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I wanted to ask you what you are interested in seeing drawn by me. Extension of my usual stuff and themes, topics, etc I usually don't draw (I hope this makes sense).
I noticed I am playing VERY safe when it comes to what I draw. I am afraid people stop liking my art and I worked so hard for what I have accomplished here. I am not sure if my drawings are relevant if I draw something else than usual every now and then. But limiting myself as an artist does not seem like a good thing at all, risking running out of ideas.

so Please let me know what you are interested in seeing drawn by me. 



I love seeing more of your anthro characters especially Amy. Tho maybe could experiment with some of your OCs.


Being honest, everything you make is a treat to see. It's a blast to see your OCs, old and new. It's a blast to see you draw fanart. Just draw whatever your pen guides for the day. Even if you don't think it came out well, it'll still be awesome to see.


Alicia. I fell in love with your art. There’s no way that I or anyone would ever stop loving your art. So we’re here for you^^


I love seeing ferals with varying body shapes. Digimon too. There's several feral digimon that I never see anyone draw, like Labramon.


I will continue to follow you no matter what you draw. Yeah, I like the chonky stuff, but your art style is so good anything you draw would look good. I would love to see more of your characters and maybe even a few characters that are not drawn very often. Drakin mentioned a web comic, and I agree. More so regarding the pink succubus poodle Fa'Lina.


I'd be happy to see you branch out to other interests. I'm not going to stop supporting you because you change up your art. I would be interested to see what you ended up doing. :)


I support whatever you want to do with your art hun :)


I would say to go there according to your desire, if you want to draw something related to your characters, to fan art, to stuff related to fat, muscle or normal. You must absolutely not go only to the desires of your supporters and from time to time, go to your desires. Especially that showing your other talents and aptitude in the art could open the door to fields of possibility for those who support you. Having fun experimented, had fun, avoided killing your creativity. ^^


I love your take on fat ferals, but as most people have said, I love everything : its not only the subjects that matters, its also the artstyle, and yours is so soft, so unique and recognisable that you could draw pretty much anything and we would still be able to recognise it from far away :)


Go for it I am sure whatever you draw will turn out excellent!


I love your art and seriously consider your style iconic, so definitely keep drawing what you love ❤️ If there was one thing I'd wanna see more of it would be some more adult pieces, like those ones Diego with a huge manhood are still some of my favorite and I'd be excited to see what you would try with more of that kinda stuff


You definetly have an iconic style for large characters and wonderful soft shading to draw out that size. But your slice of life work is great too. Little breaks to show characters interacting is fun. Maybe break up the fanart and heavy WG works with family scenes, or your characters going to a movie or a drive, sleepovers etc. They're not just handsome furries but people too. Might be neat to see what their hobbies are, do they babysit cubs, have an interesting job, or pets? Maybe some other friends who aren't so big to really showoff their size difference when hanging out. You're amazing tho, and I love keeping up with anything you create ❤️