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The morning sun cast a serene glow on the landscape, bathing the snow in a glittering radiance that seemed to spread out before them like a whimsical path of light. Yuka, her green eyes wide with wonder, couldn't help but take in a deep breath as she looked out over the vast expanse of cold white before her. The eerie beauty of the frozen river sent a shiver down her spine, more from awe than from the biting cold. Mabyaku had been pulling the sled that carried the unconscious Rōshi, Theng, and Dīl, his muscular frame straining against the weight.

As if sensing her sentiment, Mabyaku paused in his labor, his multihued hair shimmering in the sunlight. Silently, he took a step onto the ice with the sled pulled behind, beckoning Yuka to follow him. His stoic face betrayed no fear, only a quiet determination that seemed to emanate from him like an invisible shield. Yuka hesitated for a moment, reluctant to venture onto the precarious surface, but she trusted Mabyaku's judgment and steeled herself.

"Are you certain this is safe?" Yuka asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Nothing in life is certain," Mabyaku replied, his voice formal and measured. "But we must press on."

Yuka nodded and stepped onto the ice, treading carefully until she at last reached his side. Her heart pounded in her chest, a mixture of fear and excitement coursing through her veins.

"Stay close to me," Mabyaku instructed, his eyes never leaving the path ahead of them. "And tread lightly."

Yuka swallowed hard, feeling the weight of responsibility for her friends' lives resting on her shoulders. She glanced back at the sled, where Theng's blonde hair spilled over the edge, his usually serious expression softened in slumber. Even in this dire situation, she marveled at how he could look so peaceful.

"Theng's fate is in our hands," Yuka thought, her resolve strengthening. "We cannot fail."

"Yuka," Mabyaku said softly, his voice snapping her back to the present. "Focus on your steps and trust your instincts."

"Thank you, Mabyaku," she murmured, her gaze locking onto the icy path before them. "I'll do my best."

The frigid air bit at Yuka's cheeks, making her wince as they ventured further onto the ice. The eerie silence was almost suffocating; their breaths and footsteps the only sounds accompanying them. Mabyaku's hand tightened around the sled's rope, his eyes scanning the icy terrain with a steely determination.

"Yuka," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "Step where I step, and do not stray from the path."

"Alright," she replied, her own voice trembling slightly with anxiety. She focused intently on Mabyaku's movements, her green eyes wide and alert.

As they progressed, the ice creaked ominously beneath them, sending shivers down Yuka's spine. Mabyaku paused every so often, tapping the ice with his mittened fingers. He seemed to be searching for something, a sign perhaps, but Yuka couldn't be sure. Each time they stopped, her heart leapt into her throat, fearing that the ice might give way beneath them.

"Is everything alright?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

"Stay vigilant," Mabyaku warned, his eyes never leaving the ice before them. "We are treading on dangerous ground."

With each step, Yuka felt a growing sense of dread, like an invisible weight pressing down upon her shoulders. She fought to maintain her composure, reminding herself of Rōshi and the others who depended on her. They needed help, and she would not let them down.

"Please," she silently begged the spirits around them, "protect us."

Suddenly, Rōshi coughed weakly from the sled, causing Yuka's heart to skip a beat. She glanced over at him, relieved that he had remained quiet up until now. However, her relief was short-lived, as the ice beneath them began to crack.

"Yuka, stay close!" Mabyaku shouted, his eyes wide with alarm. The cracks spread rapidly, and a deep rumble echoed across the river as a fissure yawned open at their feet. Thin sheets of broken ice filled the air, sending chills down Yuka's spine.

"We have to move now!" she exclaimed, clinging desperately to the sled as she urged Mabyaku forward. He nodded grimly, his muscles tensing as he pushed against the draft of cold air that seemed determined to keep them on this side of the river forever.

Mabyaku's muscles tensed, and with a grunt, he sprang forward, making a dash across the ice. The sled groaned as he pulled it behind him, its runners slicing through the fragile surface like knives. Yuka clenched her jaw and followed closely, stumbling from time to time but refusing to let go of the sled.

