lived out here for years, though.  Not too convenient being all alone out here.  Makes for a good getaway spot at least.”  

Logan shivered against the creeping chill flowing out of the misty trees, goosebumps breaking out on his solid, exposed arms.  “I don’t know that I’d say good, but it’s certainly appropriate for Halloween.”

Carter gave Logan’s flat stomach a backhanded slap. “Hey, you guys wanted to do something different. When was the last time you hooked up in a haunted house? She said she was bringing her friends and told me to bring mine. I could have kept them all to myself if I wasn't such a nice guy.”  

“Are they here already?  Place looks real dark,” Jordan said, his above average height letting him peer in one of the black windows.  

Carter shook his head.  “Zelda said we’d probably beat them out here.  She said she left costumes for us inside and told us to ‘get ready’.”  

Jordan grinned bashfully. “Isn't Zelda into some weird shit?  I thought you guys broke up after she found out about you and Tiff?”

“She came crawling back just like they all do,” Carter said, raising a smug eyebrow.  “This is her way of making up for freaking out on me just because I got drunk and had meaningless sex.  And yes, she sure is,” Carter said enthusiastically, adjusting the bulge in his tight jeans as he spoke. “Girl is a straight up weirdo, but I've never had better sex. Ever.”

“And how long ago did her grandma die?” Gabe asked, nudging a large clump of weeds with his foot. 

Carter shrugged. “Fuck should I know? Not recently if you're worried about that. I don't listen to half the shit Zelda says. She goes off onto some crazy trips sometimes. She actually thinks she's a witch, you know? She was talking about how this is supposed to be some big night and how mind blowing it'd be for everyone.”

“My mind isn't what I want blown,” Logan said, clapping Jordan on the back. 

“Might as well head in,” Gabe sighed, still not fully convinced. He stepped up on the rickety front porch, half expecting his foot to punch through the soft wood, and gave the knob a tentative turn.  The door swung open with a loud creak to reveal a long hallway that faded into darkness before he could see the end.  A staircase ascended into similar darkness on the righthand side, while a wide doorway opened into a dismal living room on the left.  “Uh, someone else can go first,” the burly man laughed, inching back from the doorway.  He told himself it was just the wind making the whispering sound he'd heard when he opened the door. 

“You’re such a pussy,” Carter spat, brushing past his short friend into the dark foyer.  He fumbled around on the wall with his hand for the light switch.  “There we go,” he said proudly as a weak light filled the room.  “See? Not so bad.”   

Carter stepped aside to let the other three enter.  The living room was a large square, filled with dusty furniture that smelled mildewy with age.  It was clear no one had lived there in years, if not decades.  The bare wood floors were worn and smooth under a layer of dirt and dust, and cobwebs filled the dark corners of the ceiling.  Square and circular outlines in the faded wallpaper showed where items once hung on the walls, but the only thing left was a massive mirror above the fireplace whose glass was tarnished and streaked with grime.  The furniture in the room seemed just as archaic.  There was a long, tufted sofa covered in crimson fabric and a matching set of deep, wingback chairs that gave off a cloud of dust when Gabe gave one of them a rough pat.  In the middle sat a round, oaken coffee table covered in a faded, purple cloth.  

They moved into the adjoining room and looked at the long banquet table still lined with chairs. The chandelier that should have hung above was missing, leaving the space cast in a twilight as light bled in through the living room doorway. It threw deep shadows that made it look as if people were actually seated at the table.  The built in cabinets in the corners were shrouded and ominous in the gloom while outside the black void of a forest pressed in close to the large bay window that made up one of the walls.  

The group didn’t linger in the large kitchen. The plethora of reddish-brown rust and other stains on the counters seemed sinister in what they suggested.  None of the guys was willing to give voice to what they were all thinking.  Had they, each of them would have mentioned a sensation of being watched, and of movement out of the corner of their eyes. They told themselves that they were just being foolish; that it would all look normal in the bright morning light.  Now, in the darkness, the yawning basement door on the far side of the room made them all uneasy.  

“Gotta admit, this isn’t at all what I was expecting,” Logan said, looking up at the tall ceiling when the group circled back to the entryway.  “I thought this would be some old cabin.”

“And she's never brought you out here before,” Jordan asked, flicking a phantom bug away from his ear. 

Carter shook his head. “No,I guess it's a big deal for her to bring someone out here. Why? I told you guys it would be bare-bones,” he said, getting defensive. 

“Not complaining,” Jordan said quickly, not wanting to get into another argument.  “Just sayin’...her friends better be hot.”  

“Dude.  You’ve seen Zelda’s friends.  They’re on her level.”  Carter’s thin lips broke into a smug grin.   “And if they’re half as good as her, you’ll all be thanking me tomorrow.”  

“So upstairs, then?”  Logan craned his neck to look up the inky stairwell.  

“That’s where the bedrooms are,” Carter said, leading the way up the creaking stairs.  They were greeted with another long corridor at the top that was barely illuminated by a single, dim bulb in the middle.  The hallway was lined in torn, dingy yellow wallpaper and punctuated by a series of doors.  To their immediate left and right were a set of bedrooms, both empty save for a single bed in each.  On the bare mattresses sat small boxes that the men knew must contain a costume.  The set up at the far end of the hall was identical, with a squalid bathroom in the middle.  

