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(Work in progress! Hope to have the full thing done in a few weeks. Haven't decided on which direction I want the ending to go yet.)

Luke’s soft, full lips lived up to their pouty description as the blonde hunk scowled out the window. His burly arms were folded over his firm stomach, his plump pecs spilling out of his tank-top as the forest whizzed by outside. He pumped his meaty thighs in frustration, the motion causing his stuffed bulge to vanish and reappear as his board shorts alternated between taut and bunched. “I just don’t understand why we’re treating this like a fuckin’ vacation,” he grumbled. “You’re all chipper and cheerful like we’re just going camping, not like I’m about to…to…” Luke trailed off in a frustrated grunt, unable to say the words. “It’s bad enough when it happens at home, but now you’re dragging me out to the middle of nowhere?”

“Oh my god, dude! How many times do we have to go over this?” The similarly shaped man behind the wheel sighed and shook his head, his broad shoulders sagging. “I practically had to tie you down last time just to keep you in the apartment! Out here it’ll just be us with no one else around and nowhere else for you to go, which is precisely where you need to be. You could be thanking me for taking the time off work and booking us this cabin and agreeing to look after you instead of just bitching about it.” Graham’s impressive arms flexed as he tightened his grip on the wheel and took a deep breath, a punch of guilt hitting him for losing his temper. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? I know this is a lot for you. But I’m doing my best, man. Why can’t we treat it like a camping trip? Just because it’s your, uh…time of the month…doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy ourselves. I mean, fuck, dude. Pretty sure enjoying ourselves is ALL we’re going to be doing out here,” Graham chuckled, running a hand through his raven hair as he blushed.

“Come on, bro! The least you can do is NOT make it sound like I’m getting my period or something,” Luke huffed. “And I told you, I don’t enjoy this,” he said, putting a hand on his chest. “The other guy does.”

“Suuuuuure,” Graham said, smirking. “Whatever makes you feel better.”

“What? Dude, I told you, I don’t…I don’t actually want to do all that…stuff…that he does. That’s not me,” the blonde insisted.

“Except that it literally is,” the dark-haired hunk countered. “I was there, dude. I heard the curse. It’s your ‘wild side’ that comes out during the period of the full moon each month…emphasis on ‘your.’ That’s you, dude. These are all YOUR desires and impulses, not someone else’s.”

“Bullshit,” Luke spat, his scowl growing. “There’s no way I’d ever want to do…to become…that,” he shuddered.

“I don’t know, man. You seem pretty convincing at the time,” Graham laughed. “Also, what the fuck are you so uptight about? I’m out here doing it with you, remember? You don’t hear me complaining about any of it. Shit’s hot, dude.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” Luke sighed as they finally pulled up in front of the compact cabin. A spacious porch lined the single-story structure on the two sides that overlooked the nearby lake, with thick patches of forest looming around the other two. The lush woodlands and massive body of water drew people to the area from all over the country, especially during the summer, but Graham had made sure to pick as isolated a spot as he could find. They were tucked away on one of the lake’s natural nooks, far from the typical boating and fishing spots, with no other cabins, campgrounds, or official trails for miles. The cabin barely had electricity, they had only rudimentary cell reception, and even the smallest town was well beyond a distance that either of them could easily walk. Luke really did appreciate the lengths to which his friend had gone to keep him safe; he just hated that it was necessary in the first place. “It’s not your ass that’s on the line. Like, literally. I’m the one who…who…really wants to suck your dick right now.” Luke’s eyes went wide, followed by a rapid flushing of his cheeks when he realized what he’d said. “Already?! What the fuck?! It’s not even sunset!”

“Just in time,” Graham said, giving Luke’s thigh a squeeze. “Come on…let’s get the car unloaded while we can.”

“Dude, even after I…you know…I can still unload the car,” Luke grumbled. “I’m not THAT bad.” He grabbed both of their duffles from the backseat while his friend unlocked the cabin, already having to concentrate to maintain his focus. If the sight of Graham’s muscled torso straining against a tight teal t-shirt, his friend’s olive hue popping against the bright fabric, was like a beacon, then the ample globes shifting and bouncing in the other man’s mesh shorts were sirens. “Fuuuuuuuck your ass looks good right now,” he groaned as he followed Graham inside the cabin, his whole body going purple.

