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Kellan didn’t understand what he was doing wrong.  The spell should have been a simple one, nothing more than a minor cosmetic tweak for an impatient client who’d rather fork over a small fortune than wear invisalign for a year.  Dental work wasn’t cheap either, but compared to what Caster’s Inc. charged it might as well have been free.

Not that it was Kellan’s place to decide one way or the other.  All the frustrated caster had to do was pluck the cosmic strings and make the magic happen, something he’d been doing for years without issue.  He’d been born with an innate talent for seeing beyond the veil, a natural inclination for making the unnatural happen.  Initially, during his early youth, it simply seemed like luck, an uncanny ability to be in the right place at the right time.  But as he progressed through adolescence and into his early twenties, Kellan began to realize something bigger was at work.  Something he could harness.

Fortunately, he landed on Casters Inc. radar before that “something” turned into a disaster.  He’d heard the horror stories about people who’d either blossomed early like himself and gotten into trouble before fully understanding the consequences, or who’d suddenly stumbled onto their abilities, exploding out of nowhere with eldritch energy.  If they were lucky the collateral damage could be undone, or at least contained, and, if they weren’t, they usually found themselves shipped off to a new life by the folks at the top.  It sounded harsh, but, considering the raw power at play, Kellan understood that sometimes it took an iron first.

Which likely would have made some of the caster’s decisions a bit confusing to an outsider.  Perhaps unsurprisingly, as someone who’d grown up getting his way whenever he’d wanted, Kellan could be a bit spoiled.  Whether through magic or muscle, the blonde pretty-boy wasn’t used to hearing the word “no”.  If he couldn’t muster the willpower to alter reality in his favor, he always had his looks to fall back on.  He was tall and strapping, standing just over six feet with a lean, athletic build.  His hair was golden and wavy, his eyes bright, his cheeks sharp, and his jaw strong.  He had plump, pouty lips and a smile that could be disarming, alarming, or, as was often the case, both.  It perfectly matched his personality, sparkling on the surface but perhaps less so underneath, and while most people assumed that the blonde beefcake kept himself fit through magical means, Kellan preferred more traditional methods.  He wasn’t some burly meathead, nor did he want to be, preferring instead to maintain a toned, tapering frame that he honed with surgical precision.  It was simply another way for him to feel superior, the knowledge that he could have crafted a spell to perfect his physique, but that he really didn’t need to.  The fact that so many of his assignments revolved around that very subject only reinforced his arrogant attitude, and while Kellan was all smiles during his conversations with clients, the smug stud was drowning in self-centered superiority.

But it was easy money, especially the gigs he took off the books.  Though Casters Inc. paid him exceedingly well, Kellan didn’t see why he should limit himself only to what they sent his way when it was all so easy.  True, taking unapproved jobs was expressly forbidden and would immediately land him in hot water with the Council of Caster Affairs, but Kellan was too smart to get caught.  He was good at what he did, and he was good at covering his tracks, so the risks were minimal at best.  Wiping the memory of himself from his clients’ minds afterwards was standard practice, something Kellan saw more as a service than an invasion.  Since his unofficial clients were technically breaking the law as well, the less they knew, the better.  For both of them.

Shaking the etch-a-sketch afterwards also provided an extra layer of security for Kellan if something went wrong, which wasn’t an entirely uncommon occurrence for his side gigs.  Since he didn’t have to meet the same rigorous standards of a Casters Inc. job he could put forth less effort, which he saw as fair since his personal customers weren’t paying the same rigorous rate.  Kellan never botched a job on purpose, he had an ego to maintain after all, but if a body didn’t turn out exactly right, or if a few mental bolts were shaken loose for someone in the process, he didn’t lose much sleep over it.  He was good enough at what he did to make it a rare occurrence, and that was a standard he could live with.

So to find himself foiled by what should have been an effortless spell was a novel experience. Kellan had run through all the possibilities, from simple user error on his part to magical maelstroms making for choppy waters in the cosmic seas, but nothing explained the failure.  He’d followed the ritual to the letter, he’d scanned the client for any invisible obstructions to their aura, and the arcane forecast was as clear as could be.  It didn’t make sense.

“Alright, enough’s enough,” Kellan sighed, rolling his head on his shoulders.  He took a few deep breaths to center himself before unfolding from his kneeling position, emphasizing the lean muscles on his bare, tapering torso as he stretched his arms overhead.  Clad only in a pair of small, loose shorts, the handsome blonde looked more like he was heading to the gym than attempting to rewrite reality, but Kellan had always preferred to conduct his rituals in a casual manner.  Sometimes he went fully naked, he’d actually started out that way for the current, failed attempt, only putting the shorts on to rule out whether his distracting nudity was the culprit.  The hung hunk was feeling hornier than usual, though that alone shouldn’t have been enough to impede such a simple spell.

