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Chad knew he was ripping people off; he just didn’t care.  As far as he was concerned if someone was too stupid to sign something without reading it or understanding it, that was their problem.  His only priority was getting people signed up for their “utility savings” so he could get paid.  Every name meant more money in his paycheck.  Young, old, black, white, rich, poor; none of that mattered.  He’d rip off the little old lady living on her social security just as fast as some yuppie who didn’t care where their money was going.  

And he was very good at it.  At twenty one, he was only doing this door-to-door gig during the summers when he was on break from his classes at the university.  Chad only had one more year to go in his Business degree and he relished the thought that soon he’d be able to use his talents in a bigger arena.  He wanted to sell companies, not hoof it down street after street trying to talk people into binding contracts that would suck them dry.  He actually had a grudging respect for his employers.  Sleazy tactics or not, they were raking in the money.  Soon it would be him sitting in an office watching the dollars roll in while his lackeys went out and did the hard work.  

He knew these were the dues he had to pay to get there.  He’d step on the first person he could the first chance he got, but until then it was door-to-door.  He didn’t really mind the work.  As much as he looked forward to spending time in a cushy office, Chad enjoyed that he was physically active and outside most of the time.  His perfectly gelled hair was a sun-kissed shade of blonde and he had a deep tan from spending so many hours outdoors.  It only helped his sales pitch.  The light blue polo that was stretched tight over his rippling torso certainly didn’t hurt either.  If the person answering the door somehow missed his handsome face, with its high cheekbones, prominent nose and strong jaw, there was no way they were missing the set of bulging pecs or the large biceps that stretched the short sleeves near to bursting.  The uniform called for khaki pants, and Chad made sure to select a pair that showed off his perky bubble and toned thighs without being too tight.  

He knew that was all part of the business game.  Looks got sales.  Hot guys and beautiful girls had more impressive results than dumpy Joe Average.  If that extra set of curls in the gym meant an extra sale, he was all too happy to do it.  And he needed to keep up.  As good as he looked, Chad was well aware that there would always be a guy who looked better.  His fraternity brothers were every bit as cut as he was, and they were constantly trying to one up each other.  

If he’d been willing, Chad could have modeled and made twice what he was making door-to-door, but he knew some guys who’d done it and didn’t like the stories he’d heard.  It all sounded a little too gay for him.  He knew what kind of guys worked in that field and he didn’t want them pawing at him and taking pictures.  He’d flirt with a guy if it meant making a sale, he’d done it plenty of times, but that was as far as he went.  And whenever he could, he’d try and get one over on the guy in return.  At one of his houses last summer, a flamboyantly gay guy made no attempt to hide the fact that he was checking him out the whole time.  Chad turned on the charm and his sparkling smile while he was there and had gotten the sale, but later he and his boys went back to the house at night and spray painted it with “fag” and “queer”.  

So far he hadn’t had to do that this summer.  As he approached his last house of the day, he wondered if that would change.  The house was a mid-century bungalow, with an expertly maintained lawn and a front flower bed that was bursting with a rainbow of flowering plants without a weed in sight.  The information that Chad had on the owner was that he was a single, middle aged man.  No kids or spouse was listed.  

Single at his age and perfect flowers, Chad thought, shaking his head.  He looked up the driveway and saw a jeep with the top off.  “Yep.  Total queer,” he sighed aloud to himself, mentally getting ready.  He walked up and rang the doorbell, his face donning a non-threatening smile like he’d put on a mask.  

“Can I help you?”  The first thing Chad noticed about the man was his height, or lack thereof.  Chad was firmly in the average range at an even five ten.  He was never the tallest guy in the room, nor was he the shortest.  He didn’t mind, since neither extreme was helpful in his field.  Too short and people thought they could walk all over you.  Too tall and you were unapproachable.  It was one area where being average was a good thing.  The man in front of him didn’t have that luxury as he just barely reached Chad’s chin.  He had a slim build that was shown off in a tight green tshirt and a pair of small blue chino shorts.  The man had a decent amount of definition on his small body, but no real build to speak of.  His hands and bare feet were equally dainty with perfectly manicured nails.  He had jet black hair that was cut stylishly above piercing blue eyes that were just starting to line with wrinkles.  

