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Max kicked his pants off and stood awkwardly in front of his friend Taylor.  “I don’t know about this man…” 

Taylor had already stripped down to his tight, blue briefs and was waiting impatiently for Max to catch up.  “I’m not exactly stoked about the process either, but I really think this could work.”  

Max adjusted the small bulge in his white briefs and looked around his friend’s room as if other people were watching.  “Magic?  Seriously?”  

“Have any of the supplements worked?  Or anything else?  Look at us, dude.”  He motioned to both of their thin bodies.  “I’m sick of pumping away in the gym for nothing.  How many years have we been doing that?  If a few awkward minutes can do what years of work couldn’t, I’m willing to take that risk.”  Taylor ran a hand through his shaggy brown hair while he looked around for the bottle.  

Max sighed.  He already knew he was going to go along with it, but he felt like he should put up at least a token resistance.  What Taylor was suggesting sounded crazy.  

His friend was right about their frustrations.  At 24, though they were both still young and at their peak, neither had ever been able to put on any significant bulk.  They’d tried every supplement and workout routine short of steroids, and while they were both covered in solid, whipcord muscle, they were still small and lean.  By any standard they were both handsome, especially Max with his pale skin and raven hair, but all they could see was their lack of bulk.  They envied the meat heads they watched at the gym, hefting hundreds of pounds like it was nothing.  If what Taylor said was true, he’d found a way to get them there.  

Taylor found the book in an old antique shop.  It looked like someone’s collection of personal recipes, but the more he read the weathered pages, it became clear these weren’t traditional recipes.  If anything it was closer to a spell book, if you believed in that sort of thing.  Taylor didn’t go into details, but he said he’d tried one of the recipes and it worked.  He’d been convincing enough that Max had agreed to what they were about to do.  

“And this’ll give us the bodies we want?  Muscles, dicks, the whole package?”  Max’s initial thought was that Taylor had finally snapped, until he saw the book for himself.  There was an authenticity to it that he couldn’t deny.  It really did seem like it could deliver, but of course there was a catch.  For the potion to work they had to have sex with each other.  It required the energy that only came from human intercourse, and since they were specifically looking to build their bodies, they needed masculine energy.  They had to drink some sludge that Taylor whipped up, and then one of them would have to fuck the other.  

Taylor nodded.  “If it works, and I really think it will.”  

Max looked down at his tight, thin body and meager bulge.  “Okay, let’s just get this over with.”  Max reached for the bottle with the grey liquid but Taylor stopped him.  

“Whoa, not so fast,” he said, guiding Max’s arm down.  

“Dude...what’re you doing…” Max said awkwardly as Taylor slid his hand slowly back up his arm.  

“We need to get used to each other.  There’s a window once we drink this stuff and I don’t want to have to do this again.”  Taylor reached his other hand up and put it on Max’s toned chest.  

Max blushed.  “And we can’t just get drunk or pop a viagra?”  

Taylor shook his head.  “It’ll mess with the recipe.”  He ran his hand down the slight trail of fur on Max’s abs, causing his more uptight friend to blush even harder.  

“Oh my god this is so weird…” Max gave an embarrassed laugh and pulled away instinctively when Taylor tugged on the waistband of his briefs.  

“Hey, it’s cool,” Taylor said gently, pulling Max back towards him.  “Dude, It’s just me.  No one will ever know, alright?  If it’s easier you can close your eyes.  Just relax…” 

Max closed his eyes reluctantly but still shivered when Taylor leaned in and nibbled on his neck.  His friend’s soft mouth didn’t actually feel that different from the women he’d been with, and Taylor had been kind enough to shave so there was no scratchy stubble.  He tried to think of the last girl he’d gone to bed with while Taylor lightly danced his fingers down his wiry back.  He tensed despite himself when he felt those fingers slip into the back of his briefs to grab his non-existent ass.  “Sorry, sorry,” he said, taking a deep breath and forcing himself to relax again.  He was surprised at how quickly it was feeling normal.  When Taylor finally tugged his briefs free, he actually felt his cock throb before the other man had even touched it.  And when Taylor did wrap his hand around it he surged to his full five inches almost immediately.  He’d never even thought about fooling around with a guy, so he was shocked to find himself taking to it so easily.  

“You’re going to have to touch me eventually,” Taylor said, letting go of Max’s rigid pole.  

Max was purple with embarrassment and his hand shook as he reached up and pawed at Taylor’s equally toned chest.  His fumbling hands fell into a more natural rhythm when he ran them down his friend’s flat stomach and around behind to grab Taylor’s fuller cheeks.  Taylor had a tiny, perky bubble, but compared to Max’s total lack of a rear end the other man was twerk-worthy.  Max shocked both of them when he leaned in and, instead of nibbling on Taylor’s ear like he’d intended, planted a rough kiss on his friend.  Taylor wrapped his wiry arms around Max while they made out awkwardly and his friend finally let his hands drift into the front of his briefs.  

“Not so bad, right,” Taylor asked as Max tugged on his hardening cock.  “Should I say you’re cute when you’re blushing?”  

“Fuck you,” Max laughed, tugging Taylor’s briefs down.  

“Maybe,” Taylor laughed back, giving his naked frame a shake.  “Think we can do this?”  

Max’s lithe chest was heaving and his body was a humiliated purple, but he nodded.  “Coin toss first?”  

Taylor grabbed the quarter and they both took a deep breath before he flipped it.  They couldn’t decide who’d be bottoming, so they agreed to let the coin make the choice for them.  

