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“What is this thing?”  Rob picked up the small, ornate box and slid the top panel open.  Other than a slight pungent odor it was empty.  

Dean snatched it out of his friend’s hand.  “Aw, man, you weren’t supposed to open it.”  

Rob laughed at his friend’s mysterious disappointment.  “Sorry dude, what was it?”  

Dean blushed and looked away.  “Nothing.  Don’t worry about it.”

“Oh, yeah, that settles it,” Rob sneered, grinning from ear to ear.  “Dude, come on, what did I just fuck up?”  

“It’s nothing, it’s stupid.  It’s a charm is all.”  

“A charm?  Like magic?”  

“Yeah…I know, I know,” Dean said quickly when Rob’s grin widened.  “Ever since the breakup I just feel like I haven’t been able to make a connection with anyone, you know?  I go on all these dates but none of the girls I’ve met have clicked.  I was in chinatown getting groceries and there was this old man selling these wish boxes.  I told him I just wanted to make a connection with someone and bring out the best in each other, you know?  Me and Rey ended so badly I don’t wanna get into another passive aggressive horror show like that.”  Dean met Rob’s grin and punched his friend in the shoulder.  “Only you weren’t supposed to open it  yet!  I was supposed to wait until I met someone, dick.”  

Rob put his hands up in front of him to surrender.  “Hey, sorry man, I didn’t know!”  He felt bad for mocking his friend.  He didn’t believe any of it, but he more than understood where Dean was coming from.  “Look, forget about it.  I’ll buy you a new one tomorrow, alright?  Let’s just go get some food.” 

The two left for pizza and came back in time to catch the last half of the baseball game.  The earlier emotional moment was forgotten in their usual bro activities.  As soon as they’d left the night proceeded as normal, but now that they were back at Dean’s, they were both starting to feel odd.  

“You okay man?”  Rob saw Dean looking pale and shaky on the couch. He wasn’t feeling too hot himself, either.  

“No, I dunno what’s going on…I hope it’s not food poisoning.  I feel itchy and kinda sick. My whole body aches.”  

“Me too.”  Rob slumped on the couch next to his friend, a wave of discomfort hitting him.  “Is it getting worse?  I feel like I’m getting worse by the second.”  

“Yeah…it’s pretty…aaagghhh…”

“Shit!”  Rob reached over and grabbed Dean when he doubled over.  “Easy now…”

“That sucked,” Dean panted.  “It was this jolt like…I dunno, but it hurt like hell.”  

“You think we shaaaa!” Rob felt his own jolt of pain after he’d let go of his friend.  He instinctively reached out for support, the pain fading when he grabbed the other man.  “What the hell was that?”  

“Fuck…I felt it too…” Dean trailed off.  The discomfort was lessened, but he could feel it slowly creeping back.  “Should we call someone?”  

“I dunno…probabl…uugghhh…” Rob let go, and again the pain washed over both of them.  They instinctively reached out for each other, the pain lessening once they made contact.  

“What…what the fuck’s happening?”  Dean gasped, his whole body wracked with pain.  He leaned into his friend, his arm resting on Rob’s bare stomach where the other man’s shirt had ridden up.  

Rob looked down at Dean’s arm on his stomach.  “Oh…oh shit…”

Dean followed his gaze, paling.  “No way, man.  No way.  There’s noaaaahh!” They both nearly blacked out from the pain when Dean pulled his arm away.  Even when he put it back the pain only dulled slightly.  “What…what’re you doing…” Dean protested when he felt Rob’s hands lifting his shirt.  Before he could do anything his friend had his shirt off and was wrapping his arms around his bare torso.  Dean was on autopilot as he responded in kind until he felt Rob’s hairy chest rubbing against him.  Even though they were touching, the pain was building.  It wasn’t as intense, but it wasn’t gone either.  “Okay…okay…let’s just…hey!”  Dean was pulled off the couch as Rob stood, his arms still around the skinnier man.  “Whoa!  Stop!”  Dean tried to pull away when he felt Rob’s hands fumbling with the waist of his pants, but the instant he pulled his arms away the pain rushed back in full.  He could only stand there while his friend sent his pants to his ankles.  Not knowing what else to do, Dean did the same for Rob.  The two collapsed back on the couch in nothing but their boxers.  Rob could feel Dean squirming underneath him but neither wanted to let go.  Dean blushed as he felt his hands slide under his friend’s boxers and along Rob’s hairy behind.  He was embarrassed but he was desperate to do anything to stop the pain.  

