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I will open Commission slots on: Friday the 23th 03:00pm Central European Summer Time (MESZ/CEST/CEDT) 

First will be the "first come first served"-slots to claim.  

Those who didn't get one of them will have the chance to send me the idea and I will choose some of them like last time. cx

But only send the idea when I have replied to your note!  c:

If you have a questions please ask ♥


Ginnung Fox

How long does the idea sending time last? As I have no chanse to even hope to compete the First come slots.


I would say try for the “first come” slots c: but 3 days are time for sending the idea. You only have to send a short and rough description of it c:

Ginnung Fox

Unfortunatly I cannot try the ''first come'' as I am at work then. Do I send the note on here or in FA?