In the bag, Chad thought, reaching out to shake the man’s hand.  “Mr. Milton?  I’m Chad with FirstChoice Energy Company.  Your name popped up on our list as someone who’s paying too much for their utilities.  If you had a few minutes I’d love to tell you about how we can lower your monthly bills.”  Chad was surprised at the firmness of the man’s grip when he returned the handshake.  He was not surprised when he saw the man look him up and down, and made it a point to puff out his impressive chest as much as he could.   

“Oh really?  By all means, come on in,” the man said, stepping aside and closing the door behind Chad.  

The house was as expertly adorned inside as it was out.  Immaculate, mid-century furniture with bright colors on the walls that were covered in all manner of art.  Chad tried to place the spicy, earthy aroma that filled the air.  “You have a lovely home,” he said cheerfully.  “I like that smell...is that your cologne?”  

The man smiled and waved his arm in a sweeping motion.  “Oh, no, just some incense I was burning.  You caught me in the middle of cleaning.”  

Chad expertly hid his contempt at the sight of the man’s swishing arm movements.  “It shows!  I wish I could keep my place this clean.  Between work and the gym,” he flexed his arms slightly as he mentioned the gym, “I’m not home enough to keep up.”  

“At least the work in the gym shows,” the older man said, noticing the inflating arms.  

Chad felt smug watching the older man take the bait.  “So, Mr. Milton, we…”

“Call me Howard,” the man interrupted.  

It’s almost too easy, Chad thought to himself.  “So, Howard,” he said, emphasising the name with a grin, “we show that you’re currently with DawnStar energy for your electric.  You might not know that DawnStar has been sued in several states for overcharging their customers.”  That was all a lie, but Chad had learned that if you start tossing around legal sounding things people take it more seriously.  “Looking at your current rates, we think you might be one of those people they’re overcharging.”  

“Oh, goodness,” Howard said, putting a hand to his chest.  

Once again, Chad’s friendly expression never faltered despite how he felt about the man’s flamboyant outburst.  He pulled out a tablet with a fake spreadsheet, but instead of just handing it to Howard, he stood next to the man so that his powerful frame could tower over him.  He made sure to keep his burly arms just far enough away so they didn’t actually touch.  “If you look at these figures, this is how much you’ll be overpaying if you stay with your current provider.”  

Howard looked at the sheet and reached over to pat Chad’s striated forearm.  “Well that’s just criminal,” he said, giving the younger man’s wrist a squeeze.  “I don’t know how they think they can get away with this.”  

Chad bristled internally at Howard’s touch.  He was already planning a return trip.  “Well, the good news is that we can save you upwards of…”

“Chad,” Howard interrupted, his tone still friendly, “are you lying to me right now?”  

“Absolutely!”  Chad’s face went bright red as the words left his mouth.  “I mean, sorry, I thought you asked about our rates.  Of course I’m not…what I meant to say was...” 

Howard was grinning from ear to ear while Chad stammered.  “So you still want to keep doing this?”

Chad’s mind raced for a response. “Sorry, I misspoke just then, what I meant to say was…”

Howard’s tone was still friendly when he interrupted, but his piercing eyes were hard. “By all means, go right ahead.  But let’s make it a game.  Every time you tell me a lie, you’ll take something off.  Sound good?  Okay, let’s hear it.”  

Chad’s heart started pounding.  He wanted to make an excuse and leave, but instead he found himself continuing with his pitch.  “Uh, okay, where was I?  Oh, as I was saying, we can save you upwards of seven hundred per year…” Chad’s eyes went wide when he suddenly kicked his shoes off.  

“Uh...seven hundred per year…” he stuttered, staring at his sock-covered feet.  “Which is three times as much as our competitors…” he looked almost casual as he raised a leg and pulled one of his socks off.  “And the absolute best value you can get in this area.”  The other leg came up and he was soon wiggling his bare, stubby toes against the hardwood floor.  

