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Dean’s eyes opened on the familiar scene of his dim bedroom.  Rob was sound asleep next to him, and nothing looked out of place, but the groggy man knew something was wrong.  It wasn’t until he sat up that he noticed he and Rob weren’t touching.  He panicked, expecting the pain to kick in.  Nothing came.  “Holy shit,” he let out the breath he’d been holding.  For the first time in weeks he and Rob weren’t touching each other.  He felt a wave of relief wash over him, at least until he climbed out from under the covers and hopped off the bed.  As soon as his feet hit the ground he knew something was off.  “What the…” Dean’s heart was racing as he looked down at himself.  He’d never been built like his friend, but he’d always maintained a noticeable amount of definition on the lean muscle he had.  Now that was nowhere to be seen.  His arms were thin and soft looking while his modest pecs had melted to a flat chest above a supple, undefined stomach.  His already small cock had lost what little hang it had, now poking out between his rounded thighs.  He could already tell he’d experience some growth as he reached behind and felt an ass that kept going and going.  He’d always had an abnormally perky rear end for his lean frame, but now it was absolutely massive.  It had also lost it’s firmness, yielding to the slightest poke and jiggling like crazy with the slightest movement.  He reached up to his face and found his ever-present beard gone, leaving his cheeks completely smooth and devoid of the slightest stubble.  “Rob…Rob!  Get up!”  

“Wha…what’s it?”  The blonde man mumbled and rolled over.  “Shit!”  He shot upright, suddenly awake when he noticed the bed was empty.  Like his friend, he braced himself for the pain that never came.  “Whoa!  We’re not…” he trailed off as he stared at Dean, the changes to his friend’s appearance sinking in.  “Dean?”  

“What the fuck happened?!”  Dean shrieked.  Like the rest of him, his voice hadn’t increased so much as it had taken on a softer tone.   

“Don’t panic…okay…okay…” Rob climbed out of bed and both men immediately froze.  

“Holy…” Dean gasped, forgetting his own predicament at the site of his friend.  The already large blonde man had grown even bigger.  His broad shoulders had pushed out even farther, widening his torso while piling on muscle.  His arms had inflated, each muscle group fighting with the others for space.  His forearms were now bigger than Dean’s arms, and each thick finger was now larger than his tiny cock.  Rob’s pecs had equally grown and practically leapt off his chest.  His stomach was like a barrel of muscle that tapered slightly at the waist before exploding outwards again at his ass and thighs.  Like Dean, his already prominent behind had inflated significantly, but unlike his friend the growth was rock solid.  His thighs were like tree trunks as they pressed together and Dean couldn’t help but notice that even Rob’s calves were huge.  His friend’s already impressive cock didn’t look much longer, but it had gained some noticeable width, as had the balls that hung a little lower behind it.  Other than gaining a bit more of a prominent jaw line, the blonde man’s face hadn’t changed, nor had the dusting of hair that covered his new muscles.  

Rob stared at his wide new hands in disbelief.  “What the fuck is this?!” As hard as it was to believe, his already deep voice had dropped a few more octaves.  

Dean was near hysterics.  “How the hell should I know?  How is this…this can’t be…”

“Whoa…easy now.  We can’t panic.”  Rob lumbered over and they both noticed the size difference between them had grown further.  They’d always been the same height, but Rob now stood well above his friend.  

Dean paled as he looked up at his friend for the first time.  “Did…did you get taller or did I get shorter?”  

“I honestly can’t tell.”  Rob reached out a tentative hand and ran it along his friend’s new body.  He couldn’t believe how supple and tender the other man felt.  Up close, he was able to see that in addition to losing the facial hair, his friend’s lips had puffed slightly and his cheekbones had lost some of their edge.  “Okay…okay…let’s figure out the damage first.  Come on.”  He instinctively swallowed his friend’s smaller hand in his huge paw as they made their way downstairs.  Both men stumbled along awkwardly, unaccustomed to their new bodies.  Dean blushed bright red as he felt the extreme bouncing of his new ass with each step, and Rob struggled to adjust to his thick new thighs rolling against each other while his now low-hanging balls swung with each lumbering step.  “First things first.”  When they reached the kitchen Rob opened a drawer and pulled out a pencil and measuring tape.  He pushed Dean up against the door frame, discovering that he nearly had to turn sideways to get through, and made a mark above his friend’s head.  “Oh.  Wow.”  


“Uh…we were the same height before, right?”  

“Yeah, why?  What’s it say?”  

“According to this, you’re only 5’ 5”.”  

“WHAT?!”  Dean felt like he was going to pass out.  

“Hold on…let me do mine…” Rob stood against the door as best he could.  His solid, inflated ass stood out so much that he couldn’t press himself flat.  “Okay…yeah…I’m still an even six feet so I just got…wider…”  Though he was struggling to accept that he’d lost seven inches in height, Dean couldn’t help but stare at his friend.  Rob looked like he’d become a solid wall of muscle.  The blonde man was rummaging through the drawer again until he pulled out a ball of twine.  He wrapped it around his waist before measuring the length.  “Oh my god…” he looked over at his friend, wide eyed.  “I wear a size 32 or 34 waist, but according to this I’m now a 42.”  

“Fuck!”  Dean took a step back when Rob approached.  “Dude…not yet.  I can’t handle too much right now.”  

