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Now that the day had finally arrived, Eric allowed himself to feel a sliver of pride. He’d had to bide his time for nearly three weeks in order for the proper stars to align, but he hadn’t given anything away and nothing about Doug’s behavior during that time had caused him to have second thoughts. If anything, the dark-haired man was more certain than ever that their plan was the best course of action. He’d tried to warn Ashley off, to keep her as far from Doug as possible, but she’d fallen for the handsome brunette’s synthetic appeal just like so many other unfortunate women. Not that Eric could blame her. On the surface, Doug’s wavy chocolate hair, perfect stubble, strong jaw, and fit frame were objectively appealing. His looks were dark and brooding, his lean, athletic body strong and solid without being too big or overly bulky. And, at first, it was easy to mistake the handsome brunette’s smug superiority for confident charm. It was only when someone spent any real length of time around the arrogant jock that they learned what a monster he could be, especially in the way he talked about and treated the women who showed interest in him. Doug was like a dealer - the first hookup was free, but after that his presence came with a cost.

Eric had finally seen enough people pay it. He’d certainly paid it himself over the years. He was every bit as attractive and built as his friend, with the dusting of raven hair that coated his athletic frame some would say even more so, but Doug treated him like an awkward sidekick. Eric had hoped his friend would grow up and out of what he’d assumed was simply youthful arrogance on the other man’s part. The boastful womanizing was one thing in college when they were all too young and stupid to know better, but, as they crept towards the end of their twenties, he’d started to doubt that Doug would ever change. As far as Eric knew, the smug stud had yet to meet a woman who he didn’t later refer to as “some bimbo” and then objectify, and Doug still relished any chance he got to make their neighbor Pete, an unassuming gay man a few years their senior, uncomfortable. Their condo shared a wall with the wiry ginger, and Doug would routinely call out their neighbor’s name in the middle of the night while purposely slamming his headboard during the act of hammering into one of his numerous hookups.

And it wasn’t as if Doug was oblivious to his own behavior. Eric had chastised him about it plenty of times over the years, including recently when the other man knowingly trash-talked and slut-shamed Ashley, someone who Doug knew to be his roommate’s friend. It was more clear than ever that the brunette’s exterior beauty masked his interior beast. He was eagerly, intentionally set in his cruelty, a status quo that Eric was thankfully about to see change. He’d tried to warn Doug away from Ashley just as much as he had with her. He knew of his feminine friend’s interest in the occult and had seen evidence of her abilities firsthand, just as he knew she would absolutely not tolerate Doug’s behavior. When the boastful brunette told her the next day that she’d been “a mediocre lay” and that “he’d done her a favor” she might have been content to simply write him off as an asshole. But when he’d then taken to social media to publicly level more intimate critiques of both her body and performance, she’d had enough.

With Eric’s assistance and plentiful encouragement, Ashley had done her research, gathered her supplies, and cast the spells. She’d marshaled the magical forces and timed everything out so that all Eric had to do was speak the words that would open the doors and change everything for the better. In a few short hours, the new and improved Doug would be set on his altered course in a cosmic win-win for everyone involved. The arrogant brunette would get to live his hunkiest, horniest life, Pete would finally get to have some fun, Ashley would be sparing countless women from an ultimately unpleasant encounter, and Eric would finally get rid of a freeloading narcissist who refused to change.

If everything went according to plan, it was shaping up to be a good day for all of them.


“Mornin’ sweety,” Doug cooed, giving Eric’s ass a swat as he sauntered through the living room. The lean brunette was clad only in a pair of black boxer briefs, his short, chocolate hair still messy from sleep. “What? No coffee for your man,” he asked from the kitchen, showing off his tight frame as he yawned and stretched.

“Don’t you usually have this conversation with someone else,” Eric asked, crossing the open room to lean against the counter that separated the spaces. “Come to think of it, though…I didn’t see anyone go running out of here this morning. Strike out last night?”

