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**** This was another custom request.  If you're interested in one of your own, keep an eye out on the pledges for spaces to open! ****

“Six foot, 160 lbs.”  

“Yeah, I know,” Dylan said, sounding annoyed.  He’d been sitting in his underwear in his friend’s house for the past half hour while Jacob fiddled with various herbs and powders.  “Can I put my pants back on now?”  

Jacob laughed, not looking up.  “Oh, yeah.  You could’ve put ‘em back on right after we took the pictures, but I mean, why would you want to if no-pants is an option?”  

“You’re such a dick,” Dylan laughed, reaching for his discarded jeans and tshirt.  “You just wanted some eye candy while you worked.”  

“Did you bring someone else with you?  I don’t go for the scrawny guys.”  

“Alright, we’ll revisit this in a week.”  The wiry man quickly slid back into his pants and pulled his loose tshirt on.  He wasn’t comfortable with his body, which is why he was talking to his friend in the first place.  Dylan wasn’t out of shape, but no matter how much he tried, he could never put on any significant bulk.  He had a flat chest, thin arms, spindly legs, and a total lack of any sort of ass.  His height only accentuated his lack of muscle, not to mention making the small lump in his loose boxer briefs look even smaller.  Not that he was bad looking - his lean body was offset by a cute face topped with a mop of shaggy brown hair and a scraggly beard.  He usually didn’t have a problem meeting women, the problem came once he got home and had his pants off.  If his partner wasn’t bothered by his small size, they usually left disappointed when he blew his load too fast.  Jacob promised a miracle supplement that could finally help him bulk up AND give him a little extra length and staying power between his legs.  It involved a bunch of herbs and mushrooms and oils that his friend ground and blended together.  It smelled awful, and on the surface seemed a bit ridiculous, but he trusted that Jacob knew what he was talking about.  “What is all this stuff anyway?  Are those purple mushrooms?”  

“Yep!  And various other funguses.  You sure you wanna ask about the ingredients?”  

Dylan paled and decided to follow Jacob’s advice and let it drop.  “And how many doses will I need to take?”  

Jacob shrugged.  “Dunno yet.  We’ll have to see how it goes.” 

“And it’ll really work in just a few days?”  

Jacob finally looked up from the table and locked eyes with Dylan from behind his glasses.  “I don’t know if this is going to work at all.  What I promised is that it wouldn’t HURT you.  It’s safe.  That doesn’t mean it’s effective.”  

“So you’ve really never used it yourself?”  

Jacob flexed an impressive arm.  “I earned mine the old fashioned way.”  The blonde man wasn’t lying.  His hours in the gym left him with a powerful, sculpted body.  Too look at his tall, ripped frame, you’d never guess that he had Ph.D. in bio-chemistry.  Or that he had an ulterior motive in “helping” his skinny friend.  Dylan had no idea that this wasn’t exactly “natural” science that he was using.  The aged, crumbling journal he’d found the recipe in was about as far from a text book as you could get.  “Alright,” he said, holding up a small glass of yellow-green liquid.  “Here we go. You’re sure about this?”  Dylan nodded and took the glass, his hand shaking from anticipation.  “I’d recommend just slugging that back.  It’s not going to be pleasant.”

Dylan did his best to avoid smelling the foul looking liquid and slammed it back in one gulp.  “UUUggghhh….” he gagged and winced, “ what the fuck, man?!  Goddamn that shit is nasty!”  

Jacob laughed and shrugged his broad shoulders.  “I warned you.  It’s a small price to pay in the long run.”  

Dylan looked at his baggy clothes and hoped his friend was right.  


The next morning, Jacob was woken by an elated Dylan.  

“Dude!  Dude!  It’s working!”  

Jacob stirred slowly.  He lived alone, so he wasn’t used to someone waking him up by shouting down the hallway.  He’d convinced his friend that it was best for Dylan to stay with him until the process was done so they could monitor his progress and watch for any safety issues.  Dylan had rolled with it just like he’d hoped.  Jacob rolled out of bed and stretched his beefy arms above his head, scratching at his flat stomach and adjusting his tiny briefs.  “What’s up,” he yawned, finding Dylan in the bathroom, flexing in front of the mirror.  

“Look at this!  It’s already working!”  The wiry man flexed a widened arm that showed noticeable definition.  Where the outline of his pecs had been now sat a pair of small lumps, and his stomach was starting to show the outline of abs.  Dylan’s loose boxer briefs were less so as a tiny bubble was forming at his rear, and a rigid pole tented out the front.  

