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*** A WIP as I dip my toes back into the Slime-verse.  I really want to expand on this idea in the coming months. ***

Luke turned the corner and paused, his eyes immediately landing on Cody’s increasingly plump, exposed cheeks.  The ample globes tensed and flexed as his now-shorter friend stood on his tip-toes at the counter, straining to reach the mugs on the top shelf.  A month earlier, when the stocky brunette was still long and lean, he would have been able to pluck one without issue, but now his struggles caused the draping t-shirt to lift as he stretched his stubby arms overhead in vain.  Luke watched in silence for a moment, still struggling to process that the burly little meathead showing off his rocky calves and meaty thighs was someone who’d recently been the same 6’3” height as himself.  “Couldn’t you reach those yesterday,” he finally asked as he walked over to the counter.

Cody stopped his struggles and turned, grinning up at his towering, sandy-haired friend.  “Just barely,” he shrugged, his smile going sheepish.  “Looks like I dropped a little more after that session last night.”

Luke let out a short laugh and shook his head.  “Still weird to hear you say that so casually,” he said, reaching over to tousle Cody’s messy, chocolate bed-head.  “You want a specific one?”

“Nah, any’s fine,” the shorter stud said, updating his mental math as he looked around the room.  He hadn’t measured himself yet, but based on where the counters hit and what was now out of reach, he guessed he’d lost at least a few inches from the five feet he’d maintained for the past week.  He’d looked his friend square in the center of the chest the day before, but now Cody found his eyes landing just below the blonde’s bare, sculpted shelf.  “Guess we’ll finally need to order some step stools or something.”

“We can always rearrange some stuff, too.  Get you set up with one of the bottom cabinets so you don’t have to…” Luke trailed off when he heard the nonchalant way he described rearranging the kitchen so his shrinking friend could reach the necessities.  But he bit back on the dozens of questions he wanted to ask and all the things he felt like he should say.  He’d asked them and said them all before, many times, and it was too early to argue.

Cody rolled his eyes and sighed, his meaty pecs inflating as he folded his equally meaty arms underneath.  “Go on…let’s hear it.”

“Sorry…it’s a reflex.  We don't need to do all that,” Luke said, handing over a mug and giving Cody a view of his own perky bubble as he turned to the fridge.  The taller blonde was clad only in a pair of purple boxer-briefs, his well-muscled physique looking small compared to Cody’s beefy bulk.  Had they still been the same height his friend would have loomed like a massive wall of muscle, which added an extra layer of difficulty to Luke’s adjustment as he’d always been the bigger one of the two.  Cody had been into basketball while he’d been into lifting, but now, while the blonde was still taller, the burly little brunette looked like a powerlifter by comparison.  “I’m trying to be supportive, dude.  I really am.  It’s just…it’s still a lot, you know?  I’m glad you’re happy and I’m glad you’re doing that study, but it’s going to take me a minute to catch up.”

“You’re doing great so far,” Cody said, reaching over and giving Luke’s ass a squeeze.  He laughed when the blonde went crimson and slipped his hand low to tickle the underside of his friend’s hefty balls.

“Hey!” Luke yelped, pulling away on instinct even as his cock twitched.  It was the kind of horsing around they’d engaged in for years, but ever since the mock-intimacy had become real, things were more complicated.  He no longer knew how to act around his friend, or how to begin to process the simultaneous, confusing new emotions he felt in Cody’s presence.  On the one hand, he still viewed the chocolate-haired hunk as the man he’d known for years, the wingman bro he’d gotten into trouble with in high school and lived with in college.  But on the other hand, there was a new protective element along with the confusing desire.  It was a way he normally felt about girlfriends, and the blonde jock was having a hard time reconciling the fact that Cody was now on the receiving end of those feelings.

For his part, the beefy brunette shared none of his friend’s struggles.  Like most regular Slime users, Cody’s ability to feel things like anxiety or embarrassment had diminished along with his height.  “Really, bro?  I had ‘em in my mouth last night but I can’t give ‘em a little tickle this morning?”

