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Wednesday 1pm (Central European Time) till Fryday 1pm (Central European Time)


On my FA BigLoveAlicia ( furaffinity.net/user/biglovealicia )
This time it's different:

Ages ago I made a post and asked for your opinion about it but since it's such a long time ago I will explain it again so you are prepared. :)

This time I want to try a different way to get a slot. This time the people who are having ideas that are different than usual, since I often draw similar scenarios, have the biggest chance to get a slot. This means people who are working at this time etc. also have a chance to get one. c:

So since it's not "first comes first served" this time I want to give you other advantages as a thank you for your big support. ♥ 

So I will tell you how to have a bigger chance to get a slot and more time to think about something.

How to have a bigger chance:

Different species than usual 

Species which I rarely draw are preferred, like for example Rhinos, Koalas, crocodiles, etc. when you check my gallery you will see very fast which species I draw the most.

Different scenarios than usual

As which the species you can see I'm my Gallery what I draw more often. But I mostly do static poses, so dynamic scenarios and poses are a nice change. And will help me to improve my art. 

Different Body-Types

Different body-types and sizes make different situations possible. The most requested size is my limit size when it comes to fat body-type. 

Different backgrounds

This is the least important point but different backgrounds than usual are nice too. Since I draw a lot of indoor backgrounds like bedrooms, living rooms, etc. 

This doesn't mean you can't request a commission for example of a fat wolf or something, the combination is what's important! :3

General information about my commissions can be found here:

If you have questions don't be shy c: 



I will have a question. Have you accepted ideas that touch science fiction, space, cyberpunk, and technology?


I mean I already did cyberpunk but I have to say I am bad when it comes to drawing technology :x So I prefer not to draw technology


So technology and science fiction are avoided with you. Otherwise, for horror, without gore?


Perfect ! Especially as I saw on you refuse the gore. ^^. Two last questions. I saw that this time you accept humans in your link, unless I'm wrong? If yes, whats is the limit ? Also, what about the limit of hyper ? I mean, for the breasts size limit ?


yeah, humans are okay-ish now. I am more strict with limits when it comes to humans size and hyper-wise. So the limit for anthros doesn't go for humans


So the limitation in humans is much more limiting than in anthro characters. Okay. Otherwise, for the hyper breast level, it was a question that had nothing to do with humans, but in general, I mean for all the anthro characters you draw. But thank you for clarifying this element for humans x).


The breast size limit depends on the rest of the body it's hard to explain and is dynamic :x


I see. maybe at Jona's chest, but a little bigger body, or Keshia's, but smaller body? one in between? I ask because i have 3 character in this size between Jona and Keshia, and one like the same size of Keshia, but more bigger boobs. X'D


If we take Jonas as an example, Jona with a bigger body would mean less chest. Kesia is broader because of her muscles and her skeleton because she is a Rhino so it's different. It's all about the proportions


Oh okay. This goes with a certain logic of proportions. I understand better now. thank you for your answers. ^^