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I am not good at designing armor but I hope it's still ok cx 




The key to designing armor, aside from using good reference material, is "if I wore it and someone attacked me with a big sharp sword, how easy would it be for me to not die?" If the answer is anything less than "okay" then throw it out and try again.


I think it turned out great! I really like how you handled the belts holding the sheath to her waist. I'd say you definitely did a good job with the armor overall--looks like it would provide some decent protection to her extremities while not impeding her movement at all. Thanks for taking me up on this!


Well except for all the places she could easily dismembered, disembowled and decapitated. It's decent protection if your objective was to die easily to your average garden hoe wielding farmer with a bum leg.


stop it srly. with some of your comments, you are really stressing me out. Its a request and I did when the owner of ther character wanted.


First of all, this is exactly the same as the reference material I sent. If you’ve got a problem with that, take it up with me, not her. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Medieval-Leather-Full-Suit-Of-Barbarian-Armor-Celtic-Full-Body-armor-ADAM2-/143104775285 Second of all, not all armor has the same purpose. Sometimes, a good set of armor is one that gives you enough protection in protruding areas to withstand glancing blows while allowing you enough mobility not to get hit in the first place. In a world where “big, sharp swords” aren’t common, there’s much less reason to wear a large, heavy set of plate armor that would slow its wearer down. There’s more than one way to skin a cat—expand your paradigms instead of insisting that everyone do things your way. I don’t need you to design my characters for me, and neither does anyone else.