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Adam’s jaw dropped, a shiver running through him as he felt the furry patch at the center of his chest. His toned pecs, along with the rest of his fit frame, had been as naturally smooth as ever when he’d gone to sleep, but he’d somehow sprouted overnight. While the unwanted growth sat soft and dense across his chest, his whole body was now covered in a golden carpet, with seemingly none of it spared from the silky strangers. Based on what he could see, and what he could feel in the areas he couldn’t, the hair flowed up and over his shoulders before spilling down his back, invading every crack and crevice on its journey from his head to his toes. At first he’d thought it was all a dream, that he must still be slumbering in Jake’s giant arms, but, the longer he ran his fingers through the impossible pelt, the more convinced he became that he really was wide awake.

Jake’s groggy voice made it certain. “Whoa…hey there, stranger,” the hairy hulk said with a sleepy chuckle. He sat up and stretched, the thin sheet falling away to leave his bulky, hairy torso on display. Unlike Adam’s tight, defined frame, Jake was a bronze beast of a man, his tanned skin covered by a layer of raven hair that coated everything except his shiny scalp. The ample fur accentuated the ample muscle, his slab of a chest, thick gut, and beefy arms a far cry from the blonde’s modest pecs, tapering waist, and lean limbs. Where Adam was a dimple-chinned pretty boy with pouty lips and razor cheeks, Jake’s features were full and rugged, ranging from grinning teddy-bear to scowling brute depending on his mood. They were the former at the moment, his smile growing as he looked the stunned blonde up and down. “Forget to pack a razor?”

Adam just blinked at his friend, confused by the other man’s reaction, or lack thereof. “Did I forget to…” he sputtered, his whole body going crimson. “Dude! This isn’t funny! Look at me! Why aren’t you freaking out right now?”

“Why are you,” Jake countered, raising an eyebrow. “Please don’t tell me you didn’t bother to read the paperwork,” he groaned, his powerful arms flexing as he rubbed at his stubble-covered face. He let out an exasperated laugh, his smirk going sympathetic. “Adam! How many times did I tell you to make sure you read the fine print?!”

“The fine print? Are you serious,” the furry blonde scoffed, lacing his fingers through the golden pelt on his chest. “What the fuck does paperwork have to do with this?!”

“Everything! I told you…we’re allowed to bring guests to the annual BearyBlast, but only if they agree to follow the rules and fit in,” Jake sighed. “Kinda hard for you to fit in looking the way you normally do.”

“What do you mean the way I normally…” Adam trailed off, the color draining from his face as the implications sank in. “Wait…wait, wait, wait…you’re telling me I’m, what? Turning into someone who looks like you?” He let out a short laugh and shook his head, his stance going defiant. “Nice try, man. How is that even possible?”

“Dude, you literally drank the kool-aid last night. It’s in the name! BearyBlast,” Jake said, using air quotes as he spoke. “It’s more than just a pun. It’s not just a cocktail or a camping trip…it’s also a formula. Of which you imbibed a whole bunch last night,” he said, his expression softening. “I thought you were a little too eager at the kickoff, but you said you were excited to try something new, so…” he trailed off and shrugged. “All of this was spelled out in the waivers you signed.”

“Why didn’t you tell me,” Adam barked, the color surging back to his own unusually scruffy face. “How could you let me just do that to myself?!”

“I did tell you,” Jake shot back. “Over and over again when I told you to read the papers. Aww, fuck, dude…don’t tell me you’re going to spend the rest of the trip freaking out now?”

“There is no rest of the trip! Not for me, anyway,” Adam insisted, looking around for his discarded clothes. “Now that I know exactly what’s expected, I’m fucking out of here. Just as soon as someone undoes this, you guys can have your big-boy camping trip all to yourselves.”

“Uh, I hate to break it to you, but it’s too late for that,” Jake said. “I know it’s pointless to keep harping on it, but they clearly state in the fine print that it’s a one-way trip. You bought the ticket, dude. Even if you leave, you’re still taking the ride.”

“What?! No! I’ll go to a hospital or something and they can…can…”

Jake finally rolled out of bed, his stuffed jockstrap making Adam’s boxer-briefs seem empty by comparison. “I really am sorry,” he said, wrapping his arms around his shell-shocked friend. “I know you well enough…I should’ve triple-checked that you’d actually read everything. I guess I was just excited that YOU seemed so excited.”

Adam shivered as his new fur mingled with the bigger man’s. He and Jake weren’t exactly a couple, but they’d been friends for years and spent more nights together than not. He’d always loved the hirsute hunk’s meaty proportions, and he actually had been excited to attend the Bears-Only party in the woods, but he’d never imagined that he’d be doing it as one of them. When he’d heard that he was expected to “fit in”, he’d thought that meant wearing some leather and participating in some group fun, not ballooning his carefully crafted body to beefy proportions. “Oh…oh no,” he sputtered, that last thought finally registering. “Is this just a hairy thing, or am I going to get, uh, big?”

