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Another oldie from 2017! This one was originally posted as a vignette way back when. The randomizer's really reaching for these.

AJ moaned sleepily as Mark straddled him with his beefy thighs and worked his thick cheeks up and down his long, rigid pole. Since it all happened, no one had been more surprised than the burly man to discover how much he loved getting fucked. He’d spent countless hours in gyms over the years building up his powerful legs for functional purposes like football and wrestling, but now, as he rocked back and forth, he was putting his overdeveloped glutes to entirely new uses.

It was fine with AJ. He was perfectly content to let Mark impale himself as often as he wanted. His friend was a quick study, and every time they went at it Mark found new ways to make him squirm. Like now, when the other man’s rough hands were kneading his toned, hairy pecs and tweaking his tiny nipples while his hole worked him like a third hand. AJ never would have imagined it possible that he could love the sensation of a man’s strong hands on his toned, solid body so much. Even Mark’s balls squishing against his hairy abs sent a rush through him, and the feeling of the other man’s ample cheeks bouncing against his furry thighs was intoxicating.

In the weeks since everything changed, this was how they started most days. Half the time AJ was still asleep when an eager Mark would help himself to his friend’s solid cock. “Mmm…’mornin,” AJ yawned, finally opening his eyes. The sight of Mark’s stubble covered cheeks grinning lustfully down at him was one he never pictured himself looking forward to.

“Hey there,” Mark grunted, leaning forward to give AJ a peck on the forehead. AJ grabbed the back of Mark’s head and guided his lips further south to meet his own. He ran his fingers through his friend’s messy, chocolate brown hair, loving how their scratchy cheeks felt rubbing together.

At first they’d all just fucked. Everyone did. It was an animal passion that needed immediate release. It wasn’t until several days later that they awkwardly and bashfully kissed for the first time. Somehow that was more intimate than being inside each other. Now, AJ longed for the other man’s warm, moist tongue against his own. With Mark’s muscular, boy-next-door looks and AJ’s athletic build and dark features, they’d both been ladies men in their own rights. All the guys in the house were. They each brought several different women home throughout the week and would boast to each other about who was better in bed. After several weeks of experience, they called it a draw.

“How are you always awake before me,” AJ asked when Mark pulled his mouth away and sat back on his thighs. AJ stroked his hands through the wiry brown hairs towards his friend’s solid, oozing cock.

“Because your snoring always wakes me up,” Mark laughed, folding his solid arms behind his head and flexing for the other man.

AJ whimpered as Mark’s powerful torso inflated. He’d been embarrassed at first by how much his friend’s sculpted body turned him on, but now they both just went with it. “Hey! You’re not exactly quiet yourself Mr. I Talk In My Sleep All Night.” He gave Mark’s cock a playful tug. “It’s like I’m listening to someone give a spee...hey, whoa, hold a second.”

“What?” Mark stopped rocking at the concerned look on AJ’s face.

“I...uh...did you get smaller?” AJ asked, examining Mark’s package.

Mark gasped as he looked down over the shelf of his chest and past his bumpy abs. He hadn’t paid any attention before mounting his sleeping friend, but his solid cock looked noticeably smaller. “Fuck!” He slid off AJ’s throbbing rod in a panic.

“Holy shit!” AJ’s eyes went wide when he saw his own longer, thicker cock. “Well that’s bigger,” he said, wrapping a hand around it.

They both stared at each other’s altered equipment. Mark had never been huge at just over six inches, but now he looked like he was barely pressing five. AJ, on the other hand, looked closer to seven.

“What the fuck?! Fuck!” Mark hopped off the bed, turning in circles as he clutched at his smaller balls.

AJ got up and put his hands on his friend’s broad shoulders. “Okay, okay, calm down…”

“What do you mean calm down,” Mark yelled. “My dick shrunk!” He paled and started trembling. “Oh god...what if this is part of it? What if it’s not over yet?!”

“Dude, don’t panic, hey, look at me,” AJ said, holding Mark’s face against his own. “We’ll figure it out.”

The door to their room opened before Mark could respond. “Everything okay in here? I heard yelling,” the ebony giant in the doorway yawned, rubbing his shaved scalp. Josh was built like Mark and was covered in sculpted, gym-built muscle. He had powerful arms, long, round pecs, perfect abs, and meaty legs. Mark and Josh had been on the same teams and helped push each other in the gym, but looking at the hefty, thick hose hanging between Josh’s powerful thighs, the other man had the advantage.

“No! Look!” Mark spread his arms and thrust his shrunken cock forward. “It shrunk!”

Josh hid his shock as he looked at the smaller organ sticking out of Mark’s chocolate bush. “Whoa...okay...yeah, that’s something.” Sharing so many locker rooms, even before everything happened, he’d seen Mark naked enough to know something was off. “Are you…” Josh was cut off by a yell from the other room.

“Fuck! Fuck!” The three of them ran across the hall to see a panicked Brian staring at his own crotch. “Why is my dick smaller?!” The lean blonde’s pale face was a shade of humiliated red, his soccer player’s bubble bouncing as he paced back and forth. Like Mark, a noticeably smaller cock bobbed in front of him. “Look at you two!” The wide-eyed blonde pointed at AJ and Josh. They hadn’t had time to notice that the bald man had grown as well.

“Oh, shit,” Josh laughed in shock, hoisting his heavy package. His chocolate skin broke out in goosebumps when Brian came over and wrapped a hand around it to confirm what his eyes were telling him.

Brian’s voice shook. “It’s not over yet, is it? Not enough I end up some total fag, now I’m gonna lose my dick, too?”