“It just gets better,” Jordan shivered, sticking his head into the large bathroom in the middle of the hallway.  The deep, clawfoot tub was mucky and the tile floor was covered in grime, while the toilet bowl was swamp water black.  Jordan cranked the sink handle and jumped when there was a loud bang, followed by a gurgle as a thick stream of brown water forced its way out of the tap.  “So no showers,” he laughed.     

Further down the hall, Logan stood in the doorway of one of the rooms, looking at the stained, disgusting mattress as the exposed bulb overhead flicked on. “I’m guessing those boxes are our costumes?  Did they say which was which? How do we pick?”  The four, athletic young men looked at each other and then back at the rooms.  They’d already figured there wouldn’t be much to the costumes, and based on the small boxes that assumption appeared correct.  They were used to being around each other in various states of undress. The real question was which costume would be the most embarrasing.

“Only fair way to do it is for everyone to pick a room before the boxes are opened,” Gabe said, picking the door opposite Logan.  “Agreed?”  The four men looked at each other and nodded seriously as if they were going off to battle.  

“No one comes out until they’re in costume.”  Carter gave his friends one last look before entering the room as a series of closing doors echoed down the hall.  

Alone in his room, Carter pulled the lid off the small box and couldn’t help but blush.  The lean young man was far from shy about his ripped body, but all that lay on the bottom was a small, leopard print thong.  A built-in loin cloth not much larger than the small pouch hung in front, and he knew the thin curtain of polyester that dangled behind the string at the back would do nothing to cover his toned cheeks.  “Ohhh, I’m gonna hear about this,” he sighed to the empty room.  

This wouldn’t be the first time Zelda dressed him up in a bizarre outfit, but he wondered if he should have warned the others about her specific tastes.  He shrugged and peeled off his shirt, exposing his surprisingly broad shoulders given his thin, runner’s frame. Countless miles of pounding the pavement did wonders for keeping the fat away, but it didn’t do much to put on muscle. Not that Carter wanted to be big. His wiry arms were thin and solid, as were the long, striated legs that culminated in a small, solid bubble.  He was covered in definition, and his pointy build only accentuated the sharp, angular features of his handsome face, with high cheeks, thin lips, and a prominent nose.  A light dusting of scrubby hair covered his lean forearms and legs, but for the most part his pale, whipcord body was naturally smooth.  

His modest pecs may not have been the most impressive, but he flexed his shredded abs reflexively as he undid his jeans and pulled them free along with his tight black boxer briefs.  He gave his thin cock and pert balls a shake in the cool evening air, feeling a sudden chill.  He looked around the empty room, his heart jumping at the sensation of fingers dancing along his bare back.  

“Getting jumpy,” he laughed to himself, running a hand through his sandy blonde hair.  He held up the tiny underwear and gave it another look, hoping the outfit would at least make his dick look bigger.  Unlike his ripped figure, his package was squarely in the average range. Not that Zelda ever complained.  He knew how to work it and the rest of his lean body like a pro.    

Carter tried not to wince as he pulled the foreign underwear on.  The string slid up between his small bubble and his package was grabbed and thrust forward.  It lumped out obviously beneath the thin loincloth in front, and as he’d anticipated, the majority of his pale rear was left hanging in the breeze.  Based on his “costume,” he could only imagine what his friends were finding.  

In the room next door, Gabe dumped out what appeared to be a surfer’s outfit onto the bed.  There were a pair of small, pink swim trunks, a shell necklace, and a blonde wig.  

“That’s not so bad,” he said, shucking his t-shirt to expose his beefy, hairy torso.  In real life the stout man wasn’t built for surfing, or anything else that required balance and agility.  He was built for power and strength.  He had broad, bowling ball shoulders with piledriver arms and a meaty slab of a chest.  Unlike his lean friends, Gabe had a solid, lumpy muscle gut, and the ample flesh of his back and shoulders swallowed most of his neck, giving his face a full, rounded look.  As he stripped out of his jeans, he showed that his lower half was just as impressive.  Trunk-like thighs stretched his boxers near to bursting above the solid lumps that were his calves, while a set of rotund cheeks filled out the rear.  When he pulled his boxers free, a long, wide cock and heavy, low-hanging orbs dangled proudly.  Coupled with the thick carpet of hair that covered his wide, burly body, Gabe oozed masculinity.  

“Could’ve picked a bigger size,” Gabe said under his breath as the hairy man struggled the bright swim trunks on, grimacing at how tight they were.  They were shaped like a small pair of running shorts and were plastered to the meaty thighs that they barely covered.  The hairy tops of Gabe’s powerful rear were left exposed while his hefty package bulged out like a fist in the front.  

“Maybe I was wrong about this not being so bad...” He winced as he looked down at himself.  The tight shorts were bad enough, but the platinum blonde wig that hung down past his ears looked all the more ridiculous against the dark brown hair that covered the rest of him.  Coupled with the shell necklace that just barely closed around his wide neck like a choker he looked like a surfing caveman.  

“Carter better be right about Zelda’s friends,” he said, blushing as he looked at his reflection in a darkened window.  He flexed a burly arm and couldn’t help but grin proudly at the huge bulge in the small trunks.  He may have been the shortest of the group, but he was by far the biggest.  He couldn’t wait to see what the other guys had been given.  