Jacob looked his friend up and down with a triumphant grin.  “I knew it!  Look at you!”  He made Dylan turn in a circle for him so he could get a full look.  “You’re already showing impressive progress.  Is that any bigger,” he asked, nodding towards the tented underwear.  

“Oh!”  Dylan turned bright red and grinned bashfully.  “I, uh, kinda forgot all about that in the excitement.”  He was suddenly aware that he was standing hard and in his underwear in front of his equally exposed friend.  For the conservative straight guy, it was an odd sensation.  

“Well is it?”  

Dylan hesitated.  He’d never been entirely comfortable with his gay friend and he squirmed a bit as Jacob looked at his solid cock.  He knew it was part of the process.  He knew sooner or later he’d have to cross that line.  But he didn’t know why his own eyes kept dropping to Jacob’s stuffed bulge, or why part of him WANTED to get naked in front of the other man.  “I, uh, I think so,” Dylan said, hooking his thumbs in his underwear and pulling them down.  His stomach fluttered when he stood totally naked under Jacob’s examining gaze.  

“Might as well go take measurements,” Jacob said, leading the way back to his lab.  Dylan followed, confused at how he felt as his cock bobbed before him, leading the way.  Just last night he’d been uncomfortable at being in his underwear around his friend.  Now, he felt like an eager teenager getting naked in a girlfriend’s house for the first time.  He trembled, not out of nerves, but anticipation.  He told himself it was just the novelty of it all.  His growing muscles, and the attention, even from another guy, made him feel good.  He told himself it wasn’t anything else making him feel a thrill as he watched Jacob’s firm globes shifting in his small underwear.  It was just the chemicals making his skin tingle as Jacob’s firm hands prodded and measured him.  

“167 pounds,” Jacob said proudly, finally looking up from his laptop.  “And your arm and leg circumference has grown too.  And that,” he said, nodding towards the still-solid pole, “clocks in at just over 5 inches.  Is that bigger?”  

Dylan blushed at how much bigger even that small number seemed.  He’d been too embarrassed to let his friend measure it the night before.  “Uh, yeah,” he said, looking at the floor.  

“You ready for dose number two?  The changes should start to accelerate as the formula builds up in your system.”  

Dylan nodded eagerly and chugged the foul liquid, shivering and making faces at the taste.  “Guh...I’d drink it every morning if it meant this, though,” he laughed, flexing a solid arm and squeezing his new muscles with his other hand.  

“So do you wanna go take care of that?”  Jacob asked as Dylan’s cock wagged at his shiver.  “Don’t put too much on when you’re done….since the effects should speed up we need to be able to see what’s happening.”  

Dylan blushed and scampered back to his room.  When he hadn’t returned after half an hour, Jacob went to go check on him.  

“Hey man, everything cool in there,” he asked, knocking on the door.  

Dylan sounded flustered when he responded.  “Uh, I don’t know, actually.  I...oh!” 

Jacob opened the door to see his flushed and frustrated friend sitting on the bed, his cock still solid and throbbing.  “What’s going on?  Dude, relax, we’ve all seen it,” he laughed when Dylan tried to cover himself.  

“I can’t, uh, I mean I get close and then it just goes away and I have to start all over again.  Usually I have the opposite problem.”  

“That’s not necessarily a bad thing.  It could just be a temporary side effect.”  

Dylan groaned and laid back on the bed.  “That’s easy for you to say!  I’m so horny it fucking hurts!”  He felt a twinge of embarrassment when he looked up and saw Jacob staring down at his naked, hard, spread eagle body.  But instead of covering up, he squirmed and whimpered up at his friend.  He couldn’t believe what he was about to ask.  “I don’t suppose you’d...since you’re….you know…”

Jacob laughed and crossed his arms over his sculpted chest.  He’d put on a pair of gym shorts but was still shirtless, giving Dylan a clear view of his thick pecs.  “Don’t suppose I’d what?  Blow you?”  

Dylan sat up, desperate.  “I just thought, since you’re gay and all, you’d…”

“Fuck you dude!  Just ‘cause I’m gay doesn’t mean I’m going to blow any man that I come across.  Are you gonna blow me in return?”  

“No!” Dylan said quickly.  “I’m not trying to be a dick, honest, I just...I dunno what I thought…”

“Well, if you decide you’re in a sharing mood, let me know.  Otherwise, you’re on your own.  Don’t hurt yourself.”  

Jacob hurried out of the room, not out of anger, but so that Dylan wouldn’t see his broad grin.  He knew it was only a matter of time.  

A few hours later, a sweaty, frustrated Dylan came down to Jacob’s lab.  He was still naked and had a pained expression on his face.  Jacob enjoyed the view.  Unbeknownst to his friend, it was one he’d been wanting for a long time.  And he knew he needed to enjoy this version while he could.  Dylan had continued to put on additional mass in just the few intervening hours, but the naked man didn’t seem to notice.  He had more pressing matters on his mind.  

