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Though the face in the mirror was his own, Billy felt like he was looking at a stranger. The short, jet-black hair, the square-jawed shape, the layer of scruffy stubble, the pouty lips and the distinguished nose, the deep brown eyes; on the surface, none of the handsome features stood out as being off in any way. And the same went for the rest of Billy’s impressively brawny frame. His stump of a neck still sat between broad, round shoulders, which led to the thick, powerful arms hanging at a slight angle next to his plump, round pecs. Along with the slab of a chest, Billy’s wide upper back gave the appearance of a slight taper to his well-muscled midsection, an illusion that was further magnified by the ample cheeks and meaty thighs below. Coupled with his olive complexion and a light dusting of raven hair, the young hunk should have felt every bit as rugged and masculine as his burly physique suggested.

But there were a few discrepancies. While Billy’s above-average body appeared as it should have, the pair of items it currently bore were entirely out of place. The thin strand of pearls that clung to his thick neck like a choker immediately stood out, their dainty size and bright shimmer contrasting against his abundant muscle and mediterranean hue. The same went for the cherry pink thong barely containing his hefty package, the sakura-colored pouch seeming ill-equipped for the task at hand. Billy felt like he should have been embarrassed by the accessories, on some level a small part of him actually was, but his perspective on things, along with his behavior, had shifted ever since the cursed necklace had fastened on like a collar.

Though, to be fair, the pearls weren’t technically cursed. Enchanted, yes, but there was no reason to interpret their effects as a “curse” unless whoever wore them didn’t want to find themselves irresistible to men. In hindsight, Billy now understood why Marissa had always been so captivating, and why it had been such a bad idea to steal the necklace after they’d finally hooked up. He hadn’t planned on it, but when he saw the pearls sitting on her dresser while she slumbered the morning after, Billy plucked them as he snuck out. His plan had been to give them to Trish, one of his regular hook-ups who’d recently soured on his arrogant attitude, until things had gone entirely off course. He’d put the necklace on to take a selfie as a joke, but as soon as he’d fumbled the clasp shut an electric jolt pulsed through him.

And kept pulsing. For what felt like an eternity, all Billy could do was stand frozen in place as his whole body buzzed from head to toe. The vibrations seemed to concentrate in certain areas, like his neck, mouth, nipples, ass, and twitching cock, in a process that he now understood was his body being magically rewired. The finer details were mostly beyond him, but he’d come to learn that, since the spell had been cast with Marissa in mind, he’d essentially short circuited things when he’d put the necklace on. The spell still tried to work its magic, only now it was doing so through his distinctly male form, making for some unfortunately unique results. Instead of accentuating an already light, feminine tone, it left his normally-deep voice with a helium squeak. And while it was perfectly normal for Marissa to wear slinky, revealing clothing, Billy had been caught off guard by the sudden disgust he had for his clothing. Boxers, jeans and baggy gym shorts all became repellent on a primal level, as did most of his traditionally masculine accessories. He’d torn out of his ratty t-shirt, boxers and mesh shorts as if they’d caught on fire, giving him a glimpse of the skin that seemed to have softened beneath his raven dusting as if expertly moisturized. Even the rugged features of his face took on a refined edge, with his lips taking on a subtle, glossy sheen and plumping slightly, while his eyes took on a bright, eager hunger. He didn’t look like he was wearing makeup, not exactly, but there was no denying that he did look prettier than before. As he stared at his naked, strapping frame, it eventually occurred to Billy that he was actually checking himself out, and as his cock started to twitch and harden he realized he was turning himself on.

He quickly discovered the reaction wasn’t limited to himself. He’d darted out of his bedroom in a panic, his voice squeaking as he frantically clawed at the necklace, but everything came to a halt as soon as he’d taken one look at his roommate, Mike. The equally-burly brunette was sprawled out on the couch, his hunky frame clad only in a pair of small gym shorts. It was a sight Billy had seen countless times and had never given a second thought to before, but in that moment he’d felt like he’d been punched in the gut. His heart had started racing, his stomach fluttering as Mike’s lantern-jawed expression went from startled and concerned to amused. As his friend had looked him up and down, Billy found himself doing the same, his eyes glued to the bigger brunette’s meaty, man-spread thighs and the thick cock he knew lurked between. Instead of asking what was wrong, or even acting surprised at the other man’s naked, aroused appearance, all Mike did was ask what he’d done to deserve such a treat. And instead of responding with the dozens of questions running through his spinning head, or feeling the embarrassment he knew he should have, all Billy had done was act coy. He’d batted his eyes and subtly flexed while Mike eyed him, squeaking out that his roommate had been “such a good boy” that he deserved a treat.