At the other end of the hall, Logan was regretting his decision.  He’d picked this specific room because it had the largest box, and what he hoped would be the least revealing outfit, but that plan had backfired.  It did cover most of him, just not in the way he’d hoped.  

“Son of a bitch,” he sighed, his face crimson as he looked down at the frilly, black and white lace of a French Maid’s costume.  It looked to be made out of a lady’s body suit with a corset top and a frilly skirt around the waist.  To make things worse, there were a pair of stockings and heels in the box to go along with it.  This was almost too much even for the easy-going Logan.  He didn’t let much bother him, but the thought of squeezing his strapping, athletic body into the humiliating outfit was a rough pill to swallow.  He wasn’t even sure it would fit.  

Worrying about something as trivial as clothes fitting was a foreign concept for Logan as he always looked good in just about anything. He was built like the All American Boy Next Door.  Shaggy brown hair, a face that was cute and handsome without being overwhelming, and a solid layer of muscle on his fit frame.  His shoulders and pecs were broad and his arms were built, but he was nowhere near having a thick, barrel torso like Gabe.  And while his waist was trim and flat, he didn’t have the shredded abs that Carter did.  Throw in a set of robust, toned legs with an ass that was perky without being too large, and he had the perfectly proportioned body that most people could only dream of.  Not too built, not too skinny, and at just under six feet, he was the perfect height.  Even his package seemed expertly shaped, with a girthy, six inch hose and a symmetrical set of heavy balls nestled in a manicured patch of dark brown hair. It was easy for Logan to be so relaxed all the time because he had people throwing themselves at him constantly.  

“Can’t stay in here all night,” he sighed, pulling off his t-shirt and dropping his fitted jeans.  He hesitated at his boxers but knew he’d never hear the end of it if he backed out now.  And despite his embarrassment, he felt a thrill run through his naked body as he held the elastic outfit against him before stepping into it.  it was so unlike anything he'd ever worn. He was a jeans and t-shirt guy. He'd never even imagined himself in something like this. 

The bottom wedged between his hairy cheeks, leaving them mostly bare, and he quickly discovered that while he could arrange for his cock to stay covered, there was nothing he could do about the exposed sides of his balls that hung out in the front.  The frilly “skirt” stood out horizontally from around his waist, which meant it provided no coverage at all. The top wasn’t much better.  The corset was shaped so that a large-chested woman would have room for her breasts, but in Logan’s case all that meant was a large gap between his shapely pecs and front of the garment. 

“Jeeeesus,” he stammered, looking at his reflection. The corset showed off his tapering waist but left the rest of him bare from the nipples up. The small patch of curly hairs coating his pecs was a stark contrast to the lace of the corset that swayed with each step whether he wanted it to or not.  He flexed a chiseled bicep and felt his cock stir at the novelty of it all. “Little early for that,” he grinned, taking a deep breath to get himself under control. The last thing he wanted was to be walking around hard in front of his friends. 

He winced when he sat and felt his exposed balls make contact with the mattress, a reminder of just how on display he really was.  Logan did his best to ignore it as he pulled the lace stockings and garters up his inviting thighs. 

“The fuck…?!” Logan had just gotten his stockings into place when he felt the mattress sink next to him, as if an unseen person had sat down.  He swore he’d even heard the springs creak. He jumped up, but he was still alone in the room.  “Oookay, I'm ready to get back to the others,” he said, laughing nervously as he stepped into the heels.  “Whoooaaa…” Logan staggered in the tall, cumbersome shoes.  “How the fuck do people do this?!” He clopped awkwardly around the room, trying to get his bearings.  

Across the hall, Jordan could hear the loud clacking of heels on the wooden floor.  “That doesn’t bode well,” he said flatly, looking at his unopened box.  The tall man braced himself for the worst and slid the top off, only to look down at what appeared to be a wrestling singlet.  He didn’t need to pick it up to know that it looked far too small for his lanky frame.  At six-foot-five, Jordan was better suited for basketball than squirming around on the ground with other guys.  He had long, substantial arms and vigorous legs that he'd built for speed and grace while moving the ball up and down the court.  

“I don’t even know how to put this thing on…” he sighed, pulling his shirt free from his lean, elongated torso.  When he undid his belt his baggy jeans practically fell off his thin waist of their own accord, but he hesitated at his briefs.  “Are you supposed to wear underwear in these,” he asked aloud, scratching his flat, exposed pecs.  He blushed when he remembered the outlined bulges that had been on display the few times he’d watched Gabe wrestle during college.  For someone who wore long, baggy shorts when he played his sport of choice, it was a jarring transition.  Committing to what he knew would be an embarrassing evening, he stepped out of his briefs and felt the familiar swell of pride when his long, thick hose swung heavily.  It’s length complemented the rest of his long frame perfectly as it dangled in the gap between his trim thighs.  

