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I just finished the raffle picture for next month so I wanted to draw some old characters from me before working on the last 2 commissions. cx

Here you can clearly see that my drawing style was and is bit more realistic on them, I don't know why :x ...

I also decited to rework/update the designs (more in coming). 

Jack (the bear) has 2 versions, I will show the other one later. He is a deamon but he has a pretty nice and cute personality. His instinct tells him to stay well-fed although there is no need for hibernation. XD So he gained pretty much weight over the years. He loves every food but Honey is this most favorite. 

The cowlike is Chikara she is from an magician clan. Were all women can use magic exept of her, she can not use it even a little bit so she is more the ... physical one. I made her design very celtic themed and try to make her animal version female and male at the same time since she is very well trained and muscular below her layers of fat. :P 

I made it without shading since these pictures will be used as ref. sheets, I hope this is ok. c: 




Both adorable! Have always loved your ferals.