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Chad panted up at the man, his head clearing.  He was mortified at what he’d just done.  The horror of the thick, heavy cock draped against his stomach came rushing back as it oozed the same liquid that was currently running down his face.  

“Have fun?”  The man tucked himself away and grinned down at the addled stud.  

“Oh yes papa,” Chad purred when he wished he could have screamed.  He sat up and winced internally when his thick snake flopped forward onto the floor.  

“Good!  We can do it again tomorrow.  And call me Terry.  I’ll expect you back first thing to start working off the damages you caused.”

Chad staggered to his feet and pulled his tiny shorts and underwear back up as best he could.  “Can’t wait, Terry” he said seductively.  Inside he was screaming.  He’d thought that after the man got his payback he’d turn back to normal, but his body was still twisted.  His huge, bouncing cheeks as he hopped down the stairs of the man’s front porch told him his new additions weren’t going anywhere.

“Oh fuck...oh fuck…” Chad thought as he turned and headed for home.  Home meant the frat house, which meant his frat brothers.  That meant people he knew would see him looking and acting like this.  “Maybe they can get help,” he told himself.  “They saw me this morning.  They know I’m not like this!  They can help me fix it!”  

As soon as he walked through the door, he knew that wouldn’t be the case.  

“Holy shit...Chad?!”  There was a dull thump when Brady dropped his beer at the sight of his altered frat brother.  

Chad hated the swell of lust he felt looking at his lean, sculpted friend standing in nothing but a pair of mesh gym shorts.  Like himself, Brady’s six-foot frame was covered in shredded, carefully maintained muscle.  Nothing was out of place.  His right arm was the exact same size as his left, and every one of his ripped ab muscles perfectly complimented the one next to it.  An avid lacrosse player, his quads were wide and sturdy.  They were nowhere near Chad’s current size, but they worked well with Brady’s solid, eye-catching bubble butt.  His face was just as symmetrical as the rest of him, capped off with a shaggy mop of brown hair.  

Brady looked Chad up and down with a shocked laugh.  “What the fuck happened to you?”  

“Uuuggghhh,” Chad sighed exaggeratedly, rolling his eyes and waving a hand.  “This tooootal weirdo happened!  It was the end of my route and I went up to his house, which, okay, WAS super cute, but had this super creep inside!  He made me take all my clothes off and then he did something with these jars of god knows what and next thing I know I’m hung and lookin’ to get stung!”  Chad didn’t like the glazed look that filled Brady’s eyes.  It only lasted a second, but when it passed, his friend’s look of shock had changed to one of annoyance.  

“Dude, do you really expect anyone to believe that nonsense?  We’ve all known you’re a fag for a long time now,” Brady said, shaking his head.  

Chad was stunned.  He hadn’t known how his brothers would react, but he didn’t expect a reaction like this.  “Uh, excuse me, I wasn’t one until today!”  He wished more than anything that he’d denied the part about being gay.  

“One what?”  Another of the brother’s, Sean, came walking down the stairs.  Sean was a wide, stocky wall of muscle.  He wasn’t cut like Brady or Chad but was burly and swollen with hairy muscle that spilled out through the openings in his muscle shirt and strained against his baggy basketball shorts.  He could have picked Brady and Chad up and slung each over one of his broad shoulders.  Ordinarily he was a teddy bear, with a quick smile on his round, full cheeks.  Now though, Chad didn’t like the way the huge man’s grin looked.   

“A homo,” Brady said.  

“Ha!  Not surprised.”  Sean stood next to Brady and looked Chad up and down with the same annoyed expression.  “This is a good look.  It suits you.  Especially those nips,” Sean laughed, nodding towards the two large nubs on Chad’s bulging pecs.   

“I’m serious!”  Chad stomped a foot, causing a wide thigh to shake and his ass to jiggle noticeably.  “This juuuust happened!  I did NOT look this good this morning!”  

“Whoa!  Do that again!”  Brady leaned over to look around behind Chad, ignoring his comment about looking different that morning.  “Wait, wait, turn around first.”  

“Fiine,” Chad sighed exagerratedly, turning around stomping his foot so that the two could watch his cheeks bounce.  He was mortified at their laughter.  “Look, I’m being serious!  I need hel...ooohhh,” he whimpered when he felt both guys grab a cheek. 