“Are you fucking kidding,” Doug scoffed, shaking his head. He turned around and leaned against the opposite counter, his brooding features twisted into an annoyed mask. “This is why I like it when a chick dresses slutty…you can see what you’re working with. She had great tits, but the rest of her body was a joke. No thanks,” he spat, rolling his eyes. “I told her to take it elsewhere, ‘cause she sure as hell wasn’t taking this.” Doug reached down and hefted his impressive bulge, unintentionally signaling where Eric should kick things off.

“I mean…if she even could with a piece like that,” the dark-haired man shrugged. “Not everyone can handle something so big.”

“Bro…I’m sayin’,” Doug grinned, seemingly oblivious to the way his seven-inch banana swelled.

Eric watched the other man’s bulge expand and could see the outline of the thickened log and swollen balls in minute detail beneath the now-straining fabric, but the smug stud didn’t react in the slightest. Ashley had warned him that certain changes might not register depending on Doug’s perspective, and Eric wasn’t surprised in the least to discover that his friend already possessed a clearly elevated view of his own endowment. What came next, though, would likely spark a different reaction. “Is that why you do it? Dress so slutty, I mean. So everyone can see what you’re working with?”

Doug’s golden brows furrowed as he glared at his friend. “Excuse me,” he said with a short, sharp laugh. “What the hell is that supposed to mean? I don’t dress like a fuckin’...slut…” Doug trailed off, his eyes going wide at the unexpected change in sensation below his tight waist. There was a sudden rush of air on his firm backside and toned thighs, along with the feeling of cold countertop biting into bare flesh. He blinked and shook his head when he looked down, certain that the cherry red jockstrap with the overstuffed pouch was entirely wrong. “What…what the fuck just happened?!”

It was Eric’s turn to cock his head. “Uh…what are you talking about?”

“What am I…? Dude, are you blind?! Look at me! What just happened to my underwear,” Doug cried, his face going red as he spread his arms and turned in a circle.

Eric nodded at the straining pouch, pulled to just above the base of the other man’s cock by the girthy equipment it struggled to contain. “Other than you coming dangerously close to spilling out of it?”

“No! I mean the boxer briefs I just had on! Where the fuck did this…thing…come from?!” Doug snapped the elastic but didn’t remove the jock, his perky rear dimpling as he squirmed in place.

“Boxer briefs? You? Yeah, right,” Eric laughed, rolling his eyes. “I’ve never seen your slutty ass anywhere near that overdressed. You won’t even wear a regular speedo out by the pool…I can barely get you to put that thong on as it is.”

Doug wanted to protest, but the tanned skin from his torso had already begun spreading south to cover the trunk-shaped patch of pale skin on his thighs and rear. “But…but I…no I don’t,” he insisted.”

Eric made a show of sighing as he stepped around the counter to come closer to his friend. He was similarly clad in a pair of heather boxer briefs, and he didn’t want anything obstructing Doug’s view for what came next. “Ooookay, bud,” he said, his tone dripping with condescension. “I know how much you lean into the whole ‘blonde bimbo’ thing, but this is a bit much, even for you.”

Doug jerked his head towards the nearest reflective surface as soon as he felt his scalp tingle, the color first draining from, then surging back to, his face as his short hair lengthened. The extra inches were flaxen, the yellow tones steadily spreading throughout the now-wavy mop until it went from the color of dirt to that of tarnished gold. At the same time, Doug watched his stubble recede, the scruffy coating melting away until his stunned face was fresh and smooth.

Eric continued before the yellow-haired hunk could react. “I mean, everyone knows you’re just a pretty face and a nice set of tits. We don’t expect much, but forgetting what underwear you put on is a whole new level. A bangin’ body’s only going to make up for so much, bro.”

