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I just want to check, since I keep loosing people here this month. :(

Do you have ideas for me to improve Tier 2? 

I do my best. 



I'm satisfied with your stuff. I just had to lower my pledge next month to support a friend's Patreon.

Carbyne Canyne

Hmmm... I mean the prices look pretty fair. Maybe you can have it so that people at Tier 2 and above can be able to sdd suggestions for what to draw next.

David Harder

I'm quite satisfied, personally. Without feedback provided on *why* others are leaving, though, I couldn't say what they found lacking. It could be a change in their own financial situation.


So I was looking at what tier 2 had and compared it to tier 1 and you can get to see the WIPs. I have the tier 3 so I don’t want anyone to think I’m giving you crap for it (which I’m not your my favorite :3) but I feel for some people that isn’t worth the extra 4 dollars,so I feel like since it’s 5 dollars a month maybe add something from the other tiers into it. Like for example: you could make it where tier 2 and above could see your work from the academy. Or somthing along the lines that makes people think “huh it’s worth the extra 4 dollars”


You could try what I've been doing on my patreon have everyone make request but have a word limit. A the higher the tire the more words you can use


Really I dont have an issue with the pricing, its probably because of the upcoming holidays that people would have to change their tiers.


I have one more idea,but I’ll dm it

Will Stewart

I dont know how to prevent losing people. Maybe have private streams or even a discord?


Personally, I think you're doing a fine job! Sadly, I think there are some issues with Patreon itself--I've seen other creators here say that they've lost followers due to things like credit card issues.

Nox Aeon

There are quite a few issues with Patreon, so I don't think it's just you. A few artists I'm following are having the same situation. Your content is good and you've made a decent system of the tiers that you shouldn't compromise. Being a creator is hard work, you should be rewarded for the more you put into it. I love your stuff and am more than happy to continue the support on my end. =)


I say you're doing good! Personally I have no complaints about your content or tiers :) keep up the great work!

Kie Dough

Maybe a wider balance of feral and anthro content. I've been missing the feral horses

Kelsey Drummond

Definitely! No complaints here! :3 Love the variety of content

Maximus Coyotox

I think a Telegram Channel for quick updates might be helpful. It's a bit different than a Telegram Group, In a channel, you post quick updates and news but people can't reply back, so it just serves as an outlet for quick updates (making it available for people on tier 2 might be best imo)

Brent limber

What if you did a ych raffle once a month and you need tier 2 or higher to be a part of it


I think Patreon is not ok with a raffle in each cases and since my account got banned because of raffles I will not take the risk :(