“Sorry,” the big man dropped the string and looked down at Dean.  “Yours might be a little more complicated anyway.”  He reached out and put his hands on his friend’s supple sides before sliding them down to the widened hips.  “You’ve gotten a little curvy,” he said, smiling.  

“This isn’t funny!” Dean stomped his foot and regretted it when he felt the waves ripple through his behind.  

“No, I know,” Rob said, suddenly serious.  “It’s just…look, let’s at least go weigh in.”  The two made their way silently to the bathroom, freezing when they saw their reflections for the first time.  

“I…” Dean blushed even harder when he saw his botox lips standing out against his smooth cheeks.  The sight of his tiny upper body above his wide hips and huge ass was almost too much. He’d always hated that he couldn’t put on much muscle, but he’d been proud of his body and knew that, even though he was on the lean side, he was still masculine.  Now he felt anything but, especially when he looked at the short cock and tiny balls between his rounded thighs.  

“Yeah,” Rob said flatly, experiencing the same reaction when he looked at his enlarged frame.  He’d always liked his size, but now he felt like an absolute freak.  “Okay, you first.”  

Dean took a breath and stepped on the scale.  He knew he’d be lighter, but he wasn’t expecting the number he saw.  “112,” he whispered, stunned.  

“What were you before?”  


“Wow.  Okay,” Rob steeled himself and traded places.  “Shit!” he bellowed when the dial finally settled.  “270,” he gasped.  “I was 180 before.”  

Dean steadied himself against the counter, looking just as stunned as his friend.  “I need to…I need to sit down.”  

“Me too.” Rob threw an arm around Dean’s shoulder as the two made their way back to the bedroom.  Dean couldn’t believe how heavy and firm his friend’s arm felt, or the thrill that shot threw him with it wrapped around him.  “Well this was unexpected,” Rob sighed, the bed creaking under his heavy new frame as he sat.  

“It’s been a weird few weeks.”  Dean sat next to him, kicking his legs as he realized they no longer touched the ground.  “That’s gonna take some getting used to.”  They sat in silence until Dean hopped off the bed to pace nervously.  Rob’s eyes were on him the whole time, especially his constantly moving rear end.  Dean finally stopped pacing and pulled a pair of boxers out of his dresser.  They felt big before he even had them on, and by the time they reached his waist he knew it was a lost cause.  His large new ass kept them from falling off immediately, but the moment he took a step the now too-large boxers were at his ankles.  He tried again with his smallest boxers, and while they were even tighter against his new backside, he got the same result.  “This isn’t funny!”  He yelled when he saw Rob smiling at him.  

“Whoa, hey, I know, I’m not laughing at you,” the big man said gently.  

“Then what the hell’s so funny?  Look at me?!”  

“Dude, I AM looking at you.  I’m not laughing at you, I’m smiling ‘cause you’re adorable.”  Dean could only look at his friend with a stunned expression.  “Seriously, I’m  not making fun…I can’t even handle how cute you are right now.”  

“Did…did something happen to your brain, too?”  

This time Rob did laugh as he walked over to the other man.  “Remember what we were talking about yesterday?  Okay, yeah, did I ever think I’d wake up with you in my bed?  No, but whatever the spell did to us, you drove me wild.  Look, I loved the way you felt.  Your skinny body, your bouncing ass…dude, you complain about the size but I even loved the way your cock felt, and that’s not something I ever thought I’d say.”  

Dean was beet red at what his friend was saying, but he couldn’t deny that he felt his own version of that.  “Oh god…” he gasped, cutting off his friend’s string of compliments.  “I know what happened.  Somehow…we’ve each become exaggerated versions of what the other liked best.”  

Rob didn’t know how it was possible, but he knew Dean was right.  “But why don’t we have to touch each other any more?”  

“I’m guessing this was the end result of the spell.  If we’d…” he trailed off.  “Shit.  This happens right after we get it on ‘cause we want to?  This must’ve been the end result all along.  Beyond the connection it was supposed to ‘bring out the best’ in each other.  I guess that was open to the other person’s interpretation.”  

“So the spell’s over?  No way to undo it?”  

“Fuck if I know.”  Dean sighed.  

They stared at each other in silence for a few moments, thinking about the rest of their lives in their new bodies.  “So you really liked my muscles, eh?”  Rob said, finally breaking the silence.  

“Guess I did.”  

“Well?  How do you feel about ‘em now?”  He broke into a double bicep pose, his new arms doubling in size.  “You must’ve liked me being bigger than you just as much as I liked you being smaller than me.”  Rob laughed when he saw Dean’s tiny cock shoot to attention at the sight of his flexing.  “I also loved how eager you were.”  

Dean blushed when he looked down and saw his solid rod’s full length.  If he was lucky, it was almost four inches.  Before he could cover himself Rob reached over and pulled him close, grabbing two handfuls of his new behind.  “Hey!  What’re you…”

“Just ‘cause we don’t HAVE to touch each other doesn’t mean I don’t want to.”  Dean squirmed halfheartedly.  He’d always loved how Rob was more of a doer than a thinker, and now he was even more so.  

Dean let himself sink against his friend.  “What’re we gonna do?”   

“For starters…” Rob pressed his lips against Dean’s puffy new mouth and planted a long kiss.  Despite his initial discomfort, Dean found himself returning it eagerly.  His cock throbbed even harder and Rob’s words about him being “eager” ran through his mind.  If he’d liked his friend being the assertive one, Rob must have liked him being passive.  

