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(Playing around with the random story idea generator. I have a list of about 100 character/theme combinations it came up with, so I picked one at random. This time it was 3 characters, with the themes being "otter, hyper muscle, cock hands, contagious")

Kyle’s normally full, soft lips were drawn tight, his square-jawed features flushed with embarrassment. The pink hue contrasted against the chocolate stubble covering his sharp cheeks, the scruffy coating matching the short, unkempt mess on his scalp. But where the appearance of most people would suffer, the handsome hunk wore his disheveled state with ease. For nearly the entirety of his twenty five years, Kyle had never had to view his looks in anything other than degrees of good. He was broad shouldered and tapering, with gym-sculpted pecs, arms and abs, to say nothing of his powerful thighs, perky rear, and enviable package. He’d always been a fit pretty-boy, they all had, but those years at the top of the food chain only served to make their current circumstances even worse.

“Duuuuuuude, come on,” Josh groaned, his impossibly deepened voice reverberating through the smaller, tight-lipped hunk sitting next to him. It wasn’t that Kyle specifically was small, at an even six-feet the handsome brunette was well within the average range, but that everyone lacked in stature compared to his new shape. Like his blushing friend, Josh had spent the majority of his life as a strapping, raven-haired hunk. He’d excelled at every sport he’d ever attempted with an almost supernatural ease, his athletic frame piling on and maintaining muscle the way the average person gained the kind of weight they didn’t want. His chin was dimpled, his eyes were bright, his smile easy; Josh was more easy-going Adonis than arrogant monster. He was smug, but he also knew he was hot enough to keep it on the side of endearing. Or at least he had been. “You’ve already cum like, what? Four times today? I know you’re starving, bro. Just open up and eat already.”

“Is someone pouting,” Ben asked, coming up from behind and ruffling Kyle’s hair. “Would it help if you sang the choo-choo song?” The blonde sighed and dropped into the chair on the brunette’s other side, his toned arms looking small compared to his friends. The furry limbs were still solid and sculpted, Ben’s whole, hairy body was ripped and lean, but he lacked their overall mass, especially Josh’s. He’d had a similar shape before everything went wrong, sporting a smooth, buff body and boy-next-door face that had turned heads wherever he went, and while he knew he’d still get plenty of attention, it wasn’t for anything near the same reason. Like so many other parts of their lives, his abundant bulk was a thing of the past, his bodybuilder physique swapped out for a shredded swimmers build, with what muscle remained now covered by a curly, golden pelt. He still had his boy-next-door face, and his six-and-a-half inches looked bigger than ever on his tighter frame, which Ben considered something of a silver lining given his current circumstances. He picked up a chunk of the sandwich from the plate in front of him and started waving it towards Kyle’s mouth, his tone dripping with condescending cheer. “Here comes the airplane…open up for landing…”

Kyle’s face went a deeper shade, his embarrassment turning to rage. “Fuck youummmphh…” he started, cut off when Josh seized on the distraction and shoved the sandwhich chunk he’d been holding into the brunette’s mouth.

“Sorry, dude,” Ben said, his smile now sympathetic. “I knew I could get you to open up long enough to tell me to go fuck myself.”

Kyle glared, but he was too busy chewing to respond. Now that he’d actually started eating, the demands of his altered stomach were impossible to ignore. He was already feeling wobbly, and he knew that passing out from hunger wouldn’t do anything to help him, but he was still adjusting. He knew they all were, and he was beyond grateful to his friends for looking after him; it just didn’t make things any easier. Kyle opened his mouth and let Ben feed him the other chunk, his anger already at war with the fluttering affection he felt. The newfound attraction was all an effect of what they’d caught, and a potent one, adding an alternatingly fun and confusing element to their adjustment. “Sorry,” Kyle finally grumbled, his chiseled chest rising and falling as he took a long, slow breath. “I just get so…it’s just so fucked!” he barked, letting Josh guide another chunk of sandwich into his mouth. He raised his altered arms as he chewed, holding out the bulbous, glistening mushrooms that had replaced his hands. While the athletic brunette still had his beefy biceps and thick triceps between shoulder and elbow, his forearms took on a distinctly penile appearance, terminating in a pair of large, fist-sized heads. They matched the girthy organ hanging between the naked hunk’s legs, only scaled up, and they possessed a similar level of functionality, and sensitivity, when aroused. The phallic limbs were always rigid, and they could be worked just like Kyle’s original cock, throbbing, oozing, and eventually erupting like a pair of fire hoses. The overly endowed hunk’s traditional organ could still join in on the fun, though the intensity of its releases paled in comparison to those of its larger siblings. “I mean…look at me! I’m a fucking freak!”

