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The polls showed that Option A is more wanted, so what does this mean? Patrons of tier 3 and tier 4 will get a picture one after another, in order. I will do one a month, but the patrons who haven't their turn in this month are allowed to send me ideas via personal massage (once a month) for a sketch (my Sketches usually cost around 30USD). This means you send me an Idea and I will draw it very likely and maybe it get colored. But keep in mind it will still be personal-ish Art, patrons of tier 4 in the other hand are allowed to add one OC of their own! As Long as one of my OC is also on it! ;P I will do my best to upload a picture at last every third day but please don't be Mad at me if I can't and it takes 2 days longer or so. I will move to Berlin soon and it will be the First time I am on my own, I am a bit scarred to overwork myself. I want to work on the Pictures to have fun and enjoy it not with pressure and Stress, I also noticed that I am very scarred to loose people here. Maybe the next time will be a little bit rocky here, because of everything which ist changing. But after I finished the last big commission season in FuraFinnity my art will almost only to bei found here on Patron. (One picture a month on FA and small patreon teaser) I Hope you guys understand and keep supporting me, you are helping me a lot and I am very happy you are around! I can't be more grateful! ??


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