“What is with you today?  Can’t even get it up for a basic-ass makeover?  Are you new,” he grumbled to himself as he extinguished the candles and opened the curtains.  Far from a wizard’s study full of musty tomes, the bright afternoon sun streamed in through the clear glass walls, illuminating the clean lines and sharp edges of the sprawling home’s sleek, modern interior.  Kellan had set aside one of the rooms overlooking the lush, tropical yard and opulent patio, with its grotto-like pool, as his “home office,” the gray, monochromatic walls and largely empty space standing in for the traditional image of a cramped witch’s hut.

Kellan stretched again, shook his head, and gave his sharp cheeks a few light slaps as he strolled over to lecture his reflection in a nearby mirror.  “Seriously, man.  You should be embarrassed.  This is some rookie-level shit,” he spat, absently rubbing at one of his toned pecs while he inspected his reflection.  He pursed his lips as he stared, his tensed abs and arms a reflex that occurred whenever he saw himself.  “Okay…maybe not TOO embarrassed,” he chuckled, giving his arm a proper flex as he clutched his chest.  He raised the other one and folded it behind his head, accentuating the prominent “V” to his well-defined upper body.  “I mean, not much to be mad at here, is there,” he said as he turned and looked back over his shoulder at the reflection of his perky bubble.  Kellan flexed the round little cheeks, causing his tiny shorts to go tight as the deceptively muscled mounds inflated.  The sensation of the shifting teal fabric drew attention to another area of increasing confinement, and Kellan’s smile grew when he turned back around and saw the outline of his twitching cock bouncing against the front of the shorts.  He’d forgone his usual boxer briefs, and the thin material did little to obscure the impressive hose and hefty balls it contained.

Kellan gave his golden coif a rough tousle before unlacing his fingers from the wavy mane and letting them drift down along the line bisecting his torso.  Instead of immediately tugging them free when his hand reached the waist of his shorts, he pulled them to the base of his cock instead, admiring the way his obliques drew attention to the throbbing hose.  “Goddamn I look good today,” Kellan grunted as he began kneading himself through his shorts.  His wide log reached a respectable six-and-a-half inches, though the rigid organ looked larger against the blonde’s tight frame.  His eager eyes never leaving his writhing reflection, the self-aroused Adonis started stroking himself through his shorts in earnest, the remaining hand at his chest gliding up and down his tensed abs as he lightly rolled his hips.  It slipped around his trim waist after a few moments and into the shorts, his upper arm inflating when he gripped and kneaded the firm cheek inside.

“Fuuuuuuuuck,” Kellan groaned, his striking features taking on an almost drunken glaze in response to his pawing.  His bright eyes drooped and his smug grin was offset by a slightly slackened jaw, his low, smooth voice coming out in a drawl.  “So fuckin’ hot…tight little body like that…this big ‘ol cock…you wanna see it, bud,” he chuckled to his reflection, slowly tugging down the front of his shorts.  He wagged the leaking cock when it sprang free and gave it a few teasing strokes before letting the elastic waist snap back into place, leaving the top of the oozing organ exposed.  “Oops..guess it doesn’t fit anymore,” he laughed, sticking out his lower lip in an exaggerated pout.

While still overwhelmingly arousing, the sight of his ripped, writhing frame and almost desperate pawing was jarring enough to snap Kellan mostly back to his senses.  “Wait…what am I…I know what this is…” he sputtered, a shiver running through him as he finally registered the familiar, phantasmal touch of magic.  Kellan had enough experience to appreciate the subtlety involved, knowing that someone less skilled likely wouldn’t have felt anything until it was too late, though he wasn’t sure that threshold hadn’t come to pass already.  “No…NO!” he barked, taking a few staggering steps back from the mirror.  He tried to conjure a barrier, something that should have been as basic as the spell he’d attempted earlier, but, just as before, the magic wouldn’t muster.

“Awww, bud, don’t stop now!  Where you goin’?”

Kellan jumped at the unexpected voice, his attention snapping back to the mirror when his reflection spoke.  Though they still looked identical, his doppelganger no longer mimicked his movements, now possessing a will of its own.  “Cute trick,” Kellan said, trying to sound calm and confident despite his magical impotence and exposed arousal.  “You actually managed to catch me off guard…well done.  Do I get to know with whom I have the pleasure of speaking?”