“Jesus!  These are huge!  Sarah doesn’t even have an ass this nice,” Brady laughed.  “But I do think she has this underwear…” he said, tugging down the back of Chad’s shorts to reveal the purple bikinis.  He gave the elastic a quick snap

Chad was helpless as the shorts were pulled all the way down.  He turned around to protest but didn’t even get a word out.  

“Holy shit!  What the fuck is that?!”  Sean and Brady both gawked at the huge hose spilling out of the underwear.  “What do you even do with that thing,” Brady laughed.    

Chad’s face burned as his friends laughed at his obscene new endowment. 

“Does it even work?”  Sean had been watching how Chad’s eyes were glued to the front of Brady’s shorts. “I mean, you're lookin’ real thirsty for Brady right now.”

“Oh yeah? You like this?” Brady shook his hips, causing his thick cock to bounce around under his mesh shorts. 

“Oh shit! It doesn't work!” They both howled with laughter when Chad’s thick hose twitched a little but stayed limp.  A damp spot forming on the fabric at the tip of his wide head was the only real indication of how turned on he was. 

“Fuckin’ christ, Chad. What're we gonna do with you?” Brady shook his head, looking at his altered friend in disgust. “This house is for BROTHERS only.”

Chad was horrified. He didn't understand why his friends were blaming him like he'd done this to himself. 

“Let's not be too hasty,” Sean said. “There could be some perks to keeping him around. Isn't that right, Chad?”  Chad nodded when he wanted to run.  He didn't like the look on his friend’s face. “You probably wanna blow Brady right now, don't you?”

Chad tried to force himself to say no. He tried to force himself to say anything other than yes. “Uh, yeah, duh,” he said. 

Sean and Brady exchanged glances. Brady shrugged and just nodded towards his shorts. 

Chad was on his knees with Brady's shorts down before he even knew what was happening. His friends long, musky cock was in his mouth in a flash. 

“Whoooaaaa,” Brady laughed, giving Sean a high-five.  “Okay, yeah, there could be some reasons to keep him around.”  

Chad had never felt more defeated. He'd barely made it in the door before his friends started tormenting him. It had barely been 5 minutes and he was already blowing Brady. He couldn't understand it. His friends should have been shocked by his physical transformation at least. This wasn't possible. Just a few hours ago he'd left the house a normal, athletic looking 21 year old. He'd gone to the gym with Brady last night. His friends knew he didn’t have a huge ass, or a pendulous dick.  There was no way he could have done this to himself in the span of a few hours.  He looked like he'd had months of surgery in the span of a work shift, and that wasn’t even factoring in his completely bizarre behavior.  He knew it had to be part of whatever the man had done to him, he just didn't know how to stop it. 

“This is just...nnnhhh….proof.  You can't be this...good unless you've….unnn...done this before,” Brady moaned, pumping his hips to work his long cock in and out of Chad’s thick new lips. 

“Dude, look at his panties, they're fuckin’ soaked already!” Sean pointed at the huge damp spot spreading across the front of Chad’s little underwear. “This definitely isn't your first time, is it?”

Chad pulled his mouth free just long enough to answer. “Nope!” He said proudly, slurping up Brady’s throbbing rod again. He wished he could have qualified that it had only been one other man, and just today, but it wouldn't have mattered. 

“What the fuck?!”  While Chad was going down on Brady, Kyle and Rich, their other two roommates, came home from the gym.  Kyle yelled when he turned the corner and saw the altered Chad on his knees with his face buried in Brady’s crotch. 

“Is that Chad? What the hell happened to him? And what the fuck is he doing?” Rich dropped his gym bag and crossed his massive arms.  Attending school on a basketball scholarship, he was by far the tallest one in the house, with a long, solid body that rippled with lean muscle.  Next to him, Kyle’s short, lean runner’s body stood almost a head and a half shorter but was covered in shredded, tight muscle.  In the hierarchy of the house, Chad had been in the best shape and was the best looking, with Brady coming in a close second.  Rich’s extra height and sharp, handsome features made him a strong candidate for third, while the ladies usually loved Sean’s beefy, powerful body.  That left the wiry Kyle bringing up the rear.  

“Chad had an interesting day,” Sean said nonchalantly. “According to him, some weird old guy turned him into a raging queer.”  He rolled his eyes. 