“Who’re you tellin’,” Josh grunted, looking down at his hulking frame as best he could on his missing neck. The wide stump was still there, but it had been completely swallowed by the bigger man’s massive shoulders, giving the impression that the dark-haired hunk’s handsome face sat directly on the titanic torso. “Huge” only hinted at Josh’s new proportions, his now-6’8” height still nowhere near tall enough to contain the muscle he’d sprouted. The olive-hued hulk’s mountainous pecs were so large that he could just barely see past them at all, their juicy heft preventing his hands from ever coming together in front of him again. Which wasn’t to say that the pile-driver pillars of muscle could have anyway, as they were forced to hang at an exaggerated angle by Josh’s behemoth back. His once-tight waist was now a lumpy, cresting pile of granite, his trunk-like legs were so thick as to be almost immobile, and his meaty bubble had become a bouncing beach ball. If his hair-trigger cock and churning balls hadn’t grown to a fat twelve inches with a matching pair of melons, the imposing organ likely wouldn’t have been visible at all against the sea of solid, impossibly strapping muscle. “It’s a good thing none of us go to the bathroom anymore ‘cause I wouldn’t be able to wipe my own ass either. I can barely even reach it, dude,” the mountainous man sighed. Since becoming infected, his body now used every calorie to maintain his bulk, absorbing food and nutrients into the muscle directly. Things would begin to shut down in a very literal way if Josh didn’t get enough, with the oversized stud slowing like a toy running out of batteries until going inert. Fortunately, it could be reversed with relative ease and enough fuel, but it only added to the list of impossible adjustments the huge hunk had to make. The same went for Kyle, only now his body added whatever he ate or drank to the seemingly endless supply of sticky fluid that was so eager to shoot out of him, while Ben’s lean body used the former waste to sprout the golden hair that constantly shed and regrew.

“We’re all kinda freaks right now, man,” the blonde added, squeezing Kyle’s thigh as his friend finished the sandwich and sipped from the straw that Josh angled for him. The glass looked comically small and delicate in the big bruiser’s giant hands, and the sight of the massive man being a titanic teddy bear made him quiver just as much as it did the brunette.

“Yeah, right,” Kyle scoffed, looking Ben up and down. “You’re just hot and hairy.”

“Bro…you KNOW that’s not true,” the blonde said, rolling his eyes. On the surface, Ben’s alterations appeared to be the least jarring, aside from the former meathead’s muscular reduction. But, even then, the blonde still had a solidly defined frame. The problem was that it was always on display. As Ben’s hair went through its unending cycle of growth and regrowth, it now secreted a chemical that dissolved anything he attempted to wear. Not only that, the build up was incredibly painful if he covered too much of himself, leaving the blonde with no choice but to be constantly on display. Fortunately, the secretion was harmless to people and actually acted as a mild aphrodisiac, but, unfortunately, Ben himself wasn’t immune to its effects, leaving him in a constant state of near-arousal.

“I know, I know…sorry,” Kyle said, sending a shiver through both of them when he instinctively reached out and rubbed the blonde’s furry back. “But you can at least feed yourself and brush your own teeth.”

“So can you, man,” Josh said, adding to Kyle’s shiver when he ran a giant finger along the brunette’s other altered fist. “Even if they can’t find a way to reverse all this, people fuck their hands up all the time. We’ll get you squared away once we’re all settled, one way or the other.”

“Don’t…don’t even say that…” Kyle sputtered, his heart racing as each of his friends worked an altered hand. “They HAVE to find a way to fix this, right? It was a stupid computer that fucked all of us…another one should be able to fix us.”

Josh and Ben exchanged a quick glance, not wanting Kyle to spiral again. “I’m sure it’s going to take time,” the naked giant shrugged. Everything had gone to hell when a biotech company’s advanced AI had been infected with a computer virus, which then created a much more tangible virus. The plague had swept through the world, twisting bodies in ways that had previously been thought impossible, like taking three jock roommates and turning them into the unique specimens they’d become. Luckily, since the impacts had been felt on a global scale, the world had surprisingly come together instead of tearing itself apart, creating safe havens for the infected individuals until either a cure was found or they were at least deemed no longer contagious. In the case of Ben, Kyle and Josh, the three friends were still roommates, only now they lived on an isolated compound with other people like themselves, spending their days being examined by doctors, roaming the grounds, and, mostly, fucking each other senseless. They were back to living in what was essentially a dorm room, with shared showers and other communal spaces, leaving plenty of room for fun with their neighbors, too. It kept things from being nearly as boring as they could have been, and while it wasn’t what anyone would have chosen, neither was it the nightmare they’d feared.

“But how much time?! It’s already been months,” Kyle whimpered, his untouched cock aching under the table. He could still technically wear clothes, but he had difficulty dressing himself, being in close quarters with Ben would likely dissolve them anyway, and he already felt like he had his dick out due to his altered arms, so he didn’t see the point.

Josh chuckled, the deep rumble vibrating through the table. “It’s wild to think I haven’t worn clothes in months. Feels kinda natural now,” he grinned, tweaking one of his giant, nubby new nipples. While Josh’s clothes wouldn’t disintegrate like Ben’s, his bulging body had become hypersensitive. The overwhelming sensations weren’t painful, but arousing, with any attempt at wearing clothes leaving him a grunting, spasming mass. Just waddling around and rubbing against himself was sometimes enough to cause the giant to pop off, an impressive event given the size of his equipment.