“Holy...shit...this is snug…” Jordan grunted as he tugged the singlet on, going up on his toes when he felt the deep wedgie formed by the clinging fabric that sunk around the small, solid globes of his ass.  He was afraid it would actually snap as he pulled it up over his shoulders, causing the bottoms to ride up far enough that he thought his underwear might have covered him more.  There was a large lump formed by his thick balls, and his seven inch banana might as well have been entirely visible given how clear the outline of it was.  The top of the singlet barely cleared his belly button, giving the impression that he was wearing a large pair of briefs being held up by suspenders.  

He stared at his reflection in the window, his narrow face looking more troubled than embarrassed.  The whole time he’d been changing  he felt like he was being watched.  Jordan couldn’t shake the sensation that if he just turned his head quick enough he’d see someone standing behind him.  No matter how many times he tried, there was never anyone there.  

He gave himself one last look and tried to relax.  “Hope the other guys have something worse,” he said, opening the door back out into the hallway.  “Alright fellas, let’s see it!”  

Carter was the first to emerge, flexing his whipcord arms.  “Guess I’m Tarzan.  Fuck are you supposed to be?”  

“A wrestler, I guess?” Jordan said, grinning from ear to ear at his friend’s revealing costume.  He tugged at the legs of his singlet, adjusting himself.  “It’s a little tight.”  

“I can see that,” Carter said, eyeing the long cock snaking up Jordan’s abdomen.  

Jordan cupped his package proudly.  “Good thing I didn’t get yours, at least.  Don’t think I’d fit.”  

“Whoa!  Tarzan!”  Before Carter could say anything, Gabe came out and clapped the wiry man’s small, bare cheeks.  

“A surfer?”  Carter laughed at Gabe’s bright blonde wig and small pink trunks.  “Can you teach a gorrilla to surf?”  

Gabe shrugged his burly shoulders.  “I dunno, you’re the king of the jungle, you tell me.”  He turned and looked up at Jordan, cocking his head.  “Dude, you could have just borrowed one of mine.”  

“It’d probably fit better,” Jordan said, snapping one of the shoulder straps.  

“Alright, Logan, you’re up,” Gabe said, pounding on the still-closed door.  “OOooohhh man,” his eyes went wide and he held a hand in front of his gaping mouth as it slowly opened.  

“Get it over with now,” Logan sighed.  

“Whoa!  Look at you!”  Jordan couldn’t help but laugh at how awkward Logan looked in his revealing outfit.  “And look at them,” he laughed, pointing to the balls that were spilling out.   

“What’s up sweet thing,” Carter said, coming over and giving one of Logan’s hairy cheeks a squeeze.  “This is a good look for you.”  

“You’re one to talk.” He reached out and quickly tugged the front of Carter’s thong down, letting the small package spring free.  

“Oohh, sexy maid’s getting frisky already,” Carter laughed, casually stuffing himself back in the tiny underwear.  “Maybe you can keep us busy til the ladies get here.”

“Fuck yo…” Logan paused mid sentence when Jordan raised  a hand for everyone to stay quiet. 

“Do you hear that?” He whispered. 

They all looked around and listened until Gabe finally shook his blonde wig. “What? I don't hear anything.”

Jordan listened again but there was only silence. “Huh. Sorry, I thought I heard something downstairs.”

“Place is probably full of mice or raccoons,” Logan offered, as if that was comforting. 

“You're probably right,” Jordan said, still uneasy. Last time he checked, mice and raccoons didn't chant in unison, which is what he'd thought he heard. 

The group made their way back downstairs, the mood lightening as everyone laughed at Logan as he clumsily descended in his stiletto heels.  They brought in the cooler they’d left on the porch and got down to the business of partying, shotgunning beer after beer to loosen themselves up and make themselves less self conscious about their outfits. They took turns mocking each other as they went from room to room to pass the time.  

“So, uh, as much as I love turning you guys on, any word from the girls,” Logan asked after another round of relentless ribbing.  “Even this house is starting to seem less scary.”

“I don’t know man, seeing you dressed like that is pretty terrifying,” Gabe laughed, flopping down on the couch.  

Jordan dropped down at the other end.  “I know what you mean, though.  I didn’t think the only tits I’d see tonight would be Logan’s.” 

Carter pulled out his phone and checked the time.  “They should be here any minute.  They said the party would start around twelve, and it’s just now midnight,” he said, settling into one of the chairs. 

Jordan took the remaining chair, adjusting the tight crotch of his singlet for the hundredth time.  “Good!  I think this is starting to cut off circulation.  I….” 

The rest of Jordan’s sentence was lost in the sudden chaos.  As soon as he sat, the whole house shook.  There was a loud groan and a gust of wind that seemed to come out of nowhere.  It felt like someone had picked the house up and was shaking it, causing the four men’s head to spin dizzily as their ears rang from the loud, bellowing sound.  The vibrations penetrated all the way to their bones, rattling them to the core. They clutched at their seats for what felt like an eternity until it stopped.

“What...what the fuck…” Jordan said, his eyes darting around the room.  While the house had been turned upside down he'd heard the chanting again, only louder this time, as if the people making the sounds were standing around them. 

Despite feeling like they’d just gone through an earthquake, nothing seemed even remotely disturbed.  None of the hanging cobwebs were shaking, and none of the piles of dust had been disturbed.  The old mirror above the fireplace was still in the exact same spot and not a single one of the chairs in the dining room had so much as shifted an inch.  They all jumped to their feet, unsure what to do next.  