Jake took a step back and looked his friend up and down, trying to keep his expression neutral as he ran a hand through the fur on the blonde’s stomach. “Looks like you already lost a couple,” he said, tracing a finger along the four remaining abs.

“FUCK! I…I didn’t even notice that I was getting…” he stopped himself before he said the word, his stomach dropping when it finally started to dawn on him just how much tighter his boxer briefs had become. Looking down, Adam could almost convince himself that it was just the hair obscuring his fading washboard, not actual weight gain, until he started to prod his midsection. His stomach was still firm, but there was already a give that hadn’t been there earlier, a sensation similar to what he felt whenever he rubbed Jake’s furry belly. His heart started racing when he realized that last description would soon apply to himself as well. “How…how big am I going to get?”

Jake shrugged. “It’s not an exact science. All I know is that it won’t take too long, so you’ll find out pretty quick. I’d say by this afternoon, evening tops, you’ll be the new you.”

Adam looked around the compact A-Frame’s single room for a mirror, but all he found was the rusty bed frame, weathered counter, ratty loveseat, and small table that had been there when they’d arrived. He’d been more concerned about the fact that the tiny cabin didn’t even have plumbing to worry about a mirror. “Quick! Take my picture,” he yelped, practically throwing his phone at the other man. Jake did as he was asked, motioning for the flustered blonde to turn in a slow circle so he could take a video as well. “Holy shit,” Adam gasped when he looked at the results, his eyes going wide. The changes were far more obvious from a distance, with his trim hips and toned thighs already looking wider. He understood why his underwear felt so tight when he saw it straining around his thickened legs and noticeably larger rear, and he wasn’t sure how to feel at the larger lump in the front. He wasn’t sure if it was just the rest of the extra growth or if his package was enlarging as well, but, even if it was, Adam wouldn’t consider it a fair trade. A large chunk of his hard-earned definition had already started to fade beneath the curly pelt that left him feeling like he stared at a stranger on the small screen. “So…what do we do now?”

Jake yawned and scratched at his own furry gut. “Might as well go hit the showers before they get too busy. Then breakfast? Growing boy’s gotta eat.”

“This isn’t funny,” Adam barked, a confusing flutter running through his stomach at Jake’s smug grin.

“I wasn’t laughing at you,” the bigger man said, leaning in to give his friend a quick peck. “I’m just trying to keep it light. Can’t do anything but ride it out,” he shrugged again, taking Adam by the hand. The blonde started to protest as he was pulled out the door, but then he remembered where they were. He’d seen plenty of exposed skin the night before, and he knew he’d see plenty more of it throughout the course of the week, but he wasn’t ready for his own body to be seen in its hairy new state. “Have to rip that bandaid off sooner or later,” Jake chided. “Hiding isn't going to be an option for long.”

As rattled as he was, Adam had to admit that the morning air felt fantastic. He’d been looking forward to this part of the trip, to lounging nearly, or fully, naked in the woods, to bask in nature’s splendor without cumbersome clothes getting in the way. Now there was a layer of hair, but instead of acting as a barrier to the humid breeze, Adam shivered as the warm air tickled through his golden carpet. By the time they finished the short walk to the shower building, his thickened cock was already half-hard and twitching, though his excitement faded slightly when they stepped inside. Unlike the A-Frame there were plenty of mirrors inside, and the ballooning blonde’s jaw dropped when he saw how much he’d continued to change. His four remaining abs had officially vanished, and his flat stomach was starting to adopt a few curves. Though his tapering waist had started to push out at the sides, the growth was most noticeable in his profile, with a prominent crest beginning to develop. The growth was counterbalanced below his waist, with a similar growth spurt occurring at his once-perky, now-meaty, bubble.

“I’m…I’m fucking huge,” he sputtered, his hands shaking as he prodded at his heavier looking pecs and significantly less sculpted arms. The limbs were still large and strong, but they’d lost their chiseled tone.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, little cub,” Jake chuckled, flexing one of his own hairy pistons for comparison. “You’ve still got a ways to go. But…” he let out a low whistle and shook his head, a look of genuine hunger flashing in his eyes. “You’re going to be hot as hell.”

Adam felt himself blush, a response that grew even stronger when Jake abruptly reached over and literally tore the straining underwear from his expanding lower half. “Hey! I’m going to…need…those…” he trailed off, his attention shifting to the rigid log of a cock jutting out from between his widened thighs. The aching organ was at least an inch longer, as well as significantly wider, with a pair of similarly swollen balls churning below. A reflexive rush of embarrassment ran through him at the thought of being naked and hard in a public space, but they had the showers to themselves at the moment, and he reminded himself that was the whole point of the trip even if they didn’t.