“Dude, you never wore anything to begin with,” Ben laughed. “I had to beg you to at least wear boxers around the apartment in case I brought people over.”

“Not begging me now, are you,” Josh winked, his still-pretty features looking out of place against his bloated bulk. “Gotta be honest, though…never thought I’d just be, like, naked in public and cumming all over the place in front of strangers.”

“We’re kind of in good company,” Kyle said, feeling a familiar rush of embarrassment as his altered fists began to ooze. “Everyone’s cool about it ‘cause we’re all doing the same thing.”

“Right? Only the fuckin’ losers wear clothes around here,” Ben laughed, his smile faltering. He hesitated for a moment, running his free hand through the curly carpet on his toned pecs. “Kinda feels like I’m wearing a sweatsuit anyway. I always wondered how hairy dudes did it…same with scrawny…”

“Bro,” Kyle interrupted, leaving a sticky streak on his friend’s face when he patted Ben’s cheek. “You’re far from ‘scrawny’, dude. Yeah, you’re not as jacked, but you’re still solid. And you’re sexy as hell! Have you seen yourself? That tight little ass? Those legs? You’d still be droppin’ bodies, bud.”

Ben blushed, a pulse of longing punching through him. Aside from his altered arms, Kyle was still every bit the smoldering stud he’d always been, and, now that he could fully appreciate it, the blonde melted at his friend’s words. “Never thought I’d want to be added to your guys’ body count,” he said, his cock aching as he looked back and forth between his friends.

“Honestly, that’s the least weird part,” Kyle grinned, running one of the new organs along Ben’s rigid member. “Kinda surprised that so many of these guys are freaked out about wanting a dick when they’ve got six fuckin’ arms.”

“Speaking of,” Josh grunted, lifting Kyle’s oozing club and running his tongue along the side. “I really want one of these inside me.”

“Same,” the brunette purred, looking over at Ben’s eager rod. “And I owe you both for helping with the snack.”

“You don’t owe us shit,” Ben said, tousling Kyle’s hair as he stood. “But I’m not about to turn it down.”

The three moved as a unit, with Kyle laying on his back and hefting his legs onto Ben’s shoulders, while Josh positioned himself to one side. There was a shared groan as the blonde pushed into the prone hunk while the burly brute impaled himself on an oversized organ, each acting as part of the lustful circuit. Josh’s ample rear was one of the few that could easily take one of Kyle’s new additions, and the penetrated brunette wasn’t oblivious to the irony of how much he loved bottoming while possessing an abundance of cock. For Ben, the trick was getting used to how small his wiry new frame felt while fooling around with his two friends, though he was starting to enjoy the sensation of being towered over as opposed to being the tower. It also helped that his silky fur acted like a coating of pleasure receptors, while his steady secretions kept everyone’s juices flowing.

“Fuuuuuuuuuck,” Kyle howled as Ben pumped his hips and stroked the oozing, unattended arm. His other bicep burned as he pushed in and out of Josh’s writhing rear, but the mounting bliss made the aching afterwards entirely worthwhile. “Guys…this is…you’re…incredible…” he whimpered.

“Not so…bad…yourself…stud,” Josh grunted, already rocketing towards the edge. He knew he’d be the first to blow, he always was, but he was also the first to recharge. “Shit…guys…I’m gonna…” The squirming hunk realized they’d left the door open as he let out a wall-shaking bellow, but he barely felt a twinge of embarrassment. The sounds of frenzied fucking had become like white noise throughout the compound, and it wasn’t like people didn’t watch each other do this all the time. Josh did feel a slight twinge of regret as he awkwardly bobbed up and down on Kyle’s invading arm, missing the days when he could nimbly roll his hips and position himself like Ben, but his geyser of a cock didn’t seem to mind.

“HOOOOOUUUOHHHH…!” Kyle was taken by surprise when he abruptly fell over the edge, never knowing if one, two, or all three of his aching organs was going to blow. In this case it was a trifecta, and the howling hunk nearly blacked out from the blissful sensation of his body releasing what felt like every ounce of tension it had ever stored.

Not to be outdone, Ben’s subsequent eruption was just as dramatic. He didn’t spray from multiple holes or shake the building with his ecstatic screams, but he did shed the entirety of his silky pelt as he came. The fur fell away as if someone had flipped a switch, leaving his tight, wiry frame momentarily unobscured before it sprouted anew.

There was a moment of silence as the three caught their breath, with Kyle giving a few light whimpers when Josh milked out every last drop.

“We just cleaned up, too,” Ben laughed, looking around at the sticky puddles and piles of hair.

“Not like we’re doing anything else,” Josh said, finally slipping off his friend’s altered hand and grinning down at the dazed stud. “How you doin’, champ?”

Kyle just blinked, a painful pang of hunger rumbling in his stomach while his softening, oozing cock flopped against his abs, and the other two leaked onto the floor. “Uh…who wants to help me out with another sandwich?”