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Currently working on her, her outfits are still left. :) She has no name yet. The lynx beside her is herself before she got transformed by magic. Not on her own wish, it was the doing of a person who felt threatened by her. 

If you have questions feel free to ask. c: 




More Controversial Opinion: Non-consensual transformations are the fantasy version of rape, and people who do them need to be transformed into limbless torsos.


So it's a fantasy version of rape because it's done against the will of the character? Also "people who do them need to be transformed into limbless torsos" how am I suppose to understand this? It sounds like a threat


Its reminds me of one of my OC, Cath, who was a human woman who dared to insult the wrong person and she received a curse that turns her into a female obese polar bear. XD The right outfit, the Linx version, is really well done. It looks like an outfit from the north, in Scandinavia and I love the style. I like her new shape now, especially since I rarely see you draw this specie, but I wonder why in this form, she has big breasts and large buttocks? XD Although I love her proportion, I still wonder how she feels with it? Does she feel embarrassed, that annoys her because she has to adapt to some of these combat movements or does she appreciate that? For her first name, why not Astrid?

BigLoveAlicia (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-11 02:28:44 She didn't just insult someone, she more threatened his life or at least end his bad doings. :) She got this proportion so she isn't that athletic and dangerous anymore. The extra weight is supposed to off-balance her. She doesn't like her new look and body and wants to change back. She is annoyed and feels embarrassed about it. She is not going to get her combat skills back as long as she has this body so she has to adapt ib a different way. :) Astrid was the name of a person I didn't like while I did my education so probably not >w<'
2020-02-02 19:40:23 She didn't just insult someone, she more threatened his life or at least end his bad doings. :) She got this proportion so she isn't that athletic and dangerous anymore. The extra weight is supposed to off-balance her. She doesn't like her new look and body and wants to change back. She is annoyed and feels embarrassed about it. She is not going to get her combat skills back as long as she has this body so she has to adapt ib a different way. :) Astrid was the name of a person I didn't like while I did my education so probably not >w<'

She didn't just insult someone, she more threatened his life or at least end his bad doings. :) She got this proportion so she isn't that athletic and dangerous anymore. The extra weight is supposed to off-balance her. She doesn't like her new look and body and wants to change back. She is annoyed and feels embarrassed about it. She is not going to get her combat skills back as long as she has this body so she has to adapt ib a different way. :) Astrid was the name of a person I didn't like while I did my education so probably not >w<'


Oh so, she tried to arrest this person or threaten her life and she had this curse on her that made her curvy and herbivorous. XD I will be curious to know its history before and after. X3 If that imbalances her, how will she manage to continue to fight as before, especially if she wants to regain her former appearance? It is certain, especially that she now eats only stuff from herbivores. XD Her wants to say that she does not like to be as sexy with these breasts, buttocks and a little her belly? The solution seems stupid, but can be boobs attack and butt smash. Because I don't see how she can improve ... unless ... she will handle heavy weapons! Oh shit, sorry if this name reminds you of bad memories. ^^ '' Here's another one, hoping it's not another person you hate: Helga


Not arrest more like extreme XD She and fighting? she will travel with Travor so he is the one who will fight :P She has to help in another typ of way but we will see :) She tries not to be sexy but doesn't work that well, for example finding a shirt or something she can button up is very hard and clothiers are very expensive in this time. :P No worries ^^ I don't realy like the sound of this name to be honest &gt;w&lt;' thank you so much that you try to help me find a name for her!


Oh i see. So I'm curious to see how she will help Travors in her own way. X3 We must often believe that she is a prostitute, because of the time, especially to see such a large breast discovered that not be completely hidden. XD I will give another choice of name and then I stop annoying you with her. XP Erika.