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I finaly managed to upload the next part on the 1th of the month. >.<'

I hope ya like this one too. <3 Big booties~

Just a little question...is it really a thing that a few people here jump of shortly before the pledges get send (and may come back later the month)? It seems a bit like this :( ...

I hope it's not like this and I just wrong. :(

I hope you have a great day! c:




I hope that's not the case. Its a shame that it could be happening like that though.

Jesse Bigger

That seems to be a common thing on Patreon. Though I believe that if they choose to come back later in the same month they have to do an initial pledge before they can see anything.


I understamd why that would be a problem, but don't worry! You still have lots of loyal patrons and none of us are going to leave anytime soon! ^^ Love how this series is going so far!


Another explanation for you seeing fewer funds than you were expecting is a few folks being party-poopers and canceling their support cause they feel they aren't getting their money's worth.


Rest assured I will never do that, you can count on me for 40 USD every month.~ And when you're more used to using it and feel up to offering special things like requests or free commissions, I'd be willing to pay a bit more the chance to get them. :D


Now to talk about the picture: Interesting choice you made in not only changing the view to the back of your girls, but also in shrinking Ali's top so it comes up to her bust, rather than leaving it fitting but just barely hanging on by one button like in the orginal. No complaints though, love the view of their 'badonks' and Alicia's backrolls.~


Let's hope most people wouldn't be so petty as to do something that underhanded. As for the pic itself, looks awesome! Great rear view. I love how long Amy's tail is, and the fact that she appears to be putting on some weight as well. Meanwhile Alicia's ballooning right up. It's almost like this series is taking place in real time with us seeing her overall progression for each month.


She's gaining weight pretty fast.


I mean the pledge is only a $1. A MEASLEY DOLLAR. Think it would be more annoying to cancel the pledge and pledge again in a month lmao. Love your work &lt;3


By the way you spelled "finally" wrong. Although I think a more natural sounding sentence would just be: "Can we start now?"


This looks Amazing Alice! ^w^