He was panicking.  Chad was fully aware of what he was doing, he just didn’t know how to stop.  It was like his body was on autopilot.  He also knew how many lies were coming.  

“Independent studies have shown that our rates are the most competitive on the market…” Chad’s internal struggle wasn’t the least bit evident when he reached down, untucked his polo, and promptly pulled it free.  He looked at his bare, sculpted pecs and washboard stomach in dumbfounded shock.  His smooth, tanned skin broke out in goosebumps at the sudden rush of cool air and his tiny nipples went hard.  When he looked back up, Howard stood with his lean arms crossed and a wolfish grin on his face.  

“And we offer flexible contracts that...that…” Chad stammered when his fingers popped the button of his khakis and pulled the zipper down.  Now, more than just the top of his  worn, plaid boxers could be seen through the open fly.  “...that allow our customers to change their plans…” his fitted pants landed in a heap at his feet and he quickly stepped out of them, blushing as he felt the front of his boxers bounce with the motion.  

Chad felt like he was going to cry.  Not only was this not going at all how he’d planned, he didn’t know how it was even possible.  He could have snapped the little man in half, yet here he was, stripped down to his boxers and helpless to do anything about it.  He was mortified as he watched Howard’s eyes rove all over his chiseled frame, especially when they rested at the lump in the front of his underwear.  Not that it would matter soon, Chad knew.  

“...And our customer satisfaction rates are the highest in the...the…” Chad did his best to strain against the invisible commands that forced his thumbs into the waistband of his boxers and pulled his arms downward.  

“Hang on a second,” Howard said.  Chad was frozen in place, his thumbs still in the boxers that stopped just above the base of his cock.  Behind, he could feel a breeze on the top part of his tight cheeks that were left exposed.  “I’ve been thinking while you talked.  I seem to remember a friend of mine having an unfortunate situation last summer.  He’s lived in the neighborhood for years and never had the slightest issue with his neighbors, but then one day he woke up to find his house spray painted with some awful language.  It just happened to be on the day that a young blonde salesman came around.  You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”  

Chad’s stomach dropped.  “Uh, no, of course not…” In a flash his boxers were on the floor with the rest of his clothes.  Chad was horrified.  He was naked in a stranger’s house and clearly under some kind of influence.  He couldn’t even cover himself.  His sculpted arms just hung at his side while his wide cock and heavy balls dangled on display.  

“Ah, I thought so,” Howard said, tapping his chin with a finger.  “When my friend called the other day and said he thought he’d seen you in the area again I so hoped you’d find your way here.”  He walked around the frozen blonde, inspecting each of his solid muscles and giving one of his firm cheeks a quick slap.  “You weren’t kidding about the gym.”  

As much as Chad wanted to murder the smaller man, more than anything he just wished to flee.  “Look, I don’t know what’s going on here but..”

“Hmm…” Howard cut Chad off, cocking his head while he looked at the naked young stud.  “We’re out of clothes, so…” he seemed to be talking to himself.  “Okay, sorry, go ahead.”  

Chad hesitated.  “I don’t….I don’t know what this is, but I’m really sorry about your friend’s…” Chad trailed off when his hand started drifting across his ripped abs and slowly up to begin massaging one of his meaty pecs.  “What...what is this…” 

“We didn’t have any more clothes to take off when you lied, so we’ll do this instead.  Please, finish what you were going to say.”  

Chad didn’t want to.  He tried to hold his mouth shut by force of will.  “I’m really sorry about your friend’s house.  It wasn’t my idea,” Chad stuttered while he tweaked his pert little nipple.  “My frat brother’s…they...they…” His whole body turned crimson when his free hand shot to his dangling cock.  With one hand kneading his muscular chest, his other started tugging away.  “Oh...oh god…” Despite his terror, Chad’s body reacted like this was perfectly normal.  His cock was hard in seconds and the wandering hand squeezing his hard torso felt as good as always.  