“What's wrong with his dick,” Kyle asked, looking down at the mammoth bulging out of the bikinis. 

“It doesn't...work...anymore,” Brady panted with a satisfied grin. 

“Something tells me he's more interested in using that ass anyway...aren't you Chad,” Sean asked, eliciting a vigorous nod from the kneeling man and a loud moan from Brady. 

“I fuckin’ knew it, man. The way he used to strut around here like he owned the place. Whole time the guy was a total fag. He's probably been gettin’ off to us for a long time.”  Kyle shook his head in disgust. 

“He certainly is now,” Rich laughed, looking at the now-soaked underwear and Chad’s platinum blonde head bobbing back and forth on Brady’s cock.  

“So what do we do with him? We can't have some homo staying here. What'll people think?”  

“Not so fast, Kyle,” Rich said, raising a hand to cut him off.  “Brady might have the right idea.  Clearly Chad’s not a brother anymore, that’s out of the question, but let’s not be hasty.  How about a house meeting, and then we decide?”  

Chad’s heart sank lower than he thought possible.  Not only had he just effectively been kicked out of the frat he’d spent the last three years with, he was going to be the subject of a “house meeting.”  That was their code for when someone brought a girl home and group sex was an option.  The irony was not lost on Chad that just a few weeks ago he’d participated in a “meeting” with a random platinum blonde girl that Kyle brought home.  Never in his darkest nightmares did he ever think he’d be in her position.  

“What do you say, Chad?  Let the meeting decide?”  

He pulled his face away from Brady’s throbbing pole, hating how empty his mouth felt, and looked up at his tormentors.  The speed with which they’d gone from viewing him as an equal to nothing but a plaything had his head spinning, but he knew he shouldn’t be surprised.  He’d participated in plenty of gay hating ang gang sex with the group.  Hell, most of the time he started it.  Even without the added touch of whatever the man had done, it probably wouldn’t have taken much more to get them to this point.  “Okay!” he said eagerly.  He was too defeated to even protest internally.  

“You know the rules,” Sean said, nodding for Chad to raise his beefy arms.  The small tank top was pulled free, causing Chad to shiver when the air hit his enlarged, sensitive nipples.  He stood and followed the group into the other room, hating how turned on he was by all of them.  He should hate them for what they were doing, not look forward to it.  

The guys started following suit.  Since his shorts were already at his ankles, Brady just kicked them off and went naked.  Chad couldn’t take his eyes off the way his naked friend’s strong back tapered to form a solid, perky bubble that sat on a set of strong, furry thighs.  Sean was stripping while they walked, pulling off his baggy muscle shirt to fully expose his stocky, barrel chest and muscled stomach.  

Chad knew the process.  Once in the other room, Kyle turned on some music and the four young men formed a circle around him.  Without being told, the altered blonde stud peeled out of the bright, ill-fitting underwear, his sculpted chest rising and falling rapidly in anticipation.  

“Let’s see those cheeks work,” Rich ordered.  

On command, Chad bent forward and started twerking his inflated cakes.  He’d done it jokingly before when drunk, but there was no laughing now as the fleshy orbs bounced and rippled in time with the music.  His huge, limp cock flapped wildly, adding to his humiliation.  

“I hate to admit it,” Sean laughed, massaging the growing bulge in his basketball shorts, “but that’s kinda hot.”  

“I’m still not sold,” Kyle said unenthusiastically.  

“You’re just mad ‘cause his dick’s still bigger’n yours,” Brady laughed.  

“I’ll take a smaller size over being a limp dick fag any day,” he shot back.  

“Just wait’ll you feel that mouth of his,” Brady sighed.  

“Okay, come on then,” Kyle said, motioning to the spot in front of him.  Chad dropped to his knees in front of Kyle and pulled down his shorts and underwear.  Having just come from the gym, the sweaty, musky smell hit Chad like a wave.  But Instead of pushing him away, it sucked him in.  He licked around Kyle’s small, hairy balls and then swallowed the other man’s short, thin member.  He knew Kyle well enough to know that his friend was trying to resist, but already the cock in Chad’s mouth was twitching and expanding.  

“See?  Not so bad now, is it,” Brady asked smugly.  