Dean finally pulled away when Rob relented.  “Not quite what I meant,” he panted.  He went back to his dresser and rummaged through the drawers.  His boxers were out, but he managed to find a pair of old gym shorts that just barely stayed up, though they draped down past his knees on his shortened legs.  “I guess this’ll have to do for now.  Do you think you’ll have anything you can wear?”    

“Doubt it.  I might have something that fits you better though.”  The two made their way to what had become Rob’s room, their movements becoming more natural with each step.  To Dean’s humiliation, the shorts only drew attention to the amount of jiggling his ass was doing as they bounced and swayed noticeably.  

“That’s…embarrassing…” Dean blushed as he felt the shorts rustling.  

“I certainly don’t mind,” Rob laughed, giving the cheeks a swat as they entered his room.  The large man went to his dresser and pulled out a pair of his boxer briefs and held them up in front of his waist, a doubtful look on his face.  “I don’t think these are gonna make it,” he said as he pulled the underwear up to his thighs.  Already the blue fabric was stretched to the point of breaking.  He pulled them up slowly, only making it a few more inches before hearing a loud rip.  “Damn…those were my biggest pair.”  

Dean pulled open another drawer and dug through it.  “Uhh…what about this?”  He held up one of his friend’s jockstraps.  “Don’t know if it’s better than being naked but it might be your only option.”  

“Worth a shot.”  Rob slid the jock up his legs.  It was a tight fit, but it settled around his widened waist without ripping.  

“W…wow…” Dean said, his eyes wide at the sight of his friend’s enlarged package bulging out the jockstrap to an obscene degree.  

“Yeah, that’s…wow…” Rob said, looking down.  He went to his closet and pulled out his largest tshirt, but it was obvious it wasn’t going to come close to fitting.  Likewise, he pulled out his largest, stretchiest pair of gym shorts but couldn’t get them past his thighs.  “Well, shit,” he sighed.  “Your clothes are too big…mine are way too small.  Oh!  Almost forgot…” he rummaged through the closet and pulled out a small wad of green fabric.  

“What’re tho…hey!” Dean blushed as Rob’s gentle tug sent his oversized shorts to the ground.  He blushed even harder when he saw the tiny, terry-cloth shorts in his friend’s hand.  “Amanda left ‘em at my place.  You look like you might be around the same size.”  

Dean didn’t necessarily want to, but he took the shorts and slid them up his altered legs.  He hated that they settled into place perfectly.  The shorts were actually smaller than his friend’s boxer briefs would’ve been, but barring the small tent caused by his solid little rod, they were a perfect fit.  He wanted to crawl under a rock when he looked at himself in his friend’s mirror.  If the other shorts had drawn attention to his jiggling rear end, these shorts positively showcased it.  “Oh my god,” he gasped, staring at his curvy hips and supple thighs.  “I can’t believe I look like…oh, uh,” he turned around and saw Rob practically drooling over him.  His friend’s large cock had escaped the precarious pouch and was standing straight up.  

Dean’s response was almost a reflex.  He was on autopilot as he walked over to Rob and let the large man wrap his arms around him again.  Dean hated the way his friend’s thick fingers pressed into his softened frame, almost as much as he loved the way Rob’s solid body felt under his hands.  After four weeks of constant contact, they’d been more than familiar with each other’s bodies.  Now it felt like they were touching each other for the first time, and though they may not have HAD to any more, they both desperately WANTED to.  Dean dropped to his knees and buried his face in Rob’s crotch, his puffy new lips forming a vacuum seal around the other man’s rod.  He worked his head, feeling none of the disgust or shame he’d felt when he did this before.  Now all he wanted was to taste as much of his friend as possible.  He kneaded Rob’s balls with his now-dainty fingers, marveling at how much heavier they felt while his friend ran his hands through his hair.  Rob’s deepened voice rumbled out a few moans until the big man finally came, launching several long streams down his friend’s throat.  

“Wow…” Dean panted when he finally pulled his head away.  By way of response, Rob scooped the other man up and sprawled him flat on his back on the bed.   “Hey!” Dean laughed, surprised at how much he enjoyed the sensation of his large friend manhandling him.  “You can’t jummpphhh…” he was cut off when Rob, his large frame straddling him, leaned down and planted a long kiss.  Dean felt positively tiny under the weight of his friend’s wide new body, but he loved it.   A series of high pitched whimpers forced their way out of his mouth as Rob’s lips moved down his neck.  Those whimpers turned to squeals when Rob’s tongue began working the tiny nipples on his flattened chest.  His friend continued south, kissing his way across his soft new belly and yielding sides before flipping him over onto his stomach.  “Ohhhhhh…” Dean moaned as Rob began kissing and licking the small of his back.  He felt his friend’s hands slip into his shorts and tug them slowly down his legs before using his tongue to travel back up the inside of a thigh.  Dean had never been very vocal during sex, but now he couldn’t stay quiet, especially when he felt Rob’s tongue force it’s way between his prominent cheeks. “Uhh…uhhh…what’re you dooohhh…doing?”  Dean squirmed but Rob’s firm grip on his thighs held him in place.  Neither of them had gone this far during the preceding weeks.  Anal was where they drew the line, and then only their cocks were grudgingly involved, certainly not their mouths.  Something had clearly changed because Rob was eagerly lapping at his friend’s hole.  Dean lost himself in the sensation until his friend pulled away and flipped him back over.  The two locked eyes, but instead of the intense, hungry lust he expected, Rob’s eyes were filled with something else entirely.  Dean had never been on the receiving end of such a look before, especially from his friend, but it was enough to nearly push him over the edge.  Before he could speak, Rob’s head dropped, swallowing nearly all of his shrunken package in his mouth.  “Whaaa…wow…that’s…woaaa,” Dean panted, overcome by the pleasure he was feeling.  Between this and his tongue bath he came quickly.  Instead of swallowing it, Rob pulled away and let his tiny cock spray, surprising both men with the amount of fluid that came out.  

