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I've just posted a new animation – this is one of the toys you get to use in the game! I'll be posting this to Twitter and Reddit in a day or two if you prefer it there, too.

I also have some more animations in the pipeline – three are basically done (four including this one) and at least one of them will be posted publicly soon, several more that are work-in-progress, and like 3-4 more planned after that, all for the demo release. In total, there are 14 "monsters" for the demo build, some with alt animations, some with group animations, so the animation count for them exceeds 14, and there are also a few friendly-NPC animations.

As for the game overall, I'm finishing up the animations and art for the initial demo release, which is probably the largest chunk of the work, but there's also programming the game logic and ensuring it's performant. I've been working on a few minigames, but I don't want to reveal too much about them yet, you should see them as we get closer to the demo release :)


Pixel Puddle (@PuddlePixel@mastodon.art)

Attached: 1 video · Content warning: sexually explicit fantasy animation


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