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I am going to put Jill on my OC list since some of you guys realy like her and it's nice to be able to practice her body-type. :) And I surely need to practice it >-<'

Something is off about the lighting I hope I can fix it x-x 

Edit: I managed to fix it a bit but I am still trying 

Next one will be a fanart again :)




Please pin me like that XD


I think that "criminal" WANTED to be captured...

Kie Dough

I'll help for the lighting. In the clouds and subject the sun is behind the viewing source, in the bushes and land they would be to the right of in front of the viewer. The light directions need to be unified

Maximus Coyotox

He’s enjoying this arrest a liiiiittle too much! XD

Tequila Cat

Really well done... although looks like he's still struggling, looks like she's going to have to sit on his back soon for resisting arrest.

Maximus Coyotox (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-10 13:59:31 Maybe that's what he wants &gt;.&gt;
2019-08-01 09:17:15 Maybe that's what he wants >.>

Maybe that's what he wants >.>