“Not bad dude,” Rob laughed before licking the sticky fluid off his friend’s stomach.  He climbed next to Dean on the bed and threw a heavy arm over his friend.  

Dean instinctively sunk against his expanded friend, rolling over to press his face into Rob’s inflated chest.  He ran his hands through the hair on his friend’s solid torso in silence for a few minutes, nearly dozing off while Rob stroked his hair.  “I think I could do this all day,” he yawned.  

“So if we spent weeks wishing we could get away from each other, how come now I don’t want to let you go?”  

Dean felt himself melt at his friend’s words.  “Did you just use a line on me?”  

Rob laughed and rolled over onto his back, pulling Dean on top of him.  “Depends.  Did it work?”   

“I’m naked in your arms…what do you think?”  The feeling of being held by his friend was almost enough to make Dean okay with the changes to his body.  If it meant he could experience things like this, he might get used to it.  

“We need to call Steve,” Rob finally sighed.  “He can at least get us some clothes.”  He felt Dean’s heart start to race on top of him.  “Hey, come on man, it’s just Steve.  He already knows what’s going on.”  

“I know, it’s just weird to think of people seeing me like this.”  

“Who’re you tellin’?”  Rob scooted his friend off his chest and rolled off the bed.  He tucked his widened hose back into the jock as best he could and reached for his phone.  “Whoa…this is gonna take some getting used to…” he muttered while his enlarged fingers struggled with the tiny buttons.  “Hey dude,” he said when the other man answered.  “It’s Rob…yeah, I know it’s early.  Yes, I know I sound funny.  Look, it’s hard to explain over the phone.  You really need to see it for yourself.  Can you get here ASAP?  Thanks man.”  Rob tossed the phone on the bed and turned to see Dean examining himself in the mirror with a disgusted look on his face.  

“I’m so…curvy…” he spat, missing his tall, lean frame.  “Never thought my dick was big but, this little thing’s pathet…”

“Dude, knock it off,” Rob said firmly, pulling his friend away from the mirror.  “That’s not gonna help either of us at the moment.  Steve’s comin’ right over …maybe he can help us sort this out.”  

Dean stared at the discarded shorts on the ground, debating between his oversized gym shorts or the women’s pair he’d just been wearing.  He grudgingly picked up the women’s shorts and pulled them on with a sigh.  

“You can have this too,” Rob said, tossing one of his now too small tshirts to his friend.  He watched his friend pull it on, smiling as it fit him like a gown.  The neck was too wide, and the bottom came to below the tiny shorts.  

To Dean, all it did was emphasize how much he’d lost, both in height and masculinity.  He’d always liked the way his girlfriend’s looked in his tshirts that were too big for them, so it was an odd feeling to suddenly find himself in their shoes.  Still, he couldn’t deny that he enjoyed the look on his large friend’s face while the other man watched him.  

Dean dreaded the knock on the door.  He told himself that it was just Steve, one of his best friends for the past 10 years, but his heart was still pounding as he opened it and had to look up at his friend for the first time.  

Steve was visibly stunned.  He gawked down in silence at the shrunken person that his brain was telling him couldn’t possibly be his friend.  “Da…Dean?”  

“Yep,” Dean said, blushing bright red under his friend’s staring eyes.  

“Oh my god!  What…I mean…how is…you’re so tiny!  How did you…” Steve trailed off, suddenly realizing how uncomfortable he was making his friend.  He reached down and swallowed the other man in a hug, feeling just how small and soft Dean had become.  He took a deep breath and let his friend go, forcing himself to calm down.  “Okay…sorry about that.  Are you okay?”  

“Yeah, I think so…just…you know…” Dean motioned to his altered body.  

“Hey!  Where’s Rob?  You guys aren’t touching?!”  

“Lucky us.”  Steve started at the booming voice and was stunned all over again when he looked up and saw Rob’s new body.  

“Jesus!  Rob?”  Steve tentatively approached the blonde, naked wall standing in front of him.  “You’re huge!”  He reached out and ran an unbelieving hand over his friend’s solid body.  He couldn’t help but look down and gape at the overstuffed bulge of the straining jock strap.  

“Sorry,” the big man blushed, “literally nothing fits me.  It was this or nothing.”  

Steve blushed, forcing his eyes away.  “No, no, it’s cool…not like I haven’t seen enough of the two of you naked the past few weeks.  It’s just…dude, you could swallow me whole!”  He stumbled over and dropped himself on the couch, his head spinning.  “What the hell happened?”  

“Hell if we know.  We went to bed and when we woke up we were like this.  Boom.  Just like that.”  

“Not JUST like that…” Dean chimed in reluctantly.  

“What do you mean?”  Steve couldn’t stop switching his gaze from person to person.  

“We…uh…” Dean stammered, blushing.  

Rob wasn’t doing much better.  “We…uh…we sorta did it willingly, not just ‘cause we had to.”  