Luke sighed, his full-body blushing taking on a deeper shade as his twitching cock officially swelled at the memory.  He knew there was nothing he could do to stop it at this point, that there was technically nothing to stop in the first place, so he tried to lean into it instead.  He wouldn’t have been awkward or embarrassed if he’d gotten hard in the kitchen with a girl the morning after a hookup, and he reminded himself there was no reason to now.  Being a pair of virile twenty-six-year olds it hadn’t exactly been an uncommon occurrence before Cody’s Slime use, and his friend was right; there was technically even less of a reason to be weird about it now.  “Wait a second…isn’t that my shirt,” Luke asked, changing the subject from his tenting underwear to the weathered tee draped over the compact meathead’s broad shoulders.

Cody looked down at the too-long top and nodded.  It was an old team shirt from when Luke had played rec-league softball a few summers before, having long since been relegated to workouts or lounging around the house.  The thin red cotton was stretched tight around Cody’s plump, jutting pecs and the sleeves clung to his brawny upper arms, but it hung loose around his thick muscle-gut and meaty lower half, occasionally outlining the brunette’s girthy, oversized equipment as the dangling club bounced against it.  “Yep.  It’s comfy as hell,” he said, grinning as he looked back up and locked eyes with his friend.  “And it makes me think of you whenever I wear it, so that’s a plus.”

“Oh my god,” Luke groaned, his head falling back on his shoulders to stare at the ceiling instead of his friend.  “I hate it when you do that,” he laughed, his stomach fluttering despite his protests.  Along with his friend’s lowered inhibitions, there’d been a corresponding dismantling of the other man’s emotional walls.  Cody had always been quick with a charming “love you, man” with his male friends, but now there was an earnest weight behind such proclamations.  People joked that Slime users were like that one friend who became overly affectionate whenever they got drunk, but, having experienced it firsthand for months now, Luke knew that description wasn’t entirely accurate.  True, Cody was emotionally expressive in a way he’d never been before, but there was nothing sloppy or desperate about the unrestrained offerings.  Quite the opposite, in fact, as the burly little brunette delivered them with such unflinching confidence and conviction that Luke was actually jealous.  Cody didn’t sound intoxicated; he sounded enlightened.

“I know…that’s why I do it,” the shorter man said, reaching out and resting his hands on Luke’s trim, tapering waist.  “One, so you’ll get used to it and maybe start to relax.  And, two, ‘cause you’re cute as hell when you blush.  When I think about how much time I wasted NOT appreciating how hot you are…”

“Wooooowww,” Luke laughed, wrapping his arms around the wide little meathead.  “You’re really going for it this morning.”

“This is the part where you’re supposed to tell me I’m hot too,” Cody said, resting his head against his friend’s torso.  He wasn’t simply egging the other man on; he really did regret all the years he’d spent not allowing himself to fully experience the blonde’s beauty.  It wasn’t that Luke was abnormally stunning.  Before his Slime use, Cody had been the one who’d possessed the sharp, striking features while his friend was handsome in a stereotypical, lantern-jawed-jock kind of way.  But as the brunette shrank and widened, as his delicate features had flattened and filled out, Luke’s boy-next-door looks were magnified by comparison.

“Oh is it?” the taller man asked.  “I thought you Slimers were above such mundane concerns?”

“We are.  It’s not about me,” Cody countered without missing a beat.  “This is so you can get used to expressing your desire for another man.”

Luke let out a loud laugh and bent down to kiss the top of his friend’s head, fighting the instinct to pull away when Cody abruptly tilted back so their lips met instead.  He didn’t actually want to stop.  He genuinely loved how it felt to have the solid little stud writhing in his arms while their tongues wrestled for dominance, he just didn’t know how to feel okay about that.  A part of him couldn’t stop thinking about Cody as the straight stud he’d been, the strapping, 6’3” jock who effortlessly tore up and down a basketball court.  Luke had loved that man with his whole heart, but he hadn’t been in love with him the way he was with the burly little beast he’d become.