“Whoa, brahs, like, what was that?”  Gabe’s eyes went wide as soon as he spoke.  

“Joking?  Now?”  Carter said, trying to cover the shaking in his voice.  

“No!  I’m, like, totally not joking!”  Gabe actually looked terrified now.  He rubbed his throat.  “Seriously my dudes, I’m not stoked about this!”   

“I don’t normally agree with Carter, but maybe now’s not...the...time…” Logan trailed off as he looked over at Gabe and gestured for his friend’s to do the same.

The wide, hairy man was panicked, looking down at himself.  “What?  What?!”  

Logan squinted.  “Your...hair...is that the wig?”  What had looked like a ridiculous fake wig minutes before now somehow looked real.  Instead of Gabe’s brown hair sticking out around the edges, the platinum locks seemed to go all the way into his scalp.  

“What do you...NO FUCKIN’ WAY MAN!”  Gabe tugged on the blonde hair that drifted down in front of his eyes and went pale.  It felt real.  Not glued on or stuck to his hair, but actually growing out of his scalp.  “Dudes, what is this?!” 

“Is it glued or something?”  Jordan was trying his best to remain calm.  

“Nah!  It feels like it’s my real hair, brah!”  Gabe rubbed at his throat again, his face a mask of horror.  “Why’m I talkin’ like this?!”  

“Uh...guys…” Logan took a stumbling step backwards, bumping into Carter as the three men stared at Gabe in mute shock.  

Gabe opened his mouth to speak, but anything he was about to say died in his throat when he looked down and saw what was happening.  Already his thick carpet of fur had thinned and was getting thinner as they watched.  At first glance it looked like his muscles were shrinking, but it soon became clear that they weren’t disappearing, just rearranging, as, impossibly, Gabe started getting taller.  His squat torso started pushing upwards, drawing his wide waist in towards itself.  The thick muscles on his stomach seemed to flow upwards and downwards in equal measure, puffing out his increasingly defined pecs and adding even more thickness to his already expansive cheeks.  His arms went from thick and bulky to long and sculpted in moments, growing in time with his legs that were getting longer and longer.  The gap between his thighs grew wider as the meaty trunks leaned out into a pair of toned, sturdy quads.  The neck that had been absent since Gabe’s muscles swallowed it in adolescence reappeared when his shoulders pushed outwards to give his formerly barrel torso a noticeable taper.  Above, his round face stretched and sharpened with a set of high cheekbones and a chiseled jaw.  In place of the hair that had vanished from the rest of his body, a deep, golden tan flowed across Gabe’s formerly pale skin.  

It wasn’t just Gabe’s body that changed.  While his stocky frame had been growing and stretching, the small shorts started pulling up his legs of their own accord, shrinking and changing shape until they were a bright, neon pink speedo that popped against Gabe’s deep new tan.  The altered man appeared stunned as he looked around the room.  In a matter of moments, he’d gone from the shortest in the group to standing on par with Logan as the hairy, stocky beast of a man had been replaced by a sculpted, sun-kissed surfer.  

No one knew what to say as they stared at the striking new Gabe.  His pecs practically leapt off his chest above his trimmed waist, while the ass that bubbled out the back of the speedo seemed to defy gravity.  The rest of their friend’s once-beefy body was now striking and solid, with a broad swimmer’s back and a strong set of arms made for propelling him through the waves.   

“Whoooaaa,” Gabe said, the valley-boy, surfer accent even more pronounced, “dudes, am I going crazy or what?”  He prodded his now-visible abs and ran his hands over his smooth, hairless skin with a shocked grin on his face.  

“Are...are you okay?”  Jordan finally asked.  

Gabe cocked his head, his lengthened hair falling to one side of his face as he thought about it.  “I think so?  My head feels funnnn-eeee,” he said, drawing out the word.  

“Uh...guys?”  They all turned at Carter’s shaking voice.  Everyone had been so busy staring at Gabe that they weren’t paying attention to anyone else.    

“Jesus!  Carter!  What the fuck?!”  Jordan jumped back from the wiry man.  Where Gabe’s hair had gone from dark brown to light blonde, Carter’s sandy blonde hair was now jet black.  And he seemed to be inflating.  

“What’s...what’s...happening…” Carter groaned, staring at hands that were far too large for his thin arms.  The size difference didn’t last as his forearms shot outwards, the rippling flesh traveling up his lean arms until he had huge, bulging biceps.  He gasped wordlessly as his shoulders grew and a wave of expanding muscle washed over his chest and down his stomach.  He didn’t lose any of his shredded definition, but his wiry body was suddenly swallowed in pound after pound of solid muscle.  

The now-top heavy man wobbled on his thin legs until the expansion spread below his waist.  The group let out a collective gasp when a massive, thick cock and heavy set of balls shot out from the confines of the tiny thong and Carter’s thighs exploded with steely sinews.  His calves became rocky lumps as his feet grew longer and wider and a dusting of wiry, raven hairs sprouted on his toes.  The hair flowed up his expanded legs, leaving a light coating on his thighs before condensing in the center of his abs and spreading outwards again to cover his now prominent chest and arms.  