Steve couldn’t help but laugh.  “Is that all?  Who gives a fuck about that?  You guys have practically been married for years anyway.  Good for you two.”  

Both men still looked embarrassed, but Dean continued.  “It looks like that triggered the spell to take what we love most about each other to an exaggerated degree.”  

Steve eyed both men up and down slowly.  “So Rob got the muscles and you got…what?  Just shorter?”  Dean hesitated and gave Rob a questioning look.  The other man nodded and Dean reluctantly pulled the baggy shirt off.  Steve’s jaw dropped as he saw his friend’s soft, undefined curves.  He felt a twinge of pity at the outline of his friend’s tiny new cock in the shorts, but that was forgotten when he saw the two, jiggling mounds at his back.  “Wow.  Okay.  Wow.” Steve stammered, not knowing what he could possibly say.  “So how do you guys feel now?  Obviously you don’t have to be in constant contact with each other anymore.”  

“We feel fine.  A little weird…but it doesn’t hurt or anything.”  Dean was clearly avoiding the rest of the question.  

“What about the rest of it?  Do you guys…I mean, are you still…” Steve didn’t know how to word his question.  

“Very much so,” Rob laughed, nowhere near as concerned as his shrunken friend.  “We don’t have to, but we’re having a hard time keeping our hands off each other.”  

“Makes sense.  Based on what you just said, you each basically became the other’s idea of perfect,” Steve sighed, “whether you wanted to or not.”  He shook his head, the stunned look slowly leaving his face.  “Okay…so what’re we gonna do?  Clearly there’s no way to undo this.”  

Dean looked panicked.  “We don’t even know if it’s done!”  He stomped his foot in frustration, giving Steve the first view of his new behind’s fluid movement.  

Steve pretended not to stare.  “Based on what the old man said, let’s assume it’s done.  The whole point was about making a real connection, right?  I’d say you’ve both done that.  Not that I know anything about magic.”  

“We can’t just stay like this!  There’s gotta be a way to reverse it.  If magic did it, magic can undo it.”  Dean was pacing back and forth on his shortened legs, his movements steadily becoming more natural as he adapted to his new body.  

Rob placed his hands on Dean’s shoulders to stop his pacing.  “Dude, we’ve already been by where the shop was.  It’s gone.  The old man is gone.  Unless you’ve been holding back on what you know about magic I don’t think we have a lot of options.”   

Steve stood and picked up pacing where his shrunken friend had stopped.  “I’m going to say something you might not like, but hear me out,” he said, coming to a stop in front of his two friends.  “Not that we’ll stop trying to fix things, ‘cause we will, but is it really that bad?”  He paused while his friends’ expressions went from stunned to angry.  “Look, putting aside the principle and ignoring that this was forcibly done to you, is the end result so bad?”  

“Yes!” Dean yelled, holding out his arms to emphasize his shrunken, supple new body.  “Look at me!”    

“Dude, I know this is beyond weird.  I know you’re freaking out, but let’s go through this.  Yes, you’re suddenly on the shorter side of things, that’s gotta be totally strange, but it’s not like you’re freakishly small.  And no offense man, you were never exactly Schwarzenegger to begin with.”  

“Fuck you!” Dean looked like he was on the verge of tears.  “Let’s see how you feel after something like this happens to…”

“Whoa, whoa,” Steve interrupted, trying to calm his friend down, “I’m not saying it doesn’t feel horrible.  I’m not saying you shouldn’t feel violated.  My point is that while you probably feel like a total freak, you both still look like normal dudes.  If I didn’t know either of you, yeah, you’re a little attention catching, especially Rob, but not to the point where you look that different than anyone else.”  He put a hand on Dean’s shoulder and forced his friend to meet his gaze.  “Your face didn’t really change at all…you’re still a handsome dude.  So okay, things got shifted around a little, but it’s not like you’re missing anything.  Your brain and, uh,” he looked down at the small lump in his friend’s shorts, “everything else still works, right?”  

“Yeah, but…”

“Don’t get me wrong, I’d be freaked too if I woke up and found my dick a few sizes smaller, but dude, let’s be honest…it wasn’t huge to begin with, something you always used to point out.”  Steve let go of Dean and threw an arm as far around Rob’s broadened shoulders as he could.  “And if you’re totally in love with this guy it really only matters if he’s happy with it, which he clearly is since you’re supposed to be everything he loves about you.”  

“I guess, it’s just so…I feel so…girly.”  

“Remember what you told me when we first met and I asked if your sister was hot?  You told me she looked like you with tits.  You’ve always been a little girly,” Steve laughed.  Dean wanted to get defensive, but deep down he knew his friend was right.  “Now it’s just a little more noticeable.  It’s not big deal man.  It’s not like you’re life is going to be that different.  A new wardrobe, maybe, but think about it: is there anything you can’t do now that you could before?”  Steve let his friend think for a minute before continuing.  “You can still play softball.  You can still ride your bike.  You can still drive your car.  You can still do your job.  You can literally do EVERYTHING you did before.  Yeah, you might have to adjust your technique on some things, but whatever.  Before this you couldn’t do a damn thing, not even take a piss by yourself, ‘cause you guys had to constantly be touching.”  

