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Here you can ask all my characters every question you like and maybe you get an drawn answere from them! ;3

Feel free to give it a try~



Dragon Alicia?


Like, Alicia getting turned into a dragon, it would certainly be interested. And how would Alicia like it, if she were a dragon amd all.


Heh. X3 Would Alicia like it if she was a dragon? And if she got transformed into one.


What sort of music do each of your characters like?


Hmm... What would Ayo's favorite part of his body be?


Hey Jack, how did you and Alicia meet? And what was it like, the pair of you getting together?


Zula, if I may, I'd like to ask whether you'd enjoy belly rubs or massage or any other form of pampering, while being offered the most delicious tasty treats to your heart's content.... all that while looking and acting royal, like proper Queen Lioness, righteous ruler of the sofa ;)

Maximus Coyotox

Have you ever read the Redwall books or Watched the Redwall TV show. And if so, who was your favorite character! ^^


I have a lot of questions to ask, but I will ask that only one question to each character that interests me and you ^^ Kesia: I understand that because of your breasts, you had to stop your career. Do not you miss this past glory? Also, apart from having to stop your arterophilic career, how else does your breasts bother you in your daily life? Zula: How big do you think it is for you to dominate others, beauty, charms or simply to overpower your brother Ayo? Also, what do you like most about doing in your free time? Alicia: Do not you miss the time you were thin before meeting Amy? Also, do you like your model job ? Amy: We do not see often this time, is it because you are too shy to appear in front of us, or even to hide something? Have you planned to make something new in your model company? Ayo: In my opinion, to help you accept your weight, you should work in a daycare. I'm sure the kids love you. You are a big living stuffed animal. XD Also, how will your mother react if she saw how you and your sister got fat? Megan: You seem to be a real bad girl, but are you really claiming to be? Also, who do you think is the most bad girl between you and zula? Ôkina Yama : What is your true power ? I mean, you like a god. you do have secret power, no ? Also, do you have anthro form ? Rex : How was Rex discovered? Did he create in DNA experiments like in Jurassic Park? Also, why seems sweet for a t-rex? Taikoku: what happened if your fighter sumo is a women ? Is that disturbed you or you ignore that ? Diego: What will your next project be doing with Diego? Cherry : do you have a mega evolution or not ? Also, what do you do now ? Rachel: If you get caught by a coach, what are you going to do? If not, here are two questions for you: How did you get your attraction for fat? Do you plan to continue your art of fat in the future or to stop everything for you devoted to something else?

Ginnung Fox

I have two questions: Amy: How you endet up to big girl modeling? and how hard it was to start your company?


Alicia: When Amy took it upon herself to fatten you up for her modeling gig, were you down with it from the start, or were you unsure how to feel at first, but ended up "growing" to love it more and more as you grew larger? Amy: What prompted you wanting to go from skinny to fat? Did it have to do with your job, or was it seeing the effect it was having on Alicia that pushed you to want to try it yourself?


If I can still ask questions, then I will continue, but before that, I would like to ask three questions that I forgot to write. Here they are: What will be the name of this mysterious cougar girl? Will it be thin or plump like these two drawings or will it be bigger? Also, I notice that she is a warrior, but what are her goals?


<a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/20410456">https://www.patreon.com/posts/20410456</a>


1. What is your favorite hobby to Zula and Ayo? I mean, there must be moments between brother and sister that they understand or have fun, right? 2. How was his trip to Japan, Alicia? Not eat too much onigiri or buy goodies? Maybe even ... a dakimakura of your favorite waifu. X3


<a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/20734346">https://www.patreon.com/posts/20734346</a>