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(Dusting this off for its yearly installment. If you need a refresher, here are parts one and two which comprise the first "chapter", and here's chapter 2 from last year.)

Pete’s body was crimson as he glared at his friend, his lithe frame trembling with impotent, embarrassed fury. He’d just spent the past week in a delirious haze, reveling in a brawny body and limited intellect as a stereotypical “dumb jock.” His vocabulary consisted mostly of “bro” and “um”, while his actions had primarily revolved around flexing and strutting and proudly lording his muscle over all the guys around him. The problem was that it had all been in his head. The physique, at least. “You’re such a dick! I can’t believe you did that,” the flustered brunette cried, his firm, flat little stomach dropping as he watched the video of himself flexing his slender arms. His wiry frame was solid with definition, but it was actually smaller than the athletic proportions he’d started with, not the strapping build Tom had promised nor the one he’d seen whenever he looked at himself. The only parts of his thinned body that had grown were his cock and his ass, both of which looked comically large against his trim, tight build.

“Oh, come on! Look how much fun he’s having,” Tom cooed, unable to hold back a grin as he watched the video of Pete flexing and strutting around the living room on his phone. His friend was, like now, clad only in a backwards baseball hat and matching jockstrap, a smug expression on his face as he posed in front of Eric, Steve and Tony. The other three acted properly impressed whenever Pete looked in their direction, but they all exchanged amused glances whenever the oblivious twunk turned his back. “You had the time of your life, dude. Just keep watching if you don’t remember.”

“Oh, I remember,” Pete sighed, his stuffed jock twitching at the thought. His memories of the previous week were hazy, but he recalled enough to know just how much he’d loved that particular evening. Pete had gone to town on each of his friends after putting on what he’d thought was a primal display of his rippling muscle, letting his lips drift from one rigid log to the other before taking each of the men for a spin. In his head he’d been pinning and dominating them, not daintily bouncing his fattened cheeks on their laps while they towered over him.

Tom put the phone down and wrapped his beefy arms around the other man’s trim waist, pulling him in close. “Dude, don’t pout,” he said, grinding the front of his mesh shorts against Pete’s half-hard bulge. He gave his friend a quick kiss, then another, until the blushing brunette’s stricken expression softened into a bashful grin. Such displays of genuine, intimate affection had become increasingly common over the previous weeks as his attraction to his friend had strengthened. Pete had been fully infatuated with the stocky ginger from the moment the other man had agreed to the demon’s bargain, but Tom’s desire had been a slow, steady build. It wasn’t the primal lust that kicked like a reflex, either. It was a deep-seated ache, a possessive longing that was never far from Tom’s mind. He wasn’t ready to call it an addiction yet, but the term wasn’t far off. When he wasn’t with Pete, he was thinking about Pete and all the things he wanted to do to, and with, his friend. And all the things he wanted the other man to do to him. As time passed, Tom began to find his interests expanding, changing, shifting his masculine attractions from the lean brunette to men in general. On the night in question, Tom had finally crossed the line and blown Tony while Pete was busy with Steve and Eric. He’d thought about going farther, but, unlike the bottom-heavy brunette, the world didn’t just automatically accept his new interest in cock. So while Tony was always down for a blow job, Tom knew his mostly-straight friends weren’t attracted to him the way they were the magically enhanced twunk in his arms. “Be real…you would’ve found that shit absolutely hilarious,” he said, reaching down to give Pete’s cheeks a squeeze.

“Yeah…I definitely would have,” the smaller man reluctantly chuckled, his anger melting in Tom’s meaty embrace. “Especially the clothes. Making me think I was walking around in muscle shirts and baggy shorts while I was prancing around in those little booty shorts and crop-tops? That was inspired. Still a total dick move, but an inspired one.”

“You looked great in ‘em,” Tom nodded, his eyes dropping to Pete’s tented pouch. “Really filled things out.” He reached down and tugged the jock open to let his friend’s hefty cock spring free before taking a step back. “How about one last show before we switch things up?”

Pete’s lithe frame flushed again. Now that he knew what kind of body he had, the idea of flexing and strutting suddenly seemed less appealing. “Come on, man…really?”

Tom crossed his arms and nodded. “You should be a pro at it by now. And, sooner you get it done, sooner we can try something new.”

