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Just leave your questions below. ;)



I will have some questions to ask you, if you do not mind. ^^ 1. Have you ever considered doing anything other than drawings with obese characters other than slice of life or simple funny scenes, like more mature scenes, Action, Fighting, Drama and Science Fiction? , which I do not see very often? 2. Apart from Japan, which country do you prefer to visit? 3. Do you enjoy playing video games and reading or watching anime and manga? 4. What are the favorite hobbies of your characters each? 5. What is your ideal weight for your OC? 6. Why do you like drawing obese characters? Is it a form of fantasy or beauty of curves that you admired?


1. yes of course I always hope to get the chance to do stuff like this but I rarely get the chance so it doesn't seem people whant me to draw stuff like this (besides universetiv work) 'XD 2. defently Canada, Norway and New Zealand 3. I used to play video games but I have no time for this anymore. but sometimes I watch anime and read manga too 4. all characters? 5. <a href="http://www.furaffinity.net/view/24033089/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.furaffinity.net/view/24033089/</a> (but with a bigger head, gosh I used to draw heads so small ..) 6. I get this question alot, well why does someone draw somethin ... well I think the best answere is that people draw what they like I mean I draw also slim and muscular characters but obese characters are the most popular bodyshape of my follower. But I think heavy weight characters are more challenging and exciting bodyshape to draw but always to a size limit of course.


A question about your new Lynel character: A lot of times, Lynel are pretty violent and aggressive. I think you mentioned that Loki is a lot more tame, but is he still trained in fighting? And if so, what sort of weapon does he use?


He got tamed so he lives near a village and work there. He used to be trained but he rarely does it now. But back then he used different weapons :) He is the kind of „what if a lynel got tamed“ character:)