Howard watched the handsome young man stroke himself with a cold disinterest.  “I think we’ve established that you have a hard time telling the truth, huh?  You can stop that for now.” Chad breathed a sigh of relief when his hands dropped to his sides.  He’d felt himself building, and even now his throbbing cock oozed at the wide tip.  “Come with me.”  

Chad’s dread grew while he followed the older man deeper into his house and up a flight of stairs.  This meant he was further from the front door and a possible means of escape.  Even as he thought it, Chad knew it was pointless.  He couldn’t even cover up his solid cock that was wagging and bobbing as he climbed the stairs.  “What...what is all this?”  

The upstairs was one large, open room with slanting ceilings on the sides and single, covered windows at each opposing end.  There was a broad area rug in the middle and shelves covered in all manner of herbs, candles, stones, and jars lined the knee walls.  Howard picked up the rug to reveal a large circle surrounded by intricate symbols painted on the floor.  The downstairs looked like the 1950s, the upstairs looked like the 1650s. “Stand there, please,” he said, motioning to the circle.  

Chad would have settled for jumping out one of the second-story windows naked instead of strolling easily into the middle of the circle.  “What is this?!  What are you going to do?!”  

Howard kept his attention on the shelves as he gathered various jars of herbs.  “Oh, nothing much.  You’ve done the bulk of the work by building up that impressive physique of yours.  I’m just going to tweak it a bit.”  

Chad was horrified.  “Tweak...what?!  No!  You can’t!”  

“You can judge Can or Can’t for yourself in a bit here,” Howard said over his shoulder.  “But you don’t need to worry.”  He turned to face the terrified young blonde.  “You go from door-to-door selling things, right? You use those impressive looks to get what you want from people, right?”  Chad nodded, blushing, when Howard paused.  “It’ll be similar to that,” he finished cryptically.  

Chad tried again and again to force himself out of the circle while Howard was busy at a small table.  The older man was mixing herbs and grinding them with a mortar and pestle, chanting over and over under his breath.  When he was done grinding he pulled out a small, cast iron cauldron and lit a few pieces of charcoal.  

“Wait!  Please!”  Chad was frantic.  Howard’s hand was poised just above the cauldron with the herb mix.  “You don’t have to do this!  You guys’ll never see me again, I swear!”  

Howard laughed.  “I know I don’t HAVE to, but I’d be remiss in my duties if someone didn’t teach you a lesson.  I’m not just doing this for my friend...you’re on track to hurt a lot of people in the future.  So for their sake, we’ll be seeing plenty of you.”  With that, he dropped the herbs into the cauldron.  

As the smoke rose, it gathered in a cloud above the cauldron before stretching towards the frozen young man like a reaching, wispy hand.  Chad felt himself start to tingle as the smoke swirled around him.  He was petrified as the pins-and-needles sensation grew.  It was focused on his face, then spread down to his chest, then his lower body.  At first there was nothing but the tingling.  The smoke continued to draw towards him and wrap around him, filling his lungs and making him lightheaded.  Then things started changing.  

“What...what the fuck…” Chad gasped as the tingling increased at his crotch.  His cock twitched and convulsed, and then steadily started pushing forward.  Like his height, Chad’s rigid pole was right in the middle of the average range at just under six inches.  It was a bit thicker than most, but had it been on a less impressive physical specimen there’d be nothing remarkable about it.  That was no longer the case.  Every twitch stretched it out and caused it to thicken, like it was being inflated.  Six inches.  Then six and a half.  Then seven.  Chad’s shock turned into terror when, at seven and a half and nearly twice as thick, it started to falter.  He still ached with the same pressure as he had, but it was like his enormous new cock couldn’t support its own weight.  When it finally stopped at just over eight inches and nearly as thick around as his forearm, it hung half-hard at best.  His wide eyes saw that his balls had been equally changed, puffing and expanding to the size of small oranges.  

The smoke kept coming.  His head swam from a mix of shock, terror, and the heady fumes.  Like his enlarged package, Chad watched his toned legs steadily widen.  Like a lot of guys, he focused the bulk of his workouts on his upper body.  He didn’t entirely neglect leg day, it just didn’t get as much attention as chest or arm day.  That imbalance was steadily correcting itself.  Chad’s toned thighs pushed outwards into a matched set of wide, thick quads.  The young man would have a much more difficult time getting his sturdy new legs into the fitted pants he always wore.  