“Goddamnit,” Max sighed when it came up tails, a choice he was just now realizing the irony of.  

“Sorry dude, I’ll try and make it worth your while,” Taylor said as he grabbed the bottle and drained half of it.  

“Ugghh, that’s nasty,” Max winced, draining the other half.  “So, uh, on the bed?”  

Taylor nodded and Max climbed up, reluctantly dropping to all fours on his friend’s mattress.  “Okay, I’m gonna try and loosen you up first,” Taylor said, patting Max’s ass.  

“What do you meeeaaaaooooooookay!”   Max gave a shocked laugh when Taylor slid a few lubed fingers into his virgin hole.  “That’s...something…” he said through gritted teeth.  

Taylor slowed his probing fingers.  “Does it hurt?”  

“It’s not...pleasant…” Max hissed.  “I’m trying to relax but it’s haaaoooh!”  He clutched the bed when a jolt of pleasure shot through him.  “What...what was that?”  

Taylor pulled his fingers free and grabbed Max’s hips.  “That’s what I was looking for.  I think I got it now.  Ready?”  At Max’s silent nod, Taylor lined up his thin, solid little pole and slowly pushed it in.  He felt Max tense and squirm but they couldn’t stop now.  “Alright, I’m in,” he said, slowly working himself back and forth.  

“Fuck this...is...weird…” Max grunted, his eyes wide.  “So….what now…?”  

“Just relax...man...it’ll get….easier…” Taylor moaned.  For him, it already felt fantastic.  He worked himself in and out steadily, feeling Max gradually relax.  “You want it slow...or...fast?”  As he asked, Taylor gave a rough thrust.  

“OOOHhhhh!”  Max groaned and spasmed.  

“Was that good or pain?”  

Max was mortified to admit that it was good.  Being fucked was one thing; discovering that you liked to be pounded was another.  “Go...good…” he stammered.  

Taylor laughed and rubbed Max’s back.  “It’s okay dude, I won’t tell.”  He grabbed his friend’s trim waist again and started pounding in earnest.  

“Nnngggguuuuhh!  Oh...oh fuck...dude that’s...holy shiiiitt…” Max whimpered as the bed slammed against the wall.  Taylor was giving it to him hard.  The more his friend slammed into him the less he worried about what they were doing.  It felt wonderful.  He didn’t care if the whole world knew as long as he could keep feeling this good.  His own smallish cock was slapping against his stomach wildly as his whole body shook from Taylor’s assault.  Max wasn’t sure if it was the strange brew kicking in, but he was starting to feel giddy and lightheaded.  “Dude...do you...do you feel that?”  He blacked out before Taylor could respond.  


“Dude...dude...wake up!”  

Max stirred slowly.  “Mmm...wha’s...wha’s at?”  His eyes stayed closed and he rolled over until he felt a hand shaking him roughly.  “Huh!  What…” he started awake and looked around Taylor’s room, confused.  He didn’t remember why he was there until he felt his naked body rub against the sheets.  He blushed profusely and looked over at his friend, his jaw dropping.  

Next to him in bed was someone who looked like Taylor, if his friend had doubled in size overnight.  Gone was the thin, whipcord body, replaced by a solid, sculpted build.  Taylor had a set of modest pecs above his tapering, washboard stomach.  His shoulders were broad and round and flowed down into a matched set of thickly muscled arms.  When Taylor raised one of those arms and flexed, a large bicep popped along with a toned tricep.  

“It...worked?  It worked!”  Max was elated as he looked down at himself and saw similar developments.  Solid pecs that actually bulged.  Wide shoulders and strong arms.  Unlike Taylor, he also had a growing carpet of hair on his body.  The jet black hair on his scalp seemed to have flowed down over the rest of him.  When he reached up and felt his cheeks, there was a thick, bristly stubble.  

“It sure as fuck did!”  Taylor beamed.  “Check this out.”  He ripped the sheet from the bed, exposing their enlarged lower halves.  

Their thin, stick-like legs were gone.  Max just stared at their meatier thighs before noticing their longer, thicker rods.  “Oh shit!  What the fuck is this?!”  Max giggled as he reached over and grabbed his friend’s solid cock without thinking.  It was at least an inch longer and significantly thicker in his hand.  With his free hand he grabbed his own and felt the same extra length and width.  

“I know, right!?”  Taylor grinned and let Max feel around his girthier package.  “Stand up and check out the rest.”  

Max scampered off the bed and stood.  He reached around behind and discovered a set of firm, round cheeks.  “I have an ass!”  He turned in circles trying to get a view before Taylor pointed him to the mirror.  He bounced his perky bubble and gawked when Taylor turned around.  The man’s already perky bubble had grown huge on his new body.  “Damn!  You’ve got some cakes back there,” he laughed, squeezing Taylor’s much larger rear.  

The brunette blushed for the first time as he looked at his plump rear in the mirror.  “Yeah...I’m not sure how I feel about that.”  

“Looks good to me,” Max said, giving it a swat.  They stared at themselves in the mirror, flexing their new found muscle.  They weren’t meatheads, but they each had significant, athletic builds.  “Fuck, dude, this is incredible…” Max finally said after prolonged flexing.  “I’m really glad you talked me into this.”  He threw his arm over Taylor’s broadened shoulders, pulling him in close.  

“Me tooomphh…” Taylor was cut off when Max planted another unexpected kiss.  “What...what was that for..?”  

Max grinned and pressed their larger bodies together.  “Come on...I want to see what these bodies can do.” 