“Dude…this is…this can’t be…” Rob rolled so that Dean was on top of him.  He was just as surprised to feel his friend’s hands groping underneath his boxers as the other man was to have done it.  At least the pain had dulled to the point where they could lay motionless on top of each other.

Dean’s heart was racing, and he could feel Rob’s doing the same as he laid on top of his friend.  His brain was trying to process the fact that they’d just ripped each other’s clothes off in a frenzy.  “I know…we just need to…” he felt Rob squirming underneath him and a few seconds later felt the pain start to build again.  “Fuck!  If this pain can stop for just a minute we can…hey!”  Dean blushed as he felt Rob suddenly tug his boxers down.  His embarrassment grew when, the instant his exposed balls touched his friend’s hairy stomach, his cock shot to attention.  

“Sorry man,” Rob groaned.  He could feel his friend’s rigid cock sandwiched between them but his only concern was making the pain stop.  Without thinking, he raised his hips up off the couch and pulled his own underwear down.  Like Dean, his cock shot to attention immediately.  

Dean wasn’t sure how to feel when Rob’s hard cock pressed against his.  Adding to his embarrassment was the fact that Rob’s long, thick hose made his look positively tiny by comparison.  It wasn’t until they’d managed to worm their boxers down the rest of the way and kick them free that they realized the pain was totally gone, having been replaced by something just as bad in their eyes.  Pain or not, they couldn’t have stopped writhing against each other if they’d wanted to, which, to their surprise, they were finding they didn’t.  Where there once was growing pain, there was steadily growing pleasure.  Dean couldn’t help himself when he realized he was pumping his hips, grinding his rod against his friend’s hairy stomach.  Rob was doing the same until they both came suddenly and without warning.  They both felt like they shot gallons, covering each other’s chests with sticky fluid.  “What…what did we just do?”  Now that there was neither pain nor pleasure, Dean was mortified.  

“I don’t know,” Rob said, his face just as red.  They both wanted to pull away from the other, but they were afraid of the consequences.  “Let’s just…let’s just take this slow.”  Still tangled together, the two sat up, cringing as they felt the fluid run down their torsos.  They pulled themselves apart and sat, waiting.  “I think we’re good,” Rob said after a few pain-free moments.  “Do you feel anythuuhhh…” he winced, feeling like he’d suddenly been kicked in the gut.  His friend’s pained expression told him he felt the same thing.  

“What the hell!” Dean yelled in frustration as he practically crawled into Rob’s lap.  Once they were mostly in contact with each other the pain faded.  Dean tried to ignore the sensation of Rob’s thick cock underneath his bare thigh.  

“Dude,” Rob’s voice was full of fear, “is this is what you asked your old man for?”  

Even though he’d been the one to buy a magic box, Dean was incredulous.  “Are you really suggesting that someone put a fucking spell on us?”  

“How the hell else do you explain this?  We just came all over each other and we can’t stop touching.  I don’t think that’s a medical condition!  You said you wanted a “connection” with someone, right?  Look at us!  We are LITERALLY connected.”  

“Okay…okay…assuming you’re right, and I’m not saying you are, we’ve just gotta go back there and get him to fix it.”  

“Go back there how?  Like this?”  Rob squeezed one of Dean’s naked legs.  

“Let’s just take this a step at a time.  Lemme try putting my boxers on and see what happens.”  The two shifted over on the couch so that Dean could pull his boxers back on.  Mentally, he felt better to have something on, but physically he wasn’t so sure.  He didn’t exactly feel the pain building, but there was a distinct difference from when he was naked.  Rob did the same and they sat, waiting.  They could feel just a hint of the pain, growing slowly.  That pain grew more quickly for Dean when he slid his shorts back on, but it wasn’t unbearable.  “Here goes…” he sighed, pulling his shirt back on.  “This is uncomfortable but I thaaaaahh!”  Dean doubled over in pain after just a few seconds of having it on.  Rob felt some, but not nearly as much as the other man.  The blonde man instinctively pulled his friend’s shirt off and pressed him close, but Dean was still groaning and beside himself with pain.  Rob pulled his friend’s pants and underwear down in one motion and wrapped his arms around him.  Even this didn’t ease the pain completely.  Not wanting his friend to suffer, Rob once again stripped off his own boxers and pushed Dean down on the couch before draping himself on top of the other man.  He could feel his friend finally relax underneath him.  “That…that was worse than the first time…” Dean panted, his eyes watering.  He was grateful that Rob’s naked body brought relief, but he wished he didn’t feel his friend’s cock and balls pressed against his ass.  