The smoke had cleared by the time his legs stopped growing.  Chad wavered on his feet, still feeling light headed.  He stared down at his altered lower half, pale and shaking.  

“See?  That wasn’t so bad, was it?”  Howard stood just outside the circle, admiring his work.  

Chad found he could move, and the first thing he did was grab at his monstrous new hose.  It was so wide he couldn’t get his fingers to touch as he gripped it.  He shuddered at the rush of pleasure he felt from the now-more sensitive organ, but it didn’t get any harder.  He palmed his heavy new balls, gasping in disbelief as they filled his hand.  Chad didn’t understand.  He still felt like he was about to pop, but his cock just hung mostly limp and oozing.  “Oh my god!  Like, what did you EVEN do to me?!”  Chad’s whole body turned purple with embarrassment at the words that left his mouth.  He cleared his throat.  “What?!  Girl, why am I talking like this?!”  He still had the same, deep, smooth voice, but he’d never strung words together like that, or talked with his hands as much.  

“It suits you, I think,” Howard smirked.  

“Ugh,” Chad groaned, rolling his eyes exaggeratedly.  “It sooo does not!  I sound like a total...total…”

Howard just raised an eyebrow.  “Total what?  What are you?”  

“Cock hungry bottom,” Chad sneered, almost proudly.  “Wait...what did I just...I’m I’m not…”

Howard nodded.  “That ass would beg to differ.”

Chad reached around behind and grabbed where his perky bubble should have been.  Instead, each palm encountered two globes of flesh that seemed to keep going and going.  “Aaaaaah!  Whose birthday is it?  ‘Cause I brought the cake,” Chad squealed, sounding more delighted than terrified.  “Wait...no...that’s not...I don’t want…” he physically couldn’t continue.  

“No more lying for you, young man.”  Howard walked over to the table and picked up a large hand mirror.  “Want to see the rest?”  

Chad just blinked at the face staring back at him.  His handsome, masculine face was still the former, but much less the latter.   His golden blonde hair was now a bright platinum, and his prominent nose had shrunk to a cute button.  His once thin lips inflated like they’d been botoxed.  He still looked like himself, if he’d undergone cosmetic surgery.  “Twink face!  Total twink face!” He pursed his lips and turned his head to look at himself from different angles.   “It’s gonna look sickening when it’s covered in cock juice!”  Chad blushed.  He’d never even thought those words in his life, and he didn’t mean sickening in the bad way.  

Howard was clearly pleased with his work.  “Don’t forget about those tits.”  

Chad had missed the changes to his chest at first.  The sculpted pecs still bulged the same, but he saw his once-tiny nipples were now huge and hard.  He reached up and prodded them, his knees buckling.  “Ohhhhhhh lord,” he groaned.  His cock surged, but didn’t get any harder.  

“See?  Not so bad.  Let’s go downstairs and get you dressed.”  

Chad was mortified from the first step.  His bigger thighs threw off his gait, which in turn caused his pendulous package to sway and swing while his humongous cheeks bounced and rolled against each other.  When he finally saw himself in the full length mirror in Howard’s bedroom, it was worse than he’d imagined.  His upper body was mostly the same, aside from the large new nubs on his pecs, but sitting on top of his thickened lower half, it made him look like an entirely different person.  His pecs and arms seemed smaller by comparison against those powerful thighs and plump, juicy cheeks.  Now it looked like he spent more time on leg day than anything else.  And then there was the monster between those widened trunks.  

Howard watched him gaze at himself in the mirror.  “What do you think?”  

“I’m gonna get - So. Much. Dick.” Chad was surprised that he could blush any harder.  “No...I don’t wa…” he couldn’t quite bring himself to say he didn’t want it.  “You can’t leave me like this!”  He grabbed his flopping hose.  “What am I supposed to do with this thing?  Fix it!”  

