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Hey dears, 

I hope you are doing well in these crazy times. 

Let's be totally honest.

You may be noticed that my mental health isn't the best in the past weeks/months. Yesterday I had a little breakdown. 

I tried to prevent this from happening for a long long time but in the end, I couldn't fight it anymore. Now it has happened, I burned out.

University started to take more and more time. So I ended up working all the time. I tried to do less, like doing fewer commissions but this didn't help. 

So it's time to change stuff ...

I am glad a friend made a good suggestion. 

The idea is to completely remove Tier 3 and add more slots to Tier 4 and also increase the amount from 25 USD to 30 USD.

As a reference: a one character sketch commission costs 40 Euro (~46 USD), so it still would be way cheaper. 

Some Tier 3 Patrons asked me if they could add an OC of them to the sketch, which is only possible in Tier 4. So I hope it's in their interest. And I will make it possible to also add an OC of a friend for example instead of the own.

I also want my drawings to have quality and want to be able to put time into it but it started to feel like mass production.

I wanted to tell you guys first since you are affected by it the most. 

Please tell me what you think about it. 

I would start doing this in December. So you have time to downgrade or cancel your payment completely. I totally understand.

Please stay safe. 


Kelsey Drummond

You’re looking after your mental health, which is the most important thing. I completely understand the changes are made to better manage your workload. Lots of love to you ❤️


I 100 percent understand, you should always take the steps you need for your own mental health. I'm sorry that you had a bad time yesterday. Please take whatever time you need!


That sounds like a better chose for you hun, go for it.


I'm really sorry to hear you haven't been feeling your best as of late, and I agree you should do whatever it takes to take care of yourself first. Whatever you feel would be the best way to do that, you'll have my support no matter what - best wishes!


That sounds perfectly reasonable to me. This is definitely a very stressful time of year for a lot of people, especially in academia--believe me, I don't blame you for that one bit. I'd totally support any changes you need to make for the sake of your mental health, and I'll continue to be a steadfast patron.


(Just so we know, though, when do you plan on having these changes take effect?)

Maximus Coyotox

This is totally understandable if ya gotta cut down in order to keep your mental health in check! I’ll continue as a dedicated patron of yours whatever choice ya make. (I do have a question, if I wanted to upgrade to tier four, would I have to do that on the first of December or will more slots be opened before then?)

Lord Of Gluttony

I hope this does help. I would be happy to upgrade, but I have only had tier three for one day XP


I am still trying to figure out how to do it the best way. I think I should do a post about it and ask what you guys think is the best. What do you think? like deleting Tier 3 at the end of the month and open the tier 4 slots on December the 1 so you guys will not pay double. :x


Totally understandable! You need to do what is best for you at the end of the day; mental health is a very, very important thing. Burnout is very real, and can be an absolute monster to deal with, no matter what it stems from. That said; as a Tier 3 supporter, would I be able to guarantee a slot in the newer Tier 4 replacement? I'd love to be able to keep the monthly sketch, if possible!


I wouldn't mind paying an extra 5 usd and going to tier 4, if that helps you in your situation. Hoping it will take the stress out of your stress. You just need to avoid losing pleasure in Art, considering it a simple job and not your hobby. ^^ ''