As he’d watched the other man drop from 6’3” to 5’9”, then to 5’3”, then to an even 5’, his addled emotions hadn’t been able to keep up with his friend’s reduction.  He knew the attraction he felt was due to the Slime use, that Cody was the only man in his life who made his cock throb, but that only made things more difficult.  Luke wasn’t on some Coming Out journey where he was tearing down his own walls left and right; he was still a primarily straight jock who was suddenly in love with his best friend.

Nor did it help that he was watching said friend alter himself through a chemical addiction with a substance that no one really understood, with the very results of those transformations fueling the increasing desire he felt for the other man.  A part of him wanted to just give in and start using Slime along with Cody, his friend certainly made it seem appealing, but so far he’d held out.  Like many Slimers before him, the increasingly uninhibited little beefcake was making a killing by flaunting his changing body online, and though he appeared to be healthy, happy, and having a blast, Luke wasn’t sure whether or not he was ready to dive in.  From what Cody had told him, so far the study had found that the Slime seemed like it was somehow becoming more potent, especially for new users.  It used to take multiple doses for any significant changes to kick in, but now there were reports of people dropping inches, of their entire personalities shifting, after a single sliming.  Where Cody’s reduction had been slow and steady, Luke could suddenly lose six inches all at once, an outcome he didn’t relish regardless of how much fun his friend appeared to be having.  Just how long that resistance would last he wasn’t sure, but he’d told himself he wouldn’t consider it for real until the study his friend was helping with was finished.

Luke blushed again when they came up for air.  “You’re a really good kisser.”

“See?  Was that so hard,” Cody purred, emphasizing the last word by kneading the taller man’s aching cock through his underwear.  “Practice makes perfect, so keep going…what else do you like about me?”

Luke sighed as his friend’s hand slipped inside and wrapped around his leaking organ.  “I’m a simple man.  Your tits and ass are killer,” he grinned, giving Cody’s heaping pecs a squeeze.  “I like how they look when you wear my shirts, and I love they way they bounce when we…” he trailed off in a grunt as the other man’s pumping fist sent a well-timed throb through him.  “...and I love the faces you make.  You were always a good looking dude, but now?  That big-ass jaw and those puffy lips?  Fuuuuuck,” he groaned.  “It’s cute how your ears kind of stick out now, too.  And you’ve got that forehead slope like a proper meathead.”

“If I’m a ‘proper’ meathead, just think how you’d look,” Cody said, pausing his pumping to pull Luke’s boxer-briefs down.  “Since I was so lanky before there’s plenty of room for that bulk to spread when I shrink, but since you’re jacked to begin with you’d look like a real beast.  So would this guy,” he chuckled, giving the blonde’s thick six-inches a slow tug.

“I love that, too,” Luke continued, choosing not to take Cody’s bait.  “Your voice has gotten a little higher, and I love how it sounds when you laugh.  And when you talk.  And when you cum,” he winked.  “Basically all the time…even when you’re trying to embarrass the hell out of me or get me hooked on drugs.”  He grabbed Cody’s shirt and bunched it at his friend’s broad shoulders as he spoke, fighting the urge to simply tear it free.  With his own powerful arms it would have been easy, but he waited until Cody raised his stubby pistons overhead.  “No, no…leave ‘em up,” he said when the now-naked brunette started to lower them.  “I love looking at that body.  Fuck, man…I’m legit jealous.  I’ve spent so many years lifting and trying to get big, and now you just balloon like that?  You’re not wrong…a part of me is super curious to see how I’d end up, but…” Luke paused and scooped Cody off the ground, hefting him up onto the counter.  Though shortened, his friend was still heavy and dense, but the blonde’s ample muscle proved up to the challenge.  “...I also love being able to toss you around,” he continued before leaning in for another kiss.