“Do you really want me to?”  

Chad didn’t even hesitate.  “Oh god no,” he said with a quick laugh.  “Strictly catching for me.”  He let go and tried to concentrate.  “No...I don’t...I’m not a…” No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t say the words.  

Howard wasn’t listening anyway.  He was digging through a drawer and pulled out a bright, neon purple bikini.  “Let’s try these,” he said, handing them to Chad.  

The altered young man wobbled as he lifted one leg, then the other, to pull them on.  He’d only ever worn boxers, so even if he hadn’t been changed this would have been a new experience.  As it was, he felt sick.  He could pull them on, but the bikinis didn’t exactly fit.  His huge package filled the pouch beyond capacity, stretching it so that the base of his cock was exposed and his balls spilled out the sides.  There was nothing to cover his legs, and only a small patch of fabric to cover his plump rear.  And “cover” was a stretch.  His altered ass stood out from his tight waist like a shelf, and the bikinis left the top entirely uncovered, as well as most of the sides and bottom.  

Howard handed him a pair of shorts next, but as Chad pulled them on, he couldn’t decide if they made things better or worse.  They were white mesh gym shorts, but they were smaller than his former boxers.  They’d have been revealing on his old body, but on his new one they left nothing to the imagination.  The front looked like someone had stuffed a grapefruit and a banana inside, and the back left almost the entire bottom half of his cheeks hanging out. 

“And a shirt…hmm...I don’t have anything that’ll fit you, so you’ll have to wear one of mine,” Howard said, tossing Chad a tiny black and pink striped tank top.  

Chad pulled it on, groaning as the soft fabric rubbed against the nipples that stood out proudly underneath.  It was skin tight and didn’t even reach his navel, serving to draw even more attention to his stuffed, revealing shorts.  He stared at his reflection, wanting to express his disgust.  Instead he just pursed his thick new lips and turned to look at his ass, giving it a bounce.  “If you’ve got it, flaunt it honey,” he whistled.  

“Some shoes and you’ll be all set,” Howard clapped.  Chad followed him back to the room where this all began and looked longingly at his discarded clothes on the floor.  Howard rummaged through the front closet and came back with a pair of bright, neon orange high tops.  “I had another guest leave these here,” he said with a mischievous look in his eyes.  “They should be just about your size.”  

Chad slid them on, leaving them open at the top.  He couldn’t believe it.  He’d gone from masculine and professional to looking like a flaming go-go boy.  Howard picked up Chad’s crumpled boxers and hold them against the young man’s tight white shorts.  Just as Chad thought, they were bigger.  

“You sure you don’t want these,” Howard asked.  

He wanted to say yes more than anything.  Instead, “do I look straight?” Chad snapped, sticking out a hip.  

“Not at all,” Howard said proudly.  He wrote down an address on a piece of paper and handed it to Chad.  “Head on over to this address.  I think you know it.  He’ll be expecting you.”  

With that, Chad found himself back outside in his new body.  Instead of running for help, he casually strolled down the sidewalk towards the address he was given.  It was early evening, which meant people were coming home from work.  He passed person after person either in their car or on the sidewalk, but he didn’t beg for help like he wanted to.  He just casually strolled by, as though his exposed abs, massive bulge and bouncing beach ball cheeks were totally normal.  He wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out.  Despite his outward behaviors, he was still the same straight, arrogant Chad inside.  At least for now.  So when he’d barely made it around the corner before a car full of kids screamed “fag!” at him, it felt like a physical blow.   

Chad didn’t need to look at the address.  He knew where he was going.  The house he’d spray painted last year came into view, and like he had the first time, he calmly walked up to the front door and rang the bell.  

The familiar face of the man who lived there grinned at him as he opened the door.  “Chad!  Long time no see,” the man said happily, looking him up and down.  “Daaaamn...Howard wasn’t kidding.  Come in, come in!”  