The dark-haired hunk grinned and flexed his meaty cheeks, giving the hefty bubble a shake before motioning around the interior. The cabin was a single room, with a queen bed on one side, a kitchenette on the other, and a small living area set up at the far end. There was a small bathroom with a sink and toilet, but the only shower was attached to the back of the cabin outside. It was clear that people were supposed to spend their time outside on the porch or down by the water, both of which were likely in the picture whether Luke wanted them to be or not. “Home sweet home,” Graham said, leaning in to give his blushing friend a quick peck on the cheek.

Luke instinctively pulled back, his eyes going wide when he realized he was now looking slightly up at his friend. “Fuck! Already with this, too?! I hAaAte this part,” he whined, his stomach dropping when his deep voice cracked.

Graham gave Luke a swat on the rear, refusing to laugh at his friend’s discomfort. His own head was spinning over the fact that he was now taller than a man who’d been his exact height for the entirety of their twenty-seven years on the planet, so he could only imagine how Luke must feel. “Come on, stud. Let’s get the groceries.”

“ThiiIIiisS isS whaAt I meEaAn, thoOuUgh,” Luke croaked, his voice cracking more and more. “HoOw coOuUld I poOssiblyY wAant this?!” His embarrassment only grew when Graham picked up one of the stuffed boxes and handed it to him, the weight feeling far heavier than it should. Luke had spent his entire life as a jock, always excelling at whatever physical act he and his brawny body attempted, so to feel those muscles slowly melt as he shed inches in height should have been a nightmare. The shrinking blonde staggered as he followed Graham back to the house, already feeling his board shorts loosening their grip around his waist. He made it inside before they fell, though they rode significantly lower than where they’d started. His tank-top had likewise started to drape, but it hadn’t reached the gown-like proportions it would.

“I don’t know, dude. I’m not a shrink,” Graham said, giving an awkward chuckle as he set his box down and took the one from his friend. “Sorry, poor choice of words. What I meant to say is I’m not a ‘twink’.”

“Fuck you,” Luke squeaked, letting out a slow sigh when he heard the lightened tone to his voice. It was still higher and softer than it should have been considering his overall build, but at least it had settled on a tone and stopped cracking. “Ugh. Listen to that shit,” he said, rubbing his thinning neck. He guessed himself to be close to 5’7”, down from his original 6’, with plenty still to lose. “This part’s the worst. I still feel like the old me, but I look…and sound…so weird.”

“You don’t look ‘weird’, dude,” Graham laughed, reaching out and running his hands along Luke’s bare arms. The shortened limbs weren’t the mighty pistons they’d been on the ride up, nor were the blonde’s pecs as prominent or his shoulders as broad, but he was still covered in lean, solid muscle. “You DO sound kind of funny. But in like an adorable way,” he said, ruffling his friend’s hair.

“It’s not funny,” Luke chirped, his board shorts finally landing at his ankles when he stomped a foot in frustration. His boxers went with them, leaving his dwindling, rapidly hardening cock on full display. Instead of a thick seven, the solid organ topped out at just under five inches, a size that would soon seem huge.

“I know you don’t believe me,” Graham said before the blushing blonde could stammer out an embarrassed exclamation over his diminished endowment, “but I mean it, dude. You’re so fucking cute when you’re like this. And I don’t even mean how you look, which, while we’re on the subject, is so hot, by the way. Have you seen your ass when you’re like this? And your face? You’re legit pretty, dude. You’re all curvy and soft and it drives me wild, man. But that’s not my favorite part,” Graham said, his gym-calloused hands seeming huge on Luke’s increasingly slender shoulders. “Maybe if you could see it from my perspective you’d understand where I’m coming from, but it’s not how you look, dude. It’s how happy you are. I’ve known you for as long as I can remember and I’ve literally never seen you happier, bro. You’re just, like, I don’t know…a bundle of joy when you’re like this. You seem free. Fully. If this really is somewhere inside you…I think you should find a way to let it out more often.”

Luke didn’t know what to say. He leaned his face into Graham’s rugged palm when the other man stroked his cheek, his softened stomach fluttering. He knew his abs were gone even before he lifted his thinned arms to let the tank-top be pulled free, just like he knew how flat his chest would be and how short his three-inch nub would look. The only parts of his reduced frame that still had any real size were his ass and thighs, but the ample flesh was soft and supple, not strong and solid. “You just want a way to get your dick sucked without leaving the apartment,” Luke grinned, his now-dainty hands toying with the waist of Graham’s shorts. He’d reached his final form, no longer a brawny jock but a waifish, curvy twink. He was barely five feet tall, with arms that his friend could fully close a meaty fist around and an ass that rippled at the slightest provocation. His mental transition was still unfolding, but Luke found himself dreading it less than he had in the past.

“We could call that a silver lining,” the bigger man shrugged. “It’s yours whenever you want it, dude.”

“Fuuuuck,” Luke groaned, shaking his head. “This is what’s so hard! I want you to fuck me, like, soooooo bad. But I’m still, like, mostly me! What the fuck does that mean?!”

“Were you not listening to a word I just said? I think we know what it means, man. Maybe we should give this a shot when you look like the bigger version of yourself, too,” Graham suggested.

“Wait…you’d…you’d do that,” Luke asked, a surprised look dawning on his softened features.

“Of course, dude,” Graham said, as if it should have been obvious. “I care about you, not what you look like. Also, what’s the big deal? It’s just fucking, dude. We’ve never switched roles either, but I’m game if you want to take a crack at me. You make it look fun enough,” he grinned. “In fact, while we’re on the subject of switching roles…”

Luke let out a gasp when Graham suddenly dropped to his knees and swallowed the entirety of his diminished package. He wanted nothing more than for them to reverse roles, but his friend’s hands were clamped on his yielding cheeks, holding him in place. Though he hated to admit it, Luke absolutely loved the sensation of being putty in the bigger man’s hands, loved how Graham towered over him, a sensation that he didn’t know how to process. He’d always been told he was supposed to want to be big and strong and aggressive, and he struggled to wrap his head around the idea that maybe it wasn’t what he wanted at all. “Oh fuck…oh fuck…Graham…I’m gonna…” Luke broke off in a quiet whimper, his shrunken cock already exploding in his friend’s mouth. It would be ready to go again in minutes, and the bottom-heavy blonde could ride a dick for hours in his current state, but he still felt a stab of embarrassment at how quick he was to pop off.

“How’d I do,” the kneeling hunk asked, wiping his chin as he grinned up at his flushed friend.

“Fuckin’ great,” Luke panted, feeling dizzy as his slender fingers stroked through Graham’s dark hair.

“Gotta be honest…I wouldn’t hate being able to do that all the time either,” the strapping stud said, flashing a bashful grin as he blushed. “Or this.”

Luke was roughly spun around before he could ask what his friend meant, going up on his toes when the kneeling jock spread his plump cheeks and buried his stubble-covered face between them. He grabbed the nearby bed frame for support and marveled at how thin his arms were as he writhed against Graham’s rooting tongue, once again confronted with an uncomfortable truth. As he watched the meager muscles tensing, Luke didn’t miss his stolen size. Like Graham had said, his slender frame didn’t feel weak and helpless, it felt light and nimble. He wasn’t burdened with the expectations and assumptions his other body brought him, and he was quickly realizing that he might actually resent more than enjoy his bigger frame. It wasn’t lost on the groaning twink that he was thinking of his strapping physique as his “other” body as opposed to his “real” one, but he didn’t have a chance to pull that mental thread. “OOOOHHHHHHHhhhh yyyeeeeesssss,” he howled when Graham worked a pair of stubby digits inside. He rooted back against the probing fingers, unable to hold back the increasingly loud moans. “Wait…I want…I want to see you,” he finally whimpered, his face desperate as he looked back over a bony shoulder.

“All you have to do is ask,” Graham purred. He stood and slowly peeled out of his t-shirt, flexing his arms, abs and pecs in the process, before just as slowly working his shorts and briefs down.

“Oh my god you’re so fucking hot,” Luke whimpered as he watched the olive-hued hunk flex. His whole body vibrated with desire at the sight of Graham’s thick, solid cock, the longing so intense that the drooling blonde barely noticed his own absent envy. In his current state he normally felt embarrassed and jealous at the sight of his friend’s comparatively massive member, but now he simply wanted it. “Keep…keep flexing…” he chirped. “Stroke it for me.”

Graham grinned and started to do as he was told, but stopped after a single pump. “Okay, but only if you do the same.”

“Deal,” Luke nodded, his shrunken frame going crimson as he flexed a thin arm and started tweaking his shortened poker. The actions finally brought the rush of embarrassment he’d been expecting, but not in the way he’d anticipated. Luke wasn’t humiliated or mortified as he went at his softened body, it was the kind of fun, mutual embarrassment that accompanied most intimate acts in their early stages. The look of pure hunger in Graham’s eyes kept the withered jock from feeling anything close to self pity, as did the steady stream oozing from the bigger man’s aching organ.


Fantasy Writer

Love a good were-twink all pretty, tiny, hypersexed and thicc in all the right places