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I will try to upload a sketch tomorrow but I got my first vaccination today and I am very tired. ;-;
I hope tomorrow I will have more energy again ><' 


Maximus Coyotox

Good luck! Yeah hope the vaccine doesn’t beat you up too badly! (I get mine this coming Saturday)


Take care if your self and take the time off for your self hun, really, you've move then enough earned it.


Take your time, the vaccine could hit hard - at least it hit hard on me. Taking a day or two off might be better than force work. ^^


Hope things get better for you soon! I get my 2nd vaccine dose this Saturday (the Pfizer) and am hoping things go well, but I've heard it can hit hard especially after the second dose. Don't push too hard-take some time for yourself, and we'll be here when you're ready!


It's ok take your time


Take all the time you need, don't over work/strain yourself


I pay to see perfection. You cannot make the best pieces if your force it. I'd much rather let you take your time and take care of yourself first. I don't pay much anyway. :/


Please take your time, your health and well-being is the most important thing after all; wishing you the best.


I was vaccinated last Thursday and I too was tired for two days, with my left arm hurting. I would say don't stress yourself out too much and give yourself time to rest. Its going well. ^^