Before he’d even realized he was doing it, Billy found himself putting on a show. He’d pursed his lips and groped at his pecs with one hand, making sure to flex and pose along the way, while slowly stroking his aching cock with the other. Even at the time he’d known that Mike’s interest in such a display was as odd as himself putting it on in the first place, but none of that mattered. Why he wanted his friend, and vice versa, was nowhere near as important as the desire itself.

It wasn’t long before Billy had the burly brunette’s tented shorts off and the thick cock they contained wedged between his lips. Though he’d never even remotely contemplated the act of blowing another man, the dark-haired hunk was surprised by how quickly he’d taken to it. His jaw was relaxed, his lips and tongue seemed to know how to work in tandem, and he’d begun to understand the concentrated tingling he’d felt after putting the necklace on. That understanding cemented itself shortly after when he’d shifted positions, swapping out his eager mouth for his eager hole. Billy had turned and lowered himself without the slightest hesitation, barely having time to brace himself for the pain that surprisingly, and thankfully, never came. Instead of his virgin rear being split wide by Mike’s hefty log, it was as if he’d taken countless dicks over the years. Like his mouth, his ample cheeks, trim hips, and meaty thighs somehow knew what to do. So instead of fumbling and awkward, his ecstatic gyrations had been precise and practiced. He’d driven Mike to the edge over and over again, the whole time loving the sensation of the bigger man’s hands clutching his pecs while kissing his neck. At 6’2” his friend was slightly taller than his own 5’10” stature, a fact that had only added to the penetrated pretty-boy’s already-desperate arousal. Until that point he’d always thought of himself and his taller friend as being on the same level, but as soon as Mike slipped inside Billy realized how wrong he’d been. Mike was on another level entirely, and it was one that he suddenly wanted to experience in an entirely different way. Billy had been mortified at the sound of his own squeaky bellowing against the brunette’s deep grunts, but at the same time it all just seemed to fit, on many levels.

Only after Mike had taken Billy several times did the spent stud think to call Marissa and confess. He’d been so shocked and confused by the sudden transformation that it hadn’t occurred to him right away, and then he’d been far too distracted by his roommate’s pounding to think of anything other than how good he’d felt. Mike always boasted about his skill in the bedroom, and since the taller hunk had deposited multiple loads inside him, Billy knew firsthand that it wasn’t idle bragging.

That knowledge served as a silver lining when Marissa had simply laughed at him. She’d told him that she’d enchanted the necklace years ago as a confidence booster, and that she no longer needed it. She’d said she could probably find a way to get it off, but in the meantime he should wear it for a while and see if he really wanted her to. After a few weeks of some new attention, she doubted that would be the case.

As much as he hated to admit it, Billy was starting to agree with her. He’d expected to be devastated when he’d hung up the phone, but he hadn’t felt that way at all. He wasn’t embarrassed after his experience with Mike; he was elated. Excited. Eager for more. Like a switch being flipped, all he’d wanted to do was dive into his new life and milk it, literally, for all he could. As he’d stood in front of his mirror, naked save for the strand of pearls around his neck, the thought of going back to his previous life was as repellent as it was appealing. He’d been split down the middle, his squeaky voice and reflexive, masculine modesty warring with the lingering ecstasy still humming through his system.

In the end, the ecstasy won out. Billy took a pair of scissors to a few t-shirts and joggers, converting them to sleeveless crop-tops and skimpy short-shorts to tide him over until a new wardrobe arrived. In the meantime, he wore as little as possible as often as possible, rapidly familiarizing himself with his friend’s body in whole new ways. The same went for the rest of his peers, with nights that used to be spent drinking beer and watching sports now spent with his head in their laps. They still drank and they still watched the games like always, but now Billy provided an entertainment all his own.

He’d expected to be mortified. The thought of strutting around in front of his boys in a skimpy thong with his helium voice should have been humiliating, but he relished it. He relished how they eyed him and talked down to him in a way that bordered on exaggeration. The same guys he used to feel superior to now made him quiver as they condescended to and fondled him in full view of each other. When one of them casually fucked him while they all hung out, it was as if the otherwise odd events were a perfectly natural part of the evening. Billy certainly encouraged them, just like he’d started doing at the gym, the bar, on campus, and everywhere else he went.

It had gotten to the point where, instead of hooking up with girls all over town, Billy had started stealing their men. Mike pretty much fucked him exclusively, and most of their friends argued over who’d get a crack at him and when. The regular group sessions weren’t just fun; they were the most efficient way of keeping everyone satisfied. Billy was well aware that he’d gone from Ladies Man to Lady Man, and he knew he’d done it to himself, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. After several blissful weeks as a bountiful bottom, the dark-haired hunk was more interested in how to make things permanent than anything else.

