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I was hoping to post this a couple of weeks ago, but I ended up sick and unable to work on the game for a couple of weeks instead... I'm back now, and so here's a teaser that shows off how one of the minigames works in the Mastodon link just above.

It's kind of a bullet-hell with a sex-game twist, and in order to keep it from being a "lose to win"-type situation you have those white ghost balls that help you win in an alternative way... with their tongues. The plan is to have the black balls do something to you while you're on the ladder as well, and to stop the ladder so it's not a hard loss but rather just a slight inconvenience, or a fun break, depending on your view. Currently the black balls have a separate (and fully finished) animation that doesn't depend on the ladder, and I'll keep it, but a ladder animation sounds more fun for the minigame so I'm adding one extra animation to do, but I'm trying to restrict myself here so we can get to the release sooner...

More generally in terms of the progress on the game:

- I've settled on a name for the game, but I'll announce it once we're close to demo release :)
- I've added some more environment art to the dark forest region. It's a dark area so every excuse I can get to add some glowing plants and trees to light the path is good...
- I've added music to the game and a system that changes songs depending on where you are
- I'm still working on optimisations. Memory usage is now way more on-demand and things get loaded and unloaded to make sure the game mostly uses what it needs in terms of memory

That's it for this one!



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