Pete sighed and lifted his arms into a reluctant double bicep pose. He flexed his tiny pecs and modest abs, wagged his log of a cock back and forth as he stripped out of the jockstrap, turned and bounced his cheeks, and eventually started pumping away on his aching log. A part of him still marveled at what was happening, not his altered body, but the fact that he was standing naked in front of Tom eagerly jerking himself off while his friend watched. His warped frame certainly didn’t help, but the obvious hunger in the ginger’s eyes, and the tent in the other man’s shorts, egged him on. If Tom wanted the erotic display, so did Pete, regardless of how embarrassing the brunette normally would have found his actions. “Sure you don’t want to go for…one…last ride…” the stroking twunk grunted. “Be a lot more…fun…if you were…inside me…right now…”

Tom grinned but shook his head. “Nah…I just want to watch this one,” he said, a small part of himself still enjoying the sight of Pete’s squirming. He hadn’t completely forgotten that his friend had initially planned for their roles to be reversed, leaving a resentful edge to his growing feelings for the other man. He wasn’t planning on making Pete truly suffer, but a little discomfort could be fun for both of them.

Not that the groaning brunette appeared to be in any distress. Pete’s whimpers grew louder, his pumping more frantic, until he finally erupted with a choking grunt. His inflated cheeks bounced as he tensed and spasmed, his oversized cock spraying like a geyser. “Fuuuuuuuuck,” he panted, his expression dazed and his toned little pecs heaving.

“An hour ago you would’ve been bragging about the size of your load, bro,” Tom laughed, stepping forward again to give the leaking, softening cock a tug.

Pete shivered, unable to keep his own hands from the front of his friend’s shorts. “I also would’ve stripped you out of these,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Or at least you would’ve let me think that’s what I was doing. Fuck. It’s weird, but…the more I think back on it…I…” he hesitated, his fingers toying with the elastic at Tom’s waist. He didn’t want to say out loud what he was feeling, but keeping such secrets to himself was no longer an option. “It’s actually really hot. The way everyone just humored me like that? Patronizing and utterly humiliating, but…weirdly gets me going.”

Pete could tell by the look on Tom’s face that he was going to regret those words. “I think we can work with that,” the stocky ginger said, his meaty hands sliding up and down the smaller man’s slender arms. “Why don’t we do it for real this time?”

Before Pete could ask what that meant, his body started to swell. His toned pecs inflated, his shoulders filling out as they pushed apart into a broad shelf, the round, muscled caps leading to a matched set of burly, chiseled arms on either side. In between sat a ripped, tapering washboard that immediately led the viewer’s gaze down to his still-hefty cock, only now the dangling snake didn’t look quite as oversized between the pillar-like thighs on either side. The same went for the ample globes at his back, the round cheeks still as large as ever but now appearing far more proportional against Pete’s strapping new frame. Though he couldn’t see it, the now-brawny brunette felt the short, trimmed beard sprout from his sharpened face even as he felt the hair on his head shorten, leaving him once again looking like an official Adonis. “Is it…this feels real,” Pete sputtered, his eyes going wide when he heard the deepened tone of his voice. “This feels very real,” he laughed, prodding the ample muscle now coating his formerly trim frame. The beefy physique surpassed even the one he’d imagined for the last week, looking less like a pretty-boy jock and more like a determined meathead. As he searched his reflection in the nearby TV, Pete barely recognized himself. His charming, boy-next-door features now looked intimidating with the beard and buzz-cut, all softness seeming to have vanished as it had from the rest of his strapping new body.

“Oh, it’s real,” Tom said, letting out a slow breath as his fingers explored Pete’s broad, firm frame. Even as the one who’d created this version of his friend in his head, seeing the reality exceeded his expectations. “Of course you wear the whole ‘butch’ look well, too,” Tom sighed, rolling his eyes. “How is it that you can pull all these off? Tits? A twink with a fat ass? A muscle daddy meathead? You could at least make one of them look awkward.”

“Just lucky I guess,” Pete shrugged, his cock pulsing as Tom’s hands drifted across his ample new muscle. The sensation felt more intense than it should, but, when he went to reach for the throbbing organ, his hands wouldn’t respond. They still worked, Pete could still do everything else with the mighty new mitts; he just couldn’t grab his eager rod. “Oh god…what did you do,” he half-laughed, half-groaned, the excitement he felt over his buff new body fading slightly.

“You’ll find out,” Tom grinned, giving Pete’s bulbous new pecs a squeeze before nodding towards their bedroom. “Come on…I think a trip to the gym is in order.”

Pete lumbered obediently behind, his head spinning at the way his widened body moved. Everything rubbed together, and each heavy footfall sent little ripples through the abundant new mass. “I’m going to hate this, aren’t I?”

“Not based on what you just told me,” Tom said, slipping into a muscle shirt. He paused and watched while Pete stood at the dresser, his hand on a drawer without actually opening it. “Something wrong?”

“I can’t…why can’t I open this,” he asked, his meaty new arm inflating as he fought against the invisible barrier.

“Are you saying you need some help getting dressed,” Tom asked, his tone innocent.

“Yes please,” Pete said without thinking. The color drained from his nodding face then came flooding back when the implication registered. “Are you serious?!”

