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The Ring (Vignette)

  • Keep Going 19
  • Don't Bother 0
  • 2017-09-04
  • 19 votes
{'title': 'The Ring (Vignette)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Keep Going', 'votes': 19}, {'text': "Don't Bother", 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 4, 20, 8, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 19}


When I got home Nick was lounging on the couch, his large frame making the sofa look small beneath him.  “I still say you need to spend more time lifting and less time running,” he said as I closed the door.  

“So I’ve heard…all the time.”  I knew Nick from college but we’d never been friends.  We had mutual acquaintances and we just happened to be in need of a roommate at the same time.  I didn’t know much about him, but I figured at least he’d be fun to look at.  Which he was, it was just the rest of him that wasn’t as desirable.  His world consisted of going to work, going to the gym, going to the bars, and bringing home drunk women.  He was loud, arrogant, sloppy around the house…and unfortunately gorgeous.  All those hours at the gym showed, and if that wasn’t enough he had a model-caliber face with piercing blue eyes and jet black hair.  His olive skin was covered in a thin dusting of wiry hairs that gave him a nice, manly touch.  All of this was even more frustrating considering that my plan didn’t work out the way I’d hoped.  He knew I was gay, and if he wasn’t supportive of it he at least wasn’t an asshole about it, but because of that he always kept himself pretty covered around me.  I’d seen him without a shirt on a few times, but that was it.  

“I’m just sayin’ man, you could stand to put on a little muscle.”  

“You think everyone could stand to put on a little muscle.”  

“Well, yeah, ‘cause they could.”  We had this conversation at least once a day.  I’d told Nick time and time again that I was perfectly fine with my lean frame but he wouldn’t let it go.  It’s not like I’m a skeleton, either.  Yeah, I’m skinny, but I’ve got some solid definition on me.  So I can’t bench press three hundred pounds.  Big deal.  Nick kept talking but I was already ignoring him, deciding instead to focus on what I’d found by the river.  I pulled the ring out of my pocket and held it up in the light.  It was a glossy, jet black like obsidian, but instead of shining in the light it seemed to absorb it.  I tried and failed to make out the ornate carvings running along the outside.  Every time I would focus in on the details they would blur and shift, almost like they were moving.  I didn’t think it would actually fit, but as I slid the ring onto the middle finger of my right hand it settled snugly into place.  

“Huh…that’s weird.”  I looked at the ring on my hand for a few moments until I was hit with a wave of light headedness.  I stumbled against the table as the ring felt like it was coiling tighter around my finger.  Just when I felt like my legs were going to give out, the feeling passed.  Or at least the room stopped spinning.  The ring still felt like it was glued to my finger.  “Shit!” I tried unsuccessfully to pull it off.  

“What the fuck are you doing over there?”  Nick heaved himself off the couch, sounding more annoyed than concerned.

“Nothing…” I said, tugging at the ring until it felt like my finger was going to tear off.  “I found this ring at the park and now it’s stuck on my finger.”  

“Ha!  Why’d you force it on there then?  Lemme see it.”  I turned around and held my hand out, trying not to blush as Nick swallowed my hand in his large paw.  I winced as he yanked on the ring, trying to focus on the motion of his large bicep instead of the pain.  “Ow!” He jerked his hand away, sucking on his finger.  “That thing’s fucking hot!”  I looked down and the ring had indeed gone from shiny black to a glowing red.  It didn’t feel any different to me but something weird was clearly going on.

“Fuck! What the hell’s happ…en…ing…” I couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked up.  Nick hadn’t moved in the few seconds since I looked away, but he was suddenly completely naked.  I felt my heart race and my cock twitch at finally getting a look at his buff body in all its exposed glory, especially the long, thick cock between his legs.  

“What?” Nick gave a nervous laugh at my shocked expression.  “Are you okay?”  

“Uh…you…you’re…” I stuttered, my eyes traveling up and down to drink in as much of the sight as I could.  

“I’m whaaaAAHH!” Nick yelled, suddenly realizing he was naked.  “What the fuck?!”  He looked around for his clothes, giving me a glimpse of his solid, round ass in the process, but they were nowhere to be found.  They hadn’t been removed; they’d simply vanished.  “Where are my fucking clothes?!”  

“How the fuck should I know?” I yelled, pretending to be panicked.  I was freaked out, don’t get me wrong, but I wasn’t going to panic at finally getting what I’d wanted for a long time.  As soon as I had that thought I froze.  While Nick had been pulling on the ring I’d been picturing him naked, and then the ring started glowing and now he was suddenly nude?  I tried to tell myself that it was impossible, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t hoping it was true.  “Hold up, let’s think about this for a second,” I said, stopping Nick halfway out of the room.  

“We can think about it when I’m dressed!”  Despite his yelling, he only took another few steps before turning around, waddling back awkwardly while he tried to cover his crotch with his hands.  “Alright,” I watched his large pecs expand as he took a deep breath, “where could my clothes have gone?”

“Beats the hell out of me.  They were there one second and then they were just…gone.”  I was picturing Nick moving his hands while I was talking and I could barely suppress a smile as I watched him pull his hands away moments later.  