“You okay now?” Rob asked after a few moments.  The two sat up slowly, still entwined.  

“It doesn’t hurt anymore.  I wouldn’t say okay.”  Dean blushed further when he realized his cock was already solid again and standing at full attention.  “Goddmanit…” he muttered.  

“Is it like a rebound?  You have a ton of pain, but once it stops you get the opposite?”  

“How the hell should I know?” Dean yelled.  He was officially panicking.  

Rob was struggling to remain calm.  He was just as freaked out as his friend, but he knew they wouldn’t get anywhere if they both lost it.  “Easy dude, I’m just trying to figure this out.”  He scooted his friend off his lap.  “We know getting dressed was a bad idea.  Let’s just see how long we can go without touching, okay?”  

They shifted a few inches apart from each other and waited.  After one minute the pain was noticeable.  After two minutes the pain was growing, but bearable.  After three minutes it was intense.  By the four minute mark they were shaking.  

“I can’t…I can’t go much longer…” Rob grunted.  

Dean sounded even worse.  “Me…neither…” He reached out for Rob’s hand but was pulled roughly onto the blonde man’s lap.  Dean found himself facing his friend with his legs wrapped around the other man’s waist.  It was an awkward position to be in, to say the least, but it brought relief.  Rob was pressing him close, his face buried against Dean’s chest, while his arms wrapped around him.  Dean was doing the same, trying to sink against his hairy friend as much as possible.  “Hey!” He squealed and tried to pull away when he felt Rob’s tongue against his nipple.  The other man held him in place, continuing with his tongue.  “What…what’re you doing…?” Dean squirmed halfheartedly, more because he felt like he should than anything else.  What Rob was doing actually felt fantastic.  “Whoa…” he panted when he felt Rob’s hand wrap around both of their solid rods, pressing them together.  The feeling was more intense than anything he’d felt before.  Dean’s cock felt tiny next to his friend’s thick organ, but it didn’t matter.  When Rob finally let go, Dean surprised himself by reaching down and wrapping his hand around his friend’s cock instead of his own.  Rob just groaned and returned the favor, swallowing Dean’s member in a meaty paw.  They stroked each other in silence until Dean came, spraying his load all over Rob’s chest.  Dean wasn’t prepared when Rob did the same, getting a face full of his friend’s sticky fluid.  

“Sorry ‘bout that…” Rob wasn’t sure what to say when they finally stopped panting.  

Dean was mortified.  “I…I need to wash this off.”  

He clambered off his friend and pulled Rob along behind him into the bathroom.  They wordlessly climbed into the shower together, reluctantly scrubbing the other down.  They’d showered together before in locker rooms, but never this intimately.  Despite how good it felt to be in contact with each other, they were both horrified.  Physically they were lusting after each other, but mentally they were still two straight guys being forced to act in ways they didn’t want.  

“Okay, so now what,” Rob asked when they’d toweled off and fell in a heap onto Dean’s bed.  

“We need to go find that old guy,” Dean said, trying to ignore the growing pressure he felt from Rob’s hand absentmindedly stroking his leg.  “Dude, can you not do that?”  

“Sorry,” Rob blushed, unaware of what he was doing.  “But it’s not like we can go now, it’s almost eleven.  They’re not gonna be there.”  

“Fuck. Fuck!”  Dean slammed a hand against the bed in frustration.  “Okay, first thing in the morning, then.  Let’s just try and get some sleep.”  

They got up as a unit to turn off the light and clambered under the sheet, jostling awkwardly as they tried to get comfortable.  Rob gave a short laugh, asking, “so, uh, who’s the little spoon?”  