The man in the mirror shrugged, causing Kellan’s heart to race when the motion elicited a similar response from himself.  “Duh, bro.  I’m you,” his reflection said.  Kellan tried to resist when his hand once again found its way to the front of his shorts and wrapped around his aching cock, but to no avail.  “I mean…I will be.  Or maybe you will be?  Fuck if I know,” the reflection laughed, creating a stereo effect when Kellan did the same.  “Not gonna lie, bud…I’m dumb as hell and this shit’s, like, way confusing.  I mean, fuck it, right?”

Kellan could feel his figurative grip on himself slipping as his literal one tightened.  He wanted to turn and flee but he was rooted in place, helpless to do anything other than stroke himself along with the man in the mirror.  He couldn’t even give voice to the frantic questions racing through his addled mind as he’d apparently become the reflection, now only able to speak the words of his twin.

“Good thing we got this body though,” the other version continued.  “Especially this fuckin’ meat rocket.  Gimme balls over brains, right bud?”

The stricken blonde wanted to gasp, or scream, or yell, but all he could do was stare and smile as his cock inflated.  The aching organ thickened in his hand, pushing his fingers apart while it stretched from six-and-a-half inches to a whopping nine.  And though they were still obscured by the shorts, Kellan’s stomach dropped when he saw the outline of his churning balls puff and press against the thin fabric.

“Fuck yeah, bro!  That’s the good stuff right there,” the man in the mirror grunted, pursing his lips as he pumped himself.  “No wonder we don’t cover this shit up.  Like, how could we?”

The floor felt like it gave way beneath his feet as Kellan watched his teal shorts shrink and shred until all that remained was a pointlessly small, similarly hued thong.  The waist was little more than a string, and the pitiful pouch appeared woefully unprepared for its task even if he hadn’t been at full mast.  Equally alarming was the way a golden tan draped itself over him from head to toe, but Kellan didn’t get a chance to ask before his grinning double confirmed his horrified suspicion.

“Clothes are for fuckin’ losers anyway,” his blonde brother shrugged.  “When you got a body like this, you don’t hide that shit.  Just look at our fuckin’ tits, bro!”

Kellan and his reflection both groaned when their toned pecs began to balloon.  The chiseled mounds inflated as if they’d been connected to an air pump, maintaining their firm, round shape as the impossible muscle formed out of nowhere.  The magical mass spread to his shoulders and upper arms, twisting the tapering torso whose perfect proportions he’d worked so hard to maintain and leaving it, at least to the blonde’s stunned eyes, a top-heavy travesty.

“And these cakes?  You’re really gonna try and stuff ‘em in some pants?  Forget it, dude,” the man in the mirror said, letting out another slow, satisfied grunt when his perky bubble doubled in size.

Unfortunately for Kellan the growth didn’t stop there, with the firm little cheeks quickly mirroring the wildly disproportionate mass at his chest.  And like his overly-prominent pecs, once his shelf-like rear had filled to capacity the excess meat spilled down his legs, causing his toned thighs to thicken and rub together.  The end result was a Kellan whose tight, trim frame had become brawny and curvy, straddling the line between pinch-waisted pretty-boy and overly-muscled meathead.  His colossal new cock still looked as large as ever, though its impact was now mitigated somewhat by the ample flesh surrounding it, as well as the equally oversized chest and rear that completed the misproportioned trinity.  Though his waist was still as tapering as it had been, looking all the more so given the masses of muscle it now rested between, the pitiful thong had been rendered completely pointless.  The thin string was still visible as it traced along the deep etches of his obliques, but it vanished completely between his plumped cheeks, and the pouch was entirely obscured by his hefty cock and heftier balls.

“Fuuuuuuck yeah, bro,” his mirror-self moaned, clapping the enlarged cheeks together.  “Gonna ride sooooo much dick with these.  Like, who even cares that the Console of…the Controller of…” Kellan’s reflection paused, his brow furrowing momentarily before he shrugged.  “Those uptight CCA dicks.  Who gives a shit that they caught us, right?  I’ll take some bangin’ tits and a fat ass over brains and magic any day, bud.”

Kellan shivered when he began kneading his inflated pecs and tweaking the sensitive nipples, uncertain whether it was the bright bolts of pleasure or the weight of what he’d just heard crashing down on him that made his knees go weak.  Until now he suspected that he’d been targeted by another caster, but the latest revelation made much more sense, and made things that much worse.  He clearly hadn’t been as careful as he’d thought, and now he was going to learn what happened to his unlucky peers.

Though, with each passing moment, he was having a harder and harder time viewing his altered future as such.  The horror he’d felt only moments before at becoming a blonde bimbo power-bottom was already fading.  Most of his worries were.  He could feel a large chunk of his brain’s overall processing power going with them, but, like his missing magic, he couldn’t quite muster any real dread over the loss.  When Kellan chuckled again, he couldn’t tell if it came from him or the grinning hunk in the mirror, or if there was even a difference anymore.