"Yuka, watch your step!" Mabyaku called out, his voice strained and urgent.

"I'm trying," she gasped, her breath forming clouds of mist in the frigid air.

As they pressed on, the ice continued to break beneath them, sending sharp shards of frozen water flying in all directions. Yuka could feel a panic rising within her, knowing how close they were to falling into the icy chasm below. The cold seeped through her clothes and into her bones, making it harder and harder for her to move.

"Keep going, Yuka," she whispered to herself. "Just a little further."

But suddenly, her foot caught on a wet patch of ice and sent her sprawling onto the ground. Her heart raced as she frantically tried to get up, but it was too late. The ice buckled beneath her, and with a cry of terror, she toppled into the freezing water below, sinking with the sled in tow.

"Yuka!" Mabyaku's voice echoed above her as everything around her grew silent, as if time had suddenly stopped. Shock flooded through her veins like a river of ice, her thoughts scattering in every direction.

"Stay calm... stay calm," she repeated in her head, her lungs burning with the need for air. She struggled to keep her head above the surface, her arms flailing wildly in a desperate attempt to stay afloat.

"Help me!" Yuka choked out between gasps, barely able to form the words as her fingers clutched onto the edge of the broken ice.

Mabyaku's face appeared above her, his eyes filled with terror and determination. "Hold on, Yuka!" he shouted, extending one arm towards her.

"Please... hurry," she whimpered, her vision beginning to blur as the frigid water threatened to consume her.

"Yuka, don't let go! I'm here for you!" Mabyaku's voice shook with emotion as he strained to pull her from the icy depths.

Yuka's body felt heavy, as if she were being weighed down by the icy water that surrounded her. Her lungs screamed for air, and in one desperate gasp, she broke the surface of the water, gulping in the freezing air.

She looked around, her eyes adjusting to the bright world above the water. Mabyaku's strong arms clasped her tightly, his breathing labored but steady as he dragged her towards the shore.

"Rōshi!?" Yuka coughed out between gasps, finally feeling solid ground beneath her as they reached the riverbank.

"Y-Yuka…" Rōshi's voice was weak, but it filled her with a sense of relief. He wheezed, shivering violently from the cold. His previously pale skin had turned an alarming shade of blue.

"Where are Theng and Dīl?" Yuka asked, scanning the area frantically. Before Mabyaku could respond, he leaped back into the water, diving down with unmatched grace and strength. Yuka held her breath, her chest tightening with worry.

Moments later, Mabyaku emerged, his multihued hair dripping wet as he dragged Theng's unconscious body to the shore. He laid him gently on the ground, then plunged back into the freezing depths without hesitation.

"Please… please let them be alright," Yuka prayed silently, her heart pounding like a drum in her ears. The world seemed to stand still as Yuka stared at the swirling waters, her breath coming in sharp, ragged gasps. Her heart felt like a heavy stone in her chest, each beat echoing in her ears as she watched, waiting for any sign of Mabyaku and Dīl. The river's surface was an ever-shifting tapestry of ice and water, both mesmerizing and terrifying.

As if on cue, Mabyaku burst from the water once more, pulling a limp Dīl along with him. Yuka exhaled sharply, tears welling in her eyes as she watched the elf lord lay her friend beside Theng.

"Is he…" Yuka began, unable to finish her question. She looked at Mabyaku, her green eyes filled with a mixture of relief and dread.

"Alive," Mabyaku confirmed, his face a mask of exhaustion but determination.

Yuka's breath came in ragged gasps, the cold air stinging her lungs as panic slowly retreated from her heart. She took a moment to gather her thoughts, only to have them scattered by the biting wind that tormented her freezing skin. Mabyaku, who had miraculously saved Dīl, was now on his feet once more, urgency etched into every line of his normally stoic face.

"Quickly!" he shouted, his deep voice cutting through the swirling snow. "We must find cover!" With Theng's body draped across his broad shoulders, he reached down and grabbed Dīl's wrist, dragging him along the riverbank's rough terrain as if he weighed no more than a ragdoll.