“Okay...I can’t believe I’m saying this...but okay…” he said through gritted teeth.  Ever since Jacob had mentioned it, he couldn’t get the idea of blowing his friend out of his head.  At first he thought it over in disgust, then curiosity, then a growing desire.  

“Okay what?”  

Dylan sighed, his face burning.  “If you help me out, I’ll...you know…” 

Jacob was nonchalant.  “You could just wait it out, man.  This’ll probably pass once the doses are done.”  

“I can’t...I can’t wait that long...I feel like I’m going to explode.”  

“If you’re sure,” Jacob said, standing and dropping his shorts and briefs before sitting back down.  

Dylan’s eyes went wide at the sight of the long, thick hose and meaty balls.  “I thought you’d do me first…” 

Jacob laughed.  “No way, man.  I know you too well.  If one of us is gonna back out of this, it’s not gonna be me.”  

“I….what do I do?”  

Jacob motioned for him to come over and kneel in front of him.  Looking down at his friend’s broadening shoulders and trembling arms was enough to cause the blonde man’s hefty cock to twitch.  “You’ve gotten a blowjob before, right?  Just use your mouth.  Watch the teeth and let nature take it’s course.  It’s really not as bad or complicated as you’re making it out to be.”  

Dylan didn’t say it, but he wasn’t hesitating out of dread.  He was hesitating because he didn’t understand why he wanted to do it so bad.  This was everything that should have repulsed him.  His face was inches from another man’s hardening cock.  It should have been humiliating.  Instead his mouth watered.  Bracing himself, he leaned in and swallowed Jacob’s stiffening organ.  He wrapped his lips around it and ran his tongue over it until the thick, warm rod was throbbing in his mouth.  He slid his head up and down, his hands gripping Jacob’s strong thighs.  He hated how good it felt.  His friend had been right; it wasn’t bad at all.  He didn’t understand why guys made this out to be such a terrible thing.  

“There you go…” Jacob purred, running his hands through Dylan’s shaggy hair.  His friend’s technique was inexperienced and rough, but the very fact that it was happening almost made him cum.  He’d thought about it for years.  The straight, conservative leaning libertarian who always said gay rights weren’t a big deal on his knees with a dick in his mouth.  It was perfect.  When Jacob was done, Dylan would have an entirely different outlook, literally and metaphorically.  “Mmmm….dude...I’m gonna cum...I’m gooouuuuunnnn!”   Jacob tensed and bucked, launching a strong load into Dylan’s mouth.  His friend’s eyes went wide and he could see him trying to swallow it.  “Everything okay,” Jacob finally asked while Dylan sat in a dazed silence.  

“Yeah, yeah, I just...yeah…” Dylan sputtered, liquid dripping down the sides of his mouth.  His mind was reeling from how good he felt. 

“It wasn’t that bad, right?”  

Dylan’s face turned an even deeper shade of red.  “You can’t tell anyone about this,” he said, before adding with a cum-slick grin, “but, uh, yeah, that wasn’t so bad.”  

“See?  I told you,” Jacob said, sliding out of the chair and motioning for Dylan to take his spot.   

The other man practically leapt into the chair, his throbbing cock feeling like it would explode.  He groaned and tensed when Jacob leaned forward and slowly ran his tongue up the underside and around the oozing head before swallowing Dylan whole.  “Ohhh..oh fuck man...jesus…” Dylan panted, clutching at the side of the chair.  He couldn’t believe he hadn’t blown his load yet.  “Jacob...oh shit dude...this is so...fuuuuck…” He ran a hand through his messy hair and saw how large his bicep had become.  “Whoa!  Dude...my arm is fuckin’ huge.  Holy shit!  My pecs are...I have pecs!  I’m getting huuuuuuuUUUUHHHHH!”  While he was admiring his extra mass he finally came.  He spasmed so hard he almost fell out of the chair, and would have if not for Jacob’s strong hands holding him down.  “Wh...whoa…” he panted, feeling like a new man after the explosive release.  He thought it was just his excitement over his changing body, but Dylan no longer felt so much as a twinge of discomfort or embarrassment at being naked in front of his friend.  

“Holy shit, man, you’re officially bulking up,” Jacob said, staring up at Dylan’s broadened upper body.  

“I know!  Fuck, dude, look at these!”  Dylan broke into a double bicep pose, flexing real muscle for the first time in his life.  He tensed his stomach and actually saw abs that popped.  When he stood, he flexed his legs and felt a firm, perky little bubble where his formerly flat ass had been.  He was so caught up while Jacob was measuring him that he didn’t notice his slightly skewed perspective.  