“Like I said…a growing boy,” Jake purred, reaching down to give his friend’s fattened cock a few tugs. He slipped out of his jockstrap and led the blonde into the showers by the eager organ, positioning them in front of a pillar adorned with showerheads. There were a few others scattered around the tiled enclosure, ensuring that no one would have either privacy nor an obstructed view of the crowd.

“Whoa…that feels weird,” Adam gasped when the shower hissed to life. His eyes went wide at the foreign sensation of the warm water streaming through a layer of fur as opposed to cascading against his smooth skin, the novelty of it all making him ache despite his lingering dread. He knew he was still in shock, but, beneath the overwhelming anxiety, a part of himself actually was excited by the prospect of what he was becoming.

“You get used to it,” Jake said, his hands gliding along the damp carpet. “Just close your eyes and relax,” he cooed, taking his time lathering up the other man. For his part, Adam heard a few others arrive, but he kept his eyes shut, content to let Jake jerk him off while he explored his changing body. While the tanned titan kneaded his balls and pumped away, his own hands squeezed and prodded his expanding frame. Adam’s fingers bit into areas that used to be tight and firm, he rubbed together in odd ways as he shifted his weight, and already he was starting to feel heavy in a way he never had before, but none of it felt even close to bad. When he finally cracked his eyes and saw a trio of hairy hunks watching him and Jake while they engaged in a similar display, the increasingly beefy blonde felt a strange sense of kinship.

He also felt a strange sensation of water on bare scalp. “Wait…is that…did…did my hair fall ooouuuuUUOOHHH…!” Adam tensed and sprayed as he felt Jake’s strong fingers rubbing across his now-bare skull. He was mortified at the sudden loss of his golden mane, but, at the same time, the entirely foreign experience was electric. “Oh fuck…oh fuck…” he whimpered, searching in vain for any remaining scraps of hair. “Am…am I really bald?!”

Jake responded by leaning over and kissing the other man’s smooth scalp. “Sure are,” he said, reaching down to give Adam’s plump globes a squeeze. “Still sexy, too.”

The former blonde didn’t know what else to do other than cling to his friend while Jake scrubbed himself down. Trying to act casual was out of the question, but the others didn’t seem at all bothered by his anxious attitude. The looks they gave him were friendly and sympathetic, their smiles almost encouraging as he pawed at his bare crown. Given his overall level of shock, Adam was surprised when he went hard again after only a few minutes, but he was grateful for the distraction, if not the revelation it brought.

“FUCK!” he roared again when he looked down and noticed that the view of his virile log was now obscured by a set of plumped pecs and an official gut. There was no longer any question as to how he’d end up, and whether he’d still be at all recognizable as his former self. Based on what he’d seen so far, Adam knew the answer to that latter question was a resounding “no.”

“Yes please,” Jake grinned, parting his furry globes and throwing his hips back.

Adam was inside his friend before he could even try to pull away, his head spinning from the intensity of the unfamiliar sensations. Though he’d fucked Jake countless times, he’d never done so while his own meaty midsection pressed against the other man’s broad back, while their pelts mingled like sensitive whiskers. The bald bull had always seemed so huge when he’d writhed at the end of Adam’s capable cock, but now he seemed significantly smaller. Adam grunted at the surge of power that accompanied his rolling hips, a deep chuckle slipping out when it occurred to him that he was a bald bull now too. “You sure you didn’t get smaller,” he said, his deep new voice sounding like it belonged to the stranger he’d become.

“Someone’s feelin’ themselves already,” Jake laughed, pursing his lips as he looked back over a broad shoulder. “Dude…you’re so fuckin’ hot right now. Holy shit. I know you’re freaked out, but…trust me…you’ll be…just fine…” he sputtered, punctuating his speech with the occasional gasping grunt. “Your dick feels…incredible…”

“Are you saying it didn’t before,” Adam asked, wishing he could see the stern expression he flashed. He could feel his face filling out like the rest of him, but if Jake’s hungry eyes were any indication, that wasn’t a bad thing. He grinned over at the trio who still lingered to watch, an almost drunken euphoria washing over him. “Rude, isn’t he,” he asked the group, increasing the speed of his thrusting. He didn’t just feel stronger, he felt energized, like he could go for hours.

“You’ll just have to teach him a lesson,” one of the men suggested, eliciting eager nods of agreement from his friends.

Adam grunted and kept hammering, equally savoring and dreading the way his body now rippled with each impact. He tried to focus on the former since he couldn’t do anything to change it, a strategy that became easier as the pressure built at his widened core. By the time he erupted into Jake the other man had already blown a howling load of his own, though Adam’s deep bellow held its own.

“Okay…that was…that was amazing…” the formerly-larger man panted, throwing a heavy arm around Adam’s heavy shoulders. He reached down and rubbed his inflated friend’s hairy belly the way Adam used to do to him after a vigorous romp, his stomach fluttering at the other man’s smug smirk. “See? Not so bad, is it?”

Adam just grunted and pulled Jake in for a kiss. “Ask me after breakfast. I’m starved.”


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