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Hey guys ♥

Yeah I know I still have 7 people on the current list but this will change when I have summer holidays. >.<'

First of all, I think I will have to raise my prices noticeably x-x'
You maybe don't know it but I will move to the other end of the country (much closer to my parents) in September and my cost of living will be much higher also it will be my last semester and I will have to create a whole book on my own.
It will be something like a lexicon of fantasy creatures from A-Z (one creature for every letter). I will make a post about this later!
Creating this will take a lot of time and I don't want to overwork. :x
Commissions (and Patreon of course) are my job currently. So I hope you guys will be ok with this. ;-;

I also want to change how my commissions work. I really enjoyed the ideas you guys came up with last time. So I would like to keep choosing which ideas I will draw. BUT I want also to have 5 slots which are like in the past which is "first come first served".
I will keep announcing when I will open commissions here so you guys have a high chance to get those 5 slots. c:
The rest will be chosen. I probably have to do this on 2 different days or time-shifted so there will be no confusion.  

Please share your thoughts!



All of that sounds perfectly fair. Good luck with the move. :)


I understand. You raise your prices because the cost of living has gone up. You have to have money to survive this world. X'D I'll be curious to see this lexicon of fantasy creatures from A-Z, when it's finished, if you ever show it to your audience. Take the time it takes to complete your project and go at your own pace for your work. OH ! So a mix of the two. First come, first served and choose the ideas you like. I like that, if that's okay with you.

BigLoveAlicia (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-11 02:25:30 The thing is I can't take my time for this project, I have 6 months time to finish it and everything around it x.x' It's my final exam If enough people are interested in it I will show it c: if I am lucky maybe a book publisher will have interest in it &gt;&lt;'
2021-06-06 22:45:26 The thing is I can't take my time for this project, I have 6 months time to finish it and everything around it x.x' It's my final exam If enough people are interested in it I will show it c: if I am lucky maybe a book publisher will have interest in it ><'

The thing is I can't take my time for this project, I have 6 months time to finish it and everything around it x.x' It's my final exam If enough people are interested in it I will show it c: if I am lucky maybe a book publisher will have interest in it ><'


I meant, take your time on commissions, not your studies. X'D I will hope this is popular enough that you can show it to us. ^^


oh XD Yeah I am going to ask here what fantasy creature you guys like and I can choose from those too cx


Oh ! I will be curious to see these choices of fantastic creatures suggested by others. me, I'm too into scary creatures. xD