“Okay...wow...178 already,” Jacob said, sounding impressed.  “You’ve added inches all over, bud.  Arms, legs, chest, ass, dick….all bigger.  You’re well on your way to stud territory.  But, there’s a slight downside...you’ve gone from an even 6’ to roughly 5’10”.”  

Dylan didn’t like the sound of that.  He dropped his flexing arms and looked around, noticing that things looked slightly off.  “Wait...I’m shrinking?”  

“That’s a bit extreme, but it’s possible you might lose a few inches in height while your body uses that extra mass to build muscle.  We can stop here if you want.  You’ll still continue to change a bit, but we can skip any further doses.”    

Dylan thought it over.  He knew he should have been more concerned about the loss of height, but he was too busy feeling fantastic.  He was still buzzing from his explosive release, and staring at Jacob’s bare torso only made him want to do it again.  He told himself it was just because he was eager to have a body like his friend, not that he wanted to feel Jacob’s body again.  Why should he care about a few inches if it meant he could feel like this all the time AND have the muscle he wanted?  He saw the bottle with the rest of the formula in it and made up his mind.  “No way man,” he said, flexing his newly noticeable pecs.  “I’m all in.”  Before Jacob could stop him, he grabbed the bottle and chugged the rest of it.  

“Dude!  No!  What the fuck, man?”  Jacob snatched the empty bottle from him.  “Do you have any idea what you just did?”  

“What?  You said it was safe.”  

“Yeah, but now we have no way of controlling the process.  You really are all in now, dude.  I can’t stop it.”  

Dylan shrugged, feeling lightheaded.  He didn’t know why Jacob was so worried.  He felt great, like he’d had just the right amount of beers before crossing over into bitter drunk territory.  “Why would I want to stop this?”  

“Just remember that when this is over,” Jacob said, barely able to hold back his triumphant smile until Dylan was out of the room.  He’d known his friend would go for the bottle; it’s why he left it out.  If Dylan had stopped then and there, he wouldn’t have changed anymore.  Whether it was out of a sense of remorse he wasn’t sure, but he wanted to give his friend the chance to back out.  After taking as much as he just had, though, he’d be a whole new person by the morning, physically AND mentally.  He could tell the formula was already hitting Dylan’s brain.  The normally stoic, bitter man hadn’t stopped grinning all day.  And Jacob was well aware that Dylan hadn’t taken his eyes off the lump in his gym shorts.  

The changes started coming faster and faster, just as Jacob anticipated.  Dylan spent the rest of the day flexing and admiring his expanding body in a lustful stupor.  His smallish cock had stopped growing longer at just over six inches, but now it was steadily growing wider to match the rest of him.  Inch by inch, the once-gangly man put on pound after pound of granite muscle.  His shoulders had exploded outwards while he sprouted bulging slabs of muscle.  His pecs leapt off his chest between body-builder arms that were starting to hang at an angle due to his broadening back.  His non-existent ass was becoming ever larger and rounder and still growing to keep pace with his meaty thighs.  

By that evening he’d already begged Jacob to “help” him two more times.  The second time he hadn’t even asked.  Jacob had been standing with his back turned when he suddenly felt Dylan’s huge, growing new arms wrap around his waist while his hands slid down into the front of his shorts.  His horny friend was so out of it he never even noticed that instead of being the same height as Jacob, the top of his head now stopped between the blonde’s shoulder blades.  

Jacob was in heaven.  He almost came at the sight of his altered friend alone.  The uptight Dylan with the put-upon attitude that was always griping about the government or taxes or something else had already started settling into his new role as a cheerful, horny little muscle beast.  It wasn’t so much that Dylan was becoming less intelligent.  The shrinking stud was just going to be focused more on the physical side of things moving forward.  


Jacob’s estimation had been correct.  By the following morning, Dylan’s changes had leveled off.  He’d come into Jacob’s room in the middle of the night, so desperate for release he didn’t even notice that he literally had to climb up into the bed.  Now the addled, altered stud woke in his friend’s bed to find himself in a completely different body.  

“What the...fuck!”  Dylan bolted upright as fast as his thick, stocky torso would allow.  He could no longer see over his protruding pecs, but when he ran his short, wide fingers across his stomach he felt a broad, solid muscle gut.  He lifted his hands and stared at them in shock.  Instead of the long, thin fingers he was used to, he had squat, wide palms with short, pudgy fingers.  These were attached to thick, powerful forearms that led up into bowling ball biceps that were so huge he could barely move them.  “I’m...I’m fuckin’ huge!”  Dylan rolled over and off the side of the bed, stumbling as he dropped to the floor that his feet didn’t come close to touching anymore.  Everything looked wrong.  The bed, the dresser, the door handles; they all seemed too high and hit him in the wrong spot.  He knew he’d lost even more height, but it wasn’t until Jacob climbed off the bed that he realized just how much.  “SHIT!” He barked when Jacob stood next to him and he found himself staring into the middle of his friend’s ripped torso.  