“See?  We get to just, like, hang out and feel good, bro.  It’s fuckin’ awesome!  They put us with a super chill dude, too.  Tony’s great!  Bro wanted a beefcake to play with and a killer place like ours.  And, like, normally that’s not cool ‘cause you can’t fuck with other people like that, but since WE fucked up they can, like, bend the rules or whatever.”

The mirror Kellan shrugged again and looked around, giving the dazed blonde a view of his altered surroundings.  The structure of the room itself hadn’t changed, nor had the tropical trappings outside the wall of windows, but instead of being an empty ritual space it was now filled with various weights, machines, and other workout accessories.  Kellan also saw multiple cameras stationed around the room but he didn’t stop to question them.  Of course they’d be there.  He still brought in the bulk of their money, only now he did so by using his curvy muscle instead of his former mystical might.

“Oh…oh wow.  They told me this might be jarring, but I never expected…” Kellan turned away from the mirror, blinking and shaking his head as if that would clear away the lingering fog.  A short, slightly doughy man stood in the doorway on the other side of the room, the soft features of his round face bright red as he gawked at the naked stud.  Normally, Kellan would have judged the stranger on the way his meaty midsection pressed against his t-shirt, and for the lack of definition on his arms.  He would have thought of him as nothing more than average at best, if he thought of him at all.  But now the sight of the stocky brunette made him quiver.  The man wasn’t average.  He wasn’t pudgy or dumpy or any of the things Kellan normally would have thought.  He was perfect.

“Oh!  Hey!  What’s up, bud?  I’m Kellan,” the blonde said, his tone brimming with cheer as he lumbered over and swallowed the surprised stranger in his massive arms.  His leaking girder wedged between them, but the idea that he should have been embarrassed at being caught naked and hard by someone he didn’t know, and that he shouldn’t be grinding his club of a cock against them, never even entered his mind.

“To…Tony,” the man sputtered, his arms frozen at his sides.  “Are you…I mean…you’re really…real?  You’re really…uh…okay with all this?”

“Duh, bro,” Kellan cheered again, his hands slipping beneath Tony’s shirt to squeeze his new friend’s soft sides.  He still had the wherewithal to recognize that the CCA had likely spun the story of his circumstances to the lucky customer, not that it mattered to him anymore.  “They told you I’m dumb as hell, right?  I need a dude to, like, take care of me and shit.  I’m not so good up here, you know?”  Kellan rolled his eyes to motion towards his head, not wanting to let go of the smaller man’s midsection.  “But I’m real good at other stuff!  And, like, it’s all yours, bud,” he said, once again grinding his cock against the brunette’s stomach.  When the other man still hesitated, he reached down and took one of Tony’s hands, wrapping it around his cock.  “See?  Feels good, right,” he asked, flashing the dull grin that was quickly becoming his default expression.  “Go on, dude.  Pump it for me.”

What little bits remained of the former Kellan were further mortified by the exaggerated grunting and groaning that seemed to pour out of his mouth as the stranger, his new keeper, began stroking in earnest.  It wasn’t long before the moans turned to whimpers, and an even shorter span elapsed before the blonde’s inflated cock produced an equally inflated eruption.  Kellan came like a fountain, surprising them both as load after load spurted towards the ceiling.

“Duuuuuuuuude,” the former caster sighed, a dazed expression on his face.  “That was, like, so good, bud!  You’re so good at that!  Fuck!  I can’t wait to do it to you,” he grinned, his eyes zeroing in on the outline of the man’s smaller, rigid cock in his pants.

“Thanks, I think,” Tony said, his face crimson.  It was clear that he was nearly as overwhelmed as the addled blonde.  “But, uh, shouldn’t we figure out how all this is going to work,” he asked, motioning to the house around them.  “They didn’t really give me many details, they just said it would all fall into…”

“Bro, we just saw how it works,” Kellan interrupted, laughing too hard at his own joke.  “You tug it til it squirts.  Now I’m gonna tear you outta those clothes and tug on yours til it squirts, and then we’re gonna do it again.  What’s there to figure out anyway?  You got the house and me and these, he said, turning and grinding his oversized cheeks against the front of Tony’s pants.  “Who cares about all that other stuff?”



Absolutely fantastic story. I lived this transformation. Especially the slow, gradual changes. The mental shift was so hot.


Thanks! Glad you liked it! The mirror mechanic is always a fun one to use. Felt like a good fit for this scenario.