Dean sighed.  He didn’t like it, but Steve’s points were all valid.  His new appearance really didn’t alter his daily living at all.  He realized that his insecurities about being “girly” were out of habit.  He spent so much time trying to get girls in bed that he kept forgetting the only person he wanted in bed was the wall of muscle next to him.  Otherwise he never really cared what other people thought.  He didn’t look forward to people seeing the “new him” for the first time, but he knew his friends and family would adjust.  

“So we good?”  Steve grinned, already knowing the answer.  

Dean smiled ever so slightly.  “I still don’t like it.”  

Steve swallowed his friend in a hug.  “I don’t blame ya,” he said, giving Dean’s new ass a squeeze, “but man, even I wanna hit this thing.”  He was momentarily afraid he’d gone too far, but Dean’s laugh told him otherwise.  

“Hey now,” Even with mock seriousness, Rob’s deep new voice boomed.  “Hands off my man.”    

“So what about you,” Steve said, eyeing Rob up and down.  “You need a pep talk too?”  

“No, I think I got it.”  He swallowed his friend in a bear hug, dwarfing the lean man.  “But thanks.”  

“Goddamn you’re huge,” Steve whistled as he tried, and failed, to wrap his arms around the other man.  He tried to ignore Rob’s large bulge pressing against his stomach.  

“Woops, sorry about that,” Rob blushed when he realized he was rubbing his package against the other man.  “It, uh, sticks out a little more than usual.”  

“I can see that.  Guess we know what Dean liked best about you,” Steve laughed awkwardly while his now-short friend turned bright red.  “Alright…we need to get you guys some clothes.  Any idea at all what sizes?”  

“I measured my waist earlier and it said I was a 42.”  Even though he was all muscle, Rob still didn’t sound happy about that.  

“Wow.  I’m guessing the waist isn’t gonna be the only issue either…you’ve got some big legs on you.  Hell, you’ve got some big everything on you.  I think I know what to look for though.  But you,” he said, looking down at Dean.  “What size shirt was that?”  

“Large,” Dean said flatly, just as unhappy as Rob.  

“Okay, so we’ll need a lot smaller.  What about those shorts?”  

“I, uh, don’t know, actually.  These were Amanda’s.  I’m not sure what size they are.”  

“Oh, haha, guessing you’re not going to want me to hit the women’s section.  Did anything of yours fit?”  

“Not really…my smallest boxers were a medium but they were super tight on my ass and super loose at my waist.”  

“Yeah, I was afraid of that.  You’re a little, uh, shapelier than you used to be.”  Steve pulled out his phone and typed in a few notes.  “Alright, I think I got this covered.  I’ll be back ASAP.”  He eyed each of them and laughed.  “I’ll bring back lunch since I’m sure you two will have worked up an appetite by then.”

“That…that wasn’t too terrible,” Dean said when Steve left.  “This might be…” he trailed off when he turned to see Rob pulling off the jockstrap.  

“Sorry man, this thing is too tight,” the big man winced, sliding it down his meaty legs.  

“Don’t have to apologize to me,” Dean laughed, still feeling odd to be flirting with his best friend of so many years.  

“What were you saying?  This might be…?”  

“Oh…uh, doable.  You might be doable.”  Dean blushed when he realized what he said.  “THIS might be doable.”  

Rob flashed the same goofy grin he’d had for years, only this time it made Dean melt.  “Have to agree with that first part,” he laughed.  

Dean walked over to his friend with a sheepish look.  “Dude, your voice has gotten so deep…” he raised a tentative hand and traced it along the lumpy muscles on his friend’s torso.  The big man just smiled down encouragingly while Dean explored his new body.  This wasn’t the hungry pawing from earlier.  This was a slow, measured examination with his eyes and hands.  Rob stood still while Dean wordlessly circled him, feeling every inch of his wide, solid new body.  He’d occasionally flex a muscle while his friend’s hand was on it, eliciting a quick gasp from the other man.  Dean felt a thrill he hadn’t felt since puberty when he’d fumbled around with his first girlfriend.  His tiny hands were almost shaking, but Rob’s large presence was as comforting as it was arousing.  “Damn, man,” he said, hefting his friend’s heavy new balls and wrapping a tiny hand around the long, thick hose, “this is impressive.”  

“Glad you like it,” Rob said in his deep new rumble.  

“Sorry, uh…sorry I did this to you.”  

“What?”  Rob grabbed Dean’s hand and stopped his probing.  

“I mean, this is ‘cause of what I wanted, right?” The look of guilt was obvious on Dean’s face.  

“And what happened to you is ‘cause of what I wanted, but it’s not like we did this on purpose.  You don’t have anything to apologize for.”  Rob gave his friend a kiss on the forehead before scooping the other man up in his arms.  “And I meant it…I’m glad you like it.  It’s all yours.  I’m yours to command.”  

“Hey!” Dean squealed as his friend scooped him up.  He hadn’t been picked up like this since he was a child, but he couldn’t deny that he enjoyed it.  His friend carried him upstairs and set him down on the bed.  Before he could get up, Rob’s big hands had the shorts tugged off and thrown on the floor, leaving him naked on his back.  Dean felt incredibly insecure laying there while his friend stared down at him, examining him in the same way he’d just done.  

“I can’t get over how soft your skin is,” Rob rumbled, his meaty paws gently running over every inch of his friend’s body.  He leaned down and planted a deep kiss before settling next to Dean on the bed and pulling him close.  They were still hungry for each other, but now they could take it slow.  They lost themselves in each other, drinking in how their new bodies felt together.   

