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Hello guys! I just wanted to let you know I am still alive. XD I'm now a bit longer than 1 Werk here in Japan and have seen a lot of things here, yesterday we where in Osaka for a day and visited the aquarium where I finally was able to see whalsharks and we also visited the Osaka castle as you can see here. :) I was sick for a few days because of airconditioner (we don't have these in houses in Germany) but now everything is fine. But the weather here.... It's so hot and the air is like in a tropical forest...next time In will visit Japan in spring or autumn. >.> XD Soon I will be back ;)




Glad you're enjoying yourself, despite the flu and sweaty armpit weather. ^_^


You make me jealous. I would love to visit Japan one day, but I do not know how to organize, what to see and also, how much I need to predict, but it's still one of my biggest dreams. I can not wait to read what you have visited. : 3