“Hey, dude, come on,” Josh said gently, his thick arms swallowing Brian’s lean, ripped body.

The blonde man pulled out of his grip and stomped away. Brian had been having the hardest time dealing with what happened. He’d been at practice when suddenly the entire soccer team started going at it right on the field. He’d come to in the locker room several hours later, surrounded by his spent teammates and with a head filled with hazy memories of writhing bodies. It happened everywhere. No one knows, or is willing to say, what caused it. All anyone knows for sure is that one day, men between the ages of nineteen and seventy all came down with a seemingly permanent case of homosexuality. Gyms, locker rooms, board rooms, busses; men everywhere were hit with an overwhelming urge. It had been chaos. Dorms and frat houses were hit especially hard having already been full of horny young men. Once that attraction was turned towards each other, it was like an exploding powderkeg. Luckily for them, Josh, AJ and Mark had been at the house when it happened. One minute they were hanging out at home, and the next thing they knew it was a day later and they were in a naked, sticky pile.

Hospitals were overrun with panicked people, but after the initial frenzy the only lingering effect was a permanent same-sex attraction. Testing determined that something had fundamentally altered the men’s DNA. They don’t know if it was a virus or a biological attack, but there was no cure. Fortunately, the only lingering effect seemed to be a permanent same-sex attraction and an increased libido. Until now.

“Let’s check the news or something,” Mark said, running back into his room to grab his phone. Sure enough, his social media feed was full of similar stories. Men were changing. Guys across the country woke up to find they’d either gained a few inches or lost a few inches. Officials were urging people to stay home while they tried to figure it out, but it didn’t seem like anyone had any real answers.

As the day unfolded, a pattern started to emerge. The guys who shrank were all men, like Mark and Brian, who’d discovered a love of bottoming after the change. The guys who topped all seemed to be getting bigger.

“Measure me again,” Mark said, handing AJ the measuring tape. He’d been obsessively measuring and weighing himself all day. He hadn’t even bothered to get dressed, wanting to monitor himself for any other changes.

Even though it had only been twenty minutes since the last measurements, AJ humored his friend. As the day had gone on, Mark had lost another inch, bringing him down to four. The same went for Brian, who’d been holed up in his room with Josh all day. “3.75,” he said gently.

Mark’s beefy chest heaved as he sighed. AJ pulled him in close and kissed the top of his head, rubbing his broad back gently. He and Josh hadn’t gotten any bigger, but they had no idea when the other two would stop getting smaller. “What if it doesn’t stop there,” Mark asked. “What if tomorrow I start losing weight? Or growing tits? Or…”

“Then we’ll deal with it,” AJ said, cutting him off with a kiss. “You were one of my best friends before all this happened, and now…” AJ blushed, his olive skin turning pink, and looked down, bashfully. “I’m not goin’ anywhere, is what I’m saying. I don’t care if you wake up tomorrow with purple skin and two heads, alright? I know you’re freaked out...fuck, we all are...but we’ll get through it.”

Mark didn’t know what to say. Being vulnerable was a new sensation for him, especially when it was another guy making him feel that way. He gazed into AJ’s bright blue eyes and started to feel like a tiny dick was a fair trade for the affection he saw looking back at him.

Over the next few days, they’d continue to shrink until Mark and Brian had tiny nubs with miniscule balls buried between their legs. The shrunken organs still functioned, they were just small. Fortunately, none of the other fears about losing weight or developing female attributes had come to pass, and a strange new normal was taking hold.

As with the initial event, everyone was surprised to find that a tiny nub was the new ideal. Looking at Mark’s sculpted, naked body with his small appendage sent the same kind of thrill through AJ that he used to get ogling a woman with huge breasts. Same with Josh, Brian, and everyone else. Instead of something to be ashamed of, guys were proud of their pudgy little poles. The market quickly adapted, with clothes and underwear coming out to let men show off just how little they had.

“MMM...mmmm...mmmm,” Josh whistled as he walked into the kitchen, adjusting the heavy, semi-hard bulge in his grey briefs. Mark and Brian were leaning against the counter in their small underwear, having quickly taken to the new status quo. The sculpted brunette had on a bright red bikini with a tiny pouch meant to accentuate how small his endowment was, while Brian had on a pair of lace panties. The women’s underwear accentuated his round bubble, and his package was small enough to fit. A lot of the altered guys had taken to wearing it. Brian had been humiliated the first time Josh had talked him into trying it, until he’d spent the next six hours in blissful ecstasy with the other man. It was the best sex he’d ever had, before OR after the event. Since then, he was much more relaxed about it. “Mornin’ babe,” Josh said, wrapping an arm around Brian’s trim waist and kissing him on the cheek.

“Coffee?” Brian asked, snapping the elastic waist of Josh’s briefs and sliding a hand down the back to squeeze a solid cheek.

“I can think of something else I’d like to drink,” Josh said, pulling Brian against him. Not only did guys grow to love how the altered men looked, they couldn’t get enough of having the shrunken organs in their mouths. It was a win-win. Mark would squeal and groan when AJ swallowed his entire package, and the other man was eager to do it as often as possible. Between that and the unbelievable pleasure he still got from being fucked, Mark didn’t feel too bad about losing a handful of inches. If anything, the growth that the other guys experienced seemed cumbersome. No one could have anticipated that the stuffed, thick bulges would be the opposite of what guys wanted. Now when AJ or Josh stripped down in a locker room, it was them who felt embarrassed by the size of their equipment. “It’s so big” was no longer a phrase any guy wanted to hear.

Mark watched Josh and Brian paw each other and felt his little cock twitch. He put his coffee down and headed upstairs, hoping AJ was still in bed.