“This is…this is incredible…” Dean panted during one of the few breaks.  He squirmed against his friend, rubbing Rob’s now-solid rod between them.  

“I know,” the big man purred, rolling onto his back with Dean on top of him.  The smaller man squirmed out of his grip and sat on his stomach, his supple legs straddling Rob’s wide torso.  “This is a view I could get used to.”  

Dean felt a tingle as Rob’s deep voice rumbled the torso he was sitting on.  His friend’s hands made their way up his thighs and softened stomach before sliding back down and tweaking his cock.  Dean slowly slid further down until he was at the base of his friend’s throbbing rod, falling backwards as Rob sat up.  

“You don’t have to do that,” the big man said gently, a serious look in his eye.  

“I know but…I want to…” Dean blushed.  He raised up and latched onto his friend’s shoulders, positioning his friend’s oozing cock beneath him.  He braced himself for the pain and slowly lowered back down.  Unlike the first time they’d done it before the change, there was no pain.  As big as Rob’s cock was, and as little as his body was, the other man’s huge organ fit like a glove.  “Oh…oh…OOOOHHHH…” Dean moaned in pleasure as it slid deeper in.  Based on the wide-eyed look his friend had, he was experiencing something similar.  Once it was in, Dean’s heart was pounding.  He wasn’t just overcome with pleasure, he was also nervous.  When he and Rob had done this before, it was always someone in front and someone behind.  There was no eye contact or much in the way of intimacy.  Now their gazes were locked and Dean knew he was on display for his friend.  There was a part of him that was self conscious.  He knew how ridiculous he must look as he started using his new body in full, bouncing and rocking and swiveling his hips, but he didn’t care.  The only thing he could focus on was the look of ecstasy on his friend’s face.  The sensation of his new ass and hips jiggling while he worked Rob’s rod inside him was incredibly odd, but he also felt totally safe in the other man’s strong grip.  Surprisingly, that turned him on more than the actual sex.  He’d never felt anything like it.  He was always being “the man” when he’d been with his girlfriends so this was a totally new experience, and it was turning out to be one he enjoyed immensely.  He was still vocal during sex, whimpering and whining and moaning to Rob’s delight.  

“Shit…dude…you feel inc…uhh…” Unlike Dean, Rob could hardly speak.  He was just as overcome by being face to face with his friend-turned-lover as Dean was.  More than feeling his friend’s bouncing ass against him, Rob felt like he was melting into the other man.  All the years of being friends made this new situation even more intense.  This wasn’t the shameful competition that they’d had before; now they were genuinely interested in pleasing the other person.  All Rob wanted was to take care of Dean, and vice-versa.  

“I…I think I’m goooohhhh!” Dean came first, spraying his load all over Rob’s chest.  His tiny package still produced an impressive amount, but it was nothing compared to the torrent Rob unleashed.  Dean gasped at the seemingly endless spurts of fluid filling his insides.  

“Holy…fuck…” Rob panted, laughing.  He lifted his friend off his softening cock and settled him on the bed next to him.  “I’ve never felt…”

Dean nestled his head against his friend.  “Me neithmmmpppff,” he was cut off when Rob swallowed his mouth in a kiss.  “Dude…as much as I want to,” he said, squirming away after a few minutes, “we should probably get cleaned up before Steve gets back.”  

“Oh shit, yeah, you’re right,” Rob yawned, stretching his wide frame before rolling off the bed.  He was just as surprised that he enjoyed the sensation of his friend’s cum running down his chest as much as Dean was surprised to enjoy the sensation of it trickling out of him.  

When they reached the bathroom, they discovered Rob was too wide to be in the shower with the curtain closed.  It was also a good thing they both fit still because Rob discovered there was no way he was reaching all of his widened back.  The big man was surprised that he felt so awkward over something as simple as always having to shower with the curtain open, or having someone wash his back, but it was a reminder that not EVERYTHING would be the same as before.  They toweled each other off when they were done, and while Dean could practically use his towel as a robe, it didn’t come close to wrapping around Rob’s waist.  He threw it over his shoulder instead and followed his friend out of the bathroom just in time to see Steve emptying some bags on the table.  

“Hey guys,” Steve said, sorting the clothes on the table.  If he was uncomfortable by his naked friends, he gave no indication.  “Sorry it took me so long, I had to go to…” he stopped and eyed both men, laughing.  “You have no idea how long I’ve been gone, do you?”  He laughed as both men turned bright red.  “Good for you guys!  Gotta find something good out of all this.  I trust everything was..uh..up to par?”  Both men turned an even deeper shade of red.  “Even better!  Way to go, studs.”  Steve motioned to the table and the random assortment of clothes.  “I just got some basics to get you out in public so you can pick out your own.  Hopefully some of it’ll fit.  Here…I know you’re a boxers man, but dude, I wouldn’t hold your breath.”  Steve tossed Dean a package of underwear.  The shrunken man started to leave the room when Rob pulled the towel away, leaving him naked.  

“Hey!”  Dean felt himself panic, but Steve casually walked over and took the package from his hands to open it.  

“Dude, I can’t even count how many times I’ve seen you naked.  How many naked pics have you texted me over the years?  This,” he motioned to Dean’s new body, “doesn’t change anything.  Are you sure your dick didn’t get bigger?”  He handed his friend a pair of the boxers and watched the little man struggle to get them in place.  While they were a perfect fit at the waist, they were skin-tight on his ass and thighs.  “That’s what I was afraid of,” Steve sighed.  Like Rob and the shower, Dean felt a surprising rush of embarrassment over something as simple as having to wear a different kind of underwear.  “But it’s not all bad!  Check these out!”  Steve held up a pack of brightly colored briefs.  

