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Somehow I managed to finish this. x-x I defently have choosen the wrong kind of background, fashon stores are horrible to draw...took me 3 tries to fine one I'm ok with. 'XD But I kinda really like the size she has here. c:

But I hope you guys klike it! >.<

It's makes me sad that people delete their pledges when I don't can upload on time. ;x; ...

Thank you so much for supporting me, you guys are amazing! <3




You DO take a while to upload and I've considered pulling my pledge, but your content is worth the wait in my opinion. Especially since I'm only giving you $1 a month.


It's written down that I only upload one picture per month, my job is taking to much time that's the problem. But I inform you guys if it is getting later than the 1th of the month and try to upload patreopn exclusiv sketches like he last one, so what am I doing wrong? :(


Love how the shopkeeper is trying so politely to encourage Alicia to a larger section. And I don't mind in the least how long it takes you to post. That's sort of the point of Patreon: to support artists you enjoy so they can continue making art.


I agree with Hdalby33; if folks don't want to pay you one measly dollar a month for your art, that's their problem for being cheapskates. If they feel they aren't getting their money's worth quick enough, they can commission you properly. I support you and wait patiently because, the way I see it, the better off you are in your day to day life then you'll be able to make your art more often and with all your spirit.


You did a fantastic job on the background, so those three tries were definitely worth the effort. Props to you for challenging yourself as an artist by doing something you have trouble with. Also, lovely work on the shopkeeper's hooves, clearly you did your homework on how to draw leg anatomy. And just like Hdalby said, love her sheepish attempt to steer Ali to the plus size sections. And Ali sure is coming along fantastically, and I can't wait to see how big she's gonna be come April. Congrats on pushing thru and making your deadline.~


This &lt;3


Don't worry, I'd never delete my pledge, it's not much but something's better than nothing ^^


I agree with the others-your work is worth the wait, and those that can't wait for it are just impatient and need to learn how to wait. Good art takes time, and even more so if the artist has a job/school/etc. to tend to in addition! Not to mention Patreon is, as Hdalby33 said, a place to support artists :3