It continued its flow up to Carter’s almost unrecognizable face.  His widened jaw and sharp features were buried under a thick layer of stubble, while his lengthened hair hung in front of his now-sloped forehead and down to his shoulders.  Like with Gabe, a deep tan fell over his skin as the thong altered to become an actual loin cloth.  It just barely covered the impossibly large cock that hung between Carter’s powerful legs, and as the man turned in a shocked circle they could see that it did even less to cover the round, granite globes in back.  

Carter looked desperately at his friends.  His mouth was moving, but it was with some effort that he asked, “what...hap….me…” in a voice that was considerably deeper.  He shook his head and tried again.  “I...not...me...not…” he gestured wildly at his primitive build.  Despite his fear, the once-scrawny man radiated a primal masculinity.  Now he was actually built like someone who spent their time swinging from trees and wrestling with jungle creatures.  He was all arms and shoulders, quads and glutes; muscles that he needed to leap from branch to branch.  Already his movements seemed panther-like, ready to pounce at a moment’s notice.  “Not me!” He bellowed, beating a fist against his broad chest and making his friend’s jump.  

“Fuck..it’s the costumes…” Logan said when he could find his voice again.  He and Jordan frantically tore at their outfits, but it was too late.  

Just as Jordan gripped one of the shoulder straps, he felt a shudder run through him, followed by a sensation of falling.  He gasped, stumbling on his feet as his legs suddenly shortened and his arms drew upwards towards his shoulders.  For a moment he was disproportionate, with stubby legs and arms sticking out from his lengthy torso until that too followed suit, pulling his long neck down along with it.  The singlet that had been far too short was now the perfect length, with the top hitting Jordan’s chest instead of his belly button.  The formerly-tall man hadn’t lost any mass with his shrinking and quickly found himself lumpy with burly muscle that was resettling into his new shape.  

Jordan appeared to be taking up Gabe’s former position as the group’s resident bulldog.  His chest was a heavy slab above a thick muscle gut where his abs used to be, and his once-toned arms started to hang at an angle as they thickened with plump muscle.  Long, lanky legs now pressed thickly together almost all the way to his knees above jagged, beefy calves and wide, short feet.  Like the rest of him, Jordan’s long cock had pulled inwards, growing wider and thicker until it looked like someone had shoved a can of beer into the singlet that now stretched across what looked like two basketballs attached to his rear.  

“Oh...oh god…” Jordan stammered, staring at his wide new hands and stubby fingers.  He reached up and felt round, full cheeks where his narrow features used to be.  “Guys...someone...hel…” he broke off when the singlet started shifting and changing.  The already short leg openings drew upwards while the front and back thinned out towards the sides.  Jordan felt the back disappear completely between his ample new rear and looked down at the nubby new nipples that stood out from his shelf of a chest.  More and more of his lumpy abs were exposed as the singlet vanished into a thin, posing strap bodysuit that went up over his shoulders.  The base of his wide new cock was visible as the “V” of the suit dipped low in the front.  

The shrunken man prodded his stocky new body, paling at his limited range of motion and loss of height.  In seconds he’d gone from a lanky basketball player to a stocky power lifter.  And based on how tall his friends seemed around him, he doubted he was even as tall as Gabe used to be.  He squirmed and winced at the constant sensation of thick muscle and flesh rubbing together.  It was like there was too much mass for his shortened frame.  

Logan wished he could comfort his friend as he watched, but he was undergoing his own changes.  Given what he was wearing, he was horrified.  His friends had all turned into their costumes, and he was acutely aware that he was wearing women’s clothing.  He expected the worst when he felt the first shudder.  Bit by bit, the gap between his chest and the built in bust of the corset grew smaller and smaller as his chest expanded.  He felt a confused sense of relief when he realized that the expansion was all solid muscle, not soft breasts like he’d expected.  He could only watch as his sculpted pecs pressed outwards as a matched set of juicy lumps of muscle.  Another ripple ran through his arms and he felt a sense of tightness as they expanded only slightly but took on increased definition.  Logan gasped, feeling like he was punched in the stomach as his waist shrunk and his abs popped.  The balls that already hung out from the bottom of his outfit pushed out even further while his cock took on extra mass.  His thighs didn’t grow huge, but they puffed with additional muscle to match his inflating, bouncing ass.  

While the changes to his body were subtle, Logan was concerned with the tingling sensation he felt coming from his face.  He watched the tarnished mirror in stupefied terror as his boy-next-door looks vanished.  His stubble melted away as his cheekbones pulled up and up and his jaw line narrowed.  His lips grew thick and soft while his nose pushed out into a prominent beak beneath his now-penetrating eyes.  His shaggy hair shortened to a stylized, angular point and sent another wave washing down his changing body.  His tanned skin became pale and smooth, losing all hair from his eyebrows down as a thick layer of makeup appeared on his face.  His lips were crimson, his cheeks glittered, and his eyes lurked behind multi-colored eyeliner.  