“That doesn’t just happen though!”  He scratched his head in confusion with one hand and gestured with the other, blushing as he realized he’d exposed himself.  I watched his hands as they dropped down to his flat stomach and firm thighs, but try as he might Nick couldn’t get them to go back over his dangling package.  “This is too weird man…”

It was definitely weird, but my stomach was fluttering at the possibilities.  The ring had apparently made his clothes disappear and was influencing his behavior, but I wanted to see what else it could do.  “There’s gotta be a logical explanation.  These things don’t just happen.  How could they?”  I tried my best to sound concerned while focusing on another picture in my head.  

“Obviously they do happen!  I wouldn’t be naked if they…they didn’t.”  Nick blushed an even deeper shade of red as, on cue, his long cock started twitching and bouncing until it was at its full, throbbing 8 inches.  “I…I, uh…” he stammered, his hands once again dancing futilely within inches of his crotch.  “Oh come on man, you don’t have to fucking drool so hard!” he barked, unable to even turn around.  He looked down at the cock that was pointing directly at me, his embarrassment turning into anger.  “You’re probably fucking loving this, aren’t you?  The little queer finally gets a good look!”  I knew he was freaking out and I couldn’t really blame him, but his words still made me furious.  I let my imagination answer for me.  “You wanna see it?  Fine.  Take a look.”  Nick broke into a series of poses, flexing both thick arms and sticking out his protruding pecs.  He flexed his abs and his thick thighs, causing his rigid pole to dance wildly, before turning around to show off his wide back.  He bent over slightly, jutting out his perky ass while he flexed one solid globe at a time.  “Enjoying it?  This is what a real man looks like!” He turned back to face me and grabbed my hand, guiding it to his chest.  “This is how a man is supposed to feel!”  The wiry hairs tickled my palm as Nick dragged my hand over his muscular torso.  “So is this what you wanted?” Nick snarled.  “Is it as good as you imagined?  You probably get off thinking about this all the time, don’t you?  You think you could even handle something like this?”  Nick looked down at me condescendingly.  The best part about this whole scenario is that I wasn’t putting these thoughts in his head, I only imagined bringing to the surface what was already there.  My hand was resting on his firm abs while he poked me with his solid cock.  “Is it everything you hoped it’d…you…you!”  Nick’s smug look was replaced by one of rage as he realized what he’d been doing.  His eyes locked on the ring that was still glowing on my finger.  For a moment I was afraid that I’d brought too many thoughts to the surface.  “You’re doing this!  It’s that fucking ring!”  I felt my stomach drop at the thought of the impending beating I was about to receive, but even though Nick was suddenly aware of what was happening he couldn’t pull away or remove my hand.  “You fucking fa…”

“Forget about the ring,” I said sternly.  “You know something like that’s impossible.  There’s no way I could do something like that.  Just calm down.  You know I only want what’s best for you…you always trust me,” I commanded.

It was like a switch was flipped.  I felt Nick relax and he let go of my arm.  “Sorry man,” he panted, his rage apparently gone.  “I didn’t mean to yell at you like that…I’m just a little freaked out by all this.”  He looked down at his dripping, softening cock, confused at what had just happened.  

“Hey, don’t worry about it,” I smiled.  “You look a little funny…you feel okay?”  

“Yeah…I just, uh,” Nick’s face turned bright red and I could see a panicked look in his eyes as he tried to figure out why he was just standing there when he could feel what was about to happen.  “I just need tooooohhhh…” he groaned and came, spraying out long strands of ropey liquid.  “Oh my god…” Nick stammered in shock.  “I don’t know where that came from!”  He was clearly upset as he looked at his softening, dripping cock.

“Whoa, hey, it’s okay,” I said, patting his stomach.  “Look, why don’t you go put something on?  Then we’ll figure this out.”  

“Yeah…yeah, that’s a good idea.”  I watched his muscular ass bounce as he hurried out of the room, grateful that I’d made him ignore the obvious tent in my running shorts.  The sight of his large body shuddering when he came had nearly pushed me over the edge, and the thought of everything I was about to do wasn’t helping either. “I still don’t think this is right…”  Nick slowly emerged from his bedroom, clad only in a pair of baggy gym shorts.  When I’d told him to put something on I was careful to make sure he didn’t cover himself too much.  Based on the outline of his dangling cock that was bouncing as he walked he hadn’t put any underwear on, and it was obvious that he was still uncomfortable but the large man couldn’t do anything about it.  

“What do you mean?”  I tried to sound innocent as he looked at himself.

“Shouldn’t I have more on or something?”  Nick blushed and looked at me with a mix of horrified confusion.

“What are you talking about dude?  You hardly ever wear anything.”  I couldn’t deny that I loved watching him squirm.  I was careful to make sure that he knew something was wrong but that he would still go along with it.  

“No I…I do?”  He looked down at himself and back at me, raising his meaty arms in confusion.  

