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It's interesting to see. At the end of the month, there is always at least one person who becomes Patron on the last day of the month and cancels it again on the first day of the upcoming month. 

I wonder why some people do this. 

Also thank you so much for all the Birthday wishes!! cx



People do this sometimes unfortunately. I don't know if you have it activated, but you can set it so that people have to pay when they sign up for that first month instead of needing to wait for the next month to start!


Yeah, I think I set this a while ago. But it feels like they pay one dollar, download everything they can and cancel it again. :(

Nolan Bear

I was actually logging in to cancel all my memberships today since my husband was laid off this morning but now I feel like some bum. Wish I could stay on, I really love your art and we just recently got sound enough for me to spend money on non-essentials like this. Hopefully someone else can take my place.


Yeah I totally understand this. I am speaking about people who became a patron for example at June the 30th and canceled it again on July the 1th