Dean didn’t see the humor.  “Can we just try back to back?  Our asses touching will be weird enough.”  The two rolled over, pressing their backs against each other.  After a few minutes of growing discomfort it became clear that wasn’t enough.  “Damnit!” Dean finally said when Rob rolled over and threw an arm over him.  They were hit with the same rebound effect as before and he felt a wave of disgust as Rob’s long, thick cock went rigid against his back.  

“Sorry man,” Rob panted as the pain faded.  

Dean hated the way Rob’s hot breath on his neck made him break out in goosebumps.  His own cock was rock hard and aching for his friend’s touch. He did his best to ignore it, but he broke first.  “Ugh…” he rolled over in Rob’s grip so that their faces were centimeters apart and their cocks touched.  “God, I’m sorry, I can’t…” 

“I know,” Rob said, his voice strained, “me too.”  

Dean buried his face in Rob’s burly, hairy chest, letting the wave of desire wash over him.  He tried to let his body act on its own so he didn’t have to think about it.  When his mouth worked down Rob’s flat, firm stomach, he told himself it wasn’t his doing.  When he wrapped his lips around his friend’s oozing organ, swallowing another man’s dick for the first time, he couldn’t think of anything.  The electric jolt of pleasure he got at having his mouth invaded pushed out all conscious thought.  

“Whooaaaaahaha….that is somethin’...” Rob groaned, clutching at the back of Dean’s head.  He never could have imagined his best bro giving him a blowjob, let alone having it feel this good.  He pumped his hips in and out of Dean’s mouth, not wanting the sensation to end.  “Oh shit...shit...dude, I’m gonna blow…” he finally grunted, tensing.  Dean heard his friend, but wasn’t prepared for the deluge of salty fluid, leaving most of it to trickle down his chin.  “Dude...I’m...I don’t know what to say…” Rob panted when a shellshocked Dean finally lifted his face, wiping his chin.  

“Just don’t,” Dean stammered, feeling entirely humiliated.  It was a short lived sensation as Rob quickly returned the favor.  

“It’s only fair, right,” he said, sliding down.  “Besides, anything you can do, I can do better.”  He tried to make a joke as he steeled himself for the sensation of having his friend’s cock on his tongue.  

“NNNNGGGGGuuuuuuhhh!”  Dean arched his back wildly as soon as Rob’s soft, full lips closed around him.  His friend’s mouth was warm and slick as Rob’s strong tongue wrapped around his throbbing pole.  As much as he didn’t want to admit it, Dean was already close to the edge from just delivering a blowjob, so Rob pushed him over almost immediately.  He spasmed and pumped load after load into his friend’s mouth.  

“At least I gave you a warning,” Rob laughed, wiping his chin and climbing back up to throw an arm around Dean.  “And I think that means I won.”  

“Let’s just not talk about it,” Dean said flatly, wishing more than anything he could climb out of the bed.  


The night and morning passed in the same fashion.  They’d awoke in the middle of the night desperate for release.  They didn’t even have time to think about it.  One moment they were asleep and the next they were clawing at each other like animals.  Dean tried to convince himself that was the reason it happened.  They were crazed and groggy, which is how he ended up writhing on Rob’s thick pole, grunting in pain and pleasure while he felt like he was being split open.  He couldn’t bring himself to admit that he’d just been fucked, or that he’d enjoyed it once the pain subsided.  They didn’t talk a few hours later when they’d woken up again, repeating their dual blowjobs from the night before.  

“I mean, after everything we’ve done I know it sounds stupid, but this is the weirdest thing yet, right?”  Rob tried to ignore the sensation of Dean pressed against him as he pissed into the toilet.  

“Just wait a bit longer and it’ll get weirder,” Dean said, causing both of them to turn beet red.  

“So how are we going to get there?  I mean, we can’t even get dressed,” Rob said, changing the subject.  

“I think we’re gonna have to call someone,” Dean said reluctantly.  “Steve’s probably our best bet.”  

Rob blushed even harder.  Steve was the third in their bro pyramid. They’d all been friends forever and had seen each other in all manner of compromising situations, but this was another level.  But he knew his friend was right.  

“He’s got an SUV.  I’m thinking we crouch in the back while he drives.  He can bring the guy out.”  

“Jesus this is going to be embarrassing.”  