“Are you sure?”  Dean seemed unsure how he should respond.  

Steve ripped open the pack and tossed a pair to Dean.  “Don’t lie…you know you want to wear them.  And don’t feel bad about them being small…these probably would’ve fit your skinny ass before, too.”  

Dean slid the underwear up and was a mix of grateful and embarrassed when it appeared to be a near-perfect fit.  It was stretched tight across his ass, but it was becoming clear that just about anything would be.  “Looks like we have a winner,” he said bashfully.  Having been a boxers man his whole life he felt ridiculous in anything else, but based on the way Rob was looking at him, his friend clearly approved.  

“Good!  And for you,” he ripped open a package and tossed Rob a wad of fabric, “I had to hunt down a ‘big and tall’ store to find something.”  He watched his friend blush when the big man read the XXL tag.  “Hey, size doesn’t matter big guy, it’s all how you wear it.  Those are ‘bikini style’ so they’re open at the legs.  I figured those big thighs’d have a hard time with anything else.”  

Rob slid a pair on, blushing as they settled into place.  The underwear wasn’t as tight as the jockstrap had been, but it didn’t cover up much more either.  His thighs were still totally exposed, and while the pouch didn’t look like it was going to burst open, it was still painfully full and thrust forward.  The underwear did manage to cover at least a portion of his ass, but it was a small portion.  For someone used to wearing baggy boxer shorts, or at most boxer briefs, the new look was embarrassing.  “This feels…different,” he laughed awkwardly.  He looked down at Dean and felt a little better when he saw his tiny friend practically drooling.  

“Better than nothing,” Steve said, tossing a few solid color shirts towards the other man.  “I honestly didn’t know what to get, so I grabbed a XXL and an XXXL.”  

“Triple XL?”  As someone who usually wore a large, Rob had a hard time wrapping his head around that.  “Guess we’ll start with the biggest…” He pulled the tshirt on his wide torso, amazed at what he saw.  His bulging new muscles seemed to stand out even more against the tight, straining fabric.  The shirt fit, but just barely.  Stretched as it was across his wide torso, the bottom just barely reached his waist.  

“Remember man, this is just to get you started.  Here…I got some shorts.”  Steve handed Rob a pair of XXL basketball shorts.  They felt huge in his hands, but once he saw his inflated friend pulling them on, he wondered if they’d be big enough.  

Rob felt good that the shorts were loose around his waist, but he felt significantly less enthusiastic about how tight they were everywhere else.  It was becoming clear to the blonde giant that “baggy” was a thing of his past.  The shorts weren’t skin tight, but they certainly left nothing to the imagination.  His bulge stood out clearly, and the shorts were so tight on his ass that the line of his underwear was completely visible.  He swapped them out for the next size up, but to no avail.  They were even looser around his waist, and they were a little looser around his legs, but not enough to make any difference.  The looseness at his waist only seemed to make things more noticeable.  And since his shirt just barely reached the top of his shorts, there was nothing he could do to cover anything up.  “This is gonna take some getting used to…” Rob blushed, looking down at his clothed body.  

“You can always get a bigger size…”

“I don’t wanna think about being bigger than a XXL,” Rob interrupted Steve.  

“Okay, your turn.”  Steve turned to Dean, knowing there was nothing he could say to Rob at the moment.  

“Is this from the kids section?” Dean blushed when he saw the shirt was a boy’s large.  

“I also got you an adult small, but I figured we’d start with that.”  

Dean pulled the shirt on, feeling insecure all over again as he felt it fit perfectly.  “Goddamnit…” he muttered, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground.

“You wore adult smalls before anyway dude, there’s not that big a difference.”  Steve tossed a pair of basketball shorts, another boys large, and watched Dean pull them on.  The little man had a similar problem as Rob; the shorts fit at the waist, but nothing he could do would detract attention from his jiggling, bouncing ass.  Unlike his friend, there didn’t appear to be the slightest bulge in the front of the shorts.  

Dean and Rob stood in silence as they looked at each other.  Both hated the way they looked but loved the way the other looked in equal measure.  Though they’d just gotten dressed, it was clear from the way they were looking at each other that they couldn’t wait to get out of their clothes again.  

The next few weeks were difficult, to say the least.  It took a full three days before the two men were willing to venture out for more clothes.  Dean couldn’t believe how much bigger things looked and how just losing a handful of inches changed his entire perspective.  Though he was also grateful to discover that Steve was right.  To strangers, he just looked like a small, kind of feminine guy.  Other than his prominent rear end, there was nothing inherently noticeable about him.  Rob, on the other hand, experienced the opposite.  His imposing new frame caught everyone’s eye.  For the modest man it was more than a little challenging.  Still, they were happy to just be able to leave the house at all after being stuck inside for so long.  It helped that another apparent side effect of the spell was that people didn’t really care about what happened.  There was initial shock, but it blew over more quickly than two people being radically altered and suddenly starting a relationship together should have.  Friends, family and coworkers just kind of shrugged and went with it.  Eventually the days settled into a routine and the two were like any other couple, though people would often comment on how deep their connection seemed to be.