Doug could only stare in stunned silence at a face he no longer recognized. As soon as Eric said the words “pretty face”, the now-blonde beauty had adopted one. His dark, brooding brown eyes went bright and blue, his prominent nose softening towards a button while his lips puffed and his widened chin adopted an exaggerated dimple. He wasn’t a smoldering stud anymore, he was a doe-eyed pretty-boy. Doug’s once-intimidating looks now came across as eager and innocent, a sharp contrast to the broad, chiseled body he’d sprouted below. Like his altered face, Doug’s lean frame began to swell as soon as Eric mentioned his “tits” and “bangin’ body”. It all happened so fast, and he’d been so busy staring at his new face, that the sculpted stud only caught the tail end of his transformation. Doug looked down just as his overly prominent pecs settled between his broadened shoulders, the thickened, striated arms on either side making the pinched, shredded waist they framed look even smaller. That illusion was only further enhanced by the ample globes that had inflated from his perky bubble, and the sturdy, meaty thighs that now supported the blonde’s new bulk. “I…I don’t…is this…” Doug sputtered, his head spinning. Along with the physical changes, as soon as Eric mentioned his supposedly limited memory, the blonde bodybuilder felt foggy. Like lounging around the development’s pool in nothing but a thong, or strutting around scantily clad, Doug now remembered spending nearly all of his time at the gym. He’d worked out plenty before, but now it was his life. Or, at least he thought it was. That didn’t feel right, though the blonde beefcake was having a hard time holding onto a single thought for long.

“Ooohhhh,” Eric said, his tone going sympathetic and condescending again. “Is this because somebody didn’t get any dick last night? I know how hard it is for you when you’re all worked up. More body than brains, right,” he chuckled.

“What?! No, of…of course I didn’t get any diiiIIOOOOOHHH!” Doug broke off in a startled gasp, his jaw dropping and his log of a cock springing from the jock as it rocketed to life. He fell back against the counter, his arms inflating while he clutched the edge for support and gawked at his suddenly-captivating friend. “Fuck, bro! Why are you so hot?!” he cried, unable to stop himself. With his limited attention now focused purely on the physical sensations pulsing through him, the thought that he should stop himself never even crossed his mind. “Look at me, dude! You got me hard as a rock,” he grunted, grabbing his new ten-and-a-half inches.

“Hard as one…dumb as one…that tracks,” Eric shrugged, watching the enlarged Adonis absently tug on himself.

A small part of Doug felt like he should take offense at the latter half of his friend’s comment, but at the same time he felt a surge of satisfaction at being told he was rock hard. “You like it hard,” he asked, running his free hand along his plump pecs before flexing for the dark-haired hunk. “‘Cause I’m hard, like, everywhere, bro. You don’t even know,” he insisted, pursing his pouty, pretty new lips.

“Oh, I’m familiar,” Eric nodded with a grin. “Everyone is. The way you run around flaunting and flexing all the time, I don’t think there’s a man in town that hasn’t felt how hard you are firsthand.”

Doug beamed at the memories of man after man exploring his newly muscled physique, even as a part of him wondered at the response. He’d always liked being looked at and desired, of that he was certain, but the thought of being openly objectified like a piece of mindless meat felt odd. And exciting. Before he could latch onto anything else, his fattened cock throbbed at the image of himself strutting around town in tiny shorts and a sleeveless crop-top, his jockstrap clearly visible as his ass spilled free, just like the nipples on his juicy muscle-tits hanging exposed from the bottom of the too-small top. With his grapefruit bulge and exaggeratedly innocent face, Doug knew people stared, but that was the point. He dressed slutty so everyone could see what he had to offer. “Wait…is that…” the now-blonde sputtered, confused by his last thought. “...I’m…I’m not just a…slutty bimbo…” he said, unable to keep his smile from spreading. Doug wasn’t humiliated by the label, he was oddly proud.

“You’ve got that right,” Eric cheered, giving his friend’s inflated rear a squeeze. “You’re not just ‘A’ slutty bimbo. You’re ‘THE’ slutty bimbo,” he said, complete with air quotes. “Seriously, dude. You’ve perfected the artform.”

Doug beamed again and broke into a double-bicep pose, his scattershot attention only hearing the words “perfect” and “art”. “I am fuckin’ hot, right,” he grunted, trying, and failing, to make his new boy-next-door features go seductive. “You WISH you could be like me.” The statement would have been dripping with arrogance had it come from the old Doug, but the new version couldn’t quite stick the landing.