Dean gave a humorless laugh.  “Dude, you literally fucked me last night.  Those are words I don’t want to have to repeat.  Ever.”  He cut Rob off when his friend started to speak.  “I’m not blaming you for anything, I’m just saying.  Let’s call him.”  

An hour later they were in the back of their flabbergasted friend’s SUV heading for chinatown.  Steve hadn’t believed them at first, but when he’d seen the real pain they were in after not touching he couldn’t help but be convinced.  Same when the resulting arousal happened.  He knew his friends weren’t that good at acting, which only left one alternative.  

“Okay, uh, is this where you said you were,” he asked, pulling up in front of an empty lot.  

Dean stuck his head up from under the blanket concealing him and Rob and looked out the window.  The grocery store was there, but not the small shop where he’d purchased the box.  “What the hell...this is where it was!”

Steve took a deep breath, held it, then let it out in equally long fashion.  “I hate to break it to you, but there’s nothing there now.”  

“No!  This...it was here!  Right here!”  

By now Rob was looking as well.  “Are you sure we’re in the right spot?”  

Dean was panicked.  “Yes!  It has to be here!”

“Okay, okay, just chill for a second.  I’ll get out and do some asking.”  Steve got out and headed into the grocery store, returning a few minutes later looking pale.  “So, uh, yeah, the old lady in the store said there hasn’t been a building there since it burnt down in the 60s.  An old pharmacy that sold herbs and weird mystic things. Run by a little old man.”

Dean felt the color drain from his face.  He started trembling and was actually grateful to have Rob’s arm drape over him.  


Four weeks later, they still had no answer.  No amount of internet digging turned anything up, and no amount of pavement-pounding by Steve could turn anything up either.  For all intents and purposes, they were stuck.  And it hadn’t gotten any easier.  Four weeks of being in almost constant contact hadn’t lessened the embarrassment when they had to use the bathroom, or when one of them woke up to find themselves impaled on the other one.  Four weeks of constant, desperate fucking and it still felt like day one.  

They decided to stay at Dean’s, repeating a bizarre version of when they’d lived together in college, only with a lot more nudity and reluctant sex with each other.  Steve was kind enough to bring a bunch of Rob’s things over, and luckily Dean worked from home and Rob did freelance, so they were able to maintain some semblance of normalcy.  Steve would bring them groceries and acted as their liaison with the outside world, coming up with excuses for where the two were.  As strange as it was, they adapted as best they could.   

“Dude, come on,” Dean breathed heavily into his computer screen while Rob’s large hands moved across his skinny chest.  He wanted to tell his friend to stop, to get the hell off him, but he knew he couldn’t.  Neither one of them were eager to go through something like that again.  So he sat naked in Rob’s arms, his friend’s broad, equally naked body wrapped around him.  He hated and loved the way Rob’s heavy package felt pressed against the bare skin of his back.  He was still disgusted by the sensation of his friend’s prominent body hair prickling against him everywhere, but at the same time each wiry hair sent a little jolt of pleasure.   “I’m trying to work here.”  

“Sorry man,” Rob sighed, reluctantly pulling away.  His lower half was still wrapped around Dean’s, but he leaned back and turned the TV on.  The sensation of his friend’s naked body occasionally squirming between his legs was an odd one, but like his friend he wasn’t eager to repeat the experience of being apart.  He pulled on a pair of headphones and tried to focus on the game while his friend worked.  After about 45 minutes he noticed Dean’s squirming increasing, and his own body was starting to itch.  

“Damnit…has it been that long already?” Dean pushed his computer away in frustration.  

“Guess so,” Rob said, pulling off his headphones.  

“Hard to get any momentum going…” Dean grumbled as he turned to face Rob and laid against him on the couch.  His friend’s large hands were already kneading his supple ass while he pressed his hardening cock against Rob’s.  The jolt of pleasure this brought was nearly indescribable.  If the pain they felt being apart was terrible, being together like this was equally ecstatic.  They both knew they shouldn’t want this, that they should be disgusted, but their hunger for each other was primal.  Dean’s smallish cock was dwarfed by Rob’s huge member, but neither man cared.  They pressed their bodies together wordlessly, mentally gearing up for when their lips finally locked.  It had taken a long time before they kissed for the first time.  They’d been trying to push things and had been apart for too long.  The pain was so intense that even pressing their naked bodies together as much as possible wasn’t causing it to fade fast enough.  It was Rob that thought to try it, pressing his lips against his friend’s and shoving his tongue in the other man’s mouth.  The second their tongues met the pain melted away.  They’d been doing it more and more since then, trying to grow more comfortable with it.  It wasn’t romantic or passionate as much as it was mechanical and practical.  “Whose turn is it?”  