Chad never could have imagined himself re-entering the house under these circumstances.  He also never could have imagined how he felt when he looked at the man again.  Where before he’d seen another old gay guy, now Chad kept thinking how handsome the man was.  He was actually pretty average by most standards.  Not exactly out of shape but not a gym-goer either, with a face that was creviced by middle age and topped with thinning hair.  But to Chad, he was suddenly gorgeous.   

“So I’m guessing you’re not here to apologize,” the man laughed as he watched Chad stare at his crotch.  

Chad hesitated.  “Uh...no…” he said, his eyes still on the man’s crotch.  

“There’s that honesty Howard mentioned,” the man laughed.  “That’s okay.  This’ll be a process.  So what ARE you here for?”  

Chad squirmed and shifted his weight from foot to foot, licking his plump lips.  He nodded towards the man’s crotch.  “That.”  

“Ha!  Right to it.  What do I get in return?”   

“What do you want,” Chad purred.  

“Let’s take a look at Howard’s work first.”  

Chad raised his arms behind his head and flexed his powerful biceps and washboard stomach.  The man ran his hands along both before tweaking the newly huge nipples through the tank top.  “OOOHHHHH!”  Chad moaned and squirmed under the onslaught, feeling the pressure between his legs grow while his mammoth cock stayed limp.  “Ooohhh fuck….fuck yeah….” Chad panted when the man let go and his hands drifted down to the shorts.  

“Good lord!” The man’s face was a mask of shock when he felt the huge bulge.  Without asking he tugged the front of the shorts and barely concealing underwear down to let it flop free.  He whistled and tugged on the limp cock, lifting it and letting it fall loosely back into place.  “Bet that’s a change, huh,” he asked, locking eyes with Chad.  He didn’t wait for an answer.  He went around behind the young man and pulled down the back of the shorts, squeezing and bouncing each large cheek several times.  “Howard really outdid himself with you.”  

Chad could see his reflection in the TV, tiny shorts around his thighs while his giant cock oozed uselessly and a strange man pawed at his enormous ass.  He hated the look of pleasure on his softened features.  

“You know, I don’t remember you being platinum,” the man said, sliding back around front and tousling Chad’s lightened hair.  “Or having such a cute little nose,” he said, tapping Chad’s new button and letting the finger drift down to the young man’s softened lips.  “Well, here we are.  How do you ask politely?”  

“Pl...please…” Chad said while the man stroked his cheek.  

“Please what?”  

“Please let me have that dick.  Please!”  He knew it was the absolute last thing he should have wanted, but Chad was actually feeling desperate.  He sucked the man’s finger into his mouth and closed his lips around it.  

“Good idea!  A little warm up first.  Since you asked politely.”  The man was surprised at the speed with which Chad dropped to his knees and started undoing his pants.  

For his part, Chad was no less surprised to find himself frantically pulling down a strange middle aged man’s pants.  The musky smell coming from the red briefs only made it worse.  Chad tugged them down and slurped up the man’s smallish cock, his thick lips forming a vacuum seal.  He groaned, eliciting a moan of pleasure from the man, as he felt the cock harden against his tongue.  He’d never even thought about doing this before, but soon he was bobbing his head back and forth like a pro.  Chad discovered another alteration as he was able to swallow the entirety of the man’s rod without gagging, a skill he was putting to good use.  His strong hands clutched at the man’s non-existent ass, driving the solid cock into his mouth harder and harder.  

“Whoa...whoa...okay....let’s not end things too early,” the man laughed, pulling himself away.  Chad debased himself further by leaning forward, letting the spit-slick cock rub all over his face and hair like a cat scratching its head.  

“Please, please” he pleaded, dropping to all fours and waving his ass.  

“Have you ever been fucked before,” the man asked, stroking the side of a cheek.  