“What? You said you liked it when the guys humored you. Nothing wrong with asking for a little help now and then.” Tom opened the drawer and revealed a wardrobe similar to the one Pete had been wearing for the last week, only on a larger scale. He pulled out a pair of lined, tissue-thin jogging shorts and motioned for Pete to lift his legs one at a time so he could slide them on, the bright aqua fabric leaving nothing of the brunette’s brawny body to the imagination. The tiny bottoms were so short they didn’t even make it halfway down Pete’s thighs, and the bearded bodybuilder’s lower half had become so thick that the split sides were stretched wide open, leaving the sides of his muscled cheeks on display. The front was no better as, coupled with his lack of any underwear, Pete’s aching log of a cock was so clearly outlined that he might as well have been wearing nothing at all. “Arms up, big guy.”

Pete did as he was told, obediently letting Tom slip a cropped, hot-pink muscle shirt over his sculpted torso. The short top stopped a few inches above his navel, with a scooped neck and wide open sides that, like the tiny shorts below, made the bright scrap of fabric seem pointless. “But why can’t I…how am I supposed to…” Pete sputtered, his heart racing as his hands once again refused to move anywhere near his bright clothes. “What if I have to take a piss or something?!”

“You’ll just have to ask, won’t you? I’m sure someone will be willing to help if I’m not around,” Tom said, gingerly slipping an ankle sock onto each of Pete’s feet. He followed them up by helping his friend into a pair of bright sneakers, grinning up past the flustered hunk’s tented shorts as he tied them on. “You’re already loving it.”

“I very much am not,” Pete spat, his head spinning as he tried to convince himself that he actually hadn’t just loved getting dressed by his friend. “What am I supposed to do about that,” he asked, nodding at the rigid club in his shorts. “I can’t just…we’re not really going out with me like this, are we?!”

Up until now, most of Pete’s predicament had been confined to their apartment. The embarrassed brunette had gone out in public with his supple tits, and had strutted around as a smug, scantily-clad twunk, but Tom was about to test the limits of their circumstances in a whole new way. “Why wouldn’t we? Don’t worry…you’ll be fine, bud. I’ve got your supplies right here,” he said, picking up a small, extra gym bag from the table.

Pete’s stomach fluttered at the condescending “bud”, but he ignored it. “Supplies?! What supplies,” he asked, trying in vain to stop his feet as he followed Tom out the door. He kept trying all the way down the hall, in the elevator, and out onto the sidewalk, the futile struggle leaving him dizzy. With his fat cock bobbing and wagging for everyone to see, all Pete could do was lumber along with his friend and try not to think about the steadily growing pressure at his core. Despite his embarrassment, the flustered stud was almost painfully aroused and growing more so by the minute, but between his inability to touch himself or his clothes, there was nothing he could do about it.

Arriving at the gym only made things worse. They lived in a trendy part of the city, meaning that the spacious fitness center was always crowded with their fit young peers. Previously, it had been one of Pete’s favorite hunting grounds, but now the women in the room didn’t give the brawny bruiser a second glance. The men did, though it wasn’t hunger or interest in their smiles as much as amusement and sympathy.

“Tom! Pete! ‘Sup, guys?” Pete barely bit back a gasp when he turned and saw Darren, the sight of the dark-skinned stud’s charming grin hitting him like a slap in the face. He’d always known how objectively gorgeous the other man was, but now he felt it on a whole-body level. Just being near the shredded hunk was overwhelming, causing Pete’s deepened voice to dry up in his throat. “Awww, someone’s excited to be here, isn’t he?” Pete was nodding and smiling before he knew it, his cock feeling like it would shoot off his body when Darren reached over and gave his washboard a rough rub. He instinctively tried to sputter out an explanation or an excuse, but, although he opened and closed his mouth several times, he couldn’t actually muster any words.

“Big guy’s excited to be everywhere,” Tom said, eliciting another shiver when he reached over and rubbed Pete’s lower back. “But he’s probably extra stoked to see you, aren’t you bud?”

“Uh-huh,” Pete sputtered, his eyes wide as he stared at the handsome hunk. Darren’s smooth, shirtless torso looked like it had been carved from granite, his waist tapering to a fine point before bubbling out again at his perky globes and toned thighs. The other man’s low-riding shorts left the top of his pink underwear exposed, the bright fabric popping against his dark complexion in a way that would have drawn attention even if his prominent bulge didn’t.

“Well consider me flattered,” Darren smiled, flexing his sculpted pecs.