“I think it’s mine,” Rob sighed.  Even though his body craved it on a primal level, he wasn’t looking forward to what was coming.  They writhed around on top of each other for a while longer before the large man pushed his friend off and rolled over.  Dean fell against Rob’s broad back, pumping his hard cock against his friend.  He ran his hands over each of the other man’s powerful muscles, noticing each time how much bigger they were than his own.  He eventually worked his way down to Rob’s ass, kneading it eagerly.  His friend’s backside was made up of two large, round slabs that were currently raising themselves into the air.  

The first time the two had done this, Dean had been on the receiving end.  The feel of his friend’s monster cock pushing inside him was excruciating.  Each thrust pushed it deeper until Dean could feel his friend’s heavy balls slapping against his tortured backside.  He’d absolutely loved anal with his girlfriends when he was on the giving end, but being on the receiving end of it had given him a new perspective.  Rob did his best to be gentle, and it had gotten better each subsequent time, but mentally it still wasn’t pleasant.  

As he positioned himself against his friend, Dean couldn’t help but think that Rob had it easier.  His small cock was half the size of his friend’s, so it couldn’t have been nearly as painful.  Dean pushed himself inside gently and immediately felt Rob push himself back.  The two had always been competitive and that carried over into their current situation.  After the initial awkwardness and disgust, the two had begun competing to see who could get the other off first.  After the initial pain, Dean discovered that he was a pro at working his perky little bubble.  When Rob was inside him he could get the other man spraying in no time.  The same held true when Rob was on the receiving end.  Despite it’s small size, Dean’s cock was relentless on his friend’s prostate.  Where he ran into trouble was when his blonde friend used his mouth.  Rob had a set of full, puffy lips and a strong tongue that were expertly used to push Dean over the edge.  “Not…not this time…” Rob grunted, clenching and wiggling his ass.  Despite the pain and awkwardness, neither of them had ever experienced anything as pleasurable as when they were inside each other.  

“Says you,” Dean moaned.  He reached down and wrapped a hand around Rob’s large cock.  The first time he’d touched his friend’s hard pole he’d been disgusted, but now it felt as familiar as his own.  He still wasn’t happy about it, but he didn’t want to gag either.

“Hey…no…no fair…” Rob whimpered.  “No..nooo…noooOOOHhhh!” The big man sprayed his load all over the towel on the couch.  

Dean just laughed and kept pumping away until he unloaded into his friend’s ample behind.  When he was done he collapsed on Rob’s back, his softening cock still inside the other man.  “This…this sucks…” he sighed.  He wished more than anything that he could get up and walk away without collapsing from pain.  

Rob squirmed, feeling his friend’s balls still resting against his ass.  “You gonna take that thing out any time soon?”

“Shit…sorry…” Dean pulled his soft cock out of his friend and sat up.  He couldn’t help but feel ashamed as he looked down at the wet towel and his naked friend.  

“Still not used to that,” Rob murmured.  He sat up and pressed against Dean, his broad frame making his friend look small.  “For it’s size you’re pretty good with that thing,” Rob said, “I mean…” Rob trailed off, blushing.  “…I mean, it’s not…I don’t like it…but…”

“Thanks,” Dean laughed without humor.  He grabbed Rob’s hand and stood to go clean himself off.  “What?  Something wrong?”  The large blonde man was still on the couch, gazing at his naked friend.  The look in his friend’s eyes wasn’t one he was used to seeing.  

“No, sorry,” Rob stood, stretching.  He threw an arm over Dean’s shoulder, slowly letting his hand drift down towards his friend’s naked bottom.  Dean was clearly uncomfortable as Rob’s hand settled on one of his perky cheeks, but he didn’t say anything.  They usually draped an arm around each other’s waist or over a shoulder.  

“There’s gotta be a way out of this,” Dean sighed, cranking the shower on.  “I don’t even get how this is…uh…” he trailed off as Rob’s big arms wrapped around his waist and he felt his friend’s lips on the back of his neck.  “Dude?  So soon already?”  