Kyle grinned, running a hand through his short black hair.  “It’s alright,” he said, pumping his hips to work his cock in and out of Chad’s plump lips.  “Ah ah, nope,” he said admonishingly when Chad’s hands started drifting up his flat abs.  “Hands to yourself, princess.”  

Chad’s face burned as he pulled his hands away.  It was bad enough to even want to feel Kyle’s firm body in his hands in the first place, so to be rebuked for it only made it more humiliating.  

“Oh, come on, let him touch,” Rich said mockingly.  

“They still feel like dude hands,” Kyle said, shivering for emphasis.  “Those dick suckin’ lips are one thing, but I don’t need reminded that he’s a guy.”  

“Sort of a guy,” Sean corrected.  “Now come on, let me have a turn.”  

“Fine,” Kyle said, pulling his aching cock out of Chad’s mouth.  

“Oh my!” Chad fake gasped when he tugged down Sean’s shorts and the wide, squat pole shot out.  He wrapped his lips around it, groaning at how good it felt to have it fill his mouth to capacity with its girth.  He was mortified to find that he was starting to form comparisons.  Brady’s long, solid hose had felt like a banana in his mouth, while Kyle’s short, thin cock had felt like a popsicle.  Now, Sean’s girthy beast felt like the bottom half of a bottle of beer.  He was amazed that he could comfortably get it in his mouth, but like his inhibited gag reflex, his altered jaws seemed built for this sort of thing.  

“Oh...oh fuck…” Sean groaned.  “Alright, I already vote to let him in.  I haven’t met a girl who could fit this whole thing in her mouth in a long time.”  Sean laughed when Chad’s hands slid up his meaty thighs to grab the other man’s sizeable cheeks.  “I see what you mean about the hands.  Don’t worry, keep suckin’ like that and you can grab all you want,” he said condescendingly, stroking Chad’s platinum hair.  “We can get you some moisturizer.”  

“Alright, my turn,” Rich said after a few minutes of Sean’s pleasured moans.  “You’ll keep him busy all night.”  Chad winked up at Sean and turned to Rich, who was already pulling his shorts down.  He ran his tongue along the underside of the tall man’s rigid cock teasingly.  It was long and solid, like a thinner version of Brady’s impressive member.  “Whoooaaaa,” Rich said, his knees practically buckling.  “You weren’t kidding.”  He grabbed Chad’s head and thrust himself in and out while the kneeling man clung to his solid ass.  “Go ahead and touch...that’s what a real man feels like,” he said, flexing his strong quads against Chad’s probing hands.  He slowed his forceful thrusts and pulled his sweaty tshirt off, exposing his long, built torso.  “Damn,” he whistled, “I was trying to see if he’d gag or choke, but not in the slightest.  Chad here really is a pro at blowing guys.”  

“I want a crack at that ass,” Brady said when it was his turn.  The other three nodded in agreement and Chad was back on his feet being guided to the table.  He was so worked up that he didn’t even want to stop what was coming.  His body needed it like a junkie needs a fix.  He laid down on his back, his thick, oozing hose flopping against his stomach while Brady hoisted his legs in the air.  While the other three watched, Brady thrust himself inside.  

“OOOOOoohhhhhhh yyyyyyeeeeeeesssss,” Chad groaned, his back arching.  “Yes...yes...fuuuuck…”  He only barely registered the chorus of laughter that erupted at his desperate whimpering.  

Brady’s eyes were wide with surprise.  “Holy...holy shit you guys….wait’ll you….damn…” he grunted, bucking his hips to stab in and out of Chad’s eager hole.  

“While we’re waiting…” Kyle reached down and turned Chad’s head so he could shove himself back into the grunting blonde’s mouth.  Chad moaned against the solid intruder.  Being filled at both ends was like scratching an itch he hadn’t been able to reach for years.

“I wanna try something,” Sean grinned evilly and reached down to tweak each of Chad’s huge new nipples.  

Chad saw stars when Sean’s rough, stubby fingers started rubbing against his hard nubs.  “MMMMNNNNNgGGGGggGGGGG!”  His eyes went wide and he clutched at the table so hard his nails left scratches.  

“OOOOhhhhhh….whoa….!”  Kyle also went up on his toes when Chad’s mouth suddenly vibrated.  “Oh shit!  That was...wow….” he panted.  “Do that again!”  

Sean reached down and grabbed Chad’s tits again, only this time he didn’t let go.  Chad started bucking wildly on the table, his limp hose pumping out a steady stream of liquid like a faucet that had been turned on.  

