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I am sorry that I have to say this and have to be very clear... 

I have seen several Patreon EXCLUSIVE illustrations reposted in telegram groups, Discord and on Facebook.
Please don't do this!

Like the Clawhouser picture that got reposted in a group on Facebook.


The illustrations here are Patreon EXCLUSIVE!

Only the sketches are allowed to be reposted by those who requested them.

If I catch People reposting the exclusive content I will block them.

Doing stuff like this is very disrespectful to artists!


Cody Dailey

I honestly don't really understand why people do repost exclusive art, I personally think I'm part of the cool club for seeing exclusive art.

Maximus Coyotox

Folks only care about themselves. Then project when you call them out. Yeah man, the artist is the selfish one for asking that you don’t repost their arts.


I see it coming, I will end up with accounts on every website to be able to report reposted art x-x

Maximus Coyotox

you'll end up with 700 accounts all with the default profile pic for the sole purpose of reporting stolen arts at this point X(


Yeah :/ but I hope those people will start to respect artists or they risk being blocked.


I’m sorry this is happening to you. That really sucks.

Carbyne Canyne

That sucks to hear happen to you


Geez, the nerve of some people to not respect something like that! It may be one thing to download a Patreon exclusive drawing, that's fine, but it's another entirely to repost it without the artists approval.


Yeah, people are welcome to download the stuff here but reposting is a whole different story :/


Double checking that we are free to share any commissions we have gotten from you in the past. I just like to be extra sure.


Reposting Patreon art gets a yikes from me.


Yes, commissions are free to share! c: But the illustrations I am talking about here are not commissions. I am talking about the colored stuff I upload here. Like for example the Clawhauser and Loona picture. c:


Very good. Thank you so much! I hope whoever is uploading these pictures stops this now. It's so offensive to your hard work.