“Huh?”  Rob lifted his head, almost as surprised by his actions as Dean.  “No, I guess I just…”

Dean laughed awkwardly.  “Just what?”  

“Does it have to be so bad?”  

“I don’t follow.”  Dean tried to turn to face Rob but the bigger man held him in place, nibbling on an ear.  “Hey…come on…”

“Why can’t we enjoy it?”  

“Enjoy it?!  What’s to enjoy?  This is…”

Rob caused the other man to trail off when he began rubbing Dean’s chest and kissing his neck in earnest.  “You’re saying that doesn’t feel good?”  

“No…it does…but…”

“But what?”  

“This is only ‘cause we have to!”  

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean it has to be terrible.  It’s been a month now.  I know neither one of us ever had any desire to fool around with a guy before, but we are now and I just don’t want to feel so gross about it all the time.  Let’s be real for a second.  We’ve known each other for how long?  You’re sayin’ you don’t love me?”  

“Of course I do man, but not like that!”  Dean’s uncomfortable squirming caused Rob to back off.  At least as much as he could.  

“Just think about it.”  

“Can we change the subject, please?”  Dean stepped into the shower and pulled Rob in behind him.  He hated that he had to be connected to the other man when all he wanted to do was put as much distance between them as possible.  Instead all he could do was stand there and let Rob lather him up.  Usually they did this mechanically, only touching each other because they had to, but tonight his large friend was taking his time and as much as he didn’t want to admit, it felt fantastic.  Rob was slowly working his down his torso, massaging as he went.  Dean couldn’t suppress a gasp when his friend’s thick fingers worked his nipples before sliding down to knead his ass.  His cock was already solid by the time Rob reached his balls and rubbed each of his thighs.  “O…okay,” he pulled away after a few moments of his friend’s roaming hands and turned to face him.  “Let’s say we did this.  What does that even mean?”  

Rob grinned.  He knew Dean well enough to know he’d already won the argument.  “All I’m saying is we’re already doing this stuff, we have to, but it doesn’t have to be so mechanical.  I mean, dude, objectively, you’re hot.  I can say this without being embarrassed because I’ve had your dick in my mouth more times than I can count in the past month.  It’s not so bad. I love that little guy and I really love these,” Rob said, giving Dean’s cheeks a squeeze.  “And I know you don’t wanna admit it, but I see the way you look at me, and I feel the way you squeeze my arms and chest.”  He lifted Dean’s blushing face to meet his gaze.  “You don’t need to be ashamed, man, that’s the point.  You were my best friend before all this happened, and if we have to do this anyway, isn’t that the point of a relationship?  To care about the other person?  We were already halfway there.  Now we’re just coming up with the other half.  It doesn’t matter how weird the circumstances are….I just wanna kiss you and not have to pretend like I don’t mean it.”  

Dean felt his stomach flutter.  Over the course of the past month he’d been trying to deny that his feelings for his friend were starting to change.  He’d been starting to wonder if there hadn’t always been an undercurrent to their friendship.  Rob had a point, he DID love his friend’s beefy body more and more.  He loved how he felt in his friend’s arms and part of him did want to give in.  “So we’d be doing this for real, then,” Dean said, his heart racing.  

“Just try it,” Rob said, leaning in for a slow, deep kiss.  It wasn’t the reluctant kind they’d done up til now, but the kind he used with his girlfriends.  It was equal parts forceful and gentle, his tongue gradually working into Dean’s mouth instead of forcing its way in immediately.  He could feel his friend’s lean body melting against him.  

“Wow,” Dean panted when Rob pulled his mouth away.  “That was…” he didn’t finish.  He pushed his face forward to keep going.  They went at it until the water ran cold, then fell dripping onto their bed.  This wasn’t the desperate bid to keep the pain away that they’d been doing.  This was slow and methodical.  They weren’t competing to see who could end it first, they were dragging it out.  By now they were experts at each other’s bodies and they worked each other up just to the breaking point over and over again.  They immediately regretted how the last four weeks had gone down.  Without their shame or disgust the sensations were even more potent.  That night when they drifted off to sleep they were eager to be in each other’s arms.  


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