The maid’s outfit had changed with the rest of him.  The top had separated to become its own black and white corset, exposing Logan’s now-prominent obliques.  It was laced wide in the front to show off his firm abs and the deep valley of his solid, oversized chest.  Below, the skirt and bottom had become a pair of sheer black bikinis, giving everyone a clear view of his impressive package and supple cheeks in the see-through material.  His stockings and heels remained unchanged, but now when he took a step in them there was no awkwardness at all.  Where once had stood a handsome, athletic jock, now stood a statuesque lesson in contrast.  While Logan’s altered face and outfit were androgynous and feminine, there was no denying that his sculpted, hung frame was all man.  Now, instead of having a boyish cuteness, Logan moved with seductive purpose and radiated kinky sex.  

“Ooohhh, boys, boys, boys,” Logan purred, “what the fuck just happened to us?”  He ran his hands along his altered chest and thinned waist slowly, as if on a stage.  

“You...pretty!”  Carter said, staring wide-eyed at Logan.  

“Same to you, stud,” Logan winked, before shaking his head with a horrified look.  “Wait...no...what are we…” he grabbed his head dramatically, flexing his arms in the process.  “Does anyone else feel that?”  

“Totally brah,” Gabe said, blinking dazedly as he looked at his altered friends.  

Jordan nodded.  “I...it’s like I want to…” 

“Want pretty!”  Carter stomped a foot, his now-hard monster sticking out from around the small loincloth.  

Logan tried to stop himself, but more and more this new person he’d become was taking control.  It was as though phantom fingers were digging into his brain, rearranging who he was as a person.  When he looked over at his now-primal friend, all Logan could think about was what that monster rod would feel like inside him.  “Pretty want you too,” he said, licking his crimson lips slowly.  

In a flash, the animal-like Carter was on him.  He leapt over the huge oak table easily, his powerful arms making Logan seem small in their grip as they wrapped around him.  A shrinking part of Carter was just as confused and terrified as Logan.  What little remained of the former person was aware of what was happening and he tried to stop himself, but it was like trying to stop the tide.  Carter had never had a gay thought in his life, yet suddenly he wanted Logan in a way he’d never wanted anything before.  He was terrified at the changes to his body, as well as the growing difficulty he had holding on to a thought for any length of time, but all he could focus on was his desire.  He could feel that his new body responded with extremes: anger, lust, happiness, it didn’t matter.  The old Carter could tell that his new life had no room for shades of grey.  If he wanted to do something, he didn’t think about it; he did it.  

Unfortunately, that didn’t leave much room for finesse.  Even through his disgust, the former lady’s man was still able to muster a swell of embarrassment at how his hands fumbled and he inexpertly mashed his lips against Logan’s.  Fooling around with a guy or not, Carter should have been better at what he was doing, but it took everything he had to control himself at all.  “Pr..pretty!” he grunted, licking at Logan’s neck.  

“A girl could get a swelled head around you,” Logan said, wincing internally as the words left his mouth.  He wished that the primal pawing didn’t feel so good.  He could see the fear in Carter’s eyes, a glimmer of his old friend, but he couldn’t do anything more about it than he could his own actions.  He felt just as bad for his apeish friend as he did for himself.  Carter may have been an asshole sometimes, but being turned into a hulking brute, even a hot one, was a stiff punishment.  “How about we skip the making out,” he said, sliding a hand down Carter’s stomach and wrapping it around his giant member.  “Oh my,” Logan gasped as he danced his hand along it.  

“OOOOHHHH!”  Carter literally howled, managing to feel mortified when his body instinctively started bucking it’s hips, thrusting his powerful cock in and out of Logan’s hand like a dog humping a pillow.  The pleasure he felt was just as extreme as everything else.  Every inch of his imposing new body lit up with lustful excitement as Logan’s hand ran up and down his massive shaft.  He groaned and felt like he would explode when the fingers of Logan’s other hand dug into his round new pecs

Logan couldn’t even attempt to stop himself.  Carter’s flexing, panting new body against him was too much.  He leaned in and brushed his friend’s lengthened, darkened hair away from an ear.  “I think I know what you want,” he whispered, laughing when Carter just nodded eagerly.  The old Logan screamed at himself to stop as he slipped out of the other man’s bear hug and turned, bending forward slowly to press his ass back against the throbbing cock.  He dropped to all fours and stretched his arms in front of him like a yoga pose with his ass in the air.  

Carter was on him in a flash.  He practically tore Logan’s see-through panties free and jammed himself inside.  His grunts were deep and gutteral as he pounded like a jackrabbit.  

“OOOHhhhhh yessssss please,” Logan heard himself sigh contentedly.  His own enlarged cock slapped against his corseted abs and his plumped cheeks shook from the relentless pounding.  Carter’s impossible new tool sent waves of pleasure and pain through him and Logan enjoyed both in equal measure for the few briefs moments that the hammering lasted.  Almost as soon as the other man entered, Logan felt a warm stream filling him from within.  

“I...sorr...sorry…” Carter panted, managing to finally look embarrassed as he pulled his oozing pole from inside his friend.  The release had helped clear his brain, and his poke-and-spray performance in front of everyone only added to his horror.  

Logan sighed and rolled over onto his back, his cock still rigid and leaking.  “Don’t worry about it,” he said, stroking one of Carter’s hairy thighs.  “It was fuuuuuhhhh!”  

With a grunt, Carter dropped his square jaw and swallowed nearly all of Logan in his surprisingly large mouth.  Like with everything else the grunting man would do from now on, it was an impulse.  He saw his friend’s appealing cock bobbing in front of him and he suddenly wanted it in his mouth.  So he took it.  He felt a swell of his old pride as Logan squirmed and he heard the other man whimper.  