“You never get tired of looking at yourself, do you?”

Billy grinned and turned from the mirror at the sound of Mike’s deep, groggy rumble. His friend wasn’t wrong, he actually did spend an inordinate amount of time appreciating his ruggedly refined features, but he’d much rather look at the strapping stud stretched out in bed. “Am I the only one,” he squeaked, his impressive arm flexing as he toyed with his bottom lip. The other absently danced along the elastic waist of the thong, a finger tugging down the top of the pouch.

Mike chuckled and folded his arms behind his head, the pose accentuating his powerful upper body as he nodded at the thin, tented sheet. “I think you know the answer to that.”

“Convince me,” he purred, batting his eyes at the other man. A part of Billy was surprised at how confident he’d become, at how quickly he’d adapted to subtly taking control even as the other guys thought they were the ones in charge. True, they pawed and groped and talked down to him, but that’s what Billy wanted them to do. It wasn’t as if he didn’t reciprocate on the first two.

There was a moment of silence as they locked eyes. His sleepy grin spreading, Mike slowly ran a hand down his slab of a chest and across his firm abs before flicking the sheet aside. He wrapped a fist around it and started pumping, raising an eyebrow expectantly. “Well? Do I get a show or not?”

Billy didn’t waste any time. He started swaying his hips and flexing his arms above his head while writhing in a slow circle. With his back turned, he began popping his hips to bounce his muscled bubble, a small part of him still reeling from just how different their lives had become. Where there’d once been a pair of straight jock roommates was now something else entirely. Mike was still every bit the straight jock, except where the olive-hued himbo was concerned, but Billy knew he didn’t quite count as a “bro” the way he used to.

The twerking hunk slowly bent and flashed his hole as he peeled out of the thong, using it to give his own aching member a few strokes before launching it like a slingshot at the jerking jock on the bed. Mike caught it and held it to his nose for a few deep huffs, his tongue flicking out against the cherry fabric. “If you want a taste…” Billy squeaked as he sauntered over. He draped himself against the bigger brunette for a rough, deep kiss, letting out a high little yelp when Mike abruptly shifted and had him face down on the bed.

“That’s nice, but not what I had in mind,” the other man grunted. He gave Billy’s ass a swat and spread the squeaking stud’s cheeks, eliciting a shrill, cracking groan when his tongue went to work.

With the mattress muffling his cries, Billy felt himself melting in the bigger man’s grip. Mike could eat him out like no other, a phrase that still caught him off guard every time he thought it, which was thankfully often since his friend seemed to enjoy the activity just as much. The buff brunette could spend what felt like hours with his face buried between Billy’s plump cheeks, which only made what came next that much more intense.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuck,” Billy chirped when Mike finally lifted his face away and slipped inside for real. The other man grabbed his hips and roughly pulled him back, slamming in with a loud, muscular slap. “Oh fuck…oh fuck…oh fuck…” Billy squeaked, his fingers bunching the sheets while his friend picked up speed.

“How’s that…feel…” Mike grunted, rolling his hips like a jackhammer.

“Puh…puh…perfect…” Billy moaned, his whole body shaking from the force of his friend’s thrusting. The vibrations were so jarring that he didn’t even notice when the necklace came free and slipped away until the other man pointed it out.

“Looks like you…lost your…necklace,” Mike said, running his hand along the back of Billy’s now-bare neck.

For a moment, the penetrated jock panicked. He expected the pain that had been absent for weeks to come rushing back, for his ecstasy to vanish like a carriage turning into a pumpkin. When neither happened he took a deep breath and cleared his throat, bracing himself. “Oh wow,” he squeaked, his voice still light and helium high. “I forgot I even had it on. You’ll just have to give me a new one.”

Billy grabbed the necklace and tossed it out of the way, nimbly repositioning himself so that he was flat on his back with his legs in the air. The movements were as smooth and practiced as ever, the look of undiluted lust on Mike’s face just as prominent as it had been for weeks. With a sigh of relief, Billy resumed his piercing cries, grateful for the gift the necklace had given him.

But he didn’t need the confidence booster anymore. He knew exactly what he was doing.



Oh, man. This was hot as hell.


That was incredible! I love how Billy just slipped into his new role and everyone else rolled with it. Can't help wondering whether Billy might decide to slip the necklace around Mike's neck next so he has another pretty fuckboy to play with!