“Haha, of course dude.  Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”  I couldn’t resist the temptation and willed Nick’s cock into a permanent state of semi-hardness.  He blushed as he felt his cock start to swell, causing the shorts to bulge noticeably, but like before he was unable to cover himself.  “Maybe you should sit down.”  I felt my own cock surge at the sight of his meaty globes shifting under the loose shorts but I forced myself to be patient.  I plopped down in a chair and he sat on the couch across from me, his semi-erect cock clearly outlined in the tent it was causing.  

“Should we call someone?  I feel kinda funny…maybe I should see a doctor or something?”  Whenever he tried to put his finger on what was wrong, Nick felt his thoughts start to fog.    

“For what, dude?  You’re totally fine.”  I could tell that he wanted to press the subject further but he went along with it.  I watched him fidget uncomfortably while he tried to figure out what was wrong and decided to use that to my advantage.  

“If you say so,” Nick sighed.  His uncomfortable fidgeting took a different turn when he started to use his large hands to feel himself up constantly.  He absentmindedly bunched his shorts up as high as he could, exposing the thick, hairy thighs that he would massage with one hand while the other would be rubbing his chest or tweaking one of his pert little nipples.  “I just feel like I’m forgetting something, ya know?”  

“You probably just slept funny.  What’d you have planned today anyway?”  

“I dunno…I thought I had plans but I can’t remember,” he said, toying with the waistband of the shorts.  

“It must not’ve been important then.  Just relax dude, you’re stressin’ yourself out.”  I was really laying on the mental fog so I could experiment further.  I knew I could influence his behavior and cause his body to respond, but I was curious as to whether I could physically alter it.  I focused once again and was thrilled when I saw the outline of his cock widen and extend while his balls grew to the point where they spilled out the bottom of his bunched up shorts.  He seemed unaware of the extra mass added to his package, but he shifted his weight on the couch as I caused his already prominent ass to bubble out even farther.  

“Are you sure we shouldn’t call a doctor or something?”  Nick struggled to change the subject back.  “My whole body feels weird.”  

“Dude, seriously, you’re fine.  It looks normal to me.”  

“But I…” Nick felt a draft where he shouldn’t and looked down to see his enlarged new balls sticking out the bottom of his shorts.  “Jesus!” He jumped up and I nearly laughed at the site.  The once loose shorts were now stretched tight across his disproportionately large ass, causing the growth to his semi-hard cock to be all the more apparent as it tented out the front.  “What happened to my dick?!”  he tugged on the waistband of his shorts and looked at what lurked inside in horror.  

“Calm down, man!” I laughed, waiting for him to notice the changes to his backside.  

The look on Nick’s face was pure terror as he looked into his shorts and then back at me.  “No!  This is…something’s wrong!”  

“I’m sure it’s fine…do you want me to take a look?”  It was obvious he didn’t want to, but Nick turned and pulled down the front of his shorts.  I couldn’t help but be impressed by my work.  The balls that had been the size of large eggs were now practically the size of tennis balls, and his semi-hard cock was already longer than his fully erect cock had been earlier, as well as a couple inches wider.  I laughed, trying to sound casual.  “You don’t have to brag about it, I’ve seen your dick enough to know how big it is.”  

“But it’s not that big!  I’ve never…” he shook his head in confusion, catching sight of his reflection in the TV.  “Fuck!” The waistband of the shorts snapped back into place as he let go, causing his hefty new cock to get pinned up against his hairy abs.  I felt a swell of pride at the sight of his enlarged new orbs pressing against the material, but I was more focused on watching him frantically palm handfuls of his ample new behind.  “My ass is huge!”  

“Again, you don’t have to brag.  You’ve got a great ass.  We know.”  I watched his hands slip into his shorts as he grabbed the firm, hairy globes in disbelief.  I very much wanted my hands to join his, but I didn’t want to move too fast.  Instead I settled for the sight of his buff body in nothing but tight shorts with his dick sticking out the top.  “This,” I motioned to the large cock sticking out of his shorts and his mountainous new ass, “is why you hardly ever wear pants.  You told me that when we moved in together.  I don’t know why you’re pretending to be so surprised.  You show people your dick at the drop of a hat.  God knows I’ve seen it enough times.”  

“What?! No I don’…” Nick blushed an even deeper shade of humiliated crimson as he stared at his reflection and saw that, not only was his enormous new cock still on display and practically in my face, he wasn’t making any moves to put it away.

“Look, isn’t it time for your workout?  Maybe that’ll help clear your head.”  I was sitting on my hands to keep from reaching up and grabbing the cock at eye level.  

“No!  I…” he shook his head, his eyes glazed, “Yeah, I guess it is.  You’re right…pumping some iron’ll probably help.”  

“You uh, might wanna put that away first.”  I couldn’t resist giving the exposed organ a quick pat.  

“Heh, yeah, sorry about that,” despite the fact that I’d just touched his pride and joy he laughed and looked relieved to be covering himself.  I watched him head for the basement door, noting how each enlarged cheek bounced and gave his stride a seductive saunter.



Like it . Hope you still keep him masculine however.


May I suggest a kilt?