“No one could pull off being dumb and hung as well as you, big guy,” Eric said, loving how his condescending tone went right over the blonde’s head. Instead of bristling at the insult, Doug puffed his swollen new pecs with pride.

“Yeah, duh,” the buff blonde laughed, grabbing his aching, oversized organ. He gave it a few pumps but paused when there was a knock at the door, his bushy brows furrowing.

“That’s probably Pete,” Eric said, his heart racing as the final pieces of the plan appeared to be falling into place. According to Ashley, the spell would only impact their neighbor if the other man was actually interested. He’d guessed that it would be the case, but Eric didn’t want to just pawn his altered roommate off on someone who didn’t want him, and he took the unexpected knock as a good sign.

“Should I, like, put my dick away,” Doug asked, his disappointed tone making it seem as if the very act of considering such an outcome was painful.

“Nah, you’re good. I should probably put some shorts on though,” Eric said, nodding down at his own underwear-clad state. “Why don’t you go let him in? I’ll be right back.”

“Okay!” Without a second thought, Doug lumbered over to the door and threw it open, his dull grin spreading at the sight of the stunned, wiry ginger standing on the other side. “Pete! Hi!”

The thinner man’s eyes went wide, his whole body going a deep shade of red as he gawked at the nearly-naked Adonis. “Uh, hey Doug,” he stammered, trying not to stare at the bobbing log pointing in his direction. “Is Eric around?”

The grinning blonde nodded as he stepped aside to let Pete in, that small voice at the back of his brain once again telling him to question his actions. He felt like he shouldn’t be naked and hard in front of the other man, but, at the same time, he loved every second of it. He loved the way he made Pete blush, and how he could see their neighbor trying not to stare. “It’s okay, dude. You can, like, look all you want,” he said, nodding excitedly. “Are you hard too?”

The blushing redhead took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I know I should be used to you by now, but I’m still always surprised,” he chuckled, shaking his head.

Doug once again assumed it was a compliment and resumed his eager grinning, along with his absent stroking. “Do you want to pull on it? I got enough to share,” he offered. “I know you like dick too.” Once again, the addled hunk felt like including himself in the category of people who liked dick felt off, which didn’t make sense considering how much his mouth watered in the presence of the toned little ginger.

Before Pete could stammer out a response, Eric came trotting back into the room. “Hey man, sorry about that,” he said, now clad in loose gym shorts and a tank-top. “I see Doug’s giving you the usual offers.”

Pete let out an awkward laugh. “He’s certainly not shy, is he?”

“Nope!” Doug emphatically shook his head, confused about why Pete and Eric were wearing shorts and shirts when they could have been exposed like himself. He felt fantastic, and he didn’t understand why they didn’t want to feel the same.

“That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about,” Eric said, nodding over at the bright-eyed blonde. “You know how the big guy is, how he’s got certain…needs. It’s getting harder and harder for me to keep him occupied by myself, so I was wondering if you’d be interested in sharing the load a bit?”

Pete just blinked in silence for a moment, not sure if he’d heard the dark-haired hunk correctly. “What, uh…what did you have in mind, exactly?”

Eric shrugged. “I was just thinking he could split his time. We’re already neighbors, you know? He could hang out at your place and you guys could have some fun in a way that me and him can’t.”

“Oh man! That’d be fuckin’ awesome,” Doug barked before Pete could respond. “It’s, like, so hot how hard you get over my bod,” the blonde grinned, flexing his abs. “You could just, like, have it all the time!”

Eric laughed at the redhead’s still-stunned expression. “I mean…you heard him. Feel free to inspect the merchandise if you want.”

“Yeah, bud! Inspect me!” Doug reached out and grabbed Pete’s hands, placing them on his plump pecs. He made the smaller man give them a squeeze before gliding them along the rest of his torso and down to his waist. He turned around once they reached the elastic waist of his pointless jock and flexed his muscled globes against the ginger’s palms, giddy over the idea of being poked and prodded like a prize-winning stallion. The sense of satisfaction was so encompassing that even the lingering scraps of doubt melted from Doug’s mind, the faint remains of his former self realizing that, at his core, this was essentially all he’d ever wanted. He got to lift and fuck and flex all day, to look pretty and not worry about literally anything. The rest of the minor details, like his altered appearance, uninhibited exhibitionism, and the way everyone talked down to him, didn’t really matter in the long run.