“Jesus!  This is....like a fucking...live wire...nnnggggg!”  Kyle’s eyes narrowed then closed as he grunted and tensed.  Chad’s moaning prevented him from swallowing most of Kyle’s load, leaving it to drip down his chin.  “Okay…” Kyle panted, pulling his dripping cock free. “I’m on board.  He can stay.”  

“Do me!”  Sean eagerly switched places with Kyle and stuffed himself in Chad’s cum-filled mouth.  “Let’s see if I can last longer.”  

It was like flipping a switch as Kyle reached down and fondled the huge nubs.  “Now these don’t feel so bad,” he said, rubbing them between his thumb and finger.  On the table, Chad’s eyes were half closed as his whole muscular body shook.  

“GGGuuuuhhh….fuuuuuuck….” Sean gasped, his meaty paws opening and closing against the empty air as he struggled not to blow.  

At the other end, Chad’s bucking and grunting had finally pushed Brady over the edge.  The naked hunk clutched at Chad’s shaking, meaty thighs and gave a final shove, his tight cheeks flexing as he unleashed load after load into the squirming stud on the table.  He practically staggered away when he was done, leaving a steady stream to trickle out of the battered hole.  “Oh yeah,” he panted when he’d finally caught his breath, “Chad’s not goin’ anywhere.  That was insane.”  

“Yeah?”  Rich picked up where Brady left off, hoisting Chad’s thick legs onto his broad shoulders and cramming himself inside.  “Ooohhh, okay,” he laughed, “I get it.  Jesus...he’s like a fucking glove…” Rich’s firm abs were a wave of motion as he rhythmically pumped in and out.  His sculpted pecs flexed under the weight of Chad’s legs while he buried himself all the way in.  

Back at the other end of the table, Sean was reaching his limit.  He’d wanted to take a stab at Chad’s plump new ass, but he was about to blow.  Kyle had been working Chad like he was a living vibrator.  

“What’s it gonna be, big guy?”  Kyle laughed.  “You’re lookin’ like you’re about to go!”  He gave Chad’s nipples another tweak, sending a shudder through Sean.  

“No...I’m….notttttnnnnnnnn!”  Sean spasmed and pulled his cock free so that he could spray all over Chad’s prone frame.  His squat pole sprayed like a hose, soaking the altered blonde.  

“That’s not...a….bad...idea….” Rich stopped his jackrabbit pounding and let Chad’s legs drop just before launching his own stream to further coat the incoherent man on the table.  

Chad lay panting, his head slowly clearing.  The part of him that was still his old self was shattered.  He was covered from head to toe in cum after having just been gang-banged by his friends.  He told himself he should be standing next to the table, not on it.  He told himself he didn’t enjoy it.  He tried desperately to convince himself he didn’t feel fantastic.  His full new lips betrayed him when they broke into a sly grin as Rich pulled his phone out to take pics of his panting, cum-covered body.  

“Okay...he can stay,” Kyle said.  “BUT, he’s not a brother. He gives up his room and he does what we say.”

“Agreed,” Rich said, to unanimous nods.  “We’ve also gotta get him a uniform so people know he’s definitely NOT one of us.”  

“That’s a good idea.  Chad here can be the hired help...minus the hired part,” Brady chuckled.  

“We can also bring him out at parties,” Sean added.  

Brady looked at Sean with a raised eyebrow, a marketing plan already forming between them.  “Hell, we could rent him out!”  

Chad listened to all of this in a daze.  His brain could only process so much of his future deteriorating before his eyes.  His former friends were talking about pimping him out and he actually felt himself looking forward to the idea.  He wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear forever. 

“Earth to Chad!”  Brady’s stern voice pulled Chad’s attention back to the present.  “Huh...can we call him something else?  Chad just feels weird now.”  

The four men mulled it over for a few moments, looking the cum-slick man up and down.  

“How about Cakes,” Sean finally offered.  

Brady grinned from ear to ear as the other three agreed.  “Works for me!  Alright, Cakes, get your limp dick off the table and start cleaning this mess up.”

“Thanks, fellas,” Chad said seductively as he stood and stretched his sculpted, altered body, disgusted with himself for feeling so satisfied.  “I’ll get to work!”    


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