“No,” Chad said, shaking his head.  “I’m nice and tight.”  The man lined himself up and slowly pressed inside.  The second he entered, the young blonde bellowed.  “OOOOOHHHH FUCK!  YES!  YES!”  The man hadn’t even started pumping, but already Chad was arching his back and clutching at the floor.  He didn’t wait.  He shoved his ass back, impaling himself fully on the older man. He didn’t even care that he could feel his cock slapping against him uselessly while the man rode him.  “OH GOD...OH GOD...YES...YES...YEEIIIIEEEE!”  Chad squealed when the man leaned against him and reached around to grab his pecs and work his altered nipples.  The dual sensations turned Chad into a muscular lump of animal lust.  He grunted and squirmed and screamed and grabbed at the floor, feeling like he was alternating between melting and exploding.  He came first, his limp cock suddenly unloading like someone had turned on a faucet.  The steady stream wasn’t the forceful explosion of liquid that he was used to coming from his solid old rod, but the effect was the same.  He saw stars and gasped wordlessly.  It wasn’t until he tasted the salty liquid on his tongue that he even realized the man had rolled him over and pulled out in time to spray on his face.  

Chad lay on his back, panting contentedly.  His shorts and underwear were around his ankles and his long, thick hose rested limply and oozed onto his stomach.  His enlarged cheeks caused an unfamiliar arch to his back that made the oozing liquid trickle up and wet the bottom of the tank top.  

“Well,” the older man panted, “that was as vigorous as I’d hoped.  Enjoy yourself?”  

Chad stretched like a cat in the sun and nodded.  “Mmmhhhmmm,” hating himself for licking up whatever cum his tongue could reach.  

“This doesn’t exactly make us even, but it’s a good start.  When you come back tomorrow we can work out the details.”  


Sure enough, Chad came back the next day.  He’d gone home and, once his frat brothers were done with him, cut a pair of jeans into daisy dukes so short the pockets and most of his ass hung out the back. He didn’t have any appropriate underwear, so he just didn’t wear any.  Given his new growth, Chad had to cut up the side of the thighs to make them wide enough to pull on, but he still couldn’t close them.  Instead he walked around with the button undone, exposing a patch of hair just above the base of his huge cock that was snaked off to the side.  When he sat, the bottoms of his heavy balls squished out against his expanded legs.  To compensate for his sensitive nipples he’d worn a scoop-neck muscle shirt with only spaghetti straps over his pecs that left the large, solid nubs totally exposed.  Even this he’d cut short,  making it into a crop top so it wouldn’t cover his altered denim.

Chad was put to work in the yard, mowing and weeding and generally being on display the entire time.  Around lunch, the denim finally gave up.  Chad was on his knees pulling weeds when he heard a loud rip and felt a draft on his crack.  He’d kept working, letting whoever passed get a view of his plump rear and tight hole through the ripped fabric.  He was mortified.  

Eventually the man came out and pulled him inside.  He spent the rest of the day doing housework indoors, free of the confining shorts.  The man watched him almost the entire time, occasionally telling him to take a break so he could video Chad twerking his thick, bare cheeks.  His limp cock would slap loudly and wildly when he did, only serving to make Chad even hornier than he already was.  He was finding that he was ALWAYS horny.  Even after his fucking the night before, it was like nothing had happened.  Even after what happened at the frat house, he was still ready to go.  Chad had begged the man several times already, but the most he’d done was lick around Chad’s oozing tip since he couldn’t fit it in his mouth.  The man seemed to enjoy playing with Chad’s limp monster, making the altered young stud all the more desperate.  

He found out why the man had held off later that night when he was driven over to another stranger’s house.  All he’d been given was a towel to wrap around himself on the drive over, which was quickly snatched away when they got there.  A humiliated Chad was left pantsless and oozing in front of a group of strangers.  The next thing Chad knew it was several hours later and his entire body was sticky and sore and satisfied.  When he later saw the video of the freakishly hung muscle twink getting gang-banged online, he just wanted more.  

Fortunately, that’s what he got.  When he wasn’t working to make amends, Chad still went door-to-door, but the only thing he sold was himself.  Howard would give him a list of addresses to hit every day, and, like the ambitious young man that he was, he didn't stop until he’d been to  every one.  He was still horrified by his predicament, but he knew there was no way out.  His only solace was in the knowledge that Howard was planning on expanding the team.  He knew Chad hadn’t been alone that night when they’d tagged the house.  There was still more work to be done.  



love this story, would love to see more transformations like this