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I am thinking about creating a Discord since Telegram clearly isn't working for me. :x
I will let you know when I have decided on that. c:



Discord would be much better with communication and interactions with others


I don't know if it is a good idea to have a discord, compare to telegram? I mean if you create a discord server you are surely going to have to manage the users that are on your server which can take time out of your art and free time. But if you really want to do that and open up to the public, compare to telegram, go for it. I gave my opinion, seeing that you are going through stress because of your studies. Also, dont know if you just want only a created a discord account or with a server. ^^ "


I think it is impossible to manage the users like this... it's only possible with Tier 3 or maybe tier 2 ;-; The thing is it's also not possible on telegram tbh


I see. You would only want to be limited with people who are at tier 2 and 3. I admit that it can be easier to manage.