“Whoa, brah, look at those two go,” Gabe laughed, tousling Jordan’s hair.  The two men had been unable to do anything other than watch while their friends went at each other in a frenzy.  

Jordan pulled away and looked up at the dull smile on the other man’s face.  Instead of looking down at his friend, he was eye level with Gabe’s tanned, perfect pecs.  “Gabe...we’ve gotta get out of here…” He searched the grinning face for any sign of his old friend, but all he saw was the handsome surfer.  He paused at the thought, wondering why he now thought of Gabe as handsome and why he felt a stirring in his pudgy new cock.  

“I kinda like the look’a this,” Gabe said, a hand drifting down his golden, ripped abs to the stuffed, pink bulge of his speedo.  “That’s a wave I wouldn’t mind ridin’,” he laughed, stroking back his blonde hair with the other hand.  

“But this isn’t right!  This isn’t you!  This isn’t me!”  Jordan kept saying it over and over again, forcing himself to believe it.  Gabe’s hand on his shoulder didn’t help his focus.  

“What’re you sayin, brah?  Who else would we be?”  

“We…” Jordan hesitated.  He squirmed under Gabe’s hungry gaze.  He should have been panicked about his loss of height and his altered body.  He should have been nearly insane with fright at what was happening, but all he could think about was how the size difference between him and the other man turned him on.  Already his stout, burly body was starting to feel less freakish and more natural.  

“Not a bad little wave right here either.”  

Jordan’s widened cock surged when Gabe slipped one of the straps off his shoulder.  His rotund new pecs started rising and falling quickly while he fought the urge to reach out and grab his friend.  All he could think about was how good Gabe’s round, dimpled bubble looked in the pink speedo.  All he had to do was reach out and take it.  

“Come on, dude,” Gabe said, flicking the other shoulder strap off.  

Jordan shivered as his skimpy outfit fell free.  Looking down and seeing just the tip of his thick cock over the new mound of his gut and heaving chest was almost enough to punch through his growing haze.  “We aren’t...this isn’t…” he whispered hoarsely.  

He managed to look away, turning his head towards the coffee table.  He’d been so busy watching Carter and Logan that he hadn’t noticed the tablecloth slipping free when Carter jumped over it.  Now he saw the top of the table was covered with intricate carvings.  It looked like some sort of magic symbol.  There was a circle around the outside with several geometric shapes and what looked like letters in the middle.  The design pointed outwards to the exact spots where the four had been sitting, and as he stared at it, the shapes seemed to move and shift, making Jordan dizzy.  He felt like he was falling again as his head filled with visions.  He saw himself and his friends not as they should be, but as they were now.  He saw the tall, blonde Gabe groaning with his surfer’s drawl at the end of his stubby cock while a made-up, lace-and-leather clad Logan led the brutish, naked Carter around like a pet.  

He tried to force the image from his mind and think of their old selves.  He tried to remind himself that this was all wrong, but he could no longer picture any of their former faces.  He could barely remember that they’d ever existed any other way than they appeared now.  He saw Carter again, shirtless this time and with a hand down the front of a tiny pair of shorts being told by Logan to stop touching himself in front of people.  Logan’s round, solid rear hung out from the bottom of a pair of denim cut offs while his impressive chest was covered in a mesh crop top.  His face was almost unrecognizable under the ever-present make up.  

Jordan saw himself in a gym, his short, beefy frame clad only in a skimpy posing strap and towered over by other meatheads while his stocky arms pumped out rep after rep.  The gym wasn’t a fitness center; it was a place where guys went to get big.  More mass was always the goal and Jordan spent his days staring into a sea of ‘roid guts from his new perspective.  The scene shifted to the locker room and he saw himself working his pudgy cock with one hand while he got off one musclebeast after the other.  

He saw Gabe, instead of being on a beach, standing on a platform in front of a painted tropical scene, gyrating and bouncing his broad, naked body to loud, pulsing music.  His golden locks shook wildly in front of his face that had the same bright, dim smile that it had now while his long, solid cock slapped wildly around.  They didn’t live anywhere near a coast, meaning the only waves Gabe caught were the ones that sprayed all over him from the men in the back room.  

The old Jordan’s last, fleeting thought was that he’d been right.  They never should have agreed to come out here.  Zelda had always given him the creeps and now he knew why.  As he had the thought, Jordan realized he was right about them not being alone in the house after all.  Blurry outlines of people danced at the edges of his vision.  It wasn’t a group of young women like they’d been told, but a coven of old, withered creatures.  He knew they’d been there the whole time, just outside of sight, and he could hear their hoarse, croaking laughter as they watched.  He tried to scream, to warn his friends, but all he could do was drift into darkness.  

“Brah,” Gabe pulled his speedo down and prodded Jordan’s burly torso with his rigid member.  “You go somewhere?” he asked, stroking Jordan’s hair and pulling him in close.  

Jordan just blinked, wondering what he’d been thinking about, and dropped to his knees.  




I like it... feel like maybe a part two should come like every Halloween or so . With new costume but with opening on those who already been change