“Damn...look at you,” Jacob grinned down at the burly little hunk.  

Dylan tried to be worried.  This wasn’t at all what he wanted.  This wasn’t just a “few inches” like he’d thought.  He had extra muscle, but he was lumpy and dwarfish, not ripped and statuesque like Jacob.  But Dylan’s cock throbbed as he looked up at his friend towering over him.  Instead of being horrified, the size difference only turned him on.  “You...you’re gigantic…” he stammered.  

“No, not so much,” Jacob laughed, tousling Dylan’s hair.  The shortened man followed Jacob to the mirror, waddling awkwardly on his wide new legs and shivering as he felt his new flesh rubbing in places where it hadn’t before.  

Dylan gasped when he saw the stranger looking back at him.  He didn’t have the sculpted body that Jacob had.  He was wide with rough, stocky muscle.  He looked like the meathead power lifters at the gym, if one of them had been scrunched down.  His musclegut arched out beneath his giant pecs, and his wide, stout pole stood rigidly out from between his short, trunk-like thighs.  Given his newly shortened stature, his now-mammoth ass looked impossibly large jutting out from his back.  He didn’t know if he should be relieved or worried that his facial features remained largely the same.  His brow had pushed forward slightly and his jaw had a more squared off look, but the rest of his cute, boyish face was clearly recognizable as his.  He wriggled and flexed his ample new muscles over and over, discovering how his new body moved and his range of motion was limited.  He kept feeling brief flashes of horror when he saw his shortened, distorted new body, but they never lasted long enough to take hold.  He’d either get distracted by Jacob’s beautiful body bulging out of his briefs, or by the new sensation of his altered form.  When he was finally able to pull himself away he lumbered after Jacob down to the lab for final measurements.  He now tipped the scales at just over two hundred pounds.  On his old body that wouldn’t have been nearly as impressive as it was crammed onto his new, 4’10” frame. 

If he had the attention span, Dylan would have been suspicious by how quickly he fell into a new routine. He ended up staying at Jacob’s house.  He couldn’t do his old job at the shop with his new body, and he didn’t really want to anyway.  Whether it was in the way he’d wanted or not, Jacob had given him what he’d asked for: muscles and a bigger dick with stamina.  For Dylan, the last part was almost harder to get used to than his new perspective.  Now it was so difficult for him to cum that he was always horny.  Jerking off didn’t cut it anymore, and for the most part neither did blowjobs.  Now when he needed release he had to straddle Jacob’s trim waist with his bulky thighs and bounce up and down on his friend’s solid cock.  It felt fantastic, but Jacob could only last so long and he usually came well before Dylan did.  That meant he’d have to be finished off with a vibrator that he needed Jacob to use on him because he couldn’t reach.  Not that his friend seemed to mind.  Dylan loved how happy Jacob looked while the blonde stud watched his burly little body squirm and moan.  Jacob would bottom for him too, but no matter how good his friend’s huge body, tight hole and solid ass felt against him, he couldn’t cum before the other man gave out.  He’d gotten the bigger dick, but now it was so thick and wide that most people couldn’t handle it for long.  

Dylan still had moments of panic, usually when he was home alone.  Since he hardly ever wore clothes anymore he’d see himself and have a sudden memory of his previous life and body.  In that instant, his short, disproportionate frame would feel horribly wrong.  He shouldn’t be nearly as wide as he was tall.  He should be able to reach around and scratch his back, not barely be able to move his impossibly thick arms.  He should be able to look down and see his feet, not a slab of pecs and curving gut of muscle.  He’d tell himself he was straight, and that he shouldn’t be acting as his friend’s live-in sex toy.  He knew Jacob had turned him into this horny little beast.  All he’d wanted was to put on a bit more muscle, not end up looking like a freak.  He’d want to escape and call for help, or at least run away as fast as his stubby new legs would take him.  

Unfortunately, he’d usually only make it a few steps before the thoughts of his ripped friend faded from fear to lust.  Later, when he’d be face-to-abs with his friend, he wouldn’t remember why he was even upset in the first place.  And by the time his squat new body was blissfully bouncing on Jacob’s lap, he couldn’t imagine wanting to be anywhere else.  