“I love BEING tossed around, too,” Cody conceded when they reluctantly took a breather.  “That one was a surprise.”

“It’s been one surprise after the other, dude,” Luke said, wrapping a hand around the wide, eight-inch obelisk that loomed up comically large from between his friend’s wide thighs.  “Seriously never saw myself looking forward to this.”

Cody sighed when Luke leaned over and began lapping at his rigid club.  The bigger blonde struggled to fully swallow the imposing organ given its excessive girth, but after a few minutes his jaw loosened up enough to make it work.  “If it makes you feel better, I never…thought I’d…want you to so…bad…” Cody whimpered, his arms flexing as he leaned back and gave his dangling legs a few light kicks.  “Fuuuuuuuuck man…you’re so…so good at this.”

Luke’s expression was bashful when he lifted his head.  “Weird to hear, but I’ll take the compliment,” he said, rubbing the sides of his jaw.  “You definitely lost some inches ‘cause that guy’s definitely bigger.  You get much shorter and we’re going to have to figure something else out.”

“So what I’m hearing is that we better do this a bunch while we can,” Cody grinned.  “Works for me.”

Luke just rolled his eyes and went back to work, losing himself to the rhythmic bobbing.  He loved the sensation of his friend’s hulking cock filling his mouth.  The taste, the smell, the warmth of it; even the aching at his jaw was welcome.  Coupled with Cody’s increasingly squeaky whimpers, Luke was more turned on than he’d ever been with a woman.  He didn’t care that he had to reach things for his friend and rearrange their apartment.  He didn’t care that he was likely going to have to drive Cody around until the shrinking stopped and the altered man got hand controls for his car.  He didn’t care that his friend had taken to wearing nothing but one of his old t-shirts most of the time.  He loved it.  All of it.  He actually wanted to look after the squished, stocky stud, to do everything he could to protect him and keep him happy.  Luke had joked about abstaining from the Slime because he liked tossing Cody around, but there were also legitimate, practical concerns.  If he shrank too, who would take care of his friend?  Luke was well aware that the miniature meathead didn’t actually need anyone to do those things for him, that he was still perfectly capable of making whatever adjustments he needed to, but those protective impulses seemed to be growing in time with his affection.  Cody mentioned that the study had also found increasing impacts of Slime on the people close to a user, hence the cock currently hitting the back of Luke’s throat, but the burly blonde refused to believe that his feelings were anything other than entirely genuine.  He’d already loved his friend, and he was one of those guys who was always looking out for the people around him, so the progression made sense.  The only contagious element was Cody’s eager new attitude, not some brain-altering bacteria.

Luke was pulled from his thoughts by the other man’s sudden eruption.  He’d been so distracted that he hadn’t noticed Cody’s increasingly desperate whimpers in time, and now his friend’s potent pole was launching load after load down his throat.  Luke sputtered as he swallowed as much of it as he could, but that still left a sizable amount spilling down his chin.

“Whoa!  You okay, bud,” Cody asked, leaning forward and slapping his friend’s upper back as the bigger man coughed.

“Yeah…I’m fine,” Luke wheezed, wiping the copious aftermath from his jaw.  “Kinda spaced out there for a second…caught me off guard.”

Cody pulled the bigger man’s hand over and licked the back of it clean before tilting his head back for another kiss.  “You seemed like you were really into that one,” he said afterwards.

“Guess I just can’t help myself,” Luke purred, ruffling his friend’s hair and taking a step back.  “Should we bust out the measuring tape and see what the official damage is?”

Cody raised a dangling foot and traced it up along the blonde’s thigh, his toes stroking Luke’s still-aching cock.  “Do we need to do something about this first?”



Couldn’t be happier that you’re returning to the Slime-verse. This story is incredibly hot. Please continue with more about these guys and the other dudes who start using the slime!