“Wow. Okay. This is…this is a lot,” Pete finally stammered, his slender fingers biting into Doug’s muscled melons. “But if it’s what the big guy wants, I don’t see why not. I’ve got plenty of room, and it would be nice to have some company. You want to come crash at my place for a while,” he asked the blonde, sounding more like he was talking to a cat at the shelter than a formerly arrogant pretty-boy. Doug responded by immediately bounding towards the door, causing his new roommate to go scrambling after him. “Wait! You need pants!”


“Puuuhhnn…Pete…fuck…oh fuck…fuuuuuck…PEEETE…yes… fuck me…harder… harder… oh god… yes bro… YES BRO… gonna cum… gonna cum so hard… fuck… PEEEEETE…”

Eric grinned at the sound of Doug’s desperate wailing, the cracking cries punctuated by the dull thud of a slamming headboard. His friend had often done the same from this side of the shared wall as a way to taunt their neighbor, but never with the same intensity of conviction. The vigorous poundings had become a regular occurrence in the weeks since making their new arrangement, happening not just nightly, but practically on the hour. It happened so often that Eric had started to tune it out entirely, his friend’s ecstatic howls relegated to nothing more than white noise in the background.

Everything had worked out just as he’d hoped. He now had the condo to himself, Doug’s cruel days were behind him, and Pete seemed to be having the time of his life, despite his seemingly constant embarrassment. Wrangling the buff blonde was a full-time job, and it was one that came with a unique set of hazards. Clothes could be pulled off at any moment, regardless of who was around, mixed company was always a risky bet since it was next to impossible to keep the blonde beauty clothed, and Pete never knew what would come out of his lover’s mouth, including loud, bellowing broadcasts of their intimate activities. Still, Doug’s uninhibited abandon was infectious, and Eric was happy to see more and more of Pete’s defined frame on display. Whether lounging by the pool, or when they all hung out together, the deceptively toned redhead was now frequently shirtless, or, if Doug had his way, clad in nothing but a speedo. Eric had always wished the other man could loosen up, and having his own blonde bimbo boy-toy apparently did the trick.

Likewise, Doug had never seemed happier. Living out his lustful fantasies suited the blonde well, and any guilt Eric had felt was quickly washed away by his friend’s eager, affectionate new attitude. The new Doug loved everyone, and everyone loved him. True, they talked to him like they were talking to a puppy, but that was fitting since that’s how the buff blonde acted most of the time. It also felt right considering how many years Doug had spent talking down to everyone else, but, ultimately, it had become a moot point in the best way possible.

Eric let out a contented sigh at the deep, guttural grunt that bled through the wall, the now-familiar signal that Doug had just erupted.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuuck,” the blonde moaned with a drunken laugh. “Dude… that was, like, so good. I just came so hard, bro! Look at my tits, dude! They’re dripping! Fuck…got in my mouth too…shit’s all over my face… damn… I taste good, bro. Not as good as you, but…” Doug paused his babbling, and Eric could hear a much softer whimpering. “Oh, dude! Are you about to cum too? You look like it, man. So fuckin’ hot. Can’t wait for that dick to fill me uuuhh…unnhh…there you go! Fuck yeah, bro! Spray that shit into me…feels like a big one, dude.” There was another pause, followed by a much louder, more intentional banging on the wall. “Eric! You over there, bud? Pete just put a killer load in me! It was fuckin’ huge! Shit’s leakin’ outta me like…” Doug’s voice dropped, his excited tone going confused. “What? Why are you mad?” It was great, dude! You should be…”

Eric laughed at the sound of Pete’s reprimands, grateful that it was no longer his job to chastise the golden-haired hunk, especially as the ginger’s stern tone turned back into sputtering whimpers.