"Wait!" Yuka called out, sinking to her knees beside Rōshi, who lay shivering violently and coughing up water. His eyes fluttered open like the wings of a butterfly, fixing on her with an intensity that made her feel small and vulnerable beneath their gaze.

"Yuka," he whispered, his voice barely audible above the howling wind. "I'm so...cold."

"I'm here, Rōshi," she replied, her voice shaking as much from emotion as from the freezing temperatures. "I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." Her determination flared like a beacon in the dark, driving her to her feet despite the pain and exhaustion that threatened to overwhelm her.

"Yuka," Rōshi breathed again, his teeth chattering against each other like a broken music box.

"Save your strength," she urged him, her voice bolder now as she pushed away the fear that still clung to its edges. "We're going to move now, alright? Just hold on."

As they stumbled forward, Yuka couldn't help but think of the warmth they'd left behind in their village, the soft glow of the fire that had once seemed so mundane. Now, it was a distant memory, a luxury they could only dream of as they fought against the relentless embrace of the cold.

"Almost there, Rōshi," she whispered, her breath forming small clouds of frost in the air. "Just a little further." Yuka's breaths came out in ragged gasps as she hoisted Rōshi onto her shoulder, his cold, wet clothes sticking to her skin. With each step, the snow seemed to swallow her feet whole, making it difficult to move forward. The ghostly echo of Mabyaku's footsteps in front of them were the only sign that they were on the right path.

"Come on, you have to help me!" Yuka cried out, her voice wavering with desperation. The weight of Rōshi was almost unbearable, threatening to bring her to her knees once more.

"I can't do this alone! You have to help me!" Her plea was fierce, her green eyes blazing with determination.

Rōshi mustered what little strength he had left and began to drag his weakened limbs across the frozen ground. Together, they stumbled forward, leaning against each other for support. Yuka could feel her arm muscles tighten with strain as she half-carried her brother.

"We can't give up now! We're almost there!" Yuka urged him, her voice cracking under the pressure. The icy wind howled around them like a malevolent spirit, intent on snuffing out their very lives.

Rōshi tried to take another step but his legs gave out, sending them both crashing to the ground. Yuka gritted her teeth against the pain and grasped Rōshi's quivering arm, pulling him back up. "We can't stop, not yet," she whispered, forcing herself to believe her own words.

Their progress was slow, hindered by numbness and fatigue. Yuka felt as if she were dragging her own body through the snow, every inch an agonizing battle against the merciless cold. She could no longer feel her hands, now like blocks of ice clinging to Rōshi's arm. Cold seemed to fade away and she finally started to feel warm. Her heart pounded wildly, threatening to explode within her chest. She trembled uncontrollably, her mind consumed by dread as she lay helpless in the snow.

"Is this it?" she wondered, despair creeping into her thoughts like a dark fog. "Is this how it all ends?"

"Yuka!" Mabyaku's voice cut through her terror like a lifeline. He knelt beside her, his strong hands rubbing warmth into her arms and legs. Yuka looked up at him through tear-filled eyes, grateful to see his face once more.

"Ma-," she choked out, her voice barely a whisper.

"Stay with me," Mabyaku urged, his usually stoic expression softened with concern. He gathered her up in his arms, carrying her through the biting wind toward the safety of a nearby cave.

As they entered the shadowy refuge, Yuka noticed Theng and Dīl sprawled on the ground, their chests rising and falling with labored breaths. Rōshi sat slumped against the wall, his eyes closed in exhaustion.

Mabyaku laid Yuka gently beside them, his eyes scanning the cave for any means to start a fire. He found a few scattered branches and quickly set to work, sparks flying as he struck stone against stone.

"Please let it work," Yuka prayed silently, watching with baited breath as small flames began to lick at the dry wood. The fire grew steadily, casting a warm glow across their frozen faces. Yuka's eyelids felt heavy, her body desperate for rest. As sleep claimed her, she sent a final thought of gratitude.

"Thank you," she whispered into the darkness.


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