Pete tried to respond, to at least flirt back, but all he could manage was a bashful smile. The longer they were in the gym, the more he noticed the rest of the fit studs around them, their sweaty, musky presence adding to his overloaded state. Instead of strutting in and lording his buff new body over them, the bearded meathead felt helpless and insecure. And he was treated that way. Though he looked intimidating and rugged, Pete might as well have been a baby bird. Every time he approached a machine or a set of weights, a man was there to tell him what to do and how to use them. They didn’t ask if he already knew, which his buff frame should have made obvious; they just assumed he needed the help. Nor was Pete in a position to politely decline even if he’d wanted to, which, as he discovered, he didn’t. As much as he wanted to tell himself otherwise, he loved the sensation of the helpful hunks pressing against him as they instructed him on proper form, their condescending tones and hair ruffles and pats on the ass making him quiver. Pete was so overwhelmingly aroused by it all that he didn’t notice the way his cock had started leaking like a faucet and soaking the front of his shorts until Darren came trotting over with a familiar gym bag in his hands.

“Hey bud…looks like you’re having a real good time, huh,” he asked, nodding at the damp spot.

Pete’s stomach dropped when he followed the other man’s eyes, his head spinning again at the thought of how long he’d been walking around in front of a crowded gym with his cock vacuum sealed by his cum-soaked shorts. “Oh! I…I didn’t…I can’t…” he stammered, shifting his weight from foot-to-foot as the awareness of his arousal slammed into him.

“No worries, big guy,” Darren said, giving Pete’s stomach another rub. “Tom’s busy over there…you want me to help you out?”

“Yes please,” Pete barked, his brawny body trembling with confusing excitement as he hurried along behind Darren into the locker room. It was just as crowded as the rest of the gym, and the mens’ lack of clothes only added to Pete’s painful arousal. He was so worked up that he barely registered his embarrassment when Darren abruptly pulled his shorts down, letting his fat log spring free in front of everyone.

“Big guy’s got a mind of his own,” Darren smiled as he rummaged through the bag. “Shit…I know how that goes. In theory, anyway. My guy’s not quite that big,” he said, letting out an impressed whistle. “Not that I’ve had any complaints, mind you.”

As interested in the other man’s cock as he was, Pete was far more concerned with what Darren held. He tried to tell himself it wasn’t what he thought, that his friend really hadn’t pulled out a fleshlight and wasn’t really lubing it right there in the middle of a crowded locker room, but then the slick, silicone sleeve wrapped itself around him. “MMMNNNMMNNhhhh…!” Pete grunted, instinctively bucking his hips as Darren held the sleeve in place.

“Theeeeere we go,” the other man said, gently rubbing his back and smiling politely at the men who passed. He held the tube in place while Pete squirmed, letting the brawny brunette get his bearings before he started twisting and tugging on the cylinder. “Lucky for you I’m good with one of these things, too,” Darren grinned. “You just stand there and let me do all the work. I got you, bud.”

It was almost more than Pete could process. He couldn’t wrap his head around the image of his bulky, bearded body with its sharp, intimidating features being jerked off in public and talked down to like someone changing a diaper or cleaning up after a dog who’d had an accident. His inflated pecs heaved, his ample rear dimpling as he gasped and whimpered and pumped his hips, torn between wanting to stare at the floor but also desperately aroused by all the exposed men around him. The contrast between how he looked, buff, bearded, hung, and how he felt, vulnerable, exposed, and insecure, only served to fuel his confusing lust. When he came, the brawny brunette let out a low, choking grunt as he spasmed, the sight of Darren’s condescending smile trapping his stomach in a loop of dropping to the floor before fluttering back up. “Oh…oh fuck…that was…wow…” Pete panted, his lessened lust making more room for the lurking embarrassment. He felt like he should try and cover himself when the sleeve was pulled away, but all he could do was stand there with his spent cock on display while Darren went over to a sink and rinsed out the tube.

“You really were amped up,” the other man whistled when he returned, not in any hurry as he put the toy away and pulled out a fresh pair of shorts. “Tom didn’t pack another pair, so let someone know if you start to get that desperate again, okay?” He started to pull the shorts up Pete’s meaty thighs, but then stopped. “You need to go to the bathroom or anything while we’re back here,” he asked, raising an eyebrow when the brunette shook his head. “You sure?”

Pete’s heart raced at the thought of how many people just heard the question, and the tone with which it was asked. “I’m okay,” he nodded, hating the way he shivered internally at the thought. He kept trying to tell himself that it was all something Tom had done, that he didn’t actually like being treated this way, but the more he tried to deny it, the more he wanted to lean into it.

As he followed Darren back out into the gym, Pete knew he’d have plenty of time to figure things out, for better or worse. It had barely been two hours since Tom made the latest changes, and already he’d walked around in tented, cum-soaked shorts and been stripped and jerked off in public. Considering how many days he’d spent in his previous states, the blushing brunette was well aware that things were just getting started.


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