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I hope he decides to swim into more shallow water cx

Yes I know I would have had to upload this 2 days ago but it's so much going on right now x-x I sam sorry ><


Now I will have to wrap up my computer and tablet and hope it will arrive safely at my new apartment ><

I and my cats will take the train to my new place tomorrow and my stuff will arrive on Monday. 



Maximus Coyotox

Tubby otters are so cute! Hope he makes it to shore! ^^ And don’t stress yourself out about it. You’re moving so things are going to be a bit hectic and you can’t make art in the meantime. But that’s okay! Each pic is worth the wait and I hope everything goes smoothly. Hope your computer makes it in one piece tho lol


Best of luck with the move! I hope it all goes smoothly for you!


Hopefully he can swim fast enough. Not sure if those curves would make it easier or harder for him to glide underwater. x3 Also, no worries! There are no time limits on these. x3 Hope you get settled in soon~


If he survives this, I think it will act as his wake-up call. 😝


Looks